School Bell OST
"Even if the entire world is against you, someone will always reach out their hand and pull you up, even if it is only to let you fall again." ALTaccounti
The silhouette was now standing next to Naibu.
"Sawada, what are you doing here?!"
Naibu wiped off his tears.
"I wanted to talk to you when you suddenly opened the door, I just went instinctively into hiding where later followed you."
"Does it mean you have seen everything?"
"Yes I even recorded it, but I was standing too far from the event to actually clearly hear something, although I do have the footage of you getting kicked down and your phone broken. If you want I can tell the teachers about it?"
No, knowing Tenshi he can somehow use it against me to make my position even worse!
"Please don't."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, but one thing I could do is get my phone fixed to retrieve the evidence."
"I am sorry to break it to you, but that thing is beyond repair and this school has a privacy policy regarding the phones. If a phone breaks they are not allowed to fix it and the person in question will get a new one. The annoying thing is that only your numbers get transferred but pretty much lose everything else."
Darn it, that was the last opportunity I had to prove my innocence!
"Anyways, would you mind telling me what happened?"
Wait, why is she so nice to me? It doesn't make any sense as she is usually rude. There must be something she wants from me or is looking for an opening to betray me too.
Haha you know, why does this still even matter? I practically lost my normal high school forever anyways. I might as well just tell her everything now to see how it goes.
Naibu went from being on his knees to sitting on the ground.
"Sure, I will tell you."
After Naibu explained what happened between him and Fujimura and the latest encounter with Tenshi.
"I see... so want me to help you?"
Naibu's expression quickly turned into a questioning look as the distrustful energy spat on his face.
Help? Oh no you can't fool me twice.
"Why would you, a person that has been distant and rude suddenly want to help me?"
"You're saying that I didn't help you when Sayuri was about to beat you up."
"Maybe you just did that to earn my trust so that you can betray me later."
"I get that you are hurt now, but stop making these assumptions."
"Then tell me, WHY do you want to help me?!" Naibu said in an angry tone.
"Because you might become useful in the future."
"Naibu, can you fight?"
"No, not really."
"Because from tomorrow you will have a very rough time ahead. Your reputation will hit an all time low and other people outside Class 1A will be coming after you. I can say for certain that problems are bound to rise."
Sawada reached out her hand.
"So Naibu will become my pawn and I will teach you how to fight."
"What benefit does it give me?"
"Hahaha, as if you are in a position to ask that, but along with learning how to protect yourself, I will also make sure to protect where I can."
I guess I will take this offer then even though I do not like the idea of being a pawn, but it's not like I have any other choice.
Naibu took Sawada's hand and she helped him up.
"You just made a great decision! From now on, meet me everyday at the rundown Dojo at 8:00 PM and don't worry about someone else entering as I am the only one who got the keys from that place. Just make sure you aren't being followed. I don't want to beat up people every single day. We start after The Midterm results, see you then."
Sawada was walking away but Naibu grabbed her by the shoulder.
"What is it?"
"Why would you go so far to protect me? I just can't seem to believe this."
"Listen, Henko, I know about your brother, meaning you must have the same potential as him."
"You know about him, he never told me anything about his experience here!"
"He probably did that to not let you worry or even to give off a signal that this place is bad, but yet you decided to come to this hellhole."
Naibu looked away.
I never saw it from that perspective, but what could I do? I was simply too curious and that killed the cat.
"What does potential mean by potential?"
"Since you don't know I will not disclose any info with you now, I might at another time. Just remember that you are my pawn and do as I say, as I will need you to help me in the future to achieve my own goal."
"And that is?"
"That too is for another time."
Man is being way too damn vague, but I guess I will have to hold off with the questions. I don't want her to find me annoying.
"Ah I see." Naibu nodded.
This time Sawada waved goodbye and disappeared into the shadows.
Naibu was now alone on the track field looking up at the sky.
I can't help but still have mixed feelings about this. I should still proceed with caution and not trust anyone other than Sawada for now, but one thing I can say for certain is that this little encounter gave just a tiny sprinkle of hope again.
Volume 1 END!
Well everyone Vol.1 is finished, so to hype you up here is the summary for Vol.2:
Volume 2 (Trimester Survival Arc): After the mid term events the all the first year classes got smaller by 1/3. Naibu, now having an infamous reputation after he "deceived" his entire class, is taught how to fight by Sawada, now that lots of people are after him to break his spirits and force him to quit the school. Naibu only has one goal now: survive the rest of the trimester, as he tries to somehow make it out sane and healthy, but a chance to succumb to a mental breakdown is also around the corner.
I will now enter the process of outlining the rest of vol.2 and as soon as that is done I will begin to write the chapters and publish them again!
See ya next time!