Rundown Dojo (09:00 PM)
Naibu was training with Sawada on the mats, She was slowly walking backwards where she gave Naibu orders.
“Front Kick!”
Crap I missed.
Come on!
“Sawada stop dodging it!”
“Of course I am not going to, you think people will stand still in a real fight?”
“I’ll block the next one.” Sawada rolled her eyes. “Side Kick!”
Naibu raised his knee while he also rotated his body by 90 degrees and exerted force extending his leg that was aimed towards Sawada’s torso which she blocked by using the palms of her hand to catch the impact and pushing his foot away, making both her and Naibu fall on the ground.
“Sheesh good we have these mats now to break our fall.”
“Yeah, you pack quite a punch nowadays. I raised you well.” She smiled.
Naibu’s face changed into a dry expression.
“I thought my parents raised me but I guess I was wrong.”
“Yep, I am going to get some water real quick.”
Sawada walked over to the refrigerator and took 2 water bottles and returned.
“Take it.”
Naibu took the bottle, opened it and drank some.
“You know sometimes you are very weird. One time you nag me all day and at other times you seem a bit happy, what's going on?”
“Naibu, are you a damn idiot? Do you think I am some kind of tsundere or whatever, just because I read books and don’t like hanging out that much, I’m automatically an asshole?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Like come on I am a real person and real people can change in moods. Let me be proud of myself, I’m awesome after all.”
“Sure be proud all you want.”
Naibu moved his water bottle around, he seemed to be deep in thought.
‘Tell me what's on your mind.”
I guess I can finally talk about it with her.
“Did you see the article in the Elitaro?”
“Yeah but I don’t really have anything to say about it.”
“Ah I see, because I spoke with Tenshi. He said we don’t have to worry about it and that he will deal with it when the time comes.”
“Seems like the best choice, besides we can’t really do anything about it since the situation was entirely played in his hands.”
Sawada signaled Naibu to give his bottle that he quickly finished drinking, where she threw them away in the trash can that was next to the entrance.
“Shall we go?”
Wait, I remember something!
Naibu quickly moved over to her.
“Can you give me your notes? Please, I beg you, I haven't really had time to do it myself.”
Sawada sighed.
“You are useless, stupid and brainless pig after all.”
“Hey, was the insult really needed?!”
Sawada widely opened her eyes which quickly returned to normal, she was clearly annoyed.
“Fine! I’ll send you the notes on Bine.”
“Hahaaaa thank you!”
Naibu was about to give her a hug.
“Back off, shoo. I don’t want a hug from a sweaty and lazy pawn.”
“Are you sure you are not a tsundere?”
“I swear I will kill you on the stop, don't test my patience.” She said with menacing eyes.
Okay I should stop. She will actually end my life at this point.
“Ummm I’m sorry.”
“Let’s just go.”
Monday, Classroom 1A (08:00 AM)
During the past 2 weeks Naibu studied hard and made the tests a week later everything went a lot more calm this time. He confronted the student that always harassed him which caused him to stop his mean ways at least for now.
However none of this was important when all the finals ended and today all the students gathered to hear the results.
Mizu walked in with the papers in her and trew on top of her wooden desk, where she then reached for the pocket that had the remote for the beamer which she used to turn it on.
“Good morning as you can see these are the results of the finals, I will present them from highest to lowest.”
Everyone had their eyes glued to the whiteboard.
1st Naibu Henko 87 Avg
2nd Sawada Gina 83 Avg
3rd Fujimura Sora 77 Avg
4th Minori Oishi 71 Avg
5th Ai Umemoto 69 Avg
6th Kyoko Murayama 64 Avg
7th Yuure Sasao 59 Avg
8th Hinato Furuya 53 Avg
9th Shigeru Sugimoto 51 Avg
“Well congrats everybody passed the finals and Naibu is once again the honor student, but before further discussion lets go over other details. This time everyone has managed to get a Class average of 68 which plus 37 of course being 105 points, the lowest on the rankings. Here let me just show you.”
Class 1B 183 points
Class 1C 165 points
Class 1E 141 points
Class 1D 126 points
Class 1A 105 points
“If you keep this up this class shall be the one that shall be expelled by the end of the year.”
Kyoko was surprised.
“Man we are 21 points behind! How can we ever pass class 1D?”
Fujimura was gritting his teeth and clenching his fists.
“Not happy with the results, Fujimura.”
Fujimura turned around while Naibu gave him a cocky smile.
“The funny thing is that the people that studied on their own got the highest scores, it sucks to have wasted your time doing all this. However, that could never be me.”
“Naibu your stupid taunts don’t work on me.”
“Yeah besides you gotta know your place since nobody asked for your remark.” Kyoko added.
Ugh everything I am having a conversation, it always just goes this direction.
Mizu saw the big arguments coming and over time has just become sick of them at this point, so she decided to slam her desk with full force!
Everybody got startled.
Shigeru got pretty annoyed by it.
“Sheesh, teacher, want us to die from a heart attack?”
“Not my problem, however explaining this next topic is. School vacation is about to start next week and this time it will be a full month trip to Osaka, you will get more information on the NHS app. Now you’re allowed to go and enjoy this 1 week break before the trip.”
Mizu quickly packed her belongings and exited the classroom and the rest followed suit as they didn’t really feel like talking to Naibu, however Kyoko gave him a last stare before he moved out.
Now it was only Sawada and Naibu left, as she walked over to him.
“You either planned this or changed your mind.”
I’m sorry, Sawada, I can't lose my relevance!
“It doesn’t matter you probability is high that you have your own reason.”
“Thanks for understanding.”
Sawada widened her blue eyes looking very menacingly, ready to give a warning.
“However, I don't think you can keep doing this so you shall help me with plan B. If you refuse you get a new enemy. What will it be, Naibu?”
“Of course I will help you with what you have planned next.”
“Great, that was the answer I expected. We will discuss details during the vacation at . Training for this week is canceled, just make sure to do your daily workout okay?”
“Yes Master!”
“Don’t do that please, anyways see you next week.”
With that Sawada walked away and Naibu started to walk towards the boys dorm.
I do not know what I am expecting from this , nonetheless all I can do is prepare for the worst.
Osaka, here I come!
Alright Vol.2 ended on an alright note so here is the Vol.3’s Arc description:
Osaka Vacation Arc: After Tenshi decided to leave Naibu alone for a indefinite time, he finally has the chance to somewhat enjoy his time in Osaka as they got a month of vacation that they can spend there, where he will meet and talk with different people he met during the trimester, but also will be confronted by another detail. The government's equivalent of the elite boarding school shall also be there.
Follow Naibu as he discovers the deeper layers within the people around him.
Welp I will start outlining now, chapters will be released when ready, I hope you enjoyed this Volume and see you around for the next one!
P.S: Vol.3 shall the last main volume that will clearly have characterisations, character dev and plot set up as main focus anything from that point will clearly execution for everything. So if please enduring for 1 more volume so that the juicy stuff can start lmao.