Chapter 61-70
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Chapter 61


"What should we do now?" Svetlana said as she frowned. The Cliff height is over 40 meters, so it will be complicated to climb back up. In addition to the rugged cliffs, their visibility is also limited due to the lack of lighting.

"We have to find a way to get back up there. I suspect this has been planned; there must be some secret stuff hidden in that building."

Eddie said as he pressed his right arm hard. He is trying to reduce the blood flow because of his injured palm and fingers.

Svetlana came closer to Eddie, after which she took out a bandage.

"You are powerful; if it were an ordinary person, it might have broken his arm if he trying to do what you just did."

"But you're too reckless; what if you fail and end up dead? Love your life, kid."

Svetlana said sharply, her hands slowly bandaging Eddie's injured right hand.

"Hehe, it's better to die with a beautiful woman like you than to live and lose my dignity as a man," Eddie said as he rubbed his nose.

"Hmm-" Svetlana just grunted back; nonetheless, the corners of her lips looked curved.

"Anyway, don't you feel curious about the origin of my powers? I don't share this information with random people, just 'certain' people, you know." Eddie said with a big smile.

The fewer people who know about T-Serum, the better.

"Not interested. Now you have to make a decision; your little girlfriend is still waiting up there." Svetlana retorted with a sneer.

"Hey, that's rude. Is this how you repay your savior?" Eddie's seem speechless.

Svetlana suddenly lowered her head. "You don't understand, Eddie. Until I achieve my dream, I won't focus on anything else."

"I will try my best to fulfill your request. But limited in military matters, I can be your private mercenary if necessary."

Svetlana said calmly, but in her heart, she felt confused... This is all she can give as a token of her gratitude.

"Forget it- If you need help one day, contact me directly. Although I may not help much, I still believe I can protect you." Eddie said with a light smile.

Hearing that, Svetlana was immediately surprised. Had her mind been read by Eddie? "Thanks" Svetlana nodded.

Eddie knows what dreams Svetlana is struggling with. The level is too high for him to control.

The woman's dream wasn't as easy as killing zombies, but the level went into the region and the country. Indeed Eddie wasn't capable of much.

"Get on my back; I'll carry you. There's no time for love chitchat." Eddie has taken out a particular claw-shaped climbing device. It's designed to climb steep cliffs.

"Go to hell!" Svetlana snorted but didn't decline Eddie's offer. A little later, she climbed onto the man's muscular back.


It takes more than five minutes to get back to the top.

Svetlana gets off Eddie's back, they both start tidying up their clothes.

Not far from them, there is a magnificent old building that has been decorated with vines.

That place is nothing but an abandoned hospital!

Zombie dogs, crows, and bees that have been infected by the T-Virus are trying to attack people in the building.

The monsters looked at them as delicious food!




Gunshots continued to be heard from the hospital building. There seems to have been a fierce battle between S.T.A.R.S. and the Zombies.

"The wisest decision we can make now is to retreat. If we want to keep moving forward, we have to get inside that building and make it our defensive wall."

Svetlana analysis what is the best course of action they should take.

"If your boyfriend were in there, would you leave him without hesitation?" Eddie suddenly asked.

"The weak man will never get into my eyes. Also, your nonsense is getting ridiculous." Svetlana frowned. She doesn't like this whole romance thing at all.

"Hahaha, no problem. I'm sure Jill and the others can handle this." Eddie smiled.




A gunshot was also heard from another direction; it looked like an intruder tried to fight a Zombie!

At night, the Arklay mountains are where biochemical monsters are most active!

As for who the intruder was, Eddie had to make sure it was by himself.


On the other hand, the spies from Echo Six. Sienna and Caroline were following the S.T.A.R.S. team secretly also began to be attacked by hordes of Zombie dogs and human Zombies who had been infected by the T-Virus.

Caroline shot those monsters without hesitation.

Sienna knows well that these gunshots might expose their position, but there's no other way. If they want to live, then this is the only way! "Monster, eat my sniper bullet!" Sienna started aiming at the zombies.

In another position, Ada Wong, who couldn't resist her curiosity, finally went to follow where Eddie and the members of the Tactical Team had gone.

Ada Wong breaks through the Arklay mountain range at night using an off-road vehicle.

The vehicle has been modified. Otherwise, the glass might have been broken by Zombie.

"Damn, these monsters are endless!" Ada Wong began to swear; her calm temper had been replaced by anger.

Pulling out her gun, she immediately blew up the Zombie's head, trying to grab the car door.

Eddie, who had rushed towards the sound of the shot, finally saw two of Echo Six members.

Eddie quickly huddled the zombies with the help of his Night Vision.

"Fire in the hole!" Eddie screamed as he threw two grenades at the hordes of Zombies.



Both grenades exploded at the same time. The impact of the explosion killed the hordes of Zombies.

"Hey, handsome man. We met again." Sienna greeted Eddie with a stiff smile as if she had been caught red-handed.

Since there's nothing left to hide, she welcomes the man with open arms.


Chapter 62


"Are you so crazy about me that you want to chase me to a dangerous place like this?" Eddie told Sienna.

"Okay, joke time's up. I've saved your life; get out of this dangerous area. Don't forget to buy me a burger later."

"Hey, you're dreaming too high; I'm not trying to chase you-" Sienna wouldn't admit this.

"Okay, okay, 'I know you're not chasing me,' so now you two better go," Eddie said in a sarcastic tone.

"There's nothing to explore here; I'll talk to you both later."

"You have no idea how dangerous these monsters are; it's better to go home before you become like them." Eddie handed them one flashlight, after which he turned around while waving his hand.

"Wait, take this!" The woman who had previously kept quiet immediately shouted at Eddie. Caroline handed a rocket launcher to him.

If you often play Resident Evil games, you definitely know how powerful these weapons are. No zombie can't be killed with a single RPG! If there were, there wouldn't be more than two.

Eddie was a little surprised, not to say that this woman dared to carry such a dangerous weapon.

"There is still three more ammo here; you can use them whenever you like."

"Party Girl, let's go back." Caroline didn't call her friends by real names but by their respective code names.

(Party Girl is Sienna Fowler's code name)

"We'll go first then. Handsome, thank you for your help."

"Remember, I'm not trying to chase you... I'll treat you to dinner when you get back to Raccoon City!"

Sienna immediately stepped on the gas pedal and left using her vehicle.

What a wise choice, if they continue to stay in this area, their lives will not be guaranteed.

It could be they just came home with a name.


This beautiful Indian woman is really fierce; her gift is fantastic. Eddie was given an RPG with three extra ammo!

It's just that Eddie was so surprised, having a weapon this powerful; why wasn't she used in the first place?


Once they felt safe enough, Sienna stopped the pace of her vehicle. "This distance should be safe enough. Let's gather some intelligence evidence."

"Roger that!" Caroline was the first to jump out of the car.

As her feet stepped on the ground, a Zombie dog immediately rushed to bite the woman.


With reflexes, Caroline immediately slashed the dog's neck. Separating his head from the limbs.

Caroline kills the enemy with only one move. Moreover, she does it at a very close distance!

Caroline's experience as a striking force is not a joke. Her action is not the result of luck, but a real experience!

Team Echo Six is a special forces team capable of fighting real danger; if not, how can they fight a Tyrant?

Sienna got out of the car and immediately pulled out her special weapon; she started targeting monsters that were beginning to pop up.

"How dare you want to scare me? Eat this hot bullet!"




Her slender fingers instantly pulled the trigger. Every bullet immediately drove towards every head of the Giant Frog that had mutated with the T-Virus!


Back to Eddie.

Svetlana was surprised when she saw the two women; she said, "The two women are not as weak as you see, especially the one who gave you the Bazooka; she looks very well trained."

Svetlana said to Eddie.

"I know; they're employed by the military. I honestly don't know how they even got here." Eddie nodded; he continued, "Since they've left, they won't delay our mission."

Eddie immediately put the 14-kg RPG on his back with one hand, as if he was lifting cotton.

"Why? Are you curious about my relationship with one of those women?" Once again, Eddie starts flirting with Svetlana.

"Disinterested, none of your business is mine. I'm just a guard." Svetlana tried to dodge the bullet. Although she is curious about those two. But, she doesn't really care about Eddie's relationship with other women.

Eddie just smiled and didn't talk back.

As the first presidential candidate with the highest authority in the future, Svetlana is obviously not easy to fool around with.

Eddie started looking in the direction of somewhere. Seems to found something.

Ada Wong running fast on heels.

Because this forest area does not have a smooth path, which makes it challenging to run.

Behind her, two Zombie Dogs chased after her.


Ada Wong turned back and shot immediately, but the shot missed and only hit the dog's body this time.

The wound didn't stop the Zombie Dogs; they became even angrier!




When Ada Wong opened fire on the horde of Zombie Dogs, she smelled the stench from behind her back.

The rattling sound of footsteps getting closer!

Ada Wong's feet quickly rested on a tree trunk; she did a Roundhouse Kick right in the air!

Her powerful kick instantly hit right into the Zombie's head, even breaking his neck!


Ada Wong immediately finished the rest of the Zombie Dog, not stopping there.

When she wanted to sigh a sigh of relief, suddenly Hunter-type Zombie shaped as a Lizard Man appeared!

Eddie ran with all his might; within three seconds, he had travelled a distance of thirty meters!

Quickly Eddie pulled Ada Wong away.

Clenching his fist, Eddie's right arm muscles instantly swelled with a precise green vein.

Eddie punched the Hunter straight away; his powerful punch made the monster's body bounce a few meters!


Chapter 63



Ada Wong thought that her death was so close, then she was shocked by the sound of gunshots.

Her waist was wrapped around by a stranger who suddenly appeared. It saved her from a lizard-man-like monster.

When her heart was beating with adrenaline. Ada Wong trying to see who the hell saved her.


In her eyes appeared a familiar figure she was well acquainted with.

The man who saved her was none other than Eddie!


Hunter-type zombies began to recover, running back toward the two figures in front of it.

Jumping high into the air, Hunter widened its mouth and claws, ready to pounce on the man who punched it earlier!

"Cih-" Eddie sneered at the rash act of the monster. Step back a few steps, Eddie pulls a gun. If he can use a weapon, why fight with a fist?

"Eat this chocolate candy!" Eddie yelled as he slammed the Hunter-type Zombie with a string of hot bullets.

Even if the scream sounds unnecessary, sometimes you need to vent your emotions.

And, of course, Ada Wong, who saw Eddie's attitude, immediately chuckled.

In this dangerous situation, the man can still act funny. Two seconds later, the monster was instantly killed.

"Huh, what are you laughing at? Did your head get hit by something?"

Eddie lowered his rifle; he saw Ada Wong with a confused expression.

"Why are you going to this dangerous area again? Didn't I tell you not to come? Especially at night like this!"

Eddie looks angry.

"Who are you to stop me from doing this and that? Also, I came here because I was purely lost!" Ada Wong saying playfully. As an independent woman, surely she will not bow to men easily!

"I don't know if you are sloppy or stupid. You think this dangerous area is what? An amusement park?" Eddie said as he raised his eyebrows.

"Sorry handsome man, we're not too close. I have no obligation to answer your question, understand?" Actually, Ada Wong is also distraught. If there was a better option, she would never go to this place!

The information she wants is hard to come by. Huh, if G-Serum is so easy to get, then she would be out from Raccoon city by now.

"It's my responsibility to protect the people of Raccoon City. I warn you again, never come back to this area, try to remember that."

"Hurry back. I still have a job to do."

Eddie waved his hand and prepared to leave.

Just walked two steps, Ada Wong has intercepted Eddie. "How could you let me go back on my own? I met a giant monster just now; my car broke down too. You want me back on foot and alone?"

Eddie, who didn't want to hear any more of this thing, immediately handed Ada Wong a backpack-like device. "I'm not taking you on this mission. If you insist on coming along, you will die."

"Take this device, fly towards the villa in the northeast, about ten kilometers from this place. Stay there until tomorrow morning, then return to the city."

Ada Wong looks confused; why was he suddenly given this backpack-shaped device? Before she could ask what this device was, her body was taken flying by it!

It turns out it's a portable device that can make her fly.

During her agent career, she'd never seen anything so sophisticated.

It made her fly so high that she couldn't say goodbye to Eddie.

After trying to get used to it for a while, now Ada Wong feels she can control it better.

"Eddie @#!#!"

Ada Wong trying to tell Eddie something; too bad her voice can't be heard by that guy.


Svetlana was standing firmly by Eddie's side carrying a machine gun. Looks indifferent to the surroundings.

"Let's go inside the hospital building; there's still a monster we have to finish there."

His meeting with Echo Six and Ada Wong made him sigh heavily.

These women are very troublesome; they even dare to go to a dangerous place like this. Is information more valuable than their lives? Are those zombies not scary enough to make them think twice?

Eddie just feels speechless.


Chapter 64


Inside the abandoned Arklay forest hospital, a man appeared who walked carrying a giant ax. He walked very slowly; when a bullet was fired at his body, it splashed and didn't seem to hurt the mysterious man.

"Wtf? Is that even possible?!" Joseph yelled unbelievably; the bullet he fired had no effect on the monster.

He thinks that today is the worst day of his life! From the beginning until now, he has always had this serious problem.

"Joseph, get out of there!" Barry yelled at his friend. Barry pulled out a Magnum gun and immediately aimed at the ax-man and shot.

The ax man immediately bounced away because of the bullet effect; dark blood began to stain the floor.

If an elephant can't hold this gun bullet, what chance does the ax man have to tank it?

"All done!" Barry put the gun down.

"No, none of this is over yet. There are still monsters out there. Also, there must be a secret hidden in this abandoned hospital." Enrico disagrees, but through his experience, there must be something hidden in this place.


Suddenly a figure jumped from the window.

"Don't shoot; it's me, Eddie!" Eddie landed elegantly, followed by Svetlana behind him.

"Eddie! Glad to see you're okay."

Jill approached Eddie with a smile on her face. She was apprehensive about the safety of her boyfriend. Even though she believed Eddie could survive, her anxiety couldn't disappear.

Because Eddie survived, now she's feeling so relieved.

"I'm okay. Jill. So this is the hospital Alyssa was talking about?"

"It looks like this hospital is closed due to some illegal actions. Although not inhabited for a long time, I'm sure there's still a secret left in this building." Eddie said earnestly.

"So all the monsters we've faced are from this building? Can't we just go back home?" Brad said with a frightened expression. Seeing all these zombies is making him horrendous!

"Not before our task is completed. Make a group, then split up. We will reconvene at the appointed time. Don't split up."

Wesker gave a quick order.

Honestly, Albert has an intense curiosity about this place. He felt there was something here that was specially made for him...

Eddie immediately chose to group with Jill and Rebecca. Alyssa and Svetlana automatically joined, so the five of them acted together.

The five-headed straight for the top floor. Some geckos who had been infected with the T-virus were shot straight by Eddie.

"S-someone there!"

Rebecca pointed toward the hallway.

"Be careful; the person may be a monster!" Jill stopped Rebecca, who wanted to get to the guy.

On the other hand, the beautiful reporter, Alyssa, looked around in a daze; "Wait, I remember this place; I came here once. Agh- my head hurts..." Seconds later, Alyssa felt a headache.

Eddie approached Alyssa while taking out a vitamin tablet. "Chew this; you'll feel better."

Alyssa immediately took the vitamin and chewed it. A moment later, her headache began to subside; "I remember this place. About five years ago, my work partner and I came here to investigate rumors of murder!"

"Take it easy, don't be so hasty."

"With the five of us, we'll be safe. I'll make sure you're all alive; you can tell me as you walk." Eddie's alertness is starting to increase.

Alyssa looks at Eddie with gratitude. "After that, we were confronted with an attack of a woman; she looked like a living corpse."

"She attacked my partner, Kurt. The man held her with all his strength and told me to run. After that, I lost my memory and was fired from the newspaper."

"Attacked by the undead? Who is that woman? Why is it happening in this building? We need to investigate." Rebecca asked all sorts of pointed questions.


At the same time, the masked man who had previously been shot by Barry walked down the hallway carrying his ax.

If ordinary people see this, they'll run and piss on their pants!

Abandoned buildings plus mysterious men with creepy figures. Isn't this a horror combo?

Eddie, who saw the ax man coming, felt goosebumps.

But outside, he seemed pretty calm. As a man, he must not act afraid, let alone in front of four beautiful women!


The ax-man swung his ax firmly at Eddie.

Eddie immediately responded with an evasive gesture. Leaning forward, his hands began to clench tightly and immediately hit the man's arm!

The man retreated a few steps, after which he recovered.

Eddie's attack is powerful; if he had hit an average person, maybe his bones would have cracked by now.

But this ax guy is different; Eddie feels like he hit a piece of steel!

Seeing that the trick didn't have much effect, Eddie immediately ran and kicked right at the man's head.

"That ax man is strong, his body just as hard as steel."

Eddie said as he retreated towards his team again, "It seems his body has been strengthened by something; better watch out."

Rebbeca took the gun and immediately targeted the man's body. *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* Rebecca's shot made the monster stop moving for a while.

"Be careful; previously, the man had been shot with a Magnum bullet. And he still survives!"

Rebecca said, sweat starting to flow on her brow.

Eddie has calmed his emotions; he's no longer afraid. He knew that he was unlucky; meeting with one of the most powerful monsters in this building was unfortunate.

The ax-man is none other than Al Lester or Albert Lester. The old man who had previously guided them to this abandoned hospital.

The man has been infected with plant spores. Before the plants in the lower hall are killed, then this ax man will not be defeated!

Eddie ran closer; his concentration had increased rapidly. The ax swung by Al Lester seemed to be slowing down.

Eddie avoids it easily. Tightening his leg muscles, Eddie kicked the man's weak spot brutally.

Little brother's destructive kicks were deployed by Eddie with all his might!

"Yeah!" Eddie shouted when he launched his lethal kick.




The ax-man began to howl loudly. Looks pretty angry.

Svetlana and Jill are entertained by Eddie's actions. In this gripping atmosphere, the man could still make them giggle.

As an ordinary human being, it's natural to be afraid. The difference is that some overcome their fear, and some drown in it.

Jill grabbed a red bomb. "Eddie, back off!"

Eddie nodded smacked back at the man, after which he immediately rushed back quickly.

Jill threw the grenade right at the ax-man. Instantly, the bomb exploded, followed by a blazing flame!

No matter how powerful the Zombies are, they won't survive being burned alive!

In addition to killing the plant that was the source of the ax man's power, another weakness of the axman was the fire. It's fantastic that Jill could come up with this solution so quickly.


Chapter 65



The axeman roared loudly as the fire began to overflow his body. Step by step, the monster retreated while trying to dampen the fire.

Eddie certainly won't give his opponent a chance. Grabbing the light rifle he had, Eddie instantly spent the whole bullet!

The monster kept screaming loudly, because of the bullet effect, it cornered and finally fell from the top of the balcony!

"Is everyone okay?"

"That monster is the real deal," Eddie asked his group while swinging his numb arm several times.

Rebecca rushed towards Eddie with the medicine; "Eddie, your hand is bleeding; the bandage needs to be replaced immediately. Better not to get infected..." Rebecca removed the bandage previously put on by Svetlana, replacing it with a new application.

"It's okay, just a tiny cut. See? It's almost closing, isn't it?" Eddie showed his almost healed wound, not hurt, just a little numb. These kinds of minor injuries can heal at a fast rate.

"There are so many monsters in this abandoned hospital. Is it possible that all cases of people disappeared so far are the result of the axeman? Why is he doing this?" Alyssa said in a bewildered tone.

"Maybe they're looking for prey to make as crop fertilizers? Have you not noticed the lush vegetation around the building?"

"I'm pretty sure, without this plant, the whole building might have collapsed a long time ago," Eddie said while stroking his chin.

"You may be right..." Alyssa also thinks the same.

"Then let's continue our investigation; the secret of this place must be dismantled immediately!" Jill took the gun and started leading the way.

A Zombie waited behind the door when she entered another room. Jill quickly kicked the Zombie's body, then shot him in the head with a gun!

"What exactly makes them like this?" Rebecca can't stand this brutality.

As the youngest and most inexperienced member, she tries hard to adapt. All these things make her a little nauseous.





A loud strange voice was heard.

"Be careful!" Eddie pulled Rebecca aside. Suddenly the ceiling of the building collapses!

A gigantic scorpion appeared before them; the monster was so giant that it almost covered the entire room.

That monster is nothing but a scorpion infected by a T-virus; its name is Stinger!

Rebecca immediately felt limp! Just now, she almost died; if there was no Eddie, maybe she's dead now.

"Stay back; this monster is more dangerous than the axeman!"

Svetlana shouted a warning.


Jill lifted her gun and pulled the trigger.

The bullet that hit Stinger's shell instantly bounced away!

This situation is hazardous; the shell is so robust that it can bounce a bullet. Jill started sweating, her head dizzy as she tried to figure out a way to defeat the monster.

Those pairs of giant hooks can cut through steel. Especially the poisonous tail, if pierced by that, people will die instantly!

The attack that suddenly hit Stinger's body started to upset them. Stinger then stared straight at Jill, after which she raised its tail high and began to stab!

Jill immediately snapped Alyssa aside, avoiding Stinger's deadly attack.




Eddie and Svetlana are trying to damage the monster with a rain of bullets.

"Shoot the tail; it's the weakest part!" Svetlana instructs Eddie to shoot at Tails.

Compared to the hard shell of its body, its tail lacks much protection, which makes Stinger the most vulnerable part.

Eddie and Svetlana's rifle firepower immediately rained down on Stinger's tail. Svetlana's aim was very accurate; every shot successfully hit bottom, even when the seat was swinging nonstop; this did not make Svetlana miss.


After receiving a rain of bullets from the two, Stinger's large tail was immediately severed. Blood splattered into the room. Now the room was filled with pungent fishy smells.

"Jill, step back; I'll use RPGs!" Eddie shouted loudly.

Jill was shocked, not to think that her lover had a deadly weapon like a rocket launcher.

She immediately nodded; holding Alyssa's hand, Jill and the beautiful reporter immediately retreated.


Rocket shells glided fast at the monster. But, when it hit its body, suddenly its hooks caught the rocket launcher!

Eddie, who saw this, not only stood still; he put an empty RPG on his back; Eddie grabbed two beautiful women into another room.

Once it felt far enough, Eddie immediately shot right at the rocket clamped by Stinger.


And, of course, a loud explosion was immediately heard.

The effects of the explosion even made part of the building collapse. The body of the giant scorpion immediately exploded into pieces, igniting the burning flames around it.


Chapter 66


The members of the Tactical Rescue Team have been scattered everywhere; there's no time to support each other.

Everyone is busy with their own resistance. Some fight mosquitoes the size of humans; others fight frogs, bees, crows, and other biochemical monsters!


"Everyone, go to the basement quickly; I met something extraordinary!" Wesker used a small communication device to ask for reinforcements.

It's been more than ten minutes since he's been chased by an ax man with invincibility! This room was so narrow that it almost got him slammed by the ax-man.

Although he was not a person who liked to ask for help, the situation exceeded his abilities this time. Therefore, he put aside his embarrassment and ego and immediately called out another member.

The infected ax-man had lost his mind; he kept attacking like a maniac.

When Wesker's bullet hit his body, it would instantly bounce and not hurt the monster.

The other side.

Eddie, who heard Wesker's hasty voice from behind the earphones, chuckled.

It's really unexpected; a man of Wesker's caliber can still encounter this embarrassing situation!

"Eddie, what are you laughing at?" Rebecca looked at Eddie with a confused expression.

"Maybe he's been planning to target you. That smile is so distinctive, even he showed it to me." Said Svetlana, her eyes squinting as she said while snorting.

"Eh? What are you talking about, Miss Svetlana? How could Eddie have planned such a thing." Rebecca said with a shy expression. 'Does this have something to do with when that man saved me?'

"Ladies, please stop gossiping about me. I laughed because of Wesker's call." Eddie raised one of his eyebrows. Feel tickle about Rebecca and Svetlana's discussion.

"Let's go downstairs. Wesker has been waiting for our help."

"When this mission is complete, I will invite you to a cafe. We can talk all we want later." Eddie patted Rebbeca and Svetlana on the shoulder.

Eddie and the four women walked through every hallway. As the floor to the basement was closing in, Alyssa suddenly found something; "Wait, this is the private room of the owner of this hospital. There must be a diary that can help us."

"Then look for it." Eddie nodded.

Honestly, Eddie doesn't like writing diaries himself, much less writing things about something so important. What if someone tries to read it?

But if it was the enemy, or anyone else, Eddie wouldn't complain. Wouldn't this be a good thing if his enemy wrote something important in the diary? Kekeke~

"Oh, I found it!" Rebecca suddenly screamed, but not too loudly.

In her hand was an old book that had previously been placed next to a broken window.

Instead of reading it, Rebecca unconsciously hands it directly to Eddie. It's like Eddie's the one with authority in this group.

Eddie received the notebook and opened it immediately; "It looks like the owner of this hospital received a 'medicine' from the mysterious' company. At that time, his wife had a complicated disease to cure, supposed to be the same type as cancer."

"The man used the medicine to cure his wife. His wife slowly recovers, but..."

Eddie said slowly.

"But what?" Rebecca felt very curious.

The reporter, Alyssa, begins to remember something but still remains silent while looking at Eddie. Want to hear the rest of the story.

"But the man discovers that his wife is starting to act strange. His wife's hunger increased; even raw meat was eaten."

"On several occasions, his wife also began to attack every employee in this hospital. A couple of weeks later, the man received an interview; the interviewer was Alyssa."

"Shortly after the interview, the hospital was immediately closed due to many complaints." Eddie closed the notebook and handed it to the others.

Everyone, in turn, looked for a moment; even Svetlana was no exception!

Alyssa looked down, apparently thinking of something; "Do you think his wife's change has anything to do with the medication previously given by the mysterious company?"

"I think the ax man hunted animals and humans to satisfy his hunger."

"Wait, is the ax man a 'she'? The wife of the owner of this hospital?" Rebecca said in wonderment; something seemed to be wrong.

Jill flipped the notebook back and forth. "I don't think so; the ax-man should be a man. If we keep investigating, maybe we'll find out later."

Jill shook her head. This case is more profound than they thought.

"Of course, the drugs received from the mysterious company cause these crazy things." Eddie stroked his chin a few times.

"Isn't Umbrella the biggest pharmaceutical company? Did it come from Umbrella?"

Alyssa suddenly stared at Eddie.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I'm just an employee; how do I know this kind of thing."

"After all, there are still other big pharmaceutical companies besides Umbrella; take the Shen Ya company, Tricell, etc.," Eddie said with a shrug.

"I trust Eddie. Surely he doesn't know this." Jill said, trying to help her boyfriend.

"Calm down, Miss Jill, I don't doubt Eddie myself. I know he's a good man; my hunch says that."

"Anyway, we have to investigate this to the fullest extent; I can't let my partner sacrifice in vain!" Alyssa had made a unanimous decision, her eyes emitting an aura of 'desire' that vigorously fluttered.

"All right, ladies. Let's talk about this when we have time; we need to get going. Also, staying in this bleak room is very uncomfortable." Eddie started leading his group.

Since he first met Alyssa, the plan has been to pull her to his side; why? Because Alyssa will be accommodating in the future. Don't forget, her skills as a reporter are amazing!

When Eddie, Jill, and the others reached the lobby on the first floor. The walls that were previously covered by many vines have been blown up!

Wesker and Enrico were seen fighting with an ax man whose face was covered by the fabric.

On the other hand, a large spore plant was seen waving its body. That plant is trying to hurt a member of the S.T.A.R.S.!


Chapter 67


"What the fuck is going on?" Eddie was the first one to come in, looking very surprised.

"Be careful; we don't know what kind of monster this is. The plant can absorb our blood!"

"Rebecca, come and help us!" The sniper said.




The bullets fired didn't affect the plant. The bark was so thick that it could withstand the bullet's impact!

"What are you waiting for? Throw the fire grenade at it; it will not survive the fire!" Eddie yelled at the members of the team who fought the plant.

Eddie was speechless; why didn't this so-called 'elite' think of this solution from the beginning?

Since they're still busy shooting, Eddie helps them by throwing a firebomb at an infected plant.


A firebomb explodes, causing a blaze to devour. The monster plants are instantly on fire!

Its supposed impregnable defense was immediately seen cracking, unable to withstand the blaze that devoured its body!

Other members who saw this trick work immediately threw a fire grenade at the monster. Blowing up the plant's body into nothingness!

On the other hand, the sniper was still busy shooting at the axeman in a hurry.

Each such shot retreated the ax man's body. This is expected because the firepower of a sniper bullet is greater than that of any other light weapon.

Wesker, chased by the axeman from the beginning, immediately punched the monster in the head with a furious expression.

The fabric that had previously covered Al Lester's face had been torn. The S.T.A.R.S. member who saw this was immediately shocked; 'Isn't that the man who previously guided us to this abandoned building?'

Alyssa, who saw the man's familiar appearance, immediately exclaimed, "H-he is the one! He's the owner of the hospital that created this situation. His wife turned into a monster and killed my partner, Kurt!"

Alyssa felt very emotional. She had remembered everything; the demonic appearance in front of her had restored all the memories she had forgotten.

"Hahaha... You'll all be my wife's food... I won't let you go alive!" Al Lester said with a terrible smile.

"You son of a bitch, so you're the mastermind of all this shit. Why don't you eat this bullet and go to hell!" The good guy Barry Burton immediately shouted while swearing. Of course, this does not surprise others. After all this crisis situation they experienced in the first place, knowing who the actual perpetrator is will definitely make them very angry! Barry included!

Eddie was stunned for a few moments. No wonder, at first, Eddie doubted if Moira was really Barry's daughter or not.

Since Barry always acts with a good guy aura, Eddie is a little skeptical about whether or not Miora is Barry's wife's illegitimate daughter.

But, in the end, all of this was answered. Once Barry cursed, he did it very skillfully! Father and daughter are not so different.




Using a particular bullet, Barry shot the remains of the surviving plant. Burn them instantly.

Seeing this, Al Lester yelled angrily, "How dare you to hurt my wife!" Albert Lester took the ax.


Eddie suddenly opened fire at the man's foot.

As soon as he fell, Eddie didn't stop; he shot at the side of the man's stomach many times. That part is none other than the tax man's weak spot.

A few moments later... Since the plants holding down the building have been destroyed, the building has lost its support and immediately vibrated tremendously.

"My dear, I will never leave you again." Al Lester, helplessly lying on the floor, said as he stared at the charred plants on his side.

Wesker, Enrico, and the other members who heard Al Lester's speech were confused.

But the tremendous shock of this building immediately woke them up from the daze.

"We need to get out of here!" Wesker shouted.

The walls of the building are starting to crack.

Eddie immediately pulled Jill, Rebecca, and Alyssa out.

"Run, this place will collapse!"

Everyone no longer dares to stay in the building. If they insist on staying inside, then the roof of the building will overwhelm them. Surely this thing will make all of them die!

Kenneth was the last one out of the building. A few seconds after he got out, the building collapsed!

As for Al Lester, he remained in the building and got buried in it.

Dawn has arrived. The morning sun had shone upon parts of the Arklay forest.

It's been almost seven hours since they fought in this dangerous area, and they don't even realize how much time they've devoted to this mission.

"Huh... Very troublesome. Too bad we can't take that guy as evidence." Enrico sighed deeply. If the team returns without any evidence, this will be a problem.

But, suddenly, Eddie's voice was heard; "Is this included as evidence? This book is the diary book of the axman."

"It is said that; all these events occurred after he received a drug from the mysterious company that contacted him." Eddie handed the notebook to Enrico.

Enrico, who read the book, immediately frowned. This case is so deep that it is related to the affairs of the state!

He immediately handed the notebook over to Wesker to let the man decide.

On the other hand, Wesker, who read the note, immediately raised his eyebrows.

Is the mysterious drug-giving company is Umbrella? He could use this information for his future dealings with the Umbrella's enemy company.

Compared to what will happen in the future, this incident at the Arklay Forest Hospital building is nothing but a small game.

There may be other centers that house more monsters and zombies that are stronger than what they just faced.

Does any of this have anything to do with Marcus' figure being seen in the mountains of Arklay?

When it comes to Marcus, of course, Wesker is very vigilant.

He was the one who took part in the man's murder. If the man is resurrected, won't he avenge him?

Wesker had to prepare something to protect his precious life...


Chapter 68


"I'll talk to Chief Iron about this. Check the circumference, then you guys can rest for a while."

"We'll return to the city when the sky is brighter." Wesker secretly kept Al Lester's diary book.

'Eddie, what's your real plan?' Wesker narrowed his eyes; the search mission to the hospital made him more interested...


Everyone has gathered, each examining every wound they have sustained. There were bruises, scuffs, and some minor scratches; you could say they all survived!

Except for Brad. Recently, he was entangled by the infected plant; no one knows if he was infected or not. But he still seems to be okay.

Eddie handed everyone a sweet cookie."Eat, not much, but it can still replenish your stamina."

"Haha, thank you so much, Eddie. By the way, where did you get that Bazooka?" Kenneth received the sweet cookie Eddie happily gave him, after which he asked about the RPG.

"Oh, I got it on the trip. Looks like someone left the weapon on purpose." Eddie's lying.

"Someone deliberately left it?" Enrico was astonished; the reason sounded a little... Made up, right?

"I think it's normal; the environment in this area is hazardous. Maybe someone left that weapon as a backup? Considering so many monsters, someone will try to keep a gun like those rocket launchers."

Wesker's trying to help Eddie.

"I don't know, maybe today is just my lucky day. I'll try to buy a lottery ticket when I come back!" Eddie smiled as he nodded toward Wesker.

Both of them knew what the others didn't. In other words, they're both trying to help each other and cover things up; this is all business!


After crossing a broken bridge, the tactical Team is back at their helicopter landing site.

By the time they got there, it had looked that the helicopter had been abraded on several fronts. Like it had been attacked by zombies. This is evidenced by the broken windshield.

"Brad, you and Dooley are fortunate. If you two decided to stay in the helicopter, maybe you'd be dead by now." Edward teased his two friends with a smile.

His two friends only replied with a sigh of gratitude.

"Brad got hurt. Edward, you will take his place as a pilot." Enrico said while checking the helicopter; he then gave the order.

Honestly, Wesker can pilot a helicopter. But because he holds the position of leader of this joint Team, of course, he received special treatment.

Team Bravo and Team Alpha are starting to leave the Arklay forest area by helicopter. Slowly heading towards Raccoon City.


After the Tactical Team left, the Echo Six, Sienna, and Caroline went to the ruins of the hospital building.

They started collecting some samples.

They don't have to worry about coming home empty-handed with these samples. At least they can report their mission more casually.

Elite Team outside Echo Six may not know about the serum. Only a few people in the world know about the Super Serum project.

Include big companies that have a relationship with Umbrella.

The other side.

Ada Wong staying at Eddie's villa for the night. The next day she filled the jet-pack that Eddie had been given with fuel, after which she flew back to Raccoon City.

Not forgetting to collect some critical samples before she leave the area.

This sample will sell to the black market at a high price!


S.T.A.R.S. has returned to Raccoon City. Due to their intense mission, they decided to immediately disperse and return to their homes.

Jill and Eddie are the same. After saying goodbye to other members, they immediately plugged the gas into the apartment where they lived.


Eddie has undressed his upper body inside Jill's apartment, showing a solid greek-god-like muscular body.

"Uh... Home sweet home..." Eddie leaned against the couch as he breathed a sigh of relief.

After a tiring mission, indeed, he wanted to relax his body and muscles.

Jill's still in the bathroom right now.

Eddie decided to turn on the T.V, after which he looked for channels that looked fun to watch.


Fifteen minutes had passed, and when Jill came out, her face immediately blushed.

"E-Eddie, your clothes..." Jill said, a little stammering.

Even after she's lived with Eddi long enough. But she still can't calm down when she sees her boyfriend's half-naked body.

"Ah, I'm a little hot. So I take my top off, is that okay?" Eddie said as he raised his eyebrows.

"O-of course." Jill nodded with no objection. After that, she walked closer to Eddie. Took a seat just to his right.

'Earlier, I had promised to take care of Eddie when we returned from the mission. Now I have to complete my promise!' Jill gulped, unconsciously clutching Eddie's dragon spear.

"Hmm?" Eddie was a little surprised.

He suddenly felt soft hands around his crotch.

Eddie began to turn his face with a startled expression, staring at Jill's cute face.

"Be quiet..." Jill said slowly, after which Eddie nodded.

Continuing her actions, Jill began to stroke Eddie's little brother from behind his pants. Slowly, Eddie's penis started to harden and also got bigger.

Eddie's underwear can't even cover the splendor of his little brother!

*Gulp~* It's been a few days since they last had sex. Now Jill's lust has been heaped, and she wants to immediately vent this lust with her lover!

"You look so pretty, Jill," Eddie said briefly, praising Jill's body wrapped in black lingerie with blue stripes.

Jill just took off her bathrobe right in front of Eddie. Indeed this makes Eddie's passion even more so!

Jill blushes; it's not the first time she's been praised by her boyfriend. But still, this made her a little embarrassed and also proud.

The stare shown to her was wild, very hot, and lustful! It makes her stomach quiver a little oddly by the butterfly feelings.

Her body trembled with anticipation!

Since her lover's appearance changes, Eddie's body has made Jill more passionate.

Those tight muscles are so luscious. Jill really likes to stroke them, not only hard, but Eddie's skin feels warm and soft too!

'So big...' Jill muttered as her hands began to grope every piece of Eddie's meat stick.

He was sure that many women would envy if they found out how big her boyfriend's penis was. Aside from the incredible size, her lover's performance in bed can't be underestimated either too!

Jill still remembers well the first time she tasted this big thing.

She was so horrified that she thought the dragon's spear wouldn't fit inside her.

Even now, she's still a little scared of how big it is.

Eddie could only smile a little when he saw Jill's expression.

"Do you want to start it now? A long night awaits us..." Eddie whispered right in Jill's ear.

"Umm..." Jill nodded softly. Her vagina has trembled, waiting with unbearable anticipation...


Chapter 69


"Uh..." Jill screamed in shock. Suddenly her body was carried by Eddie and taken directly into her room.

A moment later, her body was lying on the bed. Jill didn't fight back when Eddie held her body with both hands.

Slowly Eddie starts tracing every 'part' that excites Jill with his index finger.

Starting from the red lips, then abs, and finally back towards her two fluffy cotton pieces.

This made Jill even more embarrassed, her heart beating uncontrollably.

Not only did her cheeks flutter, but even her pale neck also changed color like her cheeks.

On the other hand, Eddie still enjoys caressing Jill. Her soft, white skin made Eddie even more passionate.

It was terrific for Jill to have skin as soft as a marshmallow. As an elite soldier, Jill seems to take excellent care of her body.

Eddie's hand started sinking when it touched Jill's breast. Her lean abs muscles also showed beautiful lines that were very sexy.

The body and the feminine scent from Jill really drove Eddie's most profound lust.

Eddie's hand started sliding toward Jill's tummy; while his hand was still playing, he started kissing Jill's cherry lips. His tongue began to play with Jill's. Eddie took off his kiss five minutes later, now targeting her breasts.

Eddie sniffed the sweet scent of the girl's body, and then he snapped one of Jill's pink bunnies.

"Delicious." He whispered as he played the girl's hard nipples.

Jill's face is so red; it's like she's been burned by a hot ember!

Eddie keeps messing with Jill's nipples. Lick, wrap around the areola with a tongue and even suck Jill's nipples as if he wanted to milk her fresh milk.

Meanwhile, Jill grimaces with pleasure by this extraordinary taste. It's a shame to admit that she's getting into this kind of perverted stuff.

Her black underwear had been drenched in the liquid of love, her breath was heavy, and sweat began to soak her body.

The musky scent began to fill the entire room.


Eddie gradually caressed Jill's stomach and thighs gently. He also began to exert some rough bites to add to the lust felt by Jill.

Eddie pulled out the bra with quick movements and immediately threw it aside from the bed.

The breast that had previously been played by his mouth from behind the thin fabric of the bra. Now had been exposed clearly.

Shows two large soft mounds that tremble every time Jill takes a breath.

Eddie pulls Jill's nipples slowly; this view is so sexy that he gulps.

"Prepare yourself..." Eddie suddenly grasped one of Jill's cotton real hard. After that, he decided to suck her nipples mercilessly!

And really, not long after Eddie's mouth hooked up, Jill started screaming out loud with excitement.

Her hand whipped Eddie's hair and pressed his head deeper into the soft cotton.

"Ahhh! Eddie- don't be so rough..." Jill screamed as she bit her lip.

Her nipples have become very hard and sensitive; every lick never fails to make her vibrate from greatness!

Eddie kept licking, biting, and pulling Jill's nipples until she gasped for pleasure.

"Aah~ Eddie!" Jill groaned eagerly. Her hand squeezed the sheet tightly when her eyes were closed because she couldn't handle the perverted treatment of his lover.

This taste is so good that it stops her from thinking.

On the other hand, Eddie's behavior is getting worse. Grabbing both of her breasts, Eddie squeezed the cotton several times until simultaneously directing the two cherry-colored nipples to his mouth.


Eddie kept sucking and biting for over five minutes. Jill, who can no longer endure this sense of pleasure, instantly splashes the fluid of love out of her vagina!

"Eddie, ugh~."

"It's coming!!" Jill clutched the sheets while bridging her thighs.

The liquid of love that she had been waiting for now released!

Slowly Jill opened her eyelids, showing beautiful bluish eyes. Jill began to gently stare at her lover...


Chapter 70


"E-Eddie... Please... Aih~"

"Yes, yes- Keep going~."

Eddie keeps licking Jill's nipples while squeezing her elastic tits. After that, Eddie looked down; Jill's lower lip had invited him to immediately explore the area.


Jill's panties had soaked, beads of sweat also began to emerge from her thighs and abs. Illuminated by the light of a room lamp, the sweat beads look like shiny crystals that add Jill's body appeal to a whole new level!

Eddie descends slowly, his hands stretching Jill's legs and lifting her right towards the shoulder.

The girl didn't fight back and just enjoyed Eddie's treatment. Eddie starts leaving a series of kisses on every part of Jill's thick thigh. Raising her lover's legs higher, the sight of shiny lower lip appeared.

Jill's thigh quality was so impressive that it buried her palm in that supple softness.

Eddie wants to keep squeezing it, but he's gonna put it off for later... Because he wants to make, his lover feel better soon with his spear!

He wants Jill not to forget this sex pleasure for the rest of her life!

Eddie traced the girl's thigh with impatience, and moments later, he grabbed her panties and pulled it out!

"Ahhh~" Jill looked a little frantic. Eddie just chuckled in response to Jill's actions.

"Unn... You're a little rude-"

"Today, Eddie..." Jill said slow, but she didn't have a problem with this. Somehow her lover's rude behavior made her lower lip tremble even more with anticipation. Ready to receive her husband's penis!

Pulling on panties that have been drenched in Jill's love fluids. Eddie adored the shiny thin bridge that was still attached to the underwear.

"What a naughty girl." Eddie chuckled while licking his lips. He threw the panties aside, then stretched Jill's thighs wider.


Jill took a deep breath... Seeing Eddie's vulgar actions made her even more aroused.

In her heart, she shouted, 'Eddie, I can't hold it any longer. Hurry and play my lower lip with your tongue! '

The heat coming from her lover's breath made Jill's legs a little limp.

Eddie's getting closer to the target he wants. Shortly after that, he decided to taste his wife's taste properly.

"Ummm~" Jill immediately covered her face with the palm of her hand; the embarrassment she was experiencing right now made her breathe heavily. From between her fingers, Jill looked at her lover with eyes that had been filled with burning lust.

"Very delicious!"


Eventually, Eddie plays with Jill's sensitive tiny dots; he licks the little pink beads affectionately. On the other hand, his fingers were ready to explore Jill's moist cave with all his heart.

At first, Eddie put one finger in, then two, and finally three. Eddie began to accelerate his finger movements, pushing in and out many times.

It makes Jill's legs tremble.

Eddie's thinking of speeding it up. Releasing his lick in Jill's clitoris, Eddie immediately lifted her legs high with one hand.

His other hand began to shake Jill's inside of the vagina roughly!

Jill started biting her lip; she couldn't stand this powerful stimulus and immediately prepared to squirt again!

"Aahh, ahhh, auhhh!..."

Jill shouted loudly as she tried to cover her mouth. Her lusty moan echoed in the room, her eyes swirled, and her body began to tremble because of the pleasure she was feeling right now.

Eddie pulled his finger out from inside Jill's warm cave. Soon a rushing fountain came out of her lover's hole.

The love water even splashed onto the sheets and the floor.

"Shit. You're getting to enjoy this perverted thing, Jill..." Eddie was amazed at how intense his girlfriend's orgasm was.

Jill was lying limply on the bed. But the fun is not finished yet...


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