Chapter 5: Before the start and a first little try
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Chapter 5: Before the start and a first little try

The room consisted of a beautiful high-quality wooden door, next to it was a dark oak coat rack, in the room that was just over 4 meters high, it had a light color, as if it were an office. In this case, on one of the walls there was a piece of furniture for visitors, and on the wall opposite the door, there was a desk, made with the same wood as the door, a shine could be seen that reflected the wood with the naked eye, in On the wall opposite the guest room, you could see a small table with two chairs.

A young man with an appearance of perhaps 17 years old was reclining on a chair, bending over as he pushed his feet on the table, that man was wearing a black shirt, and on top of it a cape with a wine red color, in embroidery. , white lines could be observed highlighting the outline of the Cloak, he wore Dark Blue pants, and on his abdomen two belts that held part of the clothing, and a belt with a Bag on his right leg, on his neck hung a silver cross amulet in the shape of a key, he was looking at a door in front of his desk, with the orbits of his blue eyes staring at the door, in his hand that was hanging on his arm, he was holding a small notebook.

The young-looking man was looking at the door, when suddenly the doorknob turned, and on the other side of the door a beautiful Woman with peach-colored hair and fair skin entered, her eyes were darker than the color of her hair, It was the body of a very well developed woman, she was dressed, with a white uniform and blue edges with small golden tones, accompanying his clothes with boots that reached the knee you found with his clothes his boots were dark purple, inscribed in the chest area there was a small image of a cane that emanated a green light and below the image some words that said, "Magical Forces of the Kingdom", she gave off a pleasant sweet smell, which was noticed by the young man in the desk, with his hand on his chest he entered the room and closed the door, he began to speak with a sweet voice.

"Mr. Sora, excuse me for interrupting you"

As soon as the girl entered the room and began to speak, that young man leaned back in the chair, recomposed his posture, left the notebook on the desk and put his arms

"Don't worry Genma , I'm not really busy tell me what's up"

"I just wanted to inform you, that the preparations for the new year applicants for the royal academy of magic have finished."

"Well... Well the commencement ceremony will be in a week if I'm not mistaken"

"If that's the case... Excuse me, I heard from Iris that you wouldn't be here in the afternoon...Kira was very insistent, it's not like that hahaha "

"Yes, she was howling for three days about wanting to go to that place to eat, normally I would ignore her and ignore her, it's absurdly bad to have to use a time travel spell just to fulfill her whim... But very soon It's her birthday, I'll make an exception this time."

"By the way Genma , don't you want to come with us?"

"No, don't worry about me... Besides, you say it's for Kira's birthday, I think it would be nice if it's just the two of you, after all it's something special between you two, although I wouldn't mind going some other time." somewhere with you, in the city, of course without time travel in between..."

"Well that's fine, as soon as my schedule is free again, we'll go wherever you want"

"What do you think if we go to the capital you and me one day, what do you think in a month" - said the beautiful girl placing her finger on her cheek and making a smile, her red lips made her more outstanding, at the same time which you could easily accept the proposal no matter who you were.

"If it's alright Genma "

In a month... it's her birthday, I'll have to prepare something special for my disciple.

"By the way Sir Sora, how far back did they travel? I'm curious"

"It won't be long, only 100 years, and it will possibly be the last time I can travel freely, the power of God, is recovering, and soon the capacity of time travel will be limited, the farthest back I can travel is 150 years, in the future when the god power fully recovers, time travel magic probably won't even be possible to activate it in the future, unless he himself allows it in the future."

" Mmm ... I see, so this will be one of the last times you can do whatever you want Sir Sora" Genma said with a small chuckle

"Yes it is"

"Well then if you'll excuse me sir Sora, I'm off, I promised to go out with my sister today... see you later"

"Yes see you later, Genma "

The girl left the room, and Sora got up from his desk.

Outside what could be called an Office, there was a corridor, it was illuminated thanks to magical crystals that emitted a white light, the girl walked for a few meters and proceeded to go down some stairs that were at the end of the corridor, the stairs They had a beautiful white railing, when the girl went down the stairs she slowed down her step at the same time the girl smiled again , and talked to herself.

" I 'll have Mr. Sora, all to myself one day ..." Genma said with a giggle

"I'm sure Mrs. Betty will be jealous if she hears about it..."

Returning to the office, Sora stayed for an hour tidying up and sealing some papers. When I'm done, I put them on a stool at the desk and leave the office.

Sora went downstairs , walked down a corridor, was greeted by two students from the academy, and proceeded to an Auditorium where Magic classes were held .

The place where this scenario took place was in the direction of the royal academy of magic, of the Kingdom of Estonia, a nation founded more than five thousand years ago, it had gone through various changes between periods but it was one of the few nations that have maintained stability over millennia.

In the auditorium there was At least 50 students, their ages ranged from 17 to 22 years old, on stage was an older woman of about 34 years wearing black clothing, her hair was blonde and her eyes were honey, her appearance was that of a refined woman, she I was the theory teacher magic .

"So that would be it for this class, remember to study about spell initiation and formulas for intermediate level sorcery "

The woman proceeded to exit through a door to the right of the stage, and greeted Sora with a small smile.

"The boys are improving teacher, Sora, well I'm retiring, don't be too hard on them"

Sora entered the stage and began to speak with the help of amplification magic .

"Well, start the Ancient Sorcery class"

After finishing teaching her class, Sora left the magic academy, outside the main door of the building , Kira was waiting for her ....

" Ouuff Master, I thought it was going to take longer "

"Well then let's go..."

On the outskirts of the city, Sora and Kira met, outside the city walls.

"Well then let's go"

"Yes, teacher, I'm already savoring the sushi" - the Husky said, releasing a bit of slime from her cheek

So, let's go.

Sora began to make a complicated stroke, a diagram appeared below him and Kira, he emitted a Blue Light.

" Magic Space-time transfer "

The body of the duo , Master - Familar , began to Fade, at the moment their bodies were about to disappear, the diagram around a green light, with some golden tones, the latter was not noticed by Sora or Kira and a moment later they They had disappeared from this time.

Both consciousness faded for an instant and they returned to their senses....

They appeared in a Paramo , without any kind of structure visible to the naked eye....

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

One year after arrival in the "New World"

The darkness was present... The moon was shining brightly... It was dawn, and in the same wasteland where Sora and Kira would have set foot in this world for the first time, there were two mysterious figures, the only two shadows in this great valley, without nothing that will surround them, the atmosphere was simple, only the breeze of the wind was the only one present in this great wasteland, the wind, the cold of the night and the two figures that conversed with each other.

From one moment to another a light shone in this wasteland, its origin was none other than a Hexagram positioned in the same place where Sora's space-time spell had been repositioned thanks to the interference of magical energy.

The light from the hexagram initially only emitted a faint white Light, not even strong enough to illuminate the two presences.

" Ahhh !!! It didn't work Master...." A small tear ran down the husky's eyelid, it wasn't sadness, it was just frustration.

"Don't tell me... I saw the light shining I thought it would work, well although I must say that maybe it's not going the wrong way" the young man's body fell backwards, falling on his rear to the ground and then lying on the green meadow , which with the light of the night and with the illumination of the moon would be seen in a bluish color.

"Yes master, finally something was activated , the spell didn't even respond before" the husky's eyes lit up as if praising his silly master, he lay down on the grass, copying the same style as his master.

"Master I want you to be honest with me, can we go home?" With a discouraged expression, but it seemed a bit forced maybe because not even Kira,I really didn't expect a no, just to give an emotional touch to the moment, well Kira being Kira, there's not much to say...

"At the moment I don't think so, but come on, at least the first parts of the formula were activated, that's progress" the young man said while still lying on the ground.

"How long do you think it will take, sir?"

"Well, as long as it's really possible to return to our world, my deductive skills believe that in at least 10 years I have some spell to solve this problem"

"10 birthday cakes then master ..." "that's quite a few birthdays"

"Well I guess we have to go back to the Kira inn"

"Yes master, I'm sleepy..."

"You don't even need to sleep doggo , you 're a familiar..."

"But it's very comforting to sleep, isn't it?"

"Toche... My dear friend"

"Well this is progress I guess it's better than nothing"

Sora jumped up from his lying position on the ground and a moment later he was standing, just like the black-backed, white-footed wolf.

Sora used the lower tip of his staff and began to trace a pentagram embedded within a Hexagram, Kira and Sora climbed into the Craft Circle , a light shone from the circle , and Sora and Kira disappeared. Shortly after their departure, the circle Sora had drawn had remained for a few moments and moments later it vanished.


Sora and Kira's room.

A circle with black strokes was located on one side of the bed in the room, this one was by far larger than the first place where Kira and Sora had settled on their arrival in this world, nothing luxurious but now it was nice enough to be called a full-fledged room for rest.

The circle with glitter strokes and on its upper surface two figures materialized, these figures were Kira and Sora.

A few moments after Sora and Kira met in the room they lay down on the comfortable bed in this place.
Kira was lying on the bed and Sora was in her belly.

"Sir, good night"

"Just like you Kira..."

The first serious attempt to return to their home had failed, they should stay a little longer in this world.

Author 's note: Well you can say that the introductory arc of these two characters is over, thank you very much for reading.