Chapter 16 – Time
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The story is unfortunately going on hiatus; there hasn't been much time for me write recently; I apologize... Either way, the story will return, but I apologize nonetheless. Hope yall enjoy this chapter either way

He looked at me with some kind of pity, but as we kept on talking we noticed how difficult it would be to find out who specifically was the one trying to kill me, the possibilities were too many to count. So after talking about it for a while we simply started to give up; it was basically impossible to know; I had just sent some of the horrors so they hadn't really gathered any information yet.

"It appears as if we are simply drawing blanks, Heinrich; there's simply too many choices."

"I agree, it seems you have made a fair amount of enemies."

"One could say that it is an occupational hazard."

"Regardless, I suggest you be careful, maybe get a food taster or something like that. Am just helping you this once so we can be even. You helped me get freedom from the church and I shall help with the assassination attempts and then we can finally stop seeing each other. For now I'm going to leave, I'd rather you did some investigation on your own though…"

"As usual, it was not a pleasure, Heinrich."

"Same here Lilith; try to not die, but I won't really care if you do."

Heinrich left the room and left me without even the vaguest clue of who would have wanted to murder me… It must have been someone who knew that I was fond of whiskey, for him to know that I would drink that amount. Whoever it was someone who knew me somewhat well; perhaps one of my siblings.

I finally stood up and grabbed my cane which was laying on the wall; and started walking slowly towards the door. I wanted to walk around for a bit, the halls were empty and just some guards were around, they seemed to be staring at me, maybe they were surprised to see someone on the verge of death walking around; I prefered to ignore them and for that matter also ignore the issue for a moment; for there were priorities right now. 

I have more important issues to focus on rather than the assassination attempt or even the revenge itself; Lilith's body is slowly crumbling, I can feel this body slowly weakening.

I must accept that this is not coming from the actual poisoning or the leg injury, but rather, my essence in itself; a human body is simply way too weak to hold me; the one that among the old gods was called the Oldest Primordial, the very fiber, the cells, even the atoms; every single aspect of this body is slowly but surely crumbling away. I don't have much time, but I have to reach the end, at least I have to get my revenge. For I don't really want to try again since the beginning, given that I directly possessed the body, it could disappear if time were to turn back.

There are some problems to deal with first though, like the annoyance that is slowly catching up to me.

"Lady Edeltraud, you're finally awake!" The annoyance said as he rushed towards me with his arms extended as if he wanted to give me a hug.

I simply sighed as I put my cane in front of me, which made him crash into it, punching his gut fairly hard.

Even if he was seemingly hurt, he quickly stood up and said, "I was so worried my dear!"

"Crown Prince Friederich, don't call me dear."

"Why, don't you like it?"

"It makes me want to stab myself with a rusty and dull butter knife until I die."

"You don't need to take it that far, Lilith."

"For someone like you, maybe I should; you know, I have actually considered it before to be frank. Regardless, you must have come here for a reason, so go ahead, prince."

"You really don't respect anyone, not even the imperial house."

My only response was a cold one, I could only roll my eyes and say, "Is that all?" Then I quickly turned around and started to walk away.

"Wa… wait Lilith!"

"Out with it!"

"We turned the whole academy upside down and couldn't find the assassin, the academy and all of the imperial family would like to apologize to you."

I simply nodded and started to walk away, but he quickly said "Wait!" while he grabbed my shoulder, I was almost going to punch him again in the gut, but then he said a single sentence that the annoyance spouted, "Ah, classes will start on three days, so the entrance ceremony will be in two days, so if you are feeling better, you are one of the most renowned nobles in the entire academy, so it would be good for you to show up."

At this moment I felt as if I couldn't walk anymore, my grip on my cane weakened and it quickly fell to the ground. I turned to look at Friederich and he simply stared at me with a worried look; I could feel my eye twitching as I formed a fist with my hand.

"Lilith are you…"

"Shut up Friederich, I need to think about some things."

It seems time is up.