Side Story 4 – Here and there
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Hello everyone, as you may already know, this story is currently on something similar to a backlog; I am currently writing another story called "The Vermillion Return of the White Lily" which is also uploaded here on scribblehub. It is a story that also draws inspiration from lots of Otome Isekais, being a bit darker; but instead of a purely fantastic setting it also is focused on war and political intrigue.

In any case I found some side stories I wrote some time ago, and thought it would be a good idea to upload them, and also give a quick announcement; I love this story and I will of couse write it; but I want to deliver something I'm passionate for, and I currenlty feel more inspired to write The Vermillion Return of the White Lily; so I will keep on writing it for some time.

There is a place where she is lost, a place where I, no, we are trying to find her, our sister, our mother, and in a way, our guardian disappeared one day all of a sudden.

I thought to myself that this day would never come, but being without her has made everyone feel utterly despondent. Our sister was the eldest and wisest amongst all of us, but she was still somewhat innocent in a lot of ways. She may be somewhat arrogant and self-centered, but she truly did care for us, I think enough to at least not abandon us.

"So, any news, brother?" One of my sisters asked me with a sad look in her eyes, "What are we supposed to do? She always tells us what to do; please say something Yigedrrest!"

"Perhaps we should, emm… ask her friends? Ye-yes her friends; she had friends, didn't she?"

"Of course she must have had friends; how about that king who always dresses in yellow? Has he said anything?"

"I think one of our brothers already asked him, but he just said that he hadn't seen her in a while; he actually looked for her for a while but didn't find anything; actually, the Outer Gods who hanged out with her have told us that they haven't seen her in some time, and the Gods of the Realms have not told us anything interesting either, as per usual."

We were drawing blanks; our sister, the grandest and eldest Old Goddess, Aiueguilp'kraykth, had suddenly gone missing one day, and of course, as the second eldest, I was chosen to lead us in this trying time, but there is only so much I can do. 

We had done everything we could imagine in order to find my sister, we left 22 thousand bottles of whiskey in her room, we made her a new planet for her to destroy, we even contacted her best friend, Azatoth for help, but he said that he couldn't do anything other than keep on searching… 

It was then that I got another idea, a fairly stupid one to be honest, but I still mentioned it to my sister: "Yishaothlesz, we have been looking for more than a million years, and we seem to be the only ones keeping up the search. So I was wondering, what if we ask the lower deities? They may know something."

"You mean those weak and useless deities that can only control a single planet? What use would they be!?"

"I know, I know, but perhaps by going to each one of them we could at least get some notion of what is going on, we both know that, and we even asked uncle Yog-Sothoth, and he said that he couldn't even feel her presence in the universe… What use would those incompetent idiots be if even Yog couldn't find her?"

"But what more do you think we could do? We have asked all of them; the only chance of finding her would be if we asked a primordial entity, but other than Azathoth, she is the only one that still lives, and we both know that he is also desperately trying to find her."

"We basically made everyone look for her, and we haven't found anything, not even a single clue. What more can we do? Please tell me, Yishaothlesz; I am at my wits end; I don't know what to do!" I truly am, I have been searching for so long and had still no clues, I am at my wits end…

"Calm down, Yigedrrest; I understand, I truly do; but we both know that asking those idiots would bring nothing, and there are hundreds of thousands of lesser deities; are you saying that we should try asking every single one of them?"

"Maybe…" I of course knew it was insane, stupid, and especially simple-minded—a brute force attempt to find her—but there was little choice in the matter. I of course love my family very deeply, and not knowing where she is is making me feel incredibly despondent.

Other than that, it becomes even worse when we understand who it is who left. Our sister, Aiueguilp'kraykth, has many titles, of course, but she was a primordial being of the whole universe, like Azatoth; actually, she is even a bit older than him.

The problem right now is that she is the embodiment of her titles, The Universal Archivist, The Archon of Murder and Violent, The Keeper of Time, but in reality she has one title first and foremost, the title she hates the most, The Absolute Primordial, but it is truly ingrained into her existence; she is the progenitor of all of us; she created us in a way; she may be our eldest sister, but she in a way is our mother; she is the one who controls our Forgotten Pantheon, and without her we simply don't know how to act.

Asking the lesser deities may be… no, it is our last choice, ask every single one of them; even if it takes us millions of years, as perhaps one of them may know something, even a speck of information is enough for us to, and so we did…

We started asking every single one of them, in every realm, every world, and every galaxy; one after the other, the lesser deities would suddenly one day find one of our representatives. We created archons, which are the strongest and most powerful representations,and with them, we started to scour the entire universe in search of our dearest eldest sister. That was the promise that every single Old God of the Forgotten Pantheon, the Outer Gods, and even some of the most powerful Realm Gods made. To forever search for Aiueguilp'kraykth without rest…