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After the Artificial Intelligence K.S. said goodbye. I felt a blackout and all I could see was darkness everywhere.

Until I started hearing a robotic 'sound' in my head, it was different from the Artificial Intelligence K.S. which sounded like a man and a woman at the same time. It seemed to be a junction of the two, and this one sounded like an android robot made by 'Illusion'.

A curious fact... Illusion was a large Virtual Reality and mechanical engineering company.

An idea came to my mind, was I in virtual reality?

[ Negative. With the Trait > Cold Blood < of the host, it is impossible to place it or even manipulate its mind. ]

I guess that's good news... I think.


[ Looking for a compatible body for soul transmigration... ]

[ Body Found! ]

[ Starting Soul Installation! ]

[ 1% ... ]

[ 11% ... ]

[ 21% ...

[ 31% ... ]

[ 69% ... ]

[ 99% ... ]

[ 100% ... ]


As soon as it reached 100%, I felt myself being sucked into a narrow tunnel and at the end of it I could see a white light waiting for me.

Ah, the Transmigration... That crap where a Fake Protagonist steals a body from some extra and steals all the Protagonist's and Heroines' Odds, making as many clichés as possible, and causing the oldest "Epilogue" in history

Exaggerated that I have become like them.

Fortunately, I have neither the interest in that nor the time and emotions to worry about such things.

Was it difficult to simply let myself die?

Actually... Let's see how it all plays out, I can deal with the situation when it comes.

For a brief moment, a thought came to my mind:

''I hope this System at least found an orphaned body, I'm not so interested in pretending to be the son of someone I don't even know.''

For it will be a waste of time to deal with such people.

Quickly what could be called my soul reached the end of the tunnel. I just hope I'm not coming out of someone's ass and ...

I felt heavy, and dizzy, with my stomach wanting to repel everything in it and my head was spinning.

I saw stars everywhere, my body was freezing as if I had just come out of a freezer, and my wrists were burning as if I had been stung by a steel rod.

It felt like someone had beaten me up and...

According to Murphy's Law - "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong at the worst possible moment".

I ended up feeling the worst fucking hangover of my life as Tsunamis of memories began to fill my mind....

''... BLAAAARG'.'

I ended up releasing everything that was in my stomach into the tub...

[ A great pain took over your body. Now you are 'Stunned' ].

[ Your Nature > Cold Blooded< Will Keep You Calm].

[ You are no longer 'Stunned'. You have developed Tolerance to this pain. ]

As I let go of everything inside my stomach, I began to hear the System's voice in my head.

Just be quiet now.

[ Old memories of Aizen Sousuke are filling your mind. Now you are 'Stunned. ]

[ Your Nature > Cold Blood < Will Keep You Calm. ]

[ You are no longer 'Stunned'. You have developed Mass Effect Tolerance ].

I couldn't help but think. 'That's a little annoying actually.

... That pain that I felt all over my body had disappeared as if it didn't exist.

I wasn't dizzy anymore, my stomach didn't want to release everything in it anymore, my head wasn't spinning and I didn't see stars spinning around me anymore.

My body was still cold, I was in a bathtub full of ice water and my blood was splashing in the water.

My wrists stopped burning and this was all a bit of a good thing...

You don't have to be smart or an Einstein-level mega genius to know what happened, this guy, Aizen Sousuke, committed suicide.

''At least he's being useful for something.''

Not only was it somewhat useful, but William still didn't realize or ignore that he could sense not only his sense of taste but also his sense of smell due to him being in a new body.

A loss of Neurosensory senses, such as smell and taste.

Since one of William's only pleasures was eating good food, losing these two senses made him feel as if he was cursed by some God who didn't like what he did.

''You don't have to worry too much.'' The Doctors said, ''Most people recover quickly.''

Lies and more Lies!

Even with the highly developed technology to create scenarios like virtual realities, robots, curing cancer and numerous previously incurable diseases.

He never recovered his sense of smell or taste until the day he died.


Aizen Sousuke, This was the name of the former owner of the body William occupied.

In fact, Aizen Sousuke did not lead a good and pleasant life.

He was bullied at school to the point of being beaten every day, and yet he was ignored by the teachers and students. It wasn't that the people beating him had a powerful past or even rich parents and big shots in society, it was simply that Aizen Sousuke was the son of a prostitute.

It had been two days since Aizen's mother had abandoned him with her new boyfriend who occasionally beat Aizen saying that he was helping him mature and Aizen had silently accepted it all.

He was neither handsome nor intelligent, his grades were average at best.

Due to all this and a few other things In addition to Aizen's long list of 'Traumas', he committed suicide.

He wasn't the main character either, this was the main reason his life sucked.

After all, all the best things happen around the protagonist and the heroines.

There was a lot more that could be explored about him, but there was no reason for any development of a dead character.


Back with our Protagonist who had more importance than a dead person.

Just a few seconds ago, he stood up from the tub, naked and soaked with water and blood on his body.

William looked at himself in the broken bathroom mirror while frowning.

A short, thin young man with hair long enough to completely cover his ears.

This was him. Also in the past, when he was still old William from another world, he had looked exactly like this before the virus appeared.

However, he was not as thin as that in the past.

He was very calm, as he was lost in his thoughts.

William said, ''I can taste it again, why?''

He swallowed his saliva to confirm, that he had just vomited and that it was not such a pleasant taste.

Feeling the bitter taste running down his throat, he frowned.

''What about my sense of smell?'' he said.


He inhaled that bloodstained air and a happy smile broke out on William's face.

''That is a wonderful feeling indeed,'' William said, and his voice trembled with excitement. He had a little habit of talking to himself out loud.

Thinking of all the things he could eat again was making his mouth water.

Because of thinking about what to eat, he almost forgot what he bought: ''Wait... Where is what I bought? It shouldn't be with me anymore.''

[ Room... in bed ]

Hearing the emotionless, robotic response in his mind, William grabbed a towel to cover his bottom and left the bathroom.

Because of Aizen's memories, William knew that this house had only two rooms. Bathroom and bedroom.

The bedroom was more spacious and was used as a kitchen and living room.

William still had the vivid memories of Aizen wandering through his mind, he knew everything about this small, old apartment.

From Aizen's knowledge, William knew that he was in a town called Kuoh.

Exactly in the poorest part of the city of Kuoh. Prostitution, smuggling, drug users, human trafficking, and so on.

The Worst of the World is located in one place.

The room, which was also the kitchen and living room, was 60 square meters, with a small, battery-powered, one-mouth electric stove. Since there was no table to support the stove, Aizen left it on a wooden board that sat on top of bricks.

Unlike a conventional sink, there was a bucket, which was useful for washing cutlery as well as dirty clothes.

A single bed with a snow-white sheet, the bed itself was next to a sliding glass door - At a glance, William deduced that this was a balcony.

And there it was, a small black box made of wood, which seemed to contain a whole universe of stars.

There was no closet to store clothes, instead, Aizen used cardboard boxes to store his clothes.

William returned to the bathroom and stuck his hand inside the toilet and pulled the cork that held water, blood, and vomit inside the toilet, he was happy to regain his sense of smell, but he didn't want to smell that unpleasant odor.

Assuming it was due to his > Heightened Senses < He could clearly discern the smell of water and blood. That characteristic dry, metallic smell of blood, William would never forget that smell in his life.

Without further ado, William approached with quick steps towards the 'Small Wooden Box'. He took the "Black Box" with one hand and, with the other, used it to open it.


William felt his heart beat with anticipation, more like a child with joy at finally having a new toy. A very powerful toy at that.

He began to open the little box, and even a little golden glow was being emitted.

Not wanting to kill his readers with anxiety, William ripped the lid off and threw it on the floor.

Looking inside the box, ten golden rings that looked completely flat at first glance.

However, William knew that these 'Rings' were anything but simple, costing 1 billion karmic points they should not be something so simple...

''Show me something like those screens from before... Analyze.''

[ Affirmative ]


[ Set of the Great Sage Above Heaven and Earth ]

- Information: 'Ten Rings to Master

- Rarity: God

- Type: Accessory

- Effect: Clairvoyance

- Effect: Fire / Water / Air / Earth / Electricity / Ice manipulation

- Effect: Light manipulation

- Effect: Plant Manipulation

- Effect: Time Manipulation

- Effect: Darkness Manipulation.

- Effect: Space Manipulation.

- Effect: Demonic Force Manipulation.

- Effect: Nullification of magic.

- Effect: 72 Demonic Gods.

- Effect Set: Sage Eyes and Sage Longevity.


"I guess it was worth it... He said, although he looked completely calm, he was surprised, but since he was focused, he didn't let it show on his face: ''72 Demon Gods, I think it was Ars Goetia or Demons of Solomon.''

[ Host, it is recommended that for the time being you do not use the 72 Demon Gods and Manipulation of Time, Darkness, and Demonic Force Manipulation. ]

''Mmm, is there anything else I should know?'' asked William.

[ Yes. The host will form a binding contract with the Item, They cannot be removed, sealed, or stolen. Until the day one or the other dies. ]

Ignoring all the drivel and without further ado, William began to put on the first Ring...


[ A binding contract will be made! ]


William ignored the warning and continued pasting the remaining rings accepting the 'Contract'.

[ Contract Accepted by William Hassan Graham! ]

[ Set of the Great Sage Above Heaven and Earth Reveals His True Name! ]

[ The 10 Supreme Rings Above All! ]


As soon as William placed each of the Rings on his fingers... It was very difficult for him to explain in words what he felt.

He had practically acquired the 'Knowledge' of how to use each of the abilities of the Rings. It was like imprinting knowledge directly into his brain.

The world around him seemed to disappear, the only thing that remained was a multitude of colors that he could only describe as a Kaleidoscope.

At first, he thought he would have some kind of 'Rebound' or a big headache from seeing the world differently.

The only thing he could say he was annoyed about was this 'Sixth Sense' that he could sense Magic on a completely Divine and Infinite level with a variety of responses that he could respond to as if he had been practicing magic all his life. As if they were one and the same.


[ Magic Lv 1 -> Magic Lv Max! ]

[ Your Magic Transcended to the Level of a Mortal! ]

[ Your Magic Transcended to the Level of the Gods! ]

[ Sage's Longevity went into effect! ]

[ Debuff: 'Weakness' has been Removed! ]

[ Debuff: 'Low Endurance' was Removed! ]

[ Debuff: 'Physical Weakness' was Removed! ]

[ Debuff: 'Fatigue' was Removed! ]


William ignored all those annoying blue, semi-transparent windows that already knew what was going on.

The effects of the set, Longevity of the Sage, Removes all types of Debuffs and Eyes of the Sage, allows the user to see the world differently.


[ You Acquired: Mana Manipulation ]

[ You Acquired: Meditation! ]

[ You Acquired: Telekinesis! ]

[ Magic Resistance Lv1 -> Magic Resistance Lv Max! ]

[ Magic Immunity Lv 1 -> Magic Immunity Lv Max! ]


William took a deep breath, feeling all that power thrust into his body. On the other hand, for all the knowledge and power he had just acquired, he also felt the presence of "Different Types of Magic" in the city.

If he is not wrong, was it Demonic Magic and a Dragon?

He thought it would be a 'Normal' world, but it seems normal only on the surface. He knows that his power didn't leak any drops so he wouldn't have to worry about demons coming after his head, but even so they were still a concern he should be aware of.

''Aizen, you son of a bitch! Come here now!''

William heard someone knocking on the door wanting to force his way in, if he is not wrong, this was his mother's supposed boyfriend and a wide smile appeared on his face.

In Simple Words... William was still William.

If he didn't have his revenge, he would no longer be William.