Chapter 4: Watching You
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Chapter 4:

Watching You

The body of the accountant manager disappeared. No trace of him remained. I didn't even really know his name. No news report was ever spread about him missing. No family to speak of, just a playboy looking for what he thought was an easy target.

Even his co-workers claimed he believed it would be easy. All because of who she was married to. To be honest, that was always going to be a shock to me. I was such a plain guy, with no real interests except reading and video games. I spent most of my time online.

Yet, she didn't seem to mind that. I always had someone taking care of my needs. Chauffeuring me around, cleaning up any mess, or cooking me anything I wanted. It was strange, however. She employed so many people, yet at any given time there were only two around me at most. Security notwithstanding.

"Is something wrong, dear?" Cecelia asked as she tried on some small diamond earrings in the mirror.

Looking over at her, she looked ravishing as always. Wearing a silver evening dress that fit her body well. The skin of her back revealed as the fabric clung to her curves. The subtle definition of her muscles distracting me. Entranced, I had to snap myself out of it.

"Uhm...not really," I smiled reassuringly, but it must not have been that convincing.

"My dear," She looked through the mirror at me sternly, "Tell me."

Shifting under her gaze, I sighed.

"It's just...why are there so few people?" I shrunk a bit, afraid I may have said something weird or wrong.

"Too few?" She tilted her head curiously, "Did you not enjoy smaller groups?"

I was taken aback by her words. It was true that I preferred to be around fewer people. Crowds were...overwhelming. The stimulation from everything was too much for me to handle at times. Often, I'd zone out, not even realizing what was going on.

"No, I do," I responded, a bit sheepishly, "But...there's never been a lot of people. Even when I first arrived here. Was that just a coincidence then, I overthinking?"

I felt a bit embarrassed and silly to mention it. There must have been a reason, and it didn't always have to be about me, but after a long pause I began to wonder if I had said something wrong.

"I-It's fine, don't worry about-" I began to apologize.

"Yes," Her voice rang clear through to me, "You are overthinking, but it's not a coincidence."

Her words calmed me, but also caught my attention.

"It...wasn't?" Now my mind was overthinking so many other things.

"Dear..." With grace, she smoothly stood and made her way to me, "Relax. I care about you, and I watched you."

"W-Watched me?" Curiosity and confusion sent my brain spiraling into so many scenarios.

"At the coffee shop," She laughed lightly, caressing my cheek, "You avoided others. Stayed farther away from larger groups, and often sat in the corner."

I felt my cheeks heat up, and a smile creep across my face.

"Wait...often?" Glancing up at her, those beautiful eyes of autumn met my gaze.

I quickly looked away, "O-Often?"

The word slipped out before I could catch myself. Her hand stopped on my cheek. Panic began to set in, but as her hand continued to move, it relaxed.

"Yes," She sighed, resigned, "I can't hide it anymore. I frequented that coffee shop a lot. Often in disguise, as you recall?"

I did recall. She would come in wearing rather casual clothing, but on her they looked amazing. An oversized knitted beret and matching scarf. Casual jeans, a t-shirt, and an oversized knitted sweater. She somehow looked like your average girl, but the moment I looked closer she was anything but.

"...I remember," I smiled, placing my hand over hers, "I don't know how you managed that though, looking like you do..."

"Wait, was that out loud?" I could only stare into space as my heart set to panic mode again.

"Is that so?" Her voice was suddenly sultry, "Well, thank you, my dear."

"Yep, that was out loud," I let out a relieved breath that she wasn't angry.

In fact, she gave me a soft kiss upon the forehead in response.

"Come, let's get you ready," She beckoned me, offering her hand to help me up, "I have just the thing."


Some chapters may be a bit shorter, but most are longer than this. I tried making most chapters short and sweet, like this one, but didn't quite work out that way. I hope that isn't an issue. Thank you for your understanding! ^_^