*School Bell OST*
“When somebody wants to talk to you but you don’t feel like it, just say you have life problems, I’m sure they will be gone in 5 seconds.” ALTaccounti
Monday, Classroom 1A, 12:30PM (Break Time)
Naibu was sitting at his table, he looked around and nobody was there, except his teacher Mizu who was behind her platform as she was packing her belongings in order to finally take a break herself. She looked at Naibu as she seemed to remember something and decided to say something.
“I see you are not running out of the classroom anymore huh?”
“Yeah, I decided that just waiting till everyone leaves is better.”
Mizu’s black eyes sharpened.
“What if they just waited outside for you?”
“My classmates wouldn’t do that, well if they don’t want to get expelled that is.”
“You are getting quite confident Naibu, where is that coming from?”
“Let's say I am working on myself and got enlightened.”
“Oh okay, interesting.” Mizu gave a slight smile. “Oh that’s right the rule discussion is today, shouldn’t you be moving?”
Naibu stood up from his seat, walked over to Mizu and pulled out his phone.
“Yes but it's just that I don't know where it exactly is.”
“Check the DHS app.”
“Already did.”
“Well I guess I will lend you a hand, it's the empty classroom at the end of this floor.”
“Thank you very much.”
“No problem Henko, take care.”
Mizu took off and Naibu quickly followed. He scanned the white hallway for any potential threat but it was pretty clear.
Great, nobody is here!
Time to head out!
Naibu walked past all the classrooms until he reached the final one at the end of the hallway. It had a sign which said “RD” on it, when Naibu entered, at first glance it looked like any other classroom. The windows, the floor, even the whiteboard. However it was more empty than normal, in the middle of the classroom was a gray large rectangle table which had 7 seats. In the back of the room there was another seat for a visitor.
Man, I must be late! Everyone is here already!
“Mr. Henko, please sit down next to Mr. Keiken.”
“Oh sorry uhh….”
Naibu sat down next to Tenshi.
“Citsujo Ho. I am a 2nd year teacher that is also specialized in law and the one that will be directing these rule discussions.”
Citsujo had a very petite build however her demeanor was on the grumpy side, she had pale skin, brown eyes with long black hair with the lower part bleached brown.
“Nice to meet you, Ho-sensei.”
“Likewise, now before we start with the rule discussion, I would like to ask from everyone to please introduce yourselves first.”
“Okay I’ll go first. My name is Jibun Kyōmi, Class 1B’s Honor student.”
He was rather tall but skinny build, pale skin, a blue left eye while his right one was brown, long hair where the right side was bleached blond while the other side black.
“Okay who is next?”
A girl raised her hand and stood up.
“I am Yumiko Kikai, Class 1C’s Honor student. Nice to meet y'all!”
Jeez, she sure is loud.
She had a smaller build, pale skin and short dark blue hair that ran till her shoulders, black eyes and also wore a blue ribbon on her left wrist.
Yumiko sat back down.
“Well well, it seems I’m next now, I am not standing up by the way, too much effort.” He coughed. “I am Takeshi Kage, Class 1D’s Honor student.”
He had a strong build, pale skin, rather sharp green eyes and short dark green spiky hair which was rather frizzy.
“I finished, so who is next?” He asked.
“This is my time to shine then.”
It was another girl, she stood up and jumped on the table.
What the hell?
“What is the meaning of this Ms. Mikami?”
“Listen, Teach don’t be so stuck up, this is a free country I can introduce myself the way I want.”
“That has nothing to do with having no manners, besides you are not allowed to wear those leather boots here.”
“Listen, I pay 5000 Yen per month to keep these on so you can’t force me to take em off.” The girl sighed. “Anyways I am Fumiko Mikami, Class 1E's Honor student, uh yeah that was it.”
She had an average height and her body was quite curvy, plus tanned skin, long dark gray hair and clear yellow eyes.
Fumiko jumped off, sat down again and put her boots on the table.
Chitsujo looked at her.
“Hmm?” Fumiko stared back.
“Nothing.” Citsujo sighed.
“That is what I thought, teach.”
“Who's next.”
“I’ll go.”
Tenshi stood up.
“My name is Tenshi Keiken and I am the Star student of Class 1B. Nice to meet all of you.”
Well that means that I am the last one then.
My butt is hurting a bit so glad I can stand up for a second!
“Uhh hello, my name is Naibu Henko, Class 1A’s Honor student.” He bowed and sat down.
“Great now that this part is over, time to go over the explanation.”
Chitsujo stood up from her seat and walked over to the whiteboard in front of the classroom.
“You are the people that are chosen due to the high performance in your respective classes. Your job is to decide whenever a law that the Student Council presents can pass or not. You can compare this to our parliament, the student council acts as the Shūgiin and us as the Sangiin. We do this since our school likes to represent reality rather than the government equivalent that seems to give unrealistic power to their council.”
Huh, that's interesting.
Suddenly a knock on the door was heard.
“Ah that must be him.”
Chitsujo walked over to the entrance and opened it. A student with a black and white uniform came in. Together they moved back to the whiteboard.
“So this is what you Honorees and Star are going to do, after this person explains his law proposal you will get 30 minutes maximum to discuss it and following that you shall have to vote whenever that law gets to pass or not.”
“You heard her. Alright.” He clapped in his hands. “My name Masahiro Kubo, a 2nd year student who is also in the Student Council, under the Moral Committee as Tada Masayoshi’s right hand.
He had black mob haircut with purple eyes, black glasses and had a tall build.
I will explain the context first before I get into the law proposal. Is that alright with everyone?”
“Yeah sure, just make it quick man.”
“You really are a rude one, Mikami-san.”
“Yes I am you little turd, how about you shut your damn mouth, Kage.”
“Ugh asshole.” Takeshi rolled his eyes.
“Haha what a positive vibe you all have, anyways I shall continue. It has been known for a long time that students illegally take mock exams with them in order to sell them when in reality they are supposed to return it with usually the demographic being aimed towards first years.”
“Okay we get that so what are you planning to do about it?”
“Good question Tenshi.”
“Wait, how do you know my name?”
“I am always well informed of who the members of the rule discussion are.” Masahiro explained. “The issue here is that when students are caught only risk a high fine or in the worst case scenario an expulsion. Nonetheless the exams are kept the same so I would like to present the following law.”
Naibu looked around the room, everyone either seemed bored or flat out disinterested.
Nobody really seems to care about this….
Wait, that Mikami girl is sleeping.
“The ability to overhaul tests when illegal mock exams trades or sales are caught.”
Takeshi had a pensive face.
“Hey so does that mean if a mock test gets caught the upcoming exam would change?”
“Correct Kage-san.”
“Now I shall leave in order to continue my duties. I wish you all a lovely day.”
Masahiro bowed and left the classroom.
Chitsujo clapped her hands.
“Hey what was that for!”
“It's to wake you up of course.”
“Teach, I can't help that this is boring.”
Takeshi was laughing.
“Serves you right, wrench.”
“Excuse me, do you want to fight me!”
“Guys please calm down.”
“Shut it Kikai!”
Tenshi gave a loud “hey”. Everyone now moved their gaze towards his direction.
“Guys don’t you want to finish early? So please leave the fighting for another day.”
“Seems like Mr. Keiken is the only one that takes this seriously here.”
Takeshi and Funiko calmed down and were now willing to listen.
What about me? Well… I didn’t really contribute to anything so it makes sense.
“Okay to keep this short you all will have 15 minutes to discuss this law and vote at the end.”
“I’ll start and I think what I am about to say is the sentiment here, at least I think so.” Jibun stated. “We are Honor students, basically the best of our class. Why would we be caring about some mock tests? Just vote for this law, society doesn’t need losers that can’t study out of the book anyways.”
Takeshi’s blue and brown eyes sharpened.
“You know Kyōmi-san. I think you have a point there. Heck everyone who agrees with him raises their hands.”
Fumiko, Yukiko raised their hands.
“What about you Traitor-san?”
Tsk not this crap again! I don’t agree with this dump anyway.
“I am against the law, what about the students that can’t really learn and need the tests to pass?”
Jibun's face showed an irritated expression, as he was clearly not amused.
“Don’t you understand the predicament you're in? You betrayed your own class by using these very same mock exams. You used Tenshi’s goodwill for interests that were only regarding your position, scum!.”
If only I could clear this up right now, but nobody would believe it as Tenshi got me into a tight spot with false evidence and alibi’s.
“Hey Jibun, don't be so hard on him.”
“Tenshi what the hell?”
“Listen I am against this law as well, see it as him trying to fix his mistakes. I take this gesture as an apology and forgive him.”
I don’t like the way I am being framed but this time I will not speak and see where this is going. However the good guy act is really showing.
Takeshi started to laugh like crazy.
“Haha Man.. Keiken you must be a real idiot. You are the Star student, you are practically the smartest 1st year around. Why the hell would you forgive this traitor and give a damn about other student’s problems?”
“Because I am me.”
Takeshi got annoyed.
“Sure.. Henko-san.”
“What is it?”
“Tenshi might forgive you but I won’t.”
Wait… hold up… Why do they care?!
Naibu stood up, his brown eyes filled with anger.
“Kage-san I don’t know why everyone cares about my class betrayal, was it your class? Or Kyömi’s, Fumiko’s? No right? Stop using this subject as a reason to make my life hard for no reason. Or do you want me to screw over your class? Do you? Do you want to mess with me?”
Tenshi grabbed Naibu by the shoulders, Naibu showed a very angry expression.
“Naibu calm down.”
Tsk by doing this I totally shove the blame towards me, but whatever lets it's time to move forward!
Naibu sighed.
“I will remember this Naibu, thinking that you could be intimidating? Ha don’t make me laugh. You are next on my list. Damn do I hate cocky bastards like you.”
Chitsujo clapped in her hands again
“Okay that is interesting but it's time to vote. Who is against the law.”
Takeshi, Fumiko, Jibun and Yumiko raised their hands.
“And against.”
Naibu and Tenshi raised their hands.
“Well that is 50 against 40 points. The law to overhaul a subject’s exam when a mock exam counterpart is caught in Illegal hands.”
Jeez, what a way to phrase it. I almost got a stroke.
“With that said any time a new law gets introduced everyone will be getting a notification, remember if you skip out on a Rule discussion. You will lose the Honor student status which will go the 2nd ranked in your class, and also lose the rights to ever become a Honor student again, meaning that if you do not have the intelligence and drive to become a Star student, you shall always be a normal student for the rest of the year or even till graduation.”
“Okay sure, I don’t care.” Fumiko went on her phone.
Takeshi left with giving Naibu the “I am watching you look.”, Yumiko and Jibun quickly followed.
Wait, I need to talk to Tenshi!
When Tenshi went outside Naibu called out to him and caught up to him.
“What is it, Naibu?”
“Listen I don’t care about your good guy act let’s get that out the way.”
“However, did you know about the article in the Elitaro?”
Tenshi looked around if there were people close by, it seemed that Takeshi, Yumiko and Jibun were already far ahead.
“Yes but for now that’s not a problem, remember I wouldn’t let them ever find out I am evolved as well. If it was just you though… yeah then you would've gotten expelled without me giving a single damn about it. Just know I will deal with it when the time is right.``
Tenshi gave a slight smile.
“I also have good news for you, I shall leave you alone for the time being, be sure to grow because you don’t… You shall perish.”
“I am not scared of you anymore Tenshi, give it your all!”
“Well well showing some teeth huh? Interesting, that’s exactly how I like it.” Tenshi gave a menacing glare. “See you around Naibu.”
With that Tenshi walked off.
Hmmm what time is it? 13:00 PM huh. Only 10 minutes left for the break to be over.
Without Naibu knowing somebody sneaked up on him and gave a hard slap on his back.
“Ow! What the..”
Naibu turned around.
“Yeah, it's me Mr. Traitor.”
Naibu gave her an annoyed expression.
“Hey I am just messing with you.”
Fumiko gave him a few more slaps on the back.
“Stop it! What do you even want from me?!”
“I think the point you gave back then was pretty good, Lisin I like to give people 2nd chances. I’m willing to give you one too.”
“Why though? What is in it for you?”
“Hmm, that's a very distrustful way of thinking. I am just interested in why you would betray your own class like the way you did and think that's a very bad move, however I don’t feel like you are a bad person almost as if something was up.”
“Nothing is up I that of free will.”
“Whatever.. Anyways add me on Bine, it's not a choice by the way. I will keep slapping you if you don’t.”
Naibu sighed and pulled out his phone and got her contact number by scanning her QR-code.
“There we go, is that hard?”
“Yes can I leave now, please I’m begging you.”
“Sure catch ya later.”
Classroom 1A (3:15 PM)
The classes for today just ended and everyone in Class 1A was about to leave when Mizu told them to stop for a moment.
“Everyone, I forgot to mention that the 1st finals are in 2 weeks.”
Minori smirked.
“Good thing I am already prepared.”
“Of course you are, selfish bastard.”
“Listen Shigeru, I don’t care. It's not my fault that you can’t achieve anything on your own.”
Kyoko listened in and put his index finger on his cheek.
“I see you guys are fighting for the 1000nd time. Do remember that we will have to crank up our grade average if we want to stay alive by the end of the year.” He played with his light green hair.
“Well then do it by your own effort.”
Minori walked out of the classroom.
“Man I do like that you speak out more Kyoko, even if sometimes you spit out the most idiodic crap.” He put his arm around Kyoko.
“Haha thanks Shigie. I mean we are only 9 people now so it only makes more sense to bond more, don’t you think?”
Fujimura walked over to join the conversation.
After the conversation got stranded, Fujimura slapped his pale cheeks.
“Guys I got an idea what if we do a study session together as a class whose in, of course Naibu being count out.”
You know what time to continue my role as the traitor.
Naibu walked over to Fujimura so close that his brown and Fujimura’s red eyes were only a few centimeters away from each other.
“I did not remember asking, besides I am fine on my own. There shall be one day where you shall need my help and just like Minori I won’t give it.”
Naibu walked out and gave a quick look at Sawada, she in return only nodded
Yuure, Ai and Hinato agreed to join.
“Well what about you, Sawada?”
“Thanks for the offer Fujimura, but you know I like to do things by myself.”
“Suit yourself, I guess it's just us seven.”
Naibu was walking towards the dorm rooms, he was thinking about what to do next.
I don’t remember having made any notes so I will ask Sawada for them. I hope she helps me out here, plus I have to speak to her about that article in the Elitaro. Nonetheless I don’t think it would add to anything.
With Tenshi deciding to leave me alone for a while gives me room to work on myself, I can’t waste this opportunity…
That’s for sure!
Man this chapter took a while to write and I still feel I didn’t do it justice.
Naibu seemed to have embraced the traitor title, however he doesn’t let himself get pushed around anymore! Chad energy intensifies!
Next chapter is the Vol.2 Finale!
I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and until next time!