*School Bell OST*
"When people are about hit say that you're into it then they will stop 9/10 times, unless they are sadist." ALTaccounti
Monday (08:00 PM)
Naibu was in his room where he changed into his full black outfit as today was the first day of his training.
He went out of his room and looked around if there were people nearby, but it seemed dead silent, probably because they were all locked instead of studying or planning a scheme or something.
Naibu finally proceeds to make his way to the rundown dojo, which was past the new one. Naibu could remember the invitation he got from the member of the Kendo Club.
It doesn't really matter anymore thinking about it does no good. I doubt I will be accepted if I want, because of all the rumors about me.
Naibu arrived and tried to open the door but it was locked.
"Sawada hello?!"
Soon a sound from inside could be heard opening the lock. Sawada was wearing some kind of typical judo outfit and had black belt with 2 golden stripes on it.
Wow she has a black belt!
"Come in."
Naibu got in while Sawada locked the entrance again.
The dojo interior wise was pretty empty, all the walls were painted white and the corner of this decent size space was a punching bag hanging on the sealing together with a training for arm strength and leg strength together with a machine for cardio.
Naibu put his bag down and looked at Sawada as a henchman awaiting the order of his boss.
"Glad to see you did not chicken out."
"Of course not, I really appreciate that you are willing to teach me how to fight."
"Okay then let's not wait around any longer. First I want to test out your strength and technique."
"But Sawada I don't want to fight you, you are my boss."
"Naibu please... The point of fighting is to hit somebody else. I won't hit back to give me everything you got okay?" Sawada seemed a bit annoyed
Sawada entered her fighting stance.
"Alright, come at me! Punches first"
Naibu ran over to Sawada and gave her some sorry excuses of punches, that Sawada easley deflected after half a minute she had enough.
"You're not rotating your arm when you punch, that is a very basic thing you should have known."
Sawada opened the palm of her right hand.
"Hit my hand as hard as you can."
"But I don't want hur...."
"Just hit it you wimp!"
Wow she can be quite worked up for when it comes to fighting, if only she could be like this for other things.
Naibu readied himself and punched Sawada as hard as he could. She then grabbed hold of his fist.
"I hate to say it but your punches are very weak, let's change to kicks now, same as before!"
Naibu started kicking Sawada but dodged it by jumping back as she couldn't parry, since the kicks were rather low. After another minute she stopped him.
"Okay low kicks aren't bad but sometimes you will have to aim higher, now I want you to kick me against my arm but it's quite high so you will be forced to do a front kick. It's where you rise your knee first and shoot up the rest of your leg to hit your target."
Sawada showed him an example by doing one herself.
"Like this see!"
Naibu gave her a round of applause.
"Naibu, what are you doing?"
"Just giving you an applause for your amazing work of course, my leader!"
Sawada had a dry expression on her face.
"Cut the fooling around and just kick me already!"
Okay she is so into it that she didn't notice how strange that sounded.
"Okay, okay on it!"
Sawada guarded her face and Naibu started to do some front kicks. He fell at the first 4, but managed to hit the 5th one although it didn't faze Sawada one bit.
"Alright let's stop it here. The first thing we are going to do is slowly build up your strength while training the front kick also known as one of the first kicks learned but also an essential one still used by pros."
"Got it!"
"Good since you are not really for the training appliances yet, let's start with 15 push-ups and situps then go over to perfecting your basic punches for today."
"Wait, do I need to do those right now?" Naibu asked with a weary face.
"Yes and I will be counting them all so you can't cheat!"
Aw man, but at least it's for the better right?
After Naibu did the 15 push-ups and Sawada helped him with the 15 sit ups. Naibu was tired already but still had basic punch training and by the time 10 PM reached he was dead.
"Okay and that is it for today!" Sawada clapped in her hands.
Sawada got 2 water bottles out of the mini fridge next to the exit and passed one to Naibu.
"Let's sit down for a moment." Sawada suggested.
After struggling for a while Naibu managed to sit down.
"Man, my limbs are sore. How can you do something like this everyday." Naibu sipped from his bottle
"Uhh this is pretty much nothing for me, since I am 2nd Dan Black Belt."
"You know Sawada, I wonder how you got black belt? I thought it took longer for someone to get to that rank."
"Well my dad is a Taekwondo master himself, so when I was little I was of course trained by my dad. He noticed how quick I was at picking things up and grew out to be, in their eyes, a fighting prodigy. I went through the belts like a breeze and even got to train with the adults. My 3rd Dan Exam was supposed to be around this time, but I really had to come to this school."
"That is for another time, I will tell you everything when I feel we have an opening to start planning."
Naibu had a confused expression on his face.
I am kinda curious on what her reason is for coming to this school, but I ain't pressure her. I am sure she will tell me some other time as I am supposed to help her after all.
Sawada got up and walked over to her bag.
"By the way Naibu I have something to give to you."
"No way a present?!" Naibu smiled.
"Uh.. I guess you can say that."
Sawada pulled an object out of her bag.
Wait what is that....
No way it's a...
"Sawada! Isn't that contraband?!"
Sawada walked to Naibu.
"Yes, since weapons aren't allowed at this school, if they see you with one outside club activities it's a guaranteed expulsion."
"Why do you even have such a thing?!" Naibu is starting to slowly get more worried.
"Well long story short, remember when we had to come with only our uniform and our bag?"
"Yes, what about it?"
"Did they ever check what was in it?"
Now that I think of it....
"No they didn't."
But why didn't they check? It just seems very weird.....
"But it still doesn't explain why you would still bring it, as you were not aware of the fact whenever they would check you are not."
Naibu was progressively getting more suspicious, why would an ally gift him contraband.
"Well I wanted to see if they would notice, I brought multiple items with me related to combat since you know because I love fighting sports and always try to get to know other sports like boxing etc."
"Okay but what if they did, wouldn't you be sent away back home?"
"Probably not. I would just say that it is for self defense and if they want to confiscate it they can, problem solved."
I guess so but I need to ask one more question!
"Okay last question, why do you want me to have such an item?"
"Listen, most of the school is still after you. I didn't gift you the taser to use it at every moment, only if there is an extreme emergency, besides if you are in trouble just give me a text and I will be right there. We made an agreement after all that I would protect you."
Hmmm... You know what, I will accept the taser but if nothing dangerous is happening I will get rid of it myself.
"Sure thanks, I'll take your gift."
Sawada handed over the contraband.
"I know that this must have been suspicious for you and it wasn't bad questioning me for it. In fact it's good to question the actions of the other person to avoid getting into trouble. This is a large step into the right direction."
Sawada gave Naibu a slight smile, where he returned his.
"It's getting late, we should probably return to our dorms."
Naibu and Sawada packed their belongings and headed outside the dojo, after Sawada locked the entrance she said one last thing to Naibu.
"Oh and remember to be here tomorrow at the same time, got it?"
"Yes my master!"
"Pffft please don't say that makes me cringe. Now if you excuse me, time for me to return."
"Wait Sawada!" Naibu shouted.
"What is it?"
"Thanks I had a lot of fun today, in fact this was the first ever day I had fun in this school, really you helping me out means a lot to me."
"With all that sweet talk barf material you got going on, no wonder you got betrayed." Sawada said with a cringe expression on her face.
"But no problem Naibu, see you tomorrow."
Naibu waved and with that Sawada left.
I guess I have a taser now huh? Let's carry it around to see how it goes.
Calmly Naibu started moving back towards his dorm not knowing that the future might get a little out of hand.
Well the taser on the volume 2 cover is now explained. Naibu is finally training to become a person that could protect himself in harsh situations.
Next chapter will be the next big conflict chapter, but since exams are near it's probably going to take a while before it gets out.
I hope everyone enjoyed his chapter and until next time!