*schoolbell OST*
"If you ever take a long shit during lesson hours, make sure to bring the proof with you when you finished up." ALTaccounti
A few days have gone by since the meetup with Tenshi and Sawada's outreach. Naibu was sitting on the bed staring with tired eyes at his new phone. He had Sawada's contact info and as of now Tenshi still had him blocked.
Tsk nothing is going the way I wanted it to go I never wanted to stand out, especially now. It's just that the whole midterm results still have me surprised.
1A Classroom (08:00 AM)
The class was sitting behind their desks looking at the homeroom teacher who was writing down the midterm results numbers for some reason without the names behind them except Naibu, he just arrived in class. Mizu was sharply staring at him.
"You're late Henko, be glad we don't work with the childish attendance system."
"Sorry Teacher."
"Now, go over to your seat as we are about to start the juicy part."
Naibu nodded and looked into the class. Everyone except Sawada had angry expressions aimed at him. He could feel his forehead burning from all the negative glares aimed towards him.
It still hurts getting those looks from my classmates, especially since I was the one who got betrayed.
Naibu sat down on his table where somebody carved the word traitor on.
Of course this nonsense, but I must not let it affect me or else it will become worse.
Mizu resumed writing until she was finished and started to speak.
"Now as you see here are the grade averages for this midterm, just by a quick glance can I see that it was made horribly. It makes me wonder why you alumni even got accepted in this school."
"Lets go over to the ones that have made it, which are only 4 by the way. Fujimura Sora with 51 avg, Minori Oishi with 55 avg, Sawada Gina with 59 and the new honour student of class 1A Naibu Henko with 65 avg, nice achievement for an imbecile like yourself."
She wrote down the names behind the scores.
"Of course mister traitor is first!" Sayuri shouted.
"Yeah we should have known, he deceived us after all." Shigeru added.
Naibu grinned his teeth and decided to stay silent.
But it's not my fault!
"And you Midori you are an asshole as well for not helping the class with your notes!" Sayuri continued her tantrums.
"Oh? Really all you dimwits had to do was open the textbook to check, but you people were too damn braindead to even think of that! Nonetheless all of you are not wondering why Gina-san over here also got a good score?" Minori replied with that, successfully bouncing off the attention.
Everyone in class was now looking at Sawada eager for an answer.
"Care to explain Miss Accomplice?" Sayuri demanded.
"Listen, unlike you idiots, I never blindly trust source material from another class, so of course I studied out of the book." Sawada answered her with an agitated tone.
"Don't talk as if you're a hotshot missy. Who said that you could not be involved in Naibu's scheme huh?" Sayuri frowned at her.
"Instead of focusing on me, who had nothing to do with that scheme you're talking about. Why don't you use maybe 0.5% of your single brain cell and ask yourself how Fujimura over here managed to get 51 avg, while he only got to know that the tests were rigged at 12 at night the day before."
Naibu's face showed a essense of surprise hearing that.
Is she trying to clear my name?
Sawada now focused all the attention on Fujimura. He was clearly not amused but still tried to have a normal expression.
"Now that you mention it, it does seem kind of strange." Minori commented.
Shigeru decided to question him.
"Hey, Fuji, how did you manage to pull such a stunt?"
Meanwhile Mizu was losing her cool with all the Sherlock homing that has been going on.
"So what? Can't I be lucky this time? Have you people never heard that some are just quicker in learning subjects then others? This should have been common sense guys, I really don't want to fight anyone over this so please let's stay nice to each other."
He does have a point, it would have been believable if he didn't pull that stunt on me and made the test not knowing the mock exams were wrong.
"Hmmm since you made a valid point to your defense, I will drop the subject for now. If you excuse me I will go back to my novel." Sawada replied to him, lowering her eyes to her book.
The rest of the class was finally silent and Fujimura gave a slight smirk.
"Can I finally continue?" Mizu asked the class with a slight agro in her voice.
Everyone gave an okay.
"Now onto the next part, the 5 with the lowest scores are:
Hiroko Yashi 41 avg
Obara Matsamune 39 avg
Sayuri Ozaki 35 avg
Serato Bito 33 avg
Yin Yuudai & Sato Akiro 28 avg
The class was in a state of shock.
"Wait no way...." Sayuri said with disbelief.
Shigeru became mad just having lost a friend and lashed out at Naibu.
"It's all your goddamn fault! If you weren't such a deceiving bastard this never would have happened!"
The rest started to lash out at Naibu too.
He held his forehead while closing his eyes.
I hate this, it's not my fault why must everybody be so quick to believe lies.
Shut it, shut it, shut it!!
"All of you shut the hell up!"
A boy from the left corner of the class stood up from his seat and moved to the center of the class.
He had light green hair with bangs which covered his left eye, orange in color. He also had a mole close to his chin.
"Finally after all this time you decide to talk huh? Murayama Kyoko-san." Sayuri said with a harsh tone.
"I guess it was finally time, listen we can all agree that we don't like Naibu, but don't worry we will deal with that little eyesore another time. Now instead of wasting your time, take a look at the board again, can't you blind people use your eyes again!"
"Hey you-" Shigeru got interrupted.
"Wait until you mention it.... Yin and I are both expelled! Why wasn't the limit 5?!" Sato noticed.
Yin stood up from his seat and decided to break his silence too.
"This is just ridiculous, I demand an explanation!"
Mizu gained a wide scary smile.
"Are the 2 of you fools? What difference would it have made if one has a higher grade then another. The only thing that would have gone differently is that Hiroko would have been saved. Remember this is not just any school, you should have taken into account that 5 people that I mentioned also counted as 5 lowest grades. You always have to think ahead, think of other meanings and possibilities. As you know we don't do resits, so if you are incapable in the intelligence department you will pay the price for it."
"Teacher being a rude bitch! Don't call us a bunch of failures, we tried our best damn it!" Sayuri screamed, losing it.
The other expelled students backed her up.
"Hmpf trying hard is not enough. Better switch that tone or else I will strip you of your private school transfer. Who the hell do you think we are? The government funded elite school? With their childish challenges and their oblivious sugar coating? Not over here everyone, if you do not have what it takes you get removed and replaced by somebody else, this is reality stop fooling around and accept it."
Mizu sighed a bit and continued.
"Now for the ones that are expelled, you have till the end of the weekend to pack your stuff to get transfers into a lower private school that should still give you access to top universities. Except Danshaku Uni of Tokyo since that school is only reserved for the high school's equivalent graduates. Unlike those government A holes we still give you all a 2nd chance, so be grateful you spoiled brats." Mizu gave a slight nod to the left.
"I am very sorry that this all had to happen to you guys." Fujimura had a sad look in his eyes.
"Shut up Fuji, the last thing we need is your pity. Let's go, everyone." Sayuri replied to him, preparing to leave with the rest of the expelled.
But Mizu said one last thing to them before they left.
"Oh and I almost forgot, don't you dare cause trouble over this weekend or else your private school transfer will be canceled."
With that Sayuri and the 5 others finally left the classroom.
Masayura touched his cheek with his index finger and spoke up his mind.
"So does it mean that the averages didn't really matter since the 5 lowest were gonna get expelled anyway, it would have made no difference if we all had 70s instead, since the rule would still be applied."
"You must have fallen on your head when you were a baby, of course they matter. You see class averages are converted into class points and the lowest grades also count, meaning that the total average of the class is 37 translating to 37 points which is currently the lowest in the class ranking. The highest currently being Class 1B" Mizu explained.
Naibu's eyes widened.
Tenshi, that bastard!
"And what does that mean teacher?" Minori asked.
"Means that the class with the lowest ranking will get expelled by the end of the year as only 4 classes will progress into the 2nd year."
What, this is getting crazy!
Naibu as well as the others were shocked once again as Mizu resumed explaining.
"And with the way this class is going I am sure that by the end of the year, you all will be the ones dismissed. I won't be helping or standing up for anybody in this class, you people can bully and fight each other all you want. You imbeciles have to graduate not me, I already made it. So take my advice better start learning how to work together or else you won't make it. We are not going to teach you that teamwork is something you have to learn amongst yourselves."
Everyone: Yes Teacher!
"Just how I like it! Now go back to your seats, there is one more thing I have to explain for today which is the money system and the new function DHS app. But let's go over the app first."
Everyone who was standing returned to their seats.
"Now to keep it short, In the DHS app you are able to to check your money balance and transfer, grades, other students excluding their grades, money balance of course, but does mention whenever they are a honor, star or Ultimate Candidate of course what they are and what they can do is explained in the app so explore all of it when you have the time."
Next up is the money system. Everyone will start out 60.000 Yen which roughly translates to 600$, for the record if you spend it wisely is just enough to survive for the month as free articles do not exist here, so if you run out of money you either have to borrow some from another student or will forced to resign from school, since you have no way to hold up your pants.
"Jeez that is harsh!" Ai, who hasn't talked the whole time commented.
"Indeed Umemoto, but nonetheless there are ways to increase your monthly income. 1 is by raising your class rankings which can get you 30.000 extra up to 75.000 yen of course the last place doesn't get anything extra. The 2nd is by achieving the special honor, star and Ultimate Candidate rank, the last one only being available for 3rd year students. Honor rank means best accumulated grade average of the class which is an extra 10.000 yen and Star rank means the best accumulated average of the year translating into an extra 30.000 yen. Ultimate Candidate rank gets 150.000 extra but we won't go deeper on that."
"So everybody got that?"
"Then all of you are allowed to leave normal lessons resumed Monday and the money is transferred. Be sure to use your head and spend it wisely."
"Also Naibu the first rule discussion is in 2 weeks but I will tell you more about that latter be sure to check out the info on the app."
"Right Teacher, have a nice weekend!"
Naibu was the first to run out of the class, but surprisingly the rest didn't follow suit.
Naibu opened up his eyes and got out of his bed sitting down behind his desk.
It appeared I dozed up, I guess I should check my balance.
He opened the app. It said he still had 67.000 yen left.
Because I am an honor student I got an extra 10.000 that is pretty nice!
Naibu went to the student search function and wanted to search up someone, but decided not to.
Nah never mind I don't want to see his face. I have a feeling that school will be very hard for the next 3 years, speaking of which my training with Sawada will start tomorrow. It might be the only thing that will keep me going, because to be honest I don't know how long I will be able to handle this all.
Anyways I guess I'll watch some more videos until bedtime.
There we go guys Naibu is now the Honor student of Class 1A! What could that rule discussion Mizu was talking about mean? And le dayum 6 students got the ban hammer and had to leave the school.
I explained some aspects of the system but there still is a bit more to it.
Anyways I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and until next time!
(Outline is 50% done for this volume but I just got an idea for the other 50% so I should be done sooner or later XD)