*School Bell OST*
"Stealing, I call it concealing the evidence." ALTaccounti
1 day before chapter 9
High School Park (Saturday 10:00 PM)
Tenshi POV
Tenshi was sitting outside on bench near the fountain. He likes to sit around when not many people are active walking all over the place.
Ah the nighttime breeze after a long warm day is the best.
Tenshi phone gave off a notification sound.
1 friend request from Fujimura.
Fujimura huh? I don't remember such a person, but oh well let's see what he has to say.It could be a interesting development.
Tenshi accepted his friend request and started chatting.
Tenshi: Who are you?
Fujimura: Fujimura Sora Class 1D I am the one who gave your plan the final push it needed.
Pfffftttt what a comedian you were only a part of plan without even knowing, but at least I know that he is from Naibu's class, I could find a great use for this guy.
Tenshi: How did you get my contact? I don't share around so....
Fujimura: I got it from Jibun Kyōmi your classmate. He was willing to give your info away.
Ugh that basterd he always does people favor and is humble about, while in reality he is just doing so that the persons in question can pay him back when he is trouble. This guy has already stuck himself in his trap. I want to get rid of that guy but now is not the time.
Tenshi: I see, now let's get straight to the point. What do you want from me?
Fujimura: I want to talk about something important, but I'd rather not do it over phone. Could we meet up somewhere?
I see he is not an total idiot smart move since now I can't use the text conversation against you. Sure I don't mind talking to you.
Tenshi: Yes we can, I am currently at park on the bench near the fountain. Just to make sure, if you have anything funny in mind I will make sure its your last.
Fujimura: Okay got it, I will be right there!
15 minutes later Fujimura arrived at the spot. Tenshi offered to sit next him and Fujimura sat down.
"So tell me Fujimura."
"Just call me Fuji."
"Alright Fuji what do you want to talk about?"
Fujimura explained the event that happened in chapter 5 to him.
"So what you are saying is that if you didn't double cross Naibu, the class they would have had higher grades?"
"Yes indeed."
"That may be so, but not only did you betray him but also your entire class which in theory would only benefit you. Mind telling me what you were trying to pull with all this?" Tenshi frowned.
"I wanted to use your betrayal to put myself at an advantage in order to become the honor student of my class and use Naibu as a scapegoat. The plan worked, but something unexpected happened. Naibu became the Honor Student instead." Fujimura confessed.
"So what are you going to do now?"
Tenshi changed one of his hands into a L shape.
"I came here to make a deal with you Tenshi."
"A deal you say? Please elaborate!"
"I will gather any information regarding my class, but in return you must help make the honor student of my class."
"Before I give you an answer, why do you want to become an honor student?" Tenshi seemed eager to know.
"I want to join the student council, but first want to know what kind of laws and problems keep them busy."
"Ah I see."
So basically he wants to gain more influence, too bad I can't ask him why since our master and pawn relationship is only beginning.
"Okay I will agree to help you out, but what about the rest of your class? If they keep doing horrible by the end of the year you still might be gone."
"Oh I don't worry about that Naibu still magically survived I am sure that he will help the rest even if he doesn't want to, because everybody's expulsion is on the line." Fujimura smirked confidently.
Naibu is a person full of surprises huh? I guess I will have to keep him around longer. A little bit of entertainment is always nice.
"Yeah I had no idea he had it in him, now Fuji show me your phone."
Fujimura opened his phone and said:
"You think I would record my own confession and get us both expelled?"
"Haha true, but you never be too cautious." Tenshi gave the phone back.
"I guess I will give you some advice for agreeing to help me. Beware of Sawada Gina in my class. She is suspecting me for my scheme but I managed to drop the subject for now, she also protected Naibu once from a attack from Sayuri. I don't know if they work together since I never see them getting along or meeting up."
"Hmm thanks for the info."
"I guess we are done here then?" Fujimura asked.
"Yes, but before you go 2 things. First every week we will meet up and I will check if you deleted our conversations and second don't you dare even try to fool me in any way because if you, the only can take a look at this school again is behind main entrance. You got that?"
Fujimura nodded.
"Just remember, I do not sway or get played I am the one who is the creator of the game."
"Wait Tenshi before I go I have to ask something."
"Ask away."
"What is your goal?"
"Kinda direct huh, but oh well I want to become the Ultimate Student."
"Just because I am the greatest and the greatest are the best, get the best and recieve the best."
"Just that? I am sorry but there must be something behind that than other what you mentioned this instance." Fuji kept the pressure on him.
He can be quite sharp sometimes, but to be honest I don't really know myself. Its just something that has always been with me since childhood being the best of course. For me I always have to be first place.
"Well I am sorry to dissapoint." Tenshi shrugged it off.
"Okay then I guess I'll go now."
Fujimura left with a wave.
"Take care."
My pawn. Let's see for how long you can be useful, the moment you lost your purpose I am getting rid of you.
Tenshi stood up from the bench and streched out, where he then proceeds to look up in the sky.
Hmm know that I think of it, I don't really have anything planned for the moment. These weeks are going to be so boring, if I only had something better to do.
That girl Fujimura mentioned.
Sawada Gina.
I think I will have to use Naibu once again, as I can finally get that problem out of the way.
Woah a chapter from Tenshi POV it seems that he and Fujimura have formed an alliance.
And it also seems that Tenshi isn't up to good again.
I hope I did some good big braining again haha, It was fun to write from his perspective to know what he is thinking. To tell you a secret Tenshi is basically the antagonistic cocky unhinged Ayanokouji on steroids with extra social skills on the side XD.
This will probably be first and last one from his perspective for a while, the advantage that I have over my rivals is that I ain't 1st person locked, thank god I made that decision!
Anyways I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter and until next time!