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Hank’s consciousness gradually awakened from the endless darkness as he opened what should be his eyes.

‘What’s going on….. where am I?’ Hank inwardly asked himself as his eyes darted around.

He was currently in what seemed to be a giant wet cave that sprawled beyond his sight, with walls like a fortress soaring upwards hundreds of feet. 

Water dripped from the cave’s ceiling like rain, and trickled down the walls in sheets, to gather in small pools. 

It was somehow dark inside and the darkness would be absolute were it not for the soft glow emanating from myriad crystal deposits riddling the floors, walls, and ceiling of the cavernous space. 

They glimmered, violet, turquoise, gold, and every color in between, casting their wavering light across the slate gray stone.

‘Where is this? That’s clearly not my room.’ Hank inwardly thought as he tried to put the pieces together. 

The last thing he remembered was being crushed to death by the concrete ceiling of his apartment while he was laying on his bed jerking off. 

‘How am I still alive?’ He wondered. He vividly remembered taking his last miserable breath. 

As he was living on the first floor, the entire twenty-story building collapsed on him when the earthquake hit, turning him into meat-paste along with the other tenants. It was quite painful as he didn’t die immediately. 

‘It seems like God took pity on me and didn’t want me to die until I have a taste of the forbidden fruit.’ He added.

Being a virgin was his greatest shame and regret. He was already 24 years old. Yet, he never knew what it was like to have sex with an actual woman.

In fact, If it wasn’t for those porn websites, he wouldn’t have even known what a pum-pum or a vagina looked like.

‘Not only that, but my body is also not in pain….and I do not even feel the slightest discomfort? How is this possible?’ He added as he tried to stretch out his arms to inspect his current state. 

However, the moment he did, it was as if he was hit by a bolt of lightning, his heart shivered upon realizing that he didn’t have any arms.

They were both gone. However, that wasn’t all. Whether it was his arms, legs, or head, they were all gone. He didn’t have any of them. 

All gone!

‘What a minute! How is possible for me to open my eyes and see when I don’t have a head? What happened to my body? Do I still have a body?’

Hank was in a state of shock and his mind was reeling with questions that he didn’t have any answers to or no one to answer them. 

As Hank was racking his brain, trying to figure out what was happening to him, a strange and mechanical voice suddenly rang out in his mind. 

[System initialization complete…………..]

[All functions are at 100%…………………..]

Following this, a blue screen appeared in his mind. It hung there in his mind. Solid yet with no real attachment to anything and no real form.

Unnamed Dungeon Core

Level : 0 (0/10)

System Access Level: 0 (O/2) 

[Requirements met to advance: Complete tutorial, reach level 1]

Floors: 0

Mana: 10/10 (regeneration 1 unit/hour)

Available monsters: N/A

Available traps: N/A

Available loot: N/A

Available skills: N/A

Inventory : 0 m³ / 1 m³

[Welcome Young and Newly born Dungeon Core]

[This automated tutorial will guide you through all the features of the system's function while lessening the initial confusion you are no doubt experiencing by answering the most asked questions]