C.2 : Explanations, Answers
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"I do. When you weren't what you are now, how much of this world did you think you knew about? All of it maybe?" The woman answered his question with another but he didn't feel annoyed.

"Did you know there is magic? That there are humans capable of changing the world with only their will? That there are beings humans cannot understand that walk this world alongside them?"

"And you are one of those? A magic user?" Sam originally thought she was crazy, but one look at himself and he dismissed the thought. Who would be crazier, him who saw and refused to believe or her?

"No. I'm something else. Much like Storm who you met earlier, I am also something similar." Sam didn't have to think hard to guess Storm was the giant who utterly changed him into this.

"In Primordial Times, we were called Gods. In Ancient Times, Spirits of Nature. And currently we are called Celestials. Before humankind existed, we were there, ruling the world. And after the last sentient being in existence has died, we will still be here."

"So you're a Goddess then?" Sam asked carefully. If Storm could easily kill him and she could appear wherever this was, it wasn't a stretch to call her a goddess.

"No." Sam was confused. She said she was similar to Storm, now she said she wasn't a goddess, but she could teleport vast distances in seemingly no time at all.

Sam faced the chaotic gray sea and waited for her to explain herself. The woman sat down, and as she did so, a tree sprouted from the ground, growing into the shape of a luxurious throne on which she sat.

"We are." As if she could sense his confusion, she elaborated with a gentle smile. "You asked if I was a goddess. I am, but you are as well." 

"But I'm not even a girl?" Sam liked history quite a bit, and knew that goddesses were the female pronoun for gods. The woman gave him a look of skepticism.

"Aren't you? If you took a more human form, what do you think you'll look like? Your old self perhaps? Try this, focus on yourself, not your corporeal body, but your Divine Essence. Take a human form."

Sam wanted to ask how to even begin, but before he could, his consciousness sank into something and before him was a universe covered in ice and snow.

One fo the more distant stars brightened until he was looking at it and he knew what to do. Mentally reaching out, Sam grasped the frozen icy blue star and willed himself to take a human form.

Sam felt his blizzard body surge and shrink until he stood at five foot ten. His eyes looked down and the first thing he saw was a white dress and white silky strands of hair blowing in the gentle wind.

His skin was literally whiter than snow without any blemishes. His chest wasn't overly large, but it looked soft and malleable practically capable of making men lust after him with a single look.

He could feel his hair tickling the back of his knees and realized his hair was now really long. His legs were partially hidden, but he could see they were shapely and slender as well.

"Why am I female?" He didn't have to look to know he no longer had his male bits. The woman on the wooden throne shrugged and then thought better and answered his question.

"We go into slumber ever so often. While the past incarnations of Winter are you, they also aren't even if they do influence you. Reincarnating until we are awoken and regaining our Divine Essence. To be clear, before you were Sam the human, you were Winter the Goddess. The real question is, why were you male?"

"You can look into your previous memories if you don't understand something. I will be heading back now. Take care Winter." The woman got to her feet and Sam wanted to call out and ask her name when a memory popped into his mind unbidden.

"Winter is coming. Winter is coming." A man with red hair and eyes that blazed with heat spoke with a smile. The skies which were sunny became obscured by clouds and snow fell on the previously sunny land below.

"You would stand against me Summer? Autumn? Spring?" Sam watched with a 360° God's eye view of a scene that would dumbfound anyone. Nature seemed to be at war as the snow formed, it melted and reformed constantly.

Winter stood in the sky across from the other three with an expressionless face. Ever so often, blizzards would be created, but were dissipated before they touched the ground.

"Winter, please don't do this. If you do this, humans will be set back thousands of years!" The green haired woman Sam saw outside spoke, but Winter cut her off with a cold look.

"Then so be it Spring. I, Winter..." Winter's face was incredibly beautiful, but it was also cold, so cold one wouldn't dare to get close to her. "Shall send this world into an age of Ice and Snow!"

Winter's voice resounded across the world and the temperature dropped drastically. Summer, someone who could contend with Winter didn't intervene in fear of making it worse than it already was.

"For the next three hundred million years, I will reign." As if hearing Winter, the seas started to freeze from the bottom up as an all consuming cold spread throughout the world.

People who were unlucky were directly frozen to death, and those who were lucky enough now knew they lived under the mercy of the Godess of Winter, the cold cruel goddess who leeched life and warmth from the world.

"As I am reigning, no Immortals are to be made in this period. Storm..." Winter looked at her fellow gods and goddesses and then to the being formed of lighting that had appeared at her behest.

"I give you permission to cleanse this realm. In the next hundred years, erase this civilization from existence." Sam looked at the space ships being frozen and falling from the skies, engines disabled from the ice as the metal froze over.

"Are you not afraid of a God Slayer being born Winter? Even if we are truly immortal, being sent into the cycle of rebirth will not be kind. Especially to you who has little to no emotion."

"Autumn, do not put your faith in mortals who hope to challenge us gods. They should be grateful I didn't restart the universe. Hear my decree, no Immortal is to interfere with the mortals. Should you disobey, your Immortality will be stripped from you, and you will age and die like any other mortal!"

Across the vast universe, various Immortals looked to the skies and sighed. It wasn't just the planet the gods and goddesses were on, instead the entire universe's temperature dropped, even in space.

The Immortals projected their confirmation to the Gods and Goddesses who looked down as the planet's atmosphere started to freeze. Men, women, old or young, all froze into sculptures that shattered to shards of ice in the rapidly growing wind.

"Do you think she would want this?! Want you to be the thing everyone fears and hates-?" Summer was blasted from the sky as a giant sword hundreds of meters long smashed him downwards.

"She is dead. That's all there is to it. Winter rules, Summer is no longer welcome here." Sam watched as Summer straightened himself, gave Winter a look of pity and sadness then vanished.