Chapter 73
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It didn't take long for Big Black to "crash". He first fell to the sea like a log, and was swept up by strong winds halfway through. After such a bumpy back and forth, Big Black woke up from the brief stupor.

Dany's Dreki state has not been lifted. Although she was treated to Soul electrotherapy, she is still in good condition. After a few words of comfort to Jorah, she began to direct Big Black to fly again.

This time, Big Black lowered its height.

Dany is not stupid, she has long considered the issue of lightning strikes. In Earth, the highest thunder cloud layer is only 10 kilometers.

According to her original idea, Big Black could go beyond the dark clouds and into the position close to the stratosphere.

Who would have thought that Big Black had reached his height limit – more than 10,000 meters (ps), yet still did not cross the thundercloud layer, and was unfortunately hit by lightning.

(P.S: The original book did not mention how high a dragon can fly, but many birds in nature can fly to more than 10,000 meters. The most important thing is, a dragon is yet limited by low temperature and low oxygen.)

Since he can't get over, then drill under the lightning, it's impossible the lightning cloud is 10 kilometers thick, right?

When he dropped to about 2,000 meters, Big Black couldn't continue to descend. The more he went down the sea, the stronger the wind, he couldn't maintain his balance in the violent storm.

Fortunately, this height can barely avoid the thunderclouds.

As such, Big Black struggled to navigate it.

Five minutes have passed, the road ahead is vast, there is a heavy rain, and 'shuaa~' gusts of wind.

Half an hour passed, the road ahead was bleak, and the water vapor poured on Big Black, evaporating a white misty channel.

An hour later, Big Black growled, he was hungry.

"Have you entered the island yet?" Jorah asked for the fifth time.

Dany unperturbed to comfort him four times before: It will be there in a while, Big Black is flying fast!

Big Black really flies very fast, he can fly 150 kilometers per hour.

Is the Wall of Storms more than 150 kilometers?

"No, Big Black is lost!" Dany finds that Big Black's perception of the magnetic field is disrupted.

Dany was able to receive seven or eight senses from Big Black in addition to her five senses when she first merged with Dreki.

Dany doesn't know what those seven or eight kinds of unfamiliar perceptions are. She is just an ordinary person, without training, and can only understand the five senses of eyes, nose, ears, touch, and taste.

In addition, through taste, Dany knew Big Black's favorite food – bison hind leg bone marrow.

Every time he sucked on a hind leg bone, his taste response was particularly exciting.

After several months of uninterrupted testing, Dany identified magnetic field sense, thermal sense and hazard sense.

Hazard sense was discovered the last time the Sorrowful Men assassinated her, and the moment the Sorrowful Men took out the box, a perception she had never understood was beating violently.

Dany didn't know what it meant, but knew it was about danger.

This is great news for her.

In the future, Dany can infer whether the person on the other side wants to be detrimental to herself by observing the fluctuation intensity of that perception.

At this time, she suddenly noticed that Big Black's magnetic field perception fluctuated greatly, so she guessed that he might be lost.

"Can you find a way back?" Whitebeard asked nervously.

"Yes, I am the best coordinates." Dany sighed then said, ending the failed Valyria expedition.

Big Black turned around and charged towards Dany's position.

Well, he had been flying away from Dany before, which should theoretically be awhile… well, this is also her ill-considered idea, flying around the Wall of Storms, which is also far away from Dany's direction.

"Hey, that's… a boat!" Fifteen minutes later, Dany exclaimed suddenly.

"There are others exploring the ruins of Valyria!" She yelled excitedly when she realized it.

"What?" Jorah and the others wondered.

"I was… oh, Big Black saw a boat in the storm," she said.

"Impossible." Groleo shook his head.

After waiting on the bridge deck for two hours without seeing the dragon come back, Blackbeard rushed to the cabin anxiously.

"No ship can resist such a fierce storm. As long as it is in the storm, it will be torn to shreds in an instant." He said with absolute certainty.

Dany shook her head and said, "Seeing is believing. Even when Big Black is in the air he can see a sand lizards in the desert. If you don't believe me, you can ask Ser Jorah and Aggo."

"Khaleesi is right," Jhogo said immediately, "I have seen a dragon fall from the sky to capture a sand lizard hidden in the grass."

"This…" Groleo hesitantly said: "Could it be a wreck?"

Dany didn't bother to answer him.

Big Black hovered for a long time in the sky near the turbulent sea ship. Through the dark clouds and heavy rain, I could vaguely see its mainsail folded, only two low sails on the side, spread like wings.

Although swaying left and right, it never overturned like a tumbler.

This is an experienced captain.

The sea and the sky were the same color, forming a dim space. Even with Big Black's eyesight, he couldn't see the people on the boat, nor could he see the name of the ship painted on the hull.

"When it comes out, shall we go over and find out about the ruins of Valyria?" Dany asked her think tank.

Jorah thought for a while, and said, "Don't get too close, send a small boat first–"

"No." Whitebeard interrupted him directly, saying seriously: "There is no one who dares to explore the ruins of Valyria. More importantly, if the other party succeeds, there must be huge gains. No matter what we say, we can't unless…"

The old man's blue eyes met Dany's purple eyes and said slowly, "Unless Her Highness has the idea of ​​profiting from somebody's misfortune."

You bad codger, very bad!

He guessed the dark thoughts of this Young Lady at once.

If you guess it, you will guess it. What did you say?

Shouldn't a real good courtier immediately put the blame for profiting from somebody's misfortune on themselves?

For example, if you tried hard to persuade Her Highness to put the overall situation first, for the Seven Kingdoms is looking forward to you, just come forward, with those treasure the kingdom is hopeful!

Then, the righteous and kind-hearted I will refuse in every possible way, and you will persuade me in every possible way, and finally force a "cut first and then play", I have no choice but to…


"Then let's lift the anchor and leave immediately." Dany sighed into her deep and quiet purple eyes: "I want to know how to fish more than a big fish… Oh, forget it, those guys are mostly likely outlaws, and if really have bad intentions, we are no match for them."

"What fishing?" The fat Belwas pulled out a Arakh from his waist and asked suspiciously: "We won't rob that ship?"

This large cargo, I'm too lazy to care about you.

Whitebeard seemed to find out that his daughter really went to her best friend's house, instead of fooling around with the wild boy as he thought, he sighed and said: "Her Highness, you are Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, with riches of a whole kingdom. For you, only the honor of the people and the Royal Family is the most important, gold and silver are meaningless in the world."

"hmph, don't you need money to buy Unsullied? If Golden Dragon is meaningless, you should talk to Lord Tywin." Jorah scolded him, then turned to Dany, said resolutely: "It's right to leave immediately, we may not really be their opponents.

If on land, 80 screamers ride Dragon Horses, even if they have two hundred Swordsman, we can fight, but on the sea, Dothraki can't stand firm.

As for the fleet of hundreds of sailors, we can save ourselves more than enough. But they don't have enough courage and motivation to launch a mortal attack, and the enemy will rain down a few rounds of arrows, and the sailors will definitely be defeated."

If there are pirates attacking the caravan, the sailors can only do their best to survive, and a battle loss rate of more than half is acceptable. But for those working for Dany, morale will collapse when the death rate reaches 10%.

Dany understands this too, but…

"I didn't say I was going to rob that ship," Dany said angrily, with a stern face. "I only said that I want to meet a ship returning from Valyria, and I was going to ask them if they needed help, and then ask them where they got in."

These bastards see me as a pirate?!

Seeing that she was angry, several people fell silent awkwardly. Groleo also quietly returned to the bridge deck, loudly instructing the crew to lift the anchor, and turn the rudder.

Ten minutes later, Big Black flew down to the deck and Dany hurriedly went to feed him with a bucket of nuggets.

About half an hour later, the sail angle was corrected, and the big-bellied seaboat creaked northeast, away from the Wall of Storms.

Ten minutes later, the lookout shouted to the deck: "That ship came out, and someone actually passed the Wall of Storms!"

"deng deng deng…" A group of idle sailors on the deck quickly ran to the stern, scrambling to watch with their spectacles.

Well, although this world was of a medieval system, the level of technology is not low. The lens technology of the city-state of Myr on the west coast is famous all over the world, and the spectacles are only bauble. Maesters of Westeros even built a high-precision astronomical telescope.

Dany didn't scramble for the one-way spectacles, she could see better than the sailors, simply by deflecting to her eyes on the top of the mast.

An Eagle can spot rabbits running in the grass 10 kilometers away from an altitude of 4000 meters, and can continuously adjust the sight distance and focus to see more details.

A dragon has stronger eyes than an eagle.

Dany saw that it was a longboat with narrow sails like a blade, a dark red hull, a huge sail as dark as the night sky, the low wing-like jib sails gradually stowed, and the mainsail was slow. Slowly pulling it up, it was twice as wide as the hull, and the extra part spread diagonally beyond the side of the ship.

That shape looks fast, especially fast, it seems to be specially designed for fast sailing.

It's black sail bulging, as full and upright as a muscular mans chest, the ship rushes out of the final storm zone like a sharp arrow.

It really got out safely, traversing the purgatory-like Wall of Storms.

"Captain, the other party found us!" Lookout yellowed.

Big Black's flame-red eyes adjusted the focused, and Dany also noticed that there was a man standing on the bow of the other party's stilts, looking towards them with his glasses.

The distance between the two sides is about 15 nautical miles, about 30 kilometers, not too far, not too close, basically at a safe distance.

The other party is a fast ship and can leave quickly, not to mention fleeing in profiting from somebody's misfortune.


"They changed direction!" The lookout shouted in confusion, "It seems…to be trying to come to us."

"Damn, that's a pirate!" Groleo cursed suddenly.

He also has a lens and has been observing the long and narrow fast ship.