*School Bell OST*
"If you can not fight just learn from a 5 minute tutorial, I am sure you will be fine!" ALTaccounti
Monday (7:30 AM)
One week has passed and Naibu entered the class, his brown eyes scanning everyone in the class. Only Murayama gave a quick look before going back to doing absolutely nothing. Fujimura was trying to be buddy buddy with the class now that most of the troublesome people in his classmates have left the school. Naibu sat down at his seat and took a quick peak at Sawada.
She seems so relaxed when she is reading a book, I always wondered who she got that red flower hairpin from or more like what is the story behind it.
The homeroom teacher Mizu walked into the class.
"Alright people, books on the table today we begin with Science."
Everyone put their books on the table and actually paid attention to the class.
Naibu however looked out the window.
I haven't been feeling well lately, but I think it's just something that has to do with all that just recently happened.
Half of the school day passed and it was break time, like usual Naibu runs out the classroom, with people along the hallways calling him names, or trying to trip him.
"Shit I missed again!" A student exclaimed.
He missed me again, it's been the 4th time already this week.....
Naibu ran into the nearest bathroom and entered it, it had a golden tile floor and had the basic white color for the walls seeming almost cleaner than a hospital room but also slippery as he almost fell, at had 3 sinks with one on the left side of the restroom, one next to the entrance and 2 regular closed off toilet spaces with a regular white urinal next to it. He hurried in a toilet space and closed off the door, there was a painting behind with the message "One does not grow during useless activities."
Well.. isn't going to the bathroom a necessity though?
Anyways, time to take out this thing for a closer inspection.
Naibu pulled out the weapon that Sawada gave him, which was the taser. It's handle being gray and black of colour and being rectangular in shape, it had 4 indents for your finger at the left side of the handle in order to have better grip, and left side it had a button for your thumb to activate the weapon, with the at the top having 2 small steel parts that connect the the electricity to create the tasing effect, but there was one small detail on the taser which taught Naibu's attention.
"Gina's Master Dojo....."
It must be carved with a probably sharp object.
It must be the name of her dad's dojo huh.. oh well since I do not grow some useless activities...
Now that I notice the taser is quite light in my hand....
He puts the taser back in the 2nd opening of his bag.
Naibu ran out of the bathroom after the break finished. He is lucky that almost no one entered the bathroom at the back of the school, since most people hang out in the cafeteria or outside during break time.
(3:15 PM)
Class for today was over and everybody left except Sawada who was waiting around while Naibu looked around in the empty classroom. The afternoon sunlight was entering from his side and gave an indescribable feeling of youth.
When I look at everybody's seats like this I still feel weird that a lot of people have left the class, although my life has been getting a bit easier because of that, I am still nowhere near happy.
"Sawada, why are you still here?"
"I just wanted to finish this chapter before I leave, and yes I am done with it so its time for me to leave."
"Ah take care."
Naibu gave her a slight smile.
"Don't forget the training."
Sawada locked her long light blue hair behind her ear and put her book away in the bag, after that heading out the classroom.
After Sawada was long gone Naibu decided to head home at a regular pace for once as people had club activities and was more silent as usual, he strolls to the white hallways and corridors of the school feeling a bit relaxed.
Hmm now that I think of it, the hallways are at least twice as large compared to my previous middle school, and the same goes for the windows during the sunny days. It's better to bring some sunglasses because the light will always shine in your eyes.
He passed another corridor in order to go to the direction of the dorms.
The atmosphere feels nice....
I find it strange that in every corridor there is a painting on the wall and they seem old too. I wonder how much the school paid for them...
Wait! I heard something behind me!
Naibu started to look around while walking until finally 2 silhouettes ran at him out of the corner of his eye. He didn't think for a second and started to run away.
I knew people were following me! For now I should move to places that have cameras! I have to keep calm no matter what!
Naibu moved to a hallway with a camera and looked back and saw their blue uniforms quickly before they ran to another direction.
Alright blue uniforms their first years, but I should run to a different location but where.... wait! I use the hallways leading to the auditoriums and use a back exit to reach the boys dorm from the outside!
He did what he told himself and ran to the emergency exit at the end of the hallway which goes past the auditorium space and moved all the way to the boys dorm, but then when he was heading towards his room, he saw the individuals in question coming towards him.
Darn it, I can't risk them knowing my room number. The only thing I can do is head to the park!
He ran out of the park and ran past the fountain at the left side being a few mint bushes and trees as the entire place was surrounded by a forest after all.
Crap they are catching up!
One of the Freshmen ran past Naibu and stopped in front of him where the other one was behind him.
Damn they got me surrounded, do I need to fight?!
"Who are you?!"
"We are not obligated to answer that."
Naibu changed into a fighting position and looked at the 2 students; they were both males. The one in front of him had brown long hair to his shoulders with black eyes and pale skin along with an earring in his right ear, while the guy behind him had purple curly hair and pale skin with a scar in the middle of his right eyebrow and a chiseled build.
"What do you people even want from me?!"
"Just do us a favour and leave the school for your own good." The guy behind yawned.
"I would never!"
The brown haired student gave a nod to his accomplice and started to run at Naibu at the same time.
I'm ready, time to fight back!
The brown haired student went for a left hook which Naibu dodged and stepped back, but the other student charged at him, so he tried to do a front kick learned from Sawada, but the purple haired person dodged around it and gave a rotating kick. Naibu was able to block it in time by holding his arm up, however the other student swiftly moved close to him and managed to give him a good punch in the gut.
Naibu was trying to get air, when another punch came at him and just stepped back in time and deflected it.
I can stand my own now, but I am nowhere close in strength compared to these people. Just what can I do, there must be something right?!
The taser!
Naibu shook his bag off his back and let it fall on the ground where he opened the zipper pulling out the taser.
"Katashi, he has a weapon!"
"Doesn't matter if I can take it, just start recording!"
"Got it!"
The purple haired 1st year pulled out his phone and started recording, but Naibu wanted none of that and went after Katashi in an attempt to shock him with a straight jab to the chest, however he saw that and grabbed his arm and punched him in the face. Naibu fell down, dropping his taser.
"I Guess it was this easy huh? Let's take the evidence with us and get out here."
Argh I can't move! That Katashi guy landed a really hard blow....
"What is it, Yamamoto?!"
"A girl is heading in our direction!"
A girl?!
"Put your phone away and get ready to attack!"
Wait isn't that?
Both Yamamoto and Katashi were bracing themselves.
Katashi prepared to hold off the incoming attack but received a flying kick to the stomach making him fall to the ground.
"Katashi! You bastard take this!"
Wait, did she just perform an Axe Kick?!
"Your shoulder must be hurt by now, I mean I did hit it pretty hard, with you wailing on the ground like a little child."
"Sawada! Why are you here? How did you find me?"
"I will tell you later but first let's get out of here."
"Wait, break their phones first!"
Sawada went over to Katashi and Yamamoto and punched them a couple of times since they were retaliating against their phones being taken, but in the end she still managed to get the phones and throw them on the ground. Katashi was cursing at them at this point.
Sawada reached out to Naibu and helped him up when someone appeared out of the bushes behind them.
"Oh you must be Miss Sawada Gina? You got some pretty nice kicks going on but that is beside the point, I figured that the 2 of you were working together."
Wait, how does he know that?!
"So it's you who gave him trouble!"
"Sawada wait what are you-"
She did not hesitate for a moment and ran up to Tenshi giving him a front kick which he blocked with his right arm, and went in for a left hook that she parried by kicking it away with her other leg. She moved back.
"Pretty good moves, but I am not here to fight you."
"Sawada stop!"
"Tsk, not yet!"
Sawada went in for a roundhouse kick which Tenshi dodged, Sawada wasn't backing down and tried a side kick, but Tenshi tried grabbing her foot in where Sawada chopped his arm in order in free herself using a fake out punch and for to for a low kick instead but he jumped in time and finally saw a opening and started to repeatingly punch at a past pace, until she had no other choice but to back down and created distance between him and her.
Sawada had a worried expression on her face while also feeling a bit of the pain that she received from blocking all those hits.
"He is tuff."
"Probably wondering why I am so strong, you know I have multiple black belts, however I will not say how many fighting styles since I want to keep things at least a little bit interesting."
Darn it, I will have to use the taser to beat him!
"Wait Naibu! Don't do it! We are no match for him."
I am sorry but this is our only chance!
"Heh come at me with everything you got!"
He ran at Tenshi going straight for his chest, but when he came in close enough Tenshi just grabbed his arm and slapped his face where Naibu then fell on the ground.
"Hahahaha Naibu, that was a wonderful display! This is why I can't get rid of you yet, your endless potential and growth. I have seen it all!" Tenshi stretched his body well, giving the both of them a cheeky smile.
Katashi and Yamamoto pulled themselves back up.
"Way to go man!"
"Shut it Yamamoto."
Meanwhile Sawada helped up Naibu once again.
"Huh what is going on here dude? Weren't you helping us?!" Katashi asked him, looking seriously puzzled.
"Pfft come on you have been played by me, which is the reason I set the 2 of you up to do this. You see I planned everything from the day before I instructed both of you to come here since there are no cameras around to prove your innocence."
"You bastard!"
"In fact I have everything recorded on my phone before Naibu pulled out his weapon, meaning you have been successfully framed haha."
Tenshi waved around his phone playfully.
"I swear I will kill you now!"
"Katashi stop it, we can't do anything right now. Let's retreat and find a way to stop this madness!"
Katashi calmed down and nodded and they ran off, picking up their broken phones along the way.
"Now that they are gone, let's have a chat."
"Tenshi I won't listen to anything you say!"
"Ah my dear Naibu You kinda have to, you see those 2 will have proof against you if you keep holding on that taser so, I will kindly ask you to hand it over to me so that I can successfully get rid of it."
"Why should I trust you?! Have you forgotten that you are the source of my horrible life!"
"Listen Mister I can get rid of you any moment I want, remember, I have told you that before."
"I am not giving the taser."
Sawada was on her phone searching for something.
"Naibu you are being very stubborn for a guy whose life I have destroyed, as if you are asking to ruin your time at this school even more."
"Just leave us alone!"
Sawada put her phone away and put her hand on Naibu's mouth in order to shush him.
"Naibu we should listen to what he has to say from now on, I will do the talking."
Why isn't he our enemy?! He can not screw us over with the next chance he gets!
Naibu decided to stop talking in order to see what is going to happen now with Sawada taking over the conversation.
"I see that you are the brightest compared to that broken shed next to you."
"No reaction.... okay I guess I'll give away more info. The guys that just ran off are with the Student Council Patrol which are led by the Moral Committee, and I need them gone so that I can get people in replacement."
"Wait what?!"
Sawada got a very worried expression on her face.
"It's exactly what it means, I already have some influence in the Council. But not a very grand one, for now."
But that quickly turned into an angry expression that she quickly forced into a smile.
"Why would you reveal so much of your plan, who said that we cannot put an end to it now?"
"Hahaha you clearly don't know me, no matter what you try I shall always win."
"That is the confidence I would expect from a Star Student."
Naibu looked at Sawada.
Something is off about her; it's like this topic is affecting her way more than it should.
Tenshi tilted his head a bit and looked at Sawada's gaze with interest.
"That was what you were doing on your phone! It is never bad to search for information about your opponent."
"But say...."
"Why does me being a Star Student matter to you?"
Tenshi stared at her, widening one of his eyes while his other was closed.
"It's nothing more than an observation."
"Oh really?" He was now scratching his dark brown hair.
What the hell is going on here at this point?!
"Judging by that angry expression just now it seems that you were bothered by the fact I have the Star Rank."
"Oh did I hit a snare? Haha I'm feeling cheeky today!"
He was rubbing his hands together from excitement.
"Doesn't everyone want to become one?"
I don't but then again I won't say that out loud!
"Oh no missy I figured that you are not infuriated from a moral standpoint. Do you perhaps loathe the Student Council?"
At this point he was staring into Sawada's soul.
"I do not know how you came to that conclusion."
"Playing it off calmly huh? I guess I should provide some clarification! Ah, I am having so much fun!"
Naibu kept switching looks back and forth between Sawada and Tenshi, as if he was trying to observe them.
I should probably give him the taser by this point but, my curiosity is taking the overhand after all is what he is saying true?
"Listen, it's common sense. The fact that if you don't make a fuss over that I am infiltrating the council saying stuff like, no that is wrong, they are here for the safety etc. Is really suspicious to me. Say Missy, are you sure you're not just out for revenge?"
"I am not going to answer that."
"Well well interesting."
"Are you sure that you're not just bluffing?"
Tenshi started laughing to the point his stomach started to hurt.
"Hahaha me bluffing are you kidding me? It seems that you inferior bunch still are underestimating my abilities. I never bluff, I just know. Trust me you do not want to test me." Tenshi deepened his voice for intimidation purposes.
Naibu looked at Sawada being very puzzled.
"Is it really true?"
Sawada sighed.
"Yes it is."
"Admitting after all huh?"
Tenshi gave a confident grin.
"For the record I am not scared of clowns like you, hence why I am willing to confirm it." Sawada's angry expression was so strong that it might as well burn his forehead.
Tenshi was clearly not amused but kept silent.
"Sawada, am I supposed to help you with revenge, what have they done to you in order to reach such motivation?."
"Naibu, I really wanted to tell you this, but just at another time."
That is against my way of being especially if the student council hasn't done anything to me.
But on the other hand it's also hypocritical since I want Tenshi to pay for what he has done to me.
"Now that the cat is out of the bag, I will be very blunt, fun time is over now there is a chance that Katashi and Yamamoto will arrive with another patrol member or teacher. So give me the taser right at this moment and leave this place immediately."
Tenshi reached out his hand.
Naibu walked to him and handed over the taser without saying anything.
"That's a good boy! You have made the right choice! I will file a quick case and get this little problem out of the way. Ciao Naibu I will see you soon!"
"And remember don't do anything that I don't like or else it's over for you both."
Tenshi gave them a threatening haze and ran back into the bushes where he completely disappeared out of their eyes.
Tenshi is truly an insane person, switching how he acts on the spot…..
Naibu turned his head to Sawada scratching his dark grey in hesitance to pry further about the obvious subject.
"Naibu, let's take a break for 3 days, I will tell you the full story next time we train. I need some time alone."
Naibu looked at her blue eyes, her expression on her face was quite stoic, and it was probably a good choice not to push her either.
"Yeah don't worry I understand, even though I am a bit against the idea of revenge, I promised to help you with whatever you wanted, so I have no other option but to keep it."
Sawada gave a slight smile.
"You know sometimes you are too understanding for your own good. Anyways, let's get out of here before the danger arrives."
Both Naibu and Sawada quickly returned to their respective dorms, as for tomorrow another big awaits.
Sheesh finally the main conflict chapter is done. I will give a detailed explanation down in the comment what I tried to do in order to up the chapters quality.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter and until next time!
btw ignore the last chapter quality part as that for another site, however you can see the difference after chapter 12 as everything after that truly has a quality increase! Anyways I hope yall enjoyed the chapter and imma keep writing of course haha