Chapter 9: Ghoul Invasion.
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The sun rose and the day started, Rin walked to the sink with his mug and toothbrush for his morning rites. Humming an old melody back from his original world, he brushed his teeth when he felt someone approach him, and unsurprisingly, it was... DIO, nope, it was Izumo. (Just Kidding)

She handed him the T-shirt and ran away with a furiously blushing face. The morning followed the same routine as the normal schooling and then came the Exorcist's training camp.

The teacher who was responsible for teaching us about the Aria Meister was a french woman with a piggish look, well, a piggy decorated with lots of jewelry, but that did not help with Rin's distaste of her, especially her nasal accent that somehow reminded him of those french chefs who scream mamma-mia at every damn thing.

Seeing Izumo distracted in the class, she asked her to read out verses from the chapter she had given for self-study, which Izumo failed to memorize due to her recent incidents that include Paku, aka her only friend dropping out of the exorcist cram school, after almost dying at the hands of the Ghoul, while she was unable to do anything.

Suguro, being the honor student he was, easily stood tall to the teacher's expectations of him and narrated the whole verse perfectly. He sat back down, but not before sneering at Izumo for her blunder.

The class came to an end, and Shiemi who had stars in her eyes looked at Suguro in admiration, "amazing, I was so surprised," she chirped.

"Well, I guess he is smart, after all~" Rin smiled and it did the perfect job to tick Suguro off, who was in the midst of showboating his memorizing ability/smarts.

"After all? What do you mean by after all?" Suguro quipped.

"Nothing much, but I remember a certain idiot who tried to be breakfast for a leaper on our first PE class, Shima, you remember that right?" Rin teased, making the other laugh at Bon's expense while the latter just wanted a hole to bury himself into.

But this did not manage to keep the king of idiotic circle-jerks down, he switched targets, "well, I am certainly better than people who can't even remember four lines."

"There is a difference between not remembering and choosing not to remember. Aria are the weakest when they are in the midst of chanting, they are the useless luggage who drag the team down." sneered the mini-brow girl.

"What? We are aiming for Aria, how dare you say something like that?" Suguro stood up aggressively, paying no heed to Konekomaru, who tried to stop him.

"So what? You wanna hit me?" sneered Izumo not backing down an inch.

"I really can't stand you, don't insult people's dreams." Suguro scowled as he closed the distance between them.

Rin who already knew what was coming silently escaped from his bench and appeared near Shima with his arm around his neck.

"What, about how you will defeat Satan? Don't make me laugh." Izumo continued with her onslaught, while Rin just chuckled and audibly whispered to Shima and Konekomaru, "see, aren't they like the manga protagonists who fall in love while bickering?" his voice was not loud, but the argument between the two made the class silent, so Rin's voice was heard by everyone clearly.

The bickering couple, stopped their actions and looked right at Rin with red faces, both shy and annoyed, "who's a couple?" they said with perfect coordination.

"See~" That was all Rin said with a smile as he pointed towards Suguro and Izumo, making the two almost blow their tops in shame.

But before they could scream any longer, Yukio came in with a twitching eyebrow and had us punished for collective responsibility.

In the Dorm:

So, here they were, sitting on the floor in seiza, with a ghost rock on their thighs for the added weight of responsibility as Yukio called it while explaining the crucial need for teamwork in the team, and how a lapse in teamwork could potentially doom the entire team of exorcists.

The three-hour punishment started as Yukio left the soon-to-be exorcists in the room for the alleged three hours of collective responsibility to make them realize the need for teamwork and make their bonds stronger for the matter.

"You sure, you two are blood-related? asked Suguro with a suffering expression.

"Well, that's true and I was the one called a demon, and he the softie, but he can be the demon when it actually counts. But I guess he is a big softie overall, so once or twice does not count, right?" Rin chuckled while trying to get closer to Suguro's side.

Suguro who noticed this sent Rin a curious glance, to which Rin for the first time showed a helpless expression, it made Suguro shocked but still moved a bit to his side, letting him scoot over a bit more.

Well, basically friendships between guys have always been like this, we just do it, no questions asked, or questions shelved for later, with an amazing rate of cooperation that will never be seen during normal times.

The person on the other side of Rin was Izumo, who saw Rin scooting away with an uncomfortable face and was a bit stunned and then conflicted, as to why did Rin move away, did she stink? or was it something else? she did not know, but it annoyed her to no end.

"We would never have been in this mess if it wasn't for a certain someone." Suguro quipped.

"Says the one who pulled my collar." Izumo shot back.

"And who started the fight to begin with?" Suguro did not back off either.

"They bicker like a married couple, maybe you were really right?" Shima whispered to Rin, to which the latter nodded.

While the couple would love to bicker some more, the lights went out and it managed to successfully stop them. Rin stood up and managed to land the ghost stone on him, right on Shima's foot, earning an agonized shout from him, which he tried his best to control.

The pink head did not stop there and walked to the door and tried opening it to take a look outside, calling it a test of the courage of sorts. But the moment of opening and closing the door was so swift, that one would doubt that it ever opened, Shima doubted his eyes playing tricks and begrudged the fact that he did not have enough sleep.

The next was inevitable that would happen if someone shoves a door close at a Ghoul's mouth, especially a Ghoul that big. The Ghoul broke the door open and entered the room, Shima ran for his life and hid behind the group, and peeked over to take a look.

The Ghoul entered the room and the second bud-like head that was sewed close, tore open with miasma flying all over and a hideous second face appeared with a long tongue hanging out of it.

Shiemi was the fastest to act and asked her Greenman to summon eely-billy to stop the Ghoul and it impaled the Ghoul. But that was no solace, the damn thing split itself into two parts and started crushing the bramble Shiemi made.

"Listen up, Yukio is not picking up his phone and I don't think that with the miasma around along with the constant damage on the bramble, we won't hold much longer. I am going to lure these guys outside while you call for backup, don't worry, I don't do things I am not sure of." Rin spoke with a smile and took off his glasses.

His beautiful blue eyes were calm and resolute, making others feel an odd sense of peace and reliability, that things would somehow be alright, as long as this man is there with them.

Rin climbed out of the bramble and lured a ghoul away, with the Kurikara in his hands, he lead the Ghoul to the power room, where he knew Neuhaus was waiting for him.