Chapter 4 – Determination
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Holy shit, I had completely forgotten about him. I scrambled back into the room to check on him.

“Jesus Christ dude! Did you bite through your lips just to speak?”

As I inspected his face more closely I discovered that his lips had been bitten through and were barely hanging onto the sides of his face. Even I had to admit that I would never be able to do that.

“I’ll be honest my guy, you are admirable. I’m interested in seeing what you would do if I left you alive. The only problem is that I can’t tell if leaving your sister alive or killing her would give me better results”

“Don’t! Don’t kill her!”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’m not going to. In fact I’m going to give you the opportunity to save both of your lives. All you have to do is kill me… and if you can’t your sister becomes my pet. I guess that’s better than dying right? Anyways, you want the knife? Or the hammer?”

I held out the hammer and knife and waited for him to respond. This was exciting! It would be my first life or death fight ever. I could feel adrenaline coursing through my body. It was one of the few times I ever got to feel this amazing. If I failed here then I was meant to die. If I didn’t then I was correct about my abilities.

“Buh mive, gib me buh mive!”

“Sure, sure, gimme a sec to untie you. Don’t do anything stupid until I’m  done.”

I went over to his chair and quickly cut off all the restraints except for one. I placed the knife a few feet in front of him and walked away.

“Untie that last knot and grab the knife, I’ll start as soon as you grab the knife. Good luck!”

He toyed with the rope in a frenzy until it eventually came loose and fell off. Instead of rushing towards the knife and grabbing it he sat there quietly thinking. This guy was pretty smart, I wouldn’t be surprised if he managed to kill me somehow. He ripped off his shirt and wrapped it around his bleeding mouth then took off his pants and wrapped them around his head. Afterwards he slowly began to walk to the knife. Alright alright, here we go!

He bent over and grabbed the knife then broke into a sprint with his arms spread. So that was his plan, he planned to do a suicide rush. I wouldn’t be able to kill him instantly even if I hit him directly in the head. Fuck it! I ran towards him as well and when I was just barely out his range I slid onto the ground away from his knife wielding arm and slammed the hammer into his shin as I passed by.


He was immediately knocked down and fell face forward, he scrambled to get to his feet but I had already gotten back up and was swinging my hammer into his lower back.


The impact knocked him back down and made him much slower in getting back up. I wasn’t sure if he still had any fight left in him so I stood back and continued to slam the hammer into his spine, it had to break at some point.

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! Squish!

Wait! What was that? Just in case though, I slammed my hammer into the same spot a few more times and was responded to with the sound of flesh being pummeled. I slowly reached down and touched the bruised and mangled flesh. As I felt around I found that the spine had split itself into pieces.

“Hey dude are you still alive? If you don’t do anything I’m going to hit you in the head.”


“Oh, good. Bear with me for a little while. I need to test something.”

I found the back of his head then aimed for the spot where his neck and skull connected. I raised my foot up and stomped into his neck.


“Hey can you move? If you don’t move I’m gonna go finish your sister off.”


Before I turned him over I decided to break his shoulders so he couldn’t suddenly stab me. After a short moment of surgical work I carefully kicked the knife away and discovered that he was indeed paralyzed or dead. I turned him around and looked at him.

“Are you alive? Are you dead?”

I stuck my hand under his nose and felt a shallow breath tickle my fingers. So he was still alive. For a moment I wanted to leave him alive but then I remembered that leaving your enemies alive was a really good way to become the evil villain that got defeated by the protagonist who wanted revenge. How should he go? I used electricity, water, and fire so what next…? Oh! Earth! I hadn’t used that yet.

“Stay here, I’ll be back momentarily.”

I picked up the knife and walked back upstairs then closed the door and pushed the dining room table in front of the door. After barricading my fun room I grabbed a spoon and bowl then went outside to fill it with dirt. After a few moments of scraping the ground with the spoon I started dumping dirt into the bowl, for this I didn’t need too much. When the bowl was halfway filled I gently pushed the table away and descended down the stairs.

My paralyzed pal was still relaxing on the floor as I had left him. He must be hungry after all the exercising and excitement. I crouched down next to him and sprinkled some dirt into his nose then spoon fed him the rest. It was a bit difficult with his ripped sealed mouth but I was able to slip some dirt through. Actually, this would take too long. I grabbed handfuls of dirt and gently pushed them into any of the holes I could see. When I finished painting him his eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth were completely packed with dirt.

I would go finish my business with his sister first and then come back to check if he was dead. I creeped back to my naked victim and ruthlessly beat down the voice in my head giving me reasons I shouldn’t do this. I should speed up before another convenient interruption distracts me. I quickly got down to business and inserted myself inside. Suddenly, the reality I lived in was shattered. This was different, the pleasure I felt was distorted by muffled screams of despair? Pain? Pleasure? It wasn’t like a scream of fear, it was more of a desperate cry for salvation. It would be extremely interesting to hear it turn into a squeal of delight, would that even be possible…?

[Writers Note - The rest of what happened has been skipped, because you know, I don’t want to write it and hopefully you don’t want to read it… You sick freak.]

It was possible. I didn’t think it would happen in real life. I sat back and watched as she breakdanced on the floor, this was the first time I got to see what happened if you kept going after climaxing. I had never tested it on myself because I didn’t have any weird tendencies and no one else had let me test it on them. Since I was going to eat her I had refrained from leaving any of my fluids on her, although it was a bit heartless to eat her right after doing it.

“Oh well, sucks for you I guess.”

I hope she doesn’t have aids or anything. I grabbed her by the leg and ripped a chunk of her flesh out with my teeth. Really chewy, really metallic, and really slimy. Overall no good whatsoever but I would have to eat if I wanted to see if my theories were correct. I quickly chewed, swallowed and bit more of her flesh while she tried to make screams escape from her sealed lips.

By the time I finished stuffing myself her life had already spilled out of her body. I washed off the blood clinging to me and reflected on what I had done. Well, today has been productive, time to go home. I went back to check on captain paralysis and found his lifeless body, at least I assumed so. It wouldn’t hurt to cave his skull in though.


That was good, didn’t want him to recover and murder me one day. Now it was time for the fun part. I grabbed the recording phone and ended the recording then started to review it.

“HeLlO!… ThIS iS kInD of aWKwArd nOw thAt I’m actAUlly dOIng it. Uh… yAeh. So anYwAys -”

What the fuck? I don’t sound like this. Why was my pitch and tone constantly changing? Could my voice even get that high? It sounded like a child and a gruff man were talking simultaneously. Did I mess up the audio? I skipped to the part where I had a conversation with the eldest daughter.

“WhY dO yoU wAnt to lIVe? If yOu gIvE me A pROpeR anSwer I’ll cONsidER lEttIng yOU liVe.”

“I want to live because I still have many things I want to do.”

Huh? Why was only my voice distorted? Has my voice always been this weird? My voice did always sound different when I heard it from a recording but it was never like this. Whatever, this was a good thing as well, this way no one would be able to recognize me by my voice. I downloaded as many social apps as I could and uploaded the video with the title ‘If this video is deleted they will never be found’. That would definitely cause someone to hesitate in deleting my video. Once it was downloaded by anyone I didn’t have to worry about it disappearing anymore. After uploading the video I slammed the phone onto the ground and smacked it a few times with the hammer.

I would have to burn everything away in a little but it wouldn’t hurt to look around the house for something interesting. I rummaged through the fridge and took all the meat and meals I could find, I stuffed as much as I could into my pack and quickly transported the rest into my car then returned to transform the house into ashes. I followed the original method of pouring oil on everyone and everything then tossing a match down. I waited for the fire to envelop the entire house before driving away. The flickering flames illuminated the slowly descending night like slithering snakes crawling towards the sky.

I got in my car and drove around until I found a secluded alley then swapped to my fake license plates and a different set of clothes before driving to the area where I saw a copy of my car. I parked a few blocks away and ran to the home where I saw the car parked. As expected it was still there. I carefully unscrewed the license plates and replaced them with the license plates I had stolen. Then I did a little magic and popped the trunk open then shoved my equipment and the original license plates into it, leaving only things I had worn and meat in my backpack. Now that I had created a significant amount of misdirection I returned to my car, ripped off the fake plates, and drove home.

Oh! Wait! What was that! I swear I just saw a cat run into an alley. I always wanted to have a pet, a cat even more so. I dashed out of my car and after the cat. Awesome! It was a black cat! It was leisurely walking to the other side of the alley so I slowly crept behind it and got within pouncing distance. I leapt forward and grabbed its forearms then hugged it close to my chest, crossing its forearms and pinning its hind legs with my forearms. Dear lord! I knew animals were very strong in relation to their size but I didn’t expect this much strength, it could probably beat a small child to death using simply its paws.

“Hey, relax. I’m nice. It’s not like I'm going to eat you or anything.”

Its struggles intensified and it seemed even more desperate to escape, even biting and snapping at my arms.

“Stop biting, that's not very nice.”

It continued it’s frantic behavior and I tried something else

“Seriously I’ll break your neck if you don’t stop biting me.”

That somehow worked. Did this cat understand english?

“Hey, do you understand english?”

I released the restraint and flipped the cat around to look at me. It drooped there silently and simply glared at me.

“Whatever, you’re mine now”


Who was speeding at this time of the day? I hope they crash and break their spine. As I walked back towards my car the sound continued to grow louder and I could hear police sirens approaching. No way! How could they have caught me this fast? Or was I freaking out for no reason? I hovered my hand over the gun in my pants and slowly crept back to my car. As I reached the edge of the alley I checked both sides of the street and saw flashing lights approaching. Fuck it. They had no proof anyways, I left nothing that could be traced to me anywhere.

I got back in my car and sat the cat in the passenger's seat and began to drive back home. As the cops got closer I pulled over and waited. A black SUV whizzed past me along with several cop cars, how exciting! A high speed chase huh? I sat until everything fell into silence and then continued to drive home. After a short drive I had finally arrived back home, I grabbed the cat in one hand and the meat in the other and slowly transported everything inside. I would not let my feisty new pet escape on the first day of owning it.

I shoved everything into the fridge and then went to grab my phone I had left in my bedroom playing music all day. I had to find out what cats could eat. After some intensive research I came to a conclusion. Overall the most important thing was meat. I sat the cat on the kitchen table and pulled out beef, pork, and chicken.

“Which one do you want?”

Obviously the cat had no idea what I was saying but it did start to wonder towards the beef so I decided that it would eat beef. I put the other two away and unpacked the beef then chopped up around half a pound of meat, put it in a bowl and handed it to my cat.

Does this idiot really want me to eat raw meat?

Huh? Why did I just hear a girl's voice?

“Was that you? It had to be.”

I grabbed the cat and stared into its eyes.

“Say something.”


Was I losing my sanity? No. My memory was great, I definitely just heard a girl speaking. I quickly flipped the cat around and lifted its tail to check its sex. My actions caused it to fly into a frenzy and I quickly found it was a female.

You bastard! You pervert! Let go of me!

Huh? How interesting. I pretended like I didn’t hear anything and placed it back next to the bowl of meat. It continued to stare daggers at me for a while before turning to the bowl and munching down on the meat. Strange… Why was everything about my life suddenly changing? In my whole entire life I had never encountered something like this yet the moment right after I decided to test my hypotheses a talking cat suddenly appeared. My life had suddenly changed from that of an NPC into one of a main character’s.

What was next? Would I suddenly meet a pretty female cop? Or the rich young daughter of a business conglomerate? Maybe the female leader of a criminal organization? Or would members of a secret organization suddenly show up to recruit me? But most importantly, where was my system?


What she saw before her was something she couldn’t imagine seeing even in her wildest dreams. No amount of training could prepare her for the horror she was witnessing in front of her eyes. What kind of sick freak would even be capable of doing this?

Everything began a mere five minutes ago. She had been sitting in a cruiser with her partner when they got a call.

“Hey Allison, we got a call for breaking and entering.”

“Huh? Okay.”

Just mere minutes before her shift had started that day their family had received a call about her missing sister. She had been found and was in police custody. She didn’t have a chance to talk with Alisa before she was dragged home by their mom. What had happened while she was missing? Did anyone do anything to her? Was she okay? There were too many concerns she had about this reckless little sister of hers. She swore if anything had happened to Alisa she would…

“We’re here.”

She tossed her sister to the back of her mind and prepared to respond to the situation. As they stepped out she noticed broken windows and scattered glass laying around one of the houses, most concerning of all was the wide open door. She and Andrew carefully and slowly walked towards the house, the call they received only gave an address and type of crime. No resident in the area was willing to give a description of the perpetrator so it was more than likely gang related.

“Confirmed break-in”

As they approached the house more squad cars arrived at the scene and more officers stepped out. They quickly cooperated to surround the house and she and Andrew prepared to enter the home.

“This is the LAPD! Come out with your hands up!”


In response to the complete silence they quickly rushed inside and started to clear rooms. As she turned into the living room her brain short circuited and she had to take a moment to review what she was seeing. A half naked woman with burns covering her thighs sat tied to a chair with blood pouring from a hole in her head, a man lay in a tipped over chair with blood pouring from his entire body. Then there was the girl, she was completely naked and had… No injuries!? She hurriedly rushed over to the girl and wrapped her with a towel then removed the gag.

“I found a girl! Are you okay?”

“My daddy isn’t a bad guy.”

“Are you hurt?”

“My daddy isn’t a bad guy.”

“Ok, your daddy isn’t a bad guy. Can you tell me what happened?”

“…A bad man came and tied us up. Then he hurt my mommy and daddy because they were bad. But my daddy isn’t bad! Then he said that he was going to make a baby with me!”

After that the girl broke into tears and was unresponsive to further questioning. That scumbag! How could he do something so horrific to a child!? She quickly carried the child to an emergency services vehicle that had arrived on the scene and returned to the cruiser. There was a long and complicated investigation ahead of them.

[Writers Notes - The original story didn’t go like this, after killing the family we were supposed to go on a suicide mission which involved us driving into a gang hideout with opened gas containers and exploding. He would then be transported into another world where he would gain powers. It was actually written up to like 19 chapters until we decided it was written very amateurishly and completely diverged from the way we would actually handle the situation. It was also poorly thought out and a cheap method of establishing a power system. So we deleted it and restarted from the beginning because we wanted a perfect story, not a good one. So this time, we let the story write itself, and we're much happier with how it’s going.Also, we're introducing other perspectives. Because it’s very important to show that the world doesn’t revolve around one person. Every single person has their own perspective and everyone is only the main character to themselves. Plus alternate perspectives can show what others think of Vaun.

Cheeky Note From Scumbag Writer - There are a very large amount of unreleased chapters on our patreon as well as other fun stuff, check it out if you want.]