C.1 : That Which Falls From The Heavens
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A young man, someone who could be called pretty handsome and attractive, if not for his disinterested eyes and aloof expression on his face walked along with a crowd of people quietly, eyes gazing forward.

"Can we head to the store? I need to grab some beef." Someone nearby spoke, but Sam had a general disinterest in life itself, so he couldn't even be bothered to look over.

"Sure? I don't have my card so you're paying." Not being able to see the reaction of the person nearby gave Sam the urge to turn his head, but he didn't do so, not wanting to be caught looking.

A few feet ahead, the crowd ahead parted and a woman became visible, walking against the flow. Sam took a look and wanted to turn away, but found that he couldn't do so.

Her hair was a vibrant and lively green that he doubted anyone could actually replicate, and her eyes were a soft honey golden color with light brown skin and casual clothes that did little to hide her beauty.

As she walked by, Sam turned his head and found that she was staring directly into his eyes while smiling gently but she said nothing and kept walking.

Turning around, ignoring the fact he was going out of his way to look and could be caught, he froze. The woman who could have stood out no matter where she was placed was gone.

The crowds kept moving, so Sam had little choice but to keep walking, but he couldn't help but think of that green haired beauty before shaking his head.

Even if he was a bit handsome, such a woman was destined to be someone great. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his thoughts when the sound of thunder exploded in the sky.

Before he could look up, drops of rain fell on his face, trickling down his forehead into his eyes. Up above, the sky which was previously partly cloudy now looked dark and gloomy with the wind picking up.

"Damn, it's gonna rain." A female voice spoke and everyone who hadn't been in a hurry now moved a bit faster, not wanting to be caught in this unexpected storm.

Sam blinked the water from his eyes and increased his pace when lighting flashed. The world went white for a moment, and when Sam could see again, he was utterly dumbfounded.

Not far from him, perhaps a hundred feet away was a tall thing, easily over twenty meters tall cloaked in clouds and lighting looking like a vaguely humanoid storm cloud.

"Wha-?!" Sam looked around and saw everyone staring at the thing in shock as well. He subconsciously ruled out him being crazy and immediately started to back away.

"What is that?!" More and more people started to speak, some thinking this was an elaborate prank and others backing away like Sam did. As for Sam, he wanted to keep moving when the twenty meter tall figure took a step forward.

The ground shook and a sound akin to thunder resounded throughout the street, shattering windows and throwing people away like ragdolls. Sam immediately ran, trying to endure the ringing in his ears.

If just a step could cause so much chaos, how could that thing be fake? Even the less bright of the people here knew that they were in trouble, so they ran away as well.

Seeing them do so, Sam relaxed a bit. If he fled by himself, he could be targeted, but if he wasn't alone, he had a greater chance of survival. With everyone on the street running, it looked like something out of a horror movie to anyone who was unaware of the situation.

Just as he mixed into the crowd fleeing, the hair all over Sam's body stood on end as if something terrible was about to happen. He hadn't taken another step when his world become nothing but blindingly bright light and impossibly intense heat.

"You are now cleansed of Your imperfections. I will send You away so You can come to terms with Your power. Go now, Winter." A voice sounding like thunder rumbled in Sam's head, but his senses vanished alongside the pain and light.

Where Sam stood a moment ago was a charred crater several feet deep and wide, still smoking. When the lightning vanished, so did the giant made of clouds, and if not for the shattered glass and people on the ground, they'd have thought it was all a dream.


On a deserted island in the midst of the ocean, close to the north pole appeared a patch of snow that grew thicker with every second. Soon, a five meter tall figure that had the appearance of a blizzard got to it's feet and looked around.

"Where am I?" The blizzard spoke, no, Sam spoke. But unlike before where his voice was almost indifferent, his voice now was colder than even the antarctic wastelands.

The skies above were cloudy and dim. Sam looked at the trees and bushes, but he knew it was hopeless. He wasn't a tree expert so he wouldn't be able to deduce his location just by some plants.

"Did that... storm thing kill me?" Sam then noticed something was wrong. Even at the thought of what happened, he wasn't angry or saddened, he felt nothing aside from simple curiosity.

"Normally if someone were to reincarnate, it would be truck-kun, but a giant made of clouds killed me. I resemble a blizzard now, are we similar then?" Sam could see and somehow sense every bit of snow and cold thar formed his five meter tall body.

"That must have been quite the jarring experience." A voice, warm and gentle spoke and Sam tried to turn. The word tried being because in his haste to do so, his body shifted and he was suddenly facing the speaker.

An unforgettable woman with green hair and brown skin looked at him with a smile, one that would make his heart race, had it been before. Now, aside from a faint sense of familiarity, he was calm.

"Who are you? Do you know what happened to me?" Sam asked. It was one thing to see the woman on a busy street, but to see her here after all this, if someone told him she was unrelated, he'd beat them to death.