Prologue [5] – The Two Lieutenant Commanders…
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[1680 Words]
All the marines were in a formation preparing themselves for the worst, the two marine officers, Bran and Kristen were standing at the middle of the marines.

Almost 70% of the Marines were standing here and second after second, more and more marines were adding themselves into the group. All of the marines stood their with fearlessness radiating off them, everyone united with each other gave them a sense of security and belief, albeit false, that they will win even to the ones who barely managed to escape from the tunnel.

As the moment passed, the environment started getting tense. It took some time so some of them even thoughts that maybe Commander Drop managed to win.

But Bran ordered, "Marines! There would be no complacency in executing justice! Don't become careless, stay careful and expect the worst! Unless Commander Drope himself returns from the tunnel, none of you will drop your weapons!"



However, their chant was interrupted by a hurling object and an extremely loud metallic sound.

It was the sound of a metal gate that connected the tunnel and the huge clearing, being thrown at them.

The ridiculously heavy gate was being hurled at the marines at high speeds...





The metal door came hurtling while rotating at the marines in the front, and it was all chaos after it.

The gate crushed marines like they were flimsy dolls, smashing people and killing several dozen people in an instant...

The two lieutenant commanders use their swords and try to stop the incoming projectile as they were near it but because of the mass and the acceleration behind it, they realized that the force was too much to handle for them.

They just barely managed to parry off the gate together into some other direction instead of theirs...

And their move just killed off some more people.

They survived by sacrificing some of their subordinates. They didn't have much of a choice, some people might say that they will do this, they will do that, they will sacrifice their life for someone!

It's easy to say that but incredibly tough in action. Death isn't an easy thing, people carry too many attachments that they are unable to not feel scared if death is near them.

Only someone who has lost his everything would have a chance to not be scared of death anymore or maybe someone who has seen everything, every type of situation, condition, people, and they had stumbled upon the realization...

The true meaning of death...

The two lieutenant commanders might have been incredibly courageous and with brimming justice but in the moment before the gate reached them, they had just fear of death in their mind, fear of consequences of their death, fear of the aftermath of their death nothing more, nothing less.

Their survival instinct acted up and they defended themselves, they just wanted to survive, there was no thought of the consequences of their action.

It was understandable, they had yet to understand the world more, yet to see more of it.

And the gate was stopped after killing many marines in the process, mainly due to the lessening of the momentum of the gate, the gate was lying on a couple of dead, bleeding bodies.

The whole gate was bloodied, some parts of the body slobbered upon it as the marine imprint was filled with blood. It was a horrific situation.

And the man of the moment arrived, Kaiser.

Kaiser had an expressionless face as his clothes had splotches of blood on them, his hands held two marine swords which were dyed in blood just like their current owner.

The swords sharp edge seemed to have turned blunt, but it wasn't a problem for Kaiser whose fighting style was focused more on the butchery of his enemy, not only to defeat them.

A war cry roared in the air by the marines, vibrating the building itself due to the gusto that was packed in it.

And all hell broke loose. The marines stampeded towards their enemy, not caring about what would happen to them, their every movement and action materialised malice, fear, anger, dread, despair, determination and a multitude of other emotions springing up due to their chaotic state of mind.

Still they continued towards their enemy, presence of another person is a great push for someone. Humans inherently do better when they have a partner, they have always been social animals.

In this situation, the courage, the willpower and the determination was bolstered by the presence of other people around them. They had begun to believe that they might be able to win, no, they will win!

That's how human's mind works, they begin to believe in something, they might have thought was impossible.

The power of belief... It was truly something else.

Kaiser looked at the marines with an unperceivable expression as he vanished from his place, in an instant.

For just one tenth of the second, the marines who had a view of Kaiser wondered how he just disappeared from his place.

They got their answer soon enough.

A cry borne out of pain and suffering seared through the atmosphere. And another... another... another... another...

It didn't stop. Second after second, a life was getting snuffed, dreams and hopes were crumbling, regrets were spilling all over the place.

The reason was a rampage, for the marines, it was a rampage of a beast who was out for blood. For the next few minutes, their enemy wasn't a human, but a monster who was out to kill them, relish their innards, feast on their blood, take pleasure out of their screams.

He might have as well been the tortured of hell!







And on and on and on...

It would be like an eternity for some people on the battlefield and for some, it wouldn't be a single moment before their death.

In general, a frog gets stunned before a snake, researchers say that out of fear, frog isn't able to move itself. It doesn't even flail around trying to escape his unfortunate destiny. Just frozen like a statue and then dead by a single bite from the snake.

People have wondered why, why doesn't the frog retaliate, why doesn't it struggle, surely struggling for life is much better than just to give up, right? Right??!?!?

Easy to say for people who have never been in that situation. This frog and snake situation applies here in this conflict, after the starting hit by Kaiser where he immediately butchered some marines like tofu, rest of the marines had an impending sense of doom.

Fear, Helpless Fear resided in their mind, their hands held the swords but their heart has already given up. They were in front of a wall, a humoungous wall that seemed to overshadow their whole existence.

A chill ran down their spine as they stood like statues watching their comrades, friends getting killed...

How cruel life was...

Just then, a resounded through the air, it was Lieutenant Commander Bran, "Don't just keep standing their soldiers! Fight, fight for your family, your lives ones! You need to fight to survive!"

These few sentences almost removed their fears from their mind and made them feel a lot more determined.

Well, you can never go wrong with family as motivation.

[A/N : I want several gifs with the Family - Vin Diesel meme in the last line of the chapter.]

Both the lieutenant commanders dashed towards Kaiser and pursued him relentlessly. He was like a slippery eel, weaving through marines masterfully, as soon as a marine would come in his vicinity, the marine would either have several stab wounds injuring his important organs, a decapitated head, a smashed brain, or cut arms and legs.

Going near him was like meeting the Grim Reaper.

The xhase continued for sometime but both marine officers realised that the more they spurred on to run after him, the more he easily outpaced them.

However, Kaiser knew that the heart of an army was it's leader, remove the leader, the army will fall on its own. Currently, the heart of the army was the two lieutenant commanders.

Kaiser increased his speed instantaneously and moved around in a circle, killing all the marines in that particular area quickly. Then, he stood in the middle as both the lieutenant commanders approached him with furious expressions.

Bran and Kristen, both of them didn't wait for anything as they attacked Kaiser with their swords. Both the lieutenant commanders have been friends since a long time, both of them knew the ins and outs of the other person, it won't be wrong to say that they are almost like brothers.

For such fights, both of them had prepared a way to defeat their opponent. It was to attack at him relentlessly, not giving him an opportunity to retaliate.





Both of them were like a whirlpool, covering their partner's mistake masterfully. However, in front of strength, you can't do anything.

As Kaiser parried them with both of his swords, he dashed at them in a quick second before they could realize. He slashed at both of their arms which they were using for fighting. The arms that had been used by them for all the battles they had fought...

Boom... Their arms flopped on the floor like a dead fish, Bran looked at the hands which had been removed from their body. Before both of them could do anything, except look at their 'former' body part or struggle to not scream in pain, they were slashed another time.




Each of the commanders were slashed thrice, once acrosse their other arm, and the two removing their legs. Both of them had their both of their arms and legs mutilated horribly. Bran and Kristen looked extremely gory and had a ghoullish image instead of their usual happy image.

Their eyes had determination, hope and willpower receding while anguish was settling in them.

(End of the Chapter)

I hope you are liking the descriptions I am doing in this fight, I have been giving a lot in this.

Mind that this chapter is unedited as I am not currently at home, I will be doing it later. Please inform me if you find any mistakes or something like that.