Volume 2 Chapter 22: Paranormal? Poltergeist? Ghost?!
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From the enormous size of a cloud that was moving around in the East of the world, the Eve Kingdom went inside it to get pass through it. It was the only way because its wideness reached vast and its height was very tall, so they had to enter in a straight line and exit on the other side. The cloud looked white, good, and had no possibility of bad weather, so the crew members of the Eve Kingdom had no worries about it.

But the deeper they went inside the cloud, the mystery of this cloud started happening. The ship was immediately surrounded by gray and dark clouds. Its weather had changed dramatically to a bad one. The clouds around them were releasing strong winds, vivid flashes of lightning, and the loud thunder followed.

Due to the weather, it was perfect for them to sleep because nothing could be done outside and they felt tired because of the atmosphere that was making them feel sleepy and weak. What's make it comforting was that when it started to rain.

The sound of the rain made them sleep deeply like the time was in the cold evening, but it was not, or a lullaby that was pleasant for their mind and body.

The beautiful adaptation of a human body to their environment.

But suddenly the rain stopped, and the lightning and the thunders were still occurring.

The mystery of the cloud, having a storm inside a fair cloud, made it a superstition when the Eve Kingdom entered the inner core of the cloud. It was empty and hollow, but there was something in front of them. An even bigger ship than theirs.

A phantom ship that was staying in the center of the core. It was old, broken, and dead. It was glowing with red around the ship. But what anyone would fear this ship was not how it looked like, but the symbol of the flag on the tip of the mast.

A jolly roger, the symbol of a pirate.

These kind of people were ruthless murderers, thieves, lawless, and evil criminals that once roamed and ruled the seas, oceans, and waters. They had harbored countless islands and islets, bringing death and mischievous actions as they stepped foot on land.

Pirates, the demons on land but the devils on water.

When the Eve Kingdom was going towards the ghostly ship, they would crash to each other. But suddenly, a mysterious force held on the ship as it just stopped. Then it started moving, slowly, vertically and placed it beside the pirate ship.

Since the pirate ship was bigger, the Eve Kingdom was beside the bottom part of the ghost ship.

Then footsteps and cold whispers were heard around the decks of the Eve Kingdom. The whispers sounded soft, scary, chilling, and dead. Some sounded slow, some were fast, some words were audible, some were not, but those audible whispers would be translated into intelligible words that anyone could understand. Or maybe, it was just messing everyone's heads to form words from what they were hearing.

"Pssst...", "I... Don't Care...", "L... O...", "I wa... Live...", "Help...", "Y... Ki... Me...", "Hey...", "Ov...er there...", "De... L... He's here...", "You got that?...", "De... Ge... Ff... Me...", "I will... You...", "Mama?...", "I... I... Get inside...", "Seek... Wa... Out...", "Bastards... Di...", "They're... Here...", "Close your mouth...", "Shu... P...", "Whe... Now?..."

So many dead whispers, coming from the voices of men, women, and children, but they were filled with emotions.

Then for a short time, it became quiet. 

"Run...", a little girl whispered loudly and clearly.

Then the sails of the Eve Kingdom were slowly being folded, the wheel of the ship started moving faintly to the left and to the right, the ratlines were swaying weakly like someone was climbing on it, and fingerprints of children were seen on the windows. And the door of the main cabin opened slowly and it was creaking loudly, and footsteps were walking around the cabin.

Book and Eve were still asleep from those noises and the clouds around them dispersed in swirls like something or someone was moving around in the air.

After that, a clear whisper came from a man said, "Shut up... I will kill them..."


In the bedroom of Mana, she was sleeping comfortably on her bed, things were about to get paranormal and poltergeist. It was dead silent, but then the curtains were swaying like the windows were opened.

But the windows were closed.

And a tall dark, shadowy figure appeared beside the bed of Mana, staring at her back. The apparition went through the bed and her, and went to the other side, looking at her face.

"Haaaaaaa...", it exhaled.

Mana started moving her arms and legs out of her blanket to feel comfortable because she's feeling an immediate discomfort for unknown reasons. She started sweating and changed her body position to the left and right, and her face started to get irritated from the discomfort.

Something or someone was doing unexplained bad things to her.

Then the dark figure disappeared and that was the time Mana opened her eyes. And the bed and other objects fell down to the floor.

She was levitating while she was sleeping, and the loud bang from the fall shocked her body and mind into confusion.

"Eh? What happened?!", she raised her upper body straight while breathing heavily.

She couldn't explain that, but she guessed, "Maybe... I fell from my dreams..."

When she looked at the mirror in front of her, she was seeing a little girl, with a white, messy, torn dress and black, long hair. She was sitting on the bed, beside her, looking away from Mana. Her eyes were all white and blood was tearing down from her eyes and mouth. Then she started humming creepily and slowly.

"Hm...Hmmm... Hmm... Hmmm... Hmmmm...", then she stopped.

"What? Is that a little girl?", Mana heard it on both of her ears and squinted her eyes at the mirror to see her clearly.

Mana knew that she was at her right side, so she looked at her right and said, "Huh?...", because no one was there.

But, in the mirror, the girl crooked her head so fast at Mana that the sound of a bone broke and smiled horrifyingly.

"Hii. Hi. Hi...", she was looking at Mana from the mirror.


At the place for Sparrow, on the door where once he opened, but never got out, there was a narrow staircase that would lead down. It was dark, but further down, there were lights and inside the room was a small bar. There were chairs and tables, but their numbers were small because of space.

Sparrow was behind the counter table and behind him was an empty shelf for bottles of wine, beer, ale, and other alcoholic beverages. He was cleaning a glass wine with a white cloth. While cleaning, he heard the door opened and then footsteps followed in front of him, but he chose to ignore it.

When he placed the clean glass on the table and removed his hand, the glass moved three times by itself and fell from the table.

The sound of the glass being broken into pieces followed by a loud scream, "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!", from Mana.

She's in trouble.

Sparrow didn't show any emotions from what happened but moved his head where the room of Mana was.

"What was that?...", he said as he was curious about what was that terrible scream for.


In the main cabin, whispers were all around. Then Eve woke up as she felt uncomfortable and the whispers suddenly stopped. When she opened her eyes, Book was not beside her.

Book disappeared.

"Huh?... Where's Book?", she questioned herself tiredly as she lifted her upper body and rubbed her eye.


"Huh?... He's there?", Eve stood up and talked to no one with no physical body.


"Take me to Book, then.", she walked towards the door and left the main cabin.

A ghost was talking to her that they knew where Book was and wanted to take her to him.


Going to the doorway of Mana's door to her bedroom, Sparrow saw the phantom ship and looked at how enormous that he couldn't see the deck, but he chose to ignore it again because his concern was Mana's scream. When he was in front of the bedroom's door, he was hearing nothing inside the room, it was complete silence.

"Huh... I was sure I heard her scream..."

He slowly moved his hand towards the doorknob to open it, but suddenly he thought, Should I enter?

"...", he was deciding.

"Naaah.", he turned around and walked away.


Suddenly, the doorknob twisted quickly and the door violently opened. Sparrow looked behind and saw the room that was slowly getting dark, and the left arm of Mana came out and she clawed the floor with her fingers. Then she slammed her right hand, out from the darkness.

He saw her arms, covered with red scratches, and then the arms struggled to pull her body forward.

When the head of Mana was about to get out of the darkness in the room, she struggled and yelled, "Get the... Fuck off... MEEE!!!", thus, her head appeared out from the dark.

Her face was covered with scratches as the red marks were visible.

When she saw Sparrow, her face, with teary eyes, was combined with fear and relief of seeing him, "Sparrow... Be careful!"

She knew it was hopeless to get out of the room.

A hand of a little girl grabbed her left face and the other hand hooked the right mouth as some of her fingers were inside. And the little girl laughed faintly, "Hi... Hihi... Hiii..."


Mana was dragged in back into the darkness that filled the room completely, leaving claw marks on the floor, and she screamed, "AHHHH-", but when she went inside, everything was quiet.

But Sparrow was still standing in his place, he had not moved yet. Though his reactions to what happened were normal because that's always his face, but the problem was when he said in shock, "I cannot move!"

His body was impossible to move, no matter how he wanted to move a single twitch of his body parts. Then he looked around with his eyes and asked Mana, inside the darkroom, "Mana, who are these two, you were talking about?"

"...", she didn't answer.

Then a cold, small hand held his right hand. He immediately looked, using his eyes only as he couldn't turn his head. He saw a young boy, black hair, a messy, torn black coat over a white shirt, black pants, and one shoe. He noticed that his head kept twitching and asked, "Hey, kid, who are you?"

The kid slowly looked at him and showed his faceless face, no eyes, no eyebrows, no nose, and no lips. His head kept twitching and he said as he talked with his lips closed, "Le hmm, smmhrow..."

The little kid started walking slowly towards the darkness and Sparrow was confused why he was walking with him, "Hey, I'm not moving by myself. Are you doing this?"


"Can you hear me?"




"Oi, stop it... Heey!"


"HEEEEY!!!", he shouted to make him hear.

Both of them entered the darkness and the door slowly shut close by itself. And everything was back to its complete silence at the third-floor deck of the ship.


On the main deck of the ship, Eve was in front of the taffrails, looking at the body of the pirate ship. She looked at her side and asked nobody, "How am I supposed to get on that ship?"


"Okay, I'll wait patiently.", she waited while humming and looking all around the pirate ship.

After a couple of seconds later, broken pieces of wood came out from the dark hole from the pirate ship's body and levitated towards the ship and Eve.

They were all broken pieces, but when they formed in one, even some couldn't connect to each other, it formed a narrow platform as a bridge to connect one ship to another.


Immediately, Eve replied, "Heh? Stand on top of it?"


"I see, now. Okay, then."

Eve stood up on the taffrails, in front of the bridge. She walked normally on the broken, levitating plank. And it seemed very dangerous because each step of the broken pieces of wood and when she put her weight on it, she would descend shortly, but after putting her other foot on another wood, she would lift herself up and continued walking.

She's moving her body up and down while walking.

Then, she entered the dark hole and inside the pirate ship to find Book.


Inside the ship, where Eve was still walking and would enter from the hole, there was a long, dark hallway. The place was mostly made of old, rotting wood and everything was covered with dust. There were so many holes, cracks, and cuts that might be dangerous for her.

When Eve stepped one foot inside the hole, she fell inside and smacked her face on the floor. She was fine and lifted her head up with dust on her face.

"What happened?", she whispered and stood up. She brushed the dust around her face and looked at her side.


"Ohh... I should be careful next time..."

She then realized that all she could see was total darkness inside the hallway and asked, "Where should we go next? I cannot see anything."


"Huh?", Eve was confused.

Suddenly, something was thrown towards her and fell on the floor, making a bang and then a sound of something cylindrical that was rolling.


"Is it here?", Eve lowered down and touched the floor with her hands.

She was wiping her hands, finding the thing that was thrown at her.




"Somewhere in the left...", she repeated the words then she bumped her head on something floating and held on it, "Is it this squishy ball?"


"Oh...", she let go of it and started wiping her hands on the floor again, "I got it! I got the stick!", Eve held something cylindrical and stood up.


"Oh, I'm holding it the opposite side.", Eve held the other side of the thing.

After that, a fire lighted up the tip of the stick by something mysterious, giving light around Eve for her to see. When was able to see around her, she exclaimed happily, "Yay! We can see now. So...", then she looked in front and behind and continued, "Where next?"


Before she started moving forward in the dark hallway as someone was guiding her to where Book was, there was a huge floating eyeball behind the calves of her legs, looking at her back. But it was such a beautiful, mesmerizing eye. It had so many colors and shades combined and mixed all together. It was like something aesthetic was encased by the eyeball.


After a couple of minutes, back to the bedroom of Mana, outside of the room was quiet, but inside was very loud from the screams of Mana.

Inside the room was actually dim and enough for the humans eyes to see around, but the walls were covered by a pitch-black mass that separated the outside and the inside, avoiding anyone to hear what's inside from the outside, but the bay window was not affected by it as majority of the light that let them see inside was the light from the outside of the window. The room was filled with the noises of a little girl laughing and giggling, and objects floating, breaking, and falling on the floor. Sparrow was being dragged along the walls, pushed to the ceiling and to the floor strongly by a mysterious force as the little, faceless boy was moving his hand to control Sparrow.

While as for Mana, the little girl wrapped her arms and legs around Mana's head, covering her eyes and strangling her slowly. And Mana was holding on her legs to spread it wide open. She also moved to slam the back of the little girl to the walls, shelves, and cabinets.

But the little girl was too strong that Mana was struggling to avoid getting choked. Then she bit the head of Mana and she shouted in pain, "Aaaaahhhh!!!", resulting in blood flowing on her face.

Sparrow flew to the ceiling and got slammed on the floor, with no control of his body, then he was dragged under the bed with his head first, resulting to his head to hit the bottom part of the bed. The impact made a loud, painful thud and that flinched him, "Ah! Fuck!"

But the gap between the bottom of the bed and the floor was inches, only enough for an arm to get inside, so his head pushed the king-sized bed and he felt a tremendous pressure on the skull that he was feeling that his coronal sutures slowly detaching his frontal and parietal bones.

"AHHH! Ow, ow, ow! This is worse than a bullet in me! Kid! Stop it!"

The kid didn't stop and made Sparrow spun around multiple times, making the bed drove a doughnut.


The kid still didn't stop, but while Mana was struggling with her own problem, she noticed her belt with two bags, that were under the bed and all of her discs were inside.

She thought of a plan and whispered while choking, "The... Bags..."

When she forced herself to move towards the bags, the little girl pulled herself, avoiding Mana to get anywhere she wanted.

"Fuck...", she's clearly in a pinch that she couldn't use her both hands as they needed to hold on the girl's legs to pull it apart.

So she shouted, "Sparrow! Get the bags near you!"

"I can't! I cannot move my body!", he answered.


Suddenly the strength of her legs had gotten stronger and the strangulation was getting worse that Mana spoke with a hoarse voice, "How... Is she... So strong?... I can't... Hold on... Much longer..."

Her hands and arms were getting weaker against the strength of the little girl. And when the little girl tried to pull Mana so hard that both of them fell down on the floor. But Mana tried so hard to avoid herself to die from the legs of the little girl that she slowly and forcefully stood up.

"Let's... Continue... Shall we?", Mana spoke devilishly deep and ran towards the boy. She then jumped and turned around, and the back of the little girl faced at the boy's back. Both of them hit each other and all three of them were on the floor.

The force that held on Sparrow was gone, making him stop spinning around with the bed.

He was free.

Then Mana shouted with her last hoarse voice, "GOOOO! SPARROW! TAKE IT AND THROW IT TO ME!"

Sparrow stood up and saw the bags on the floor. His vision was very blurry and he was feeling lightheaded and dizziness because of the times, he spun around, and the damages had done to his head.

But he was sure that they were the bags and immediately got hold of it. And Mana focused on what he was holding and felt happy, "Do... It... Now..."

Mana was about to lose her last breath as her neck was compressed and couldn't breathe anymore.

Sparrow looked at Mana and threw the bags at her, "Take them!"


Outside the bay window came out the bags.

When the vision of Sparrow was slowly spinning around and the blurriness was fainting, almost to a state of being normal, what he was seeing was Mana, standing up in front of him, but she's on the floor with the two kids. The bay window made him think and see of Mana. When he got his vision normally back, he saw a broken window.

"Ah... That's not you...", his body froze in a position when he threw the bags and realized everything.

Mana stood up with her arms down while looking down on the floor, covering her face and the little girl strangled her enough to kill someone and bit her head multiple times, but they were having no effect as Mana was standing perfectly fine. Then she whispered angrily and slowly, "Yeah... I'm right here..."

She was furious that the only plan, that could let them out, was foiled by Sparrow.

She held the legs of the little girl and the grip was so strong that her fingers went deeper into its meat. Then in one go, Mana separated her legs apart with so much powerful strength than the little girl's.

The girl was surprised that she opened her eyes widely and thought, How did she get this much strength?

The eyes of Mana polished with anger as she slowly looked at Sparrow. Her garnet eyes acted like the common description of the eyes of the devil as red eyes. She shouted, "You should've thrown the bags to me LIKE THIS!"

Mana threw the little girl with one hand at Sparrow, while he slowly turned his head towards Mana.

The girl hit Sparrow and both of them flew, resulting to crash to a cabinet.

But then, on the floor, Mana noticed a couple of discs from her peripheral vision, "Ah!", and picked only four, "Sparrow, I got the discs! They must've been fallen some when the bags were opened. Hehe, perfect."

She felt no guilt of hurting Sparrow and forgot that he was hurt from it.

The little girl stood up, together with Sparrow's thumb's up. But that was the time Mana moved so quickly. She threw one and slid it under the little boy then she dashed fast towards the little girl and shoved two discs in her mouth, pushing her head on the wall. Mana smiled sinisterly and whispered, "You like biting, don't you?"

The little girl widened her eyes from surprise. Thus, her plan was finished.

The disc under the little boy exploded weakly, but the shockwave pushed him upwards. Supposedly, he would have sent up to the ceiling, but he stopped himself in midway. And Mana moved beside the little girl and a wire shot out from the disc. The wire hit the face of the little boy and the end of the wire was stuck to it. Then both of the children were pulled to each other and Mana grabbed the thumbs up of Sparrow's hand.

She jumped off from the window while holding Sparrow. The moment they began to fall down from the rear of the ship, she aimed her last disc at the tip of the mast and the wire shot off.

The other disc that was inside the little girl's mouth ignited and exploded. The whole captain's room was destroyed, leaving nothing but a cloud of smoke.

When the end of the wire was stuck to the wood of the mast, she swang across the side of the ship. There she realized the ghost ship, "Ahh... I see why our ship was haunted..."

"It's the Flying Dutchman."


Back to Eve, inside the dark hallway, she was walking alone by herself with a torch, the only light that could help her see along the way. During her walk, faint laughs of a man echoed through the whole ship and she asked nobody, "Hey, am I the only one hearing or is there someone laughing?"


"Woooh! A captain!! I should talk to him in person! You know, a captain to a captain. We might relate about something.", she became excited.


"Ehhhh?! You don't know me?... Oh wait, I'm not famous yet. I am captain Eve. I'll become the king of kings, you know."


"Hehehe, that's right."

After walking, she made a turn and arrived in the hall, which was mostly rotten, old, decaying, and destroyed. There was a staircase going up, but in the center of the hall, she saw Book's back. She shouted happily, "Book! There you are!", and ran towards him.

Then the fire was put out mysteriously and Eve started floating while running. She was confused that she was not going near to him, "Huh? Why did the fire go off?"

Immediately, Eve was pulled back and hid behind the pillar to stay away from Book.

He slowly turned his head around and showed a face having the lateral commissure of the lips. The lips slowly opened, showing human teeth, but as he turned around his body to where Eve was, where she shouted, the disgusting, nightmarish, and scary front body was revealed.

The face, up until to the genitals, was a vertical mouth and when it opened its mouth, human teeth were seen and its vertical tongue. His two arms were the five fingers of a hand. And its eyes were on the knees as it was googling around, finding what he heard.

"Hey! I ca-"


"Oh, sorry...", she started whispering while the monster was making high pitch noises.

And she continued, "Can you put the fire back? It's hard seeing things."


A small fire was lit up from the stick and Eve complained, "Why that weak? It's going to be hard to see with that small fire."


"What? To avoid him? Book isn't a monster!", she shouted surprised at the last part as she thought it was an insult.

"...", Eve's mouth was shut immediately by a mysterious force and the shout echoed, and the monster looked around and made more sounds.


She whispered, "What? He's not Book? But I'm pretty sure it was his back."


"So the back body tricks people, but the front body is scary and will eat me?"


"Haaaa! I'm not scared of anything!", she went out from the pillar, letting the creature see her, and continued fearlessly, "I am the strongest among all! Why would I be scared?! You should be scared of me!"

The creature looked at Eve as soon as she shouted. It started running towards her with incredible speed. It opened its mouth and shouted aloud sharp screech.

Eve didn't flinch or show any fear. When the creature was near to her, it suddenly stopped in midair, while trying to bite her. The ghost held the creature. Then Eve looked unenthusiastic and said with a smirk, "Pathetic. That's not scary at all."

When it threw its tongue like a spear towards the face of Eve, it was pushed strongly against another pillar and broke it, making debris fall to it. Eve then started floating and enjoyed it, "Hahaha! I'm flying again!"

Then she started flying away from the creature and went upstairs, while Eve was shouting, "Weeeeeeeeee!!!"

When the monster stood up, it screeched loudly that echoed throughout the whole, silent floor. And different types of faint screeches followed from afar where the monster was at.

There were more coming.


Back to the Eve Kingdom, Mana and Sparrow landed on the main deck. They watched the third floor's cabin, destroyed and surrounded by smoke. That's when they were hearing a lot of cold whispers and footsteps, but it seemed they didn't show any fear or reactions to them. For Sparrow, he didn't care, but for Mana, her fear for ghosts and such was gone when she spent a lot of time with the two children. Now, she found ghosts annoying and irritating. Suddenly, she got worried and asked, "Sparrow! Do you know where Eve is?"

"She's in the main cabin with Book."

She ran towards the cabin and saw no one, "They're not here!"

"It means, they went inside the Flying Dutchman."

"Oh... Fuck...", she realized that Eve and Book were in deep trouble for being inside the ship.

She then ran towards the taffrails to get near to the ship. There, she found a floating bridge, "They must have walked on that to get inside!"

Then the two children came out from the smoke and looked at Mana and Sparrow. The little girl shouted, "Let's play tag, Mana and Sparrow!!", and smiled creepily.

"Shit! Let's go, Sparrow! I'm not dealing with them anymore.", Mana stepped on the taffrails and ran on the bridge. Sparrow followed, but he seemed slower. She went inside the hole and he followed, as when he entered the hole, the children disappeared like air.

The game of tag began.