Chapter 2: Despite the Circumstances
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Chapter 2:

Despite the Circumstances

"Do you, Cecelia Meredith Ishikawa-Alden," The priest intoned ritualistically, "Take this man, Alexander John Williams, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," She replied without hesitation.

"And do you..." The priest repeated to me.

"I-I do?" I responded, bewildered by this entire development.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife," They announced joyously, "You may now kiss the bride!"

She took my head in her hands, my heart pounding in my chest. She kissed me deeply, and with more love and force than I had ever felt in my life. It was in that moment I realized it. I had just gotten married.

This wouldn't have been much of an issue if not for one glaring problem. I had just met this woman. She came up to me one day while I was sitting at a coffee shop. It was a rare treat I often rewarded myself with. A nice cup of hot chocolate and the silent murmur of the ambiance.

She introduced herself and asked if she could sit down. Being who I was, I couldn't say no. I didn't want to upset someone who seemed so happy, and I disliked confrontation. I thought I could just finish my drink quickly and excuse myself. I was there for another two hours.

I was too polite to excuse myself while she was talking, and there was a part of me that didn't mind it. She seemed nice and genuine, but I had just gotten through with a recent breakup. They cheated on me...again. It was my fault for forgiving it the first time.

I always thought I'd learn my lesson, but after the fourth person to cheat on me I wondered if there truly was something wrong with me. I wasn't exactly motivated. I didn't have any money or plans for my life. In this day and age, that was an immediate killer for people.

I couldn't help it. My brain just didn't work like others. Autistic, they called it. Among other problems. I was in special programs all my life because of it. Social cues, how to interact with others, it was all very difficult. Eye contact especially, but her eyes...I couldn't help but stare.

Like a warm setting sun, they were inviting and bright. I soon found myself smiling, and before I knew it I had agreed to meet her again. By the time she left, I realized I knew nothing about her. Only her name, Cecelia.


"Are you thinking on that again?" Her voice cooed.

Her hands gently ran through my hair, massaging shampoo through it. We sat in the bath together after her shower. My mind on the body in the other room, but it seemed to not bother her at all. It was an elephant that was getting bigger, but something I couldn't just address.

"Y-Yeah..." I nodded, "I just...don't understand."

"...Do you have to understand?" It was the first time her voice lost its pep.

Panic set in as my body went rigid.

"I said something wrong, didn't I?" My thoughts racing, "What did I do this time? Was it me not understanding? Did I ask too much about it? Did-"

I impulsively turned around and was met with a splash of water in the face. My eyes instinctively closing, letting out an involuntary "Ah!" but as my eyes opened, I saw her face. It was soft, smiling gently.

"Stop that," She told me, her hand reaching to my cheek, "That overthinking."

It felt like my heart and stomach were just punched. My stomach with the truth, and my heart for her knowing me that well. It was endearing at how much she knew about me. I smiled involuntarily, touched.

"There we go," She pulled me in close to her.

My head resting against her shoulder, I could hear her heart beat. It was slow, and steady. As my arms fell against her, my hands brushing her thighs, her heart picked up speed.

"It must be a coincidence..." I refused to believe it was because of me, but I knew it was.

"Alex," She whispered softly, "I'll never cheat on you."

She pulled my head up, holding it between both her hands. I knew that look in her eye. Being this close, it was clear as day to me. Was this an appropriate time?

"Why am I not more shaken by what I saw?"

As if answering my question, I realized I was shaking. I had been for a while now. The beating of my heart didn't stop. Was this her trying to comfort me? I didn't know why she liked me. I didn't know how she could act like this after what just happened, but somehow this was reality.

I was nowhere near her level. Average in most aspects, especially looks. I'd say was pretty normal, slight acne and red spots here and there. They randomly cleared up, but more often than not there was always something.

However, sometimes, sometimes, I thought I might look good. Five foot seven, roughly, and slightly overweight at about a hundred and ninety pounds. Dirty blond hair that fell slightly below my shoulders and a scruff of a beard.

Eyes like the sea often hidden behind glasses when I wasn't bathing. I preferred the indoors, and my rather pale skin was evidence of that. Reading and playing video games was my life. An escape from the life I led. It wasn't good, but wasn't bad. I'd say it was rather typical, but it hit me hard. My mind couldn't handle it.

"Come here, love," Her smile was all I needed.

Despite everything, circumstances brought us together. Looking at her this closely, I could see her face clearly. My nearsightedness a godsend in this moment.

"That damn smile..." It was the last coherent thought that ran through my head before our bodies locked together.
