Friday (9 PM) Rundown Dojo
2 days had passed and Naibu was training again together with Sawada. He was first tasked with 25 push ups and 20 squads, where after Sawada put in a little pause.
"Man I'm tired, the sweating is running down everywhere even at my bu-" Naibu puffed.
"Yeah I didn't ask, anyhow take a bit of a break."
Naibu looked around for a bit.
The room had cleared up a bit since Naibu helped Sawada out cleaning the place up. The white walls were recently repainted and on top of the creaky old and dusty laminate flooring were now covered with red yudo mats that you could put together the same as a puzzle. Next to the now bigger black colored 2nd hand fridge and the newer (still old) Cardio machine and power rack where you can train your upper and lower body with the extra add ons. The punching bag was still in the middle of the dojo.
Naibu walked to the fridge and took out 2 cold water bottles and moved over to Sawada who was sitting on a wooden gymnastic bench which was on the other side of the Dojo.
Naibu sat next to Sawada and passed her a bottle.
"So anything new Naibu?" She opened her bottle and took a sip.
"Yeah the whole rule discussion is in a few days, Ms. Jigoku gave me a quick explanation plus the location of where it takes place."
"Ah I see and do you wish to attend that meeting?"
"Yeah I want to see what the Student Council keeps themselves busy with and might even see how far their influence reaches."
"Alright, it seems that you are getting a bit smarter by the day."
"Hey you're doing as if I was always stupid."
"Well you kinda are."
Naibu gave her an annoyed look while she looked in front of her.
You know now that I think of it, she never explained the reason why she is at this school, maybe this time I can get it out of her.
"Hey Sawada?"
"Last time you told me that you would explain the reason why you are at this school, could you perhaps tell me now?"
Sawada looked at her bottle where she turned her head to Naibu touching her red flower hairpin. A faint of sorrow could be read from her face.
"Well I did tell you last time, so I guess it's time. I hope you learned how to listen because you will be doing so for a while."
"I'm ready."
Sawada nodded and began.
"I had a sister who is a year older than me that attended this school last year. I can remember her endless hours that she studied so that one she could enter this school and become someone that could truly help the world. Her dream was to create her own foundation to help fight poverty around the world, since she didn't trust the current non-profit organisations. Her being very idealistic by nature ended up joining the Student Council, where they ended up using her a work slave that had to do all the hard work by herself while the others were just being entitled to their status and power, even to go as far to bully and psycologically hurt her."
Naibu's painful face radiated empathy as he knew that feeling of injustice all that well.
Sawada felt this and stopped, giving him a slight smile of appreciation before continuing.
"She managed to finish the year by a clutch but even with how strong she mentally was, at the end she broke down and dropped out of school, locking herself in her room where she has been for 2 months now. I can recall the day I was sitting in front of my big sister's room where she told me everything."
Sawada paused for 3 seconds, giving Naibu a chance to ask her something.
"What's her name?"
"Kiko the sad thing is that her name means hope and that it's the one thing that she has lost, but the moment she opened her bottled up feelings with me I knew that I have to take revenge on the current Student Council and give my sis the justice that she deserves."
Revenge huh? It's something that till this day I have a trouble understanding, sometimes I do wish for that in my own situation but also wonder if by that I'm lowering to the level of the people that wronged me.
But I can see where Sawada comes from and it makes me quite sad.
Naibu shed a tear without him knowing and Sawada saw that.
"Pfft are you crying?"
Naibu wiped off his tears while Sawada patted him on the back.
"Now that I told you this, it's time to know what I need your help for."
"I want to become a Star Student so that I have more power regarding the laws the Council creates."
"So basically standing in their way?"
"Exactly but if that doesn't work out, I will find another way to spoil their plans."
"Um right now I am the honor student of our class, so what about taking over my spot? I'm sure that already takes you a step closer. It's going to be a very hard time becoming a Star with Tenshi around."
Sawada quite liked Naibu's proposal.
"That's a great idea."
Naibu scratched the back of his grey spiky hair.
"But before that go to that meeting and tell me details, so that I know what the future holds for me."
The both of them stood up and went back to training, Sawada helped Naibu perfect his front kick more as he needed to master that first until moving to the bit more advanced back kick. An hour passed and the exercise for today finished.
It was 10 PM now Naibu left Sawada after saying goodbye while she stayed for a bit longer to properly close everything off.
He was walking through the open hallway with at the left side of him the athletic field the memories regarding Tenshi betrayal flooded his mind.
I don't want to remember.
Naibu didn't notice at first but he started to get closer to a silhouette that walked slower than him.
When he got closer he saw that it was a girl and upon further inspection saw that she had a black bandana around her neck.
If you're smart and value your somewhat normal school life. You should keep Tenshi at a distance.
It's Chisa Ida from Class 1C!
Naibu walked a bit closer to her and called out her name.
She was startled but quickly recomposed herself. She took a good look at him and now realised who he was.
"What are you doing here?"
Chisa's deep red sharpened, making her as if she was suspicious of something.
"I like taking strolls at night when I'm bored."
"I see."
When Naibu couldn't think of anything else to talk about, a thought suddenly hit his mind.
Wait… I recalled a moment ago that she tried to help me back then! If only I listened to her advice! She gave me goodwill and I dismissed her for the warning she gave me. I…. Should have given it more thought… Ugh this is all in the past, the only thing I can do now is say sorry and hope that she doesn't hate me like the rest!
"Ida-san listen."
Her hands turned into fists. She was prepared to hear something that was pretty common in her case.
"I'm sorry for not listening to you back then. You tried to save me but I just putted aside like you were crazy."
Chisa loosened her fists, her expression turned confused and scratched her short red hair.
Oh no, is she upset?!
"Did I do something wrong?"
Her confusion turned into a slight smile.
"No, no not not at all. It's just that you are the first one to apologise to me, while others like to blame it on me saying that I didn't try hard enough to stop them. Even if they were the ones not taking my warnings seriously."
"Ah I guess I haven't told you, since it's only our 2nd time meeting each other. You see I always had the ability… no more like a sense of being able to read the room and certain situations. I tried multiple times to warn people of what I was anticipating, but in the end they never listened to me, and when the event already escalated or happened. They complained to me and accused me of ridiculous things."
People not listening to you, accusing you and having to pass hardships because of it. It's just plain horrible, sometimes I just have to remind myself that I am not the only one that has it hard, it could be the same for anyone else.
"I stopped doing it at the beginning of middle school. My life has been quite chill since then."
"You know Ida-san"
"Just call me Ida."
"Well Ida. I thought you would hate me like the rest is doing right now."
"Well the only reason I am not is because the moment you got betrayed, I knew that Tenshi was behind it. I saw him at my middle school but thank god I was never in the same class as him. The rumors were quite bad too haha."
Chisa put her index finger on her lip.
"Hey Naibu was it?"
"Why don't you add me on Bine?"
At that moment Naibu's mind and body filled with happiness and held her shoulders.
"Thank you Chisa!"
"Hey calm down buddy!" She removed his hands.
Chisa was a bit flustered by the sudden actions of Naibu.
"I mean aren't we friends now? Besides you call me by my first name too."
"I think you are confusing steps and it's the only name you gave me."
"Steps? Come on Chisa, just let me call you Chisa!"
"You said my first name twice… you know what.. whatever."
"You seem like a kid sometimes."
Chisa and Naibu exchanged contacts.
"Well Naibu I will be continuing my night stroll. What about you?"
"I will head to my room, I'm quite tired."
"Well you didn't seem so just now."
Naibu rubbed the back of his head.
"Well I'm off, I'll give you a text when I go back."
"Ah okay!"
Chisa turned around slowly, walking away until she was finally out of Naibu's vision.
I'm glad to have finally made my first true friend but in contrast with my elementary and middle school days, I can't help but to feel a bit depressed about it. However I got a new reason why I shouldn't give up! I need to push through no matter what!
Sawada, I will help you achieve your goal.
Chisa, I will value our new friendship and do anything I can to help you in the future!
Katsura, Brother.. You shall acknowledge me!
Filled with newfound determination Naibu headed back to his dorm, awaiting the next meeting which is the rule discussion.
Well a lot got revealed so I hope I tickled some hype muscles. Naibu finally made a new friend and is steadily embracing main character energy XD.
I am going back to outlining as Vol. 2 misses 2 to chapters for it to end.
I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter and until next time!