School Bell OST
“One does not do Math but Meth.” ALTaccounti
Tuesday (7:00 AM)
One day has passed since the event of the fight with Katashi, Yamamoto and Tenshi. Naibu was sleeping when suddenly his phone started ringing.
Crap Argh! I fell off my bed, gotta pick up the phone.
He reached for his phone which was next to his bed and he looked with his drowsy brown eyes at the screen.
Who is this?
Naibu: Hello?
??: Greetings Mr Henko, I am Tada Masayoshi In am in the student council’s Moral Committee and Student Judge.
Naibu: Oh?
Tada: I am calling you because I want you to testify in a case a peculiar student named Tenshi Keiken, had filed yesterday.
Naibu: Oh okay, fine, but I also have classes you know.
Tada: Don’t worry about that it won’t take long, I need you to enter the special court classroom at the end of the 2nd floor. I will send you the location.
Naibu: Okay I will be there as soon as I can.
Tada ended the call, Naibu quickly went over the daily morning procedure and left his room. His eyes were scanning for any trouble nearby.
Phew, nobody is here because they must be in class.
Naibu walked over from the dorm to the base floor of the school where he walked through the school halls until he reached the staircase and got up to the 2nd floor.
He looked at his phone where Tada had sent him the location of the classroom. It was exactly in the middle of the 2nd floor between all the 2nd year classrooms.
Naibu walked towards his destination and stood before it, normally the classroom had a door that you could open and close by shoving it to the side, however this room had a golden western type door with also a handle which had a keyhole in the middle.
Suddenly a familiar face opened the entrance and closed it behind him.
"Naibu before you enter, let me give you a rundown of what you have to do." His bronze eyes locking with his giving an almost serious vibe to it.
"I showed them the video of you and 2 other students fighting, the Moral Committee has also found camera footage of you running from the said suspects. All you have to do is tell the story that I and Sawada saved you without mentioning the taser."
Did he just mention himself before Sawada?
"Understood but why should I trust based upon what you said, you could also have told something else."
"Why would I do that? You are dumber than I expected… Listen Naibu, just do as I say or face the consequences. If you get funny ideas I am always able to reveal the modified version of the video regarding the fight, that way we both go under."
Yeah I don't feel like committing a kamikaze here. I have to show my brother that I too can make it here!
"Besides I do not want to get rid of you yet, so I truly hope that you will not stand in my way. Don't let me make your life worse than it already is. If I see that Class D students are expelled I will destroy the taser as promised."
I can't help but to have a bad feeling about this!
"Tenshi, are you sure you aren't planning something?"
Tenshi gave him a slight, almost devilish smile.
"Well at first I wasn't, but now I certainly am… Well enough chit chat. Time for me to head to class."
Wait, I can't let him leave like this!
Just as Tenshi turned around and started to walk he reached to his right shoulder to stop him, however Tenshi instantly turned around and pushed him to the ground.
What the hell is his deal?!
"You the hell do you think you are to even touch me you damn waste of oxygen. Instead of robbing me from my precious time with your stupid antics, just do as your told already." Tenshi's face gave off an ominous aura.
"You better not do this again next or else you are in serious trouble."
Tenshi walked off.
I wanted to try getting that plan out of him, but it's better to just keep silent instead for now. The less trouble the better.
With that said time to enter the court classroom!
Naibu opened the door and closed it behind him.
Woah this looks incredible!
Naibu scanned the place for a bit.
The Court Classroom had white walls and a floor with a golden color tiles that had the weighting scales carved in it, a old dark brown wooden court table with room for 3 seats,separate stand for testimonies, a weird carved design at the corners and feet of the table, an extension of the same color that had 2 old wooden chairs on each side, probably representing the 2 opposing parties filled up the entire room. There were also 4 chairs which were either for witnesses or other people to attend the case. Behind the court furniture was one giant window, which was unusual as most classrooms had split ones.
Leaning against the court table was a boy, he had blond hair, blue eyes, tanned skin and seemed to be more on the taller side, wearing a red uniform.
"Welcome Naibu, glad you're here."
"So you are Tada Masayoshi-san?"
Naibu moved over to Tada.
"Nice to meet you."
Tada gave him a handshake
He sure looks like somebody who might be popular and sheesh his grip is firm.
"So to keep it quick I need your testimony on what happened yesterday. At this moment your dorm room is being examined to see if any objects or proof could be found."
Glad I don't have the taser in my room… Hold on doesn't it mean that Tenshi got searched too?! Wait I am talking about him here, he must have a solution for that problem already. I am just necessarily stressing myself.
"Please start all the way from the beginning of yesterday."
Tada pulled out his phone and started to voice record.
Naibu retold all the events of yesterday including the changes that Tenshi wanted.
"And at the end Sawada and Tenshi came to help me and drove those class D students away."
Tada ended the voice recording.
"Thank you for your time, you can return to your class now." Tada winked.
Wait this is weird though why isn't there a full trial?
"Hey Masayoshi-san?"
"Why isn't there a full trial right now?"
"Oh I guess I will give a quick explanation to you, since you don't know. There are 2 case types: Quick and Traditional. Quick cases are where we gather and receive evidence, objects and even proof plus testimonies of the persons in question. After everything is gathered the student council under a teacher with a law degree will take a brief look and decide a verdict within 3 days could be faster or slower depending on the case. Traditional cases require a trial and are used for bigger issues and violations. I hope this is enough for you."
"Yeah thanks! Crap, I need to get to class nice having talked to you!"
Naibu rushed out of the court classroom.
"Naibu huh? Those rumors said that he is a traitor but he seemed like a nice student, however he can also be a sheep in wolf's clothing. I need to keep an eye on him."
Naibu ran all the way down the first floor, almost tripping over at the stairs as he ran towards Class 1-A and pushed the door open, breathing like a madman.
"I'm here teacher!"
Mizu stared at with scary eyes as if she was about to kill him.
"No need to shout and interrupt my damn lessons just sit down, you moron!."
Sheesh I must have pissed her off real bad.
Naibu walked over to his spot and sat down.
Everyone is either ignoring me or looking at me while thinking 'I hope you die tomorrow'.
Let's see what kind of face Sawada would make if I smiled at her.
Sawada turned her face towards Naibu and saw him smile at her, which in return made her cringe super hard and join the igoring squad.
Welp now I know I shouldn't do that anymore haha.
Tuesday (3 PM)
Class just finished and Naibu dashed out of the door as usual evading potential gang ups and intentional trip attempts and managed to safely reach his room for another day.
He passed his time watching videos laying on his bed when Sawada messaged him.
1 New Message!
Sawada: I just did the testimony and had a brief encounter with Tenshi. 4:32 PM
Naibu: What did he say? 4:33 PM
Sawada: Basically I had to say what he wanted me to say. 4:33 PM
Naibu: Did you agree with it? 4:34 PM
Sawada: Of course I did it's also in our benefit to listen to that asshole. Heck it would be idiotic if didn't, its basically suicide not only for you or me, but also for Tenshi. 4:36 PM
Naibu: Yeah that's true. 4:37 PM
Sawada: Anyway I will be going now see you at the Dojo tonight.
Naibu: Okay.
Wednesday (7:30 AM)
Naibu was fully dressed and ready for another day of school. He left his room and noticed a newspaper lying in front of him and picked it up.
The Elitaro?
Naibu looked at the headline and read it.
Yamamoto Iruna and Katashi Hiraga got expelled for getting into a fight yesterday night, the Moral Committee did not hesitate a moment and gave a verdict within a day. We asked what precisely happened but for some reason we weren't allowed to access information regarding his incident, and do not know who else got involved. However we at Elitaro will do everything in our capabilities to find out all the details and unmask the mysteries!
Well damn I think these journalists will be a problem in the future… I mean against Tenshi this wouldn't be that bad but Sawada and me are also involved, so I need to discuss this when I have the chance!
1 New Message!
Tenshi: I threw out a stunning cake that I made last night and I feel sad about it T-T 7:40 AM
What the hell does he mean by that? And he probably has me blocked again so its a waste of time to ask.
Hey I think it got it!
Stunning as in getting stunned by a taser!
At least that problem is dealt with.
Naibu put his phone in his, grabbed the newspaper and moved it inside.
Welp time to head to school!
Hmmm Tenshi seemed to have kept his promise and new character Tada Masayoshi is on the block! His role won't be big right now but I'm sure that it will be different in the future! Also the newspaper Elitaro which could pose a threat in the future!
Ita has been a while since I updated this so I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and until next time!