Side Story 5 – Visitors
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"Why are you here, child?" I said angrily as I looked upon the face of the one who brought me here, which made me feel nothing but resentment and hatred after living here in this abandoned and forgotten place for millennia, even if I had been alone for so long.

"Phoebe, it's been too long." He said it with a grin on his face.

"I see you are still as arrogant as always, child. Spare me the pleasantries and simply tell me why you are here."

"Come, dearest aunt; why must you be so cruel to me?"

"Well, you banished all of us to this forgotten hellscape, so let's just say I don't really like you too much, Zeus."

He responded with a grin which I simply ignored, as I knew there were more pressing matters at hand, I continued, "Oh, I know… You must be here because you know they are coming. Have you already told the others?"

"No, I haven't; I personally was just informed of this today by Osiris; he said that he had seen them before in a dream, and Itzamna said that he saw them coming from the stars."

"You better behave, child; even at our strongest, we are nothing but pebbles at the side of the road compared to them." I could see his glare intensify with anger; he had always believed that he was the strongest being in existence, but he was sorely mistaken, a shame how arrogant this nephew of mine turned out to be, but I continued, "Listen well, child, even if we, the Titans, were defeated by you, I hope that Kronos at least taught you some humility, because you will need it for what's to come. The ones that are coming are not to be trifled with; they are far beyond your comprehension."

"Yes, maybe that is true, and that is why you are coming with us, Phoebe."

"So you are letting a Titan out of Tartarus; things must really be dire."

We started moving fast and quickly got out of Tartarus, and as I stepped out of the prison, I saw the world of the living once more, a world that I had long since stepped foot in but had never forgotten. I felt a happiness I hadn't felt in millennia.

We got to the Grand Pantheon, a place where all of the gods and goddesses of the world met in cases of great emergencies, but as soon as I got in, I simply saw the same as always: the bickering amongst everyone that never solved anything. I even tried to stop it, but it was worthless; no one would listen to an old and forgotten deity that had all but disappeared.

There were some gods who were relentlessly trying to calm the crowd and make them focus on the real matter at hand and not their petty squabbles, at least. It was then that Chang'e started speaking.

"People, please, we have to focus." But her words were ignored; of course she commanded even more respect than someone like me, a forgotten titan, but the amount of pettiness and arrogance the gods possessed far surpassed what respect they had for her.

It was then that Huitzilopochtli and Set, both being some of the stronger gods, were now seemingly irritated, so they raised their thunderous voice by shouting, "Everyone silence!" and that surprisingly led to order in the forum, which led to Osiris starting to speak, "The situation is truly dire; one of them is coming, and we know that it could arrive at any minute!"

"One of them?" Asked Hel as she stroked her chin, but the one who replied was not Osiris but Itzamna, saying "An Old God."

That made the whole forum silent, many of the younger gods here had never even heard of the Old Gods, but the ones who knew understood how dangerous they were… They are the primordial existence of the universe, a group of beings so unimaginably powerful that they could destroy the entire universe with a simple flick of their fingers.

The crowds started to get nervous, and for once the forum was silent. It was the first time in all of my life that I had seen the gods scared—not of their power or their control, but of their actual lives.

But then it happened—a simple knock on the door to the forum, which sent shivers down my spine.

Some lesser gods went outside to go and see what was going on. "Stay right there; you can't get in; who even are you?!"

"The disrespect these lowly beings are showing…" Was the only thing I heard before the gods who went outside were thrown back inside, disintegrating into ashes as soon as they fell to the floor. This being had killed a god like it was but a single ant.

A single entity walked in, and the only thought that came to mind was incomprehensible; it was something that I simply could not explain, a being of such horror that left me with nothing but a sense of dread. Being a god, I never believed that I would feel as if my sanity was drifting away until I experienced such horror. 

She simply said a single phrase: "I see that all of the deities of this world are here together; this will facilitate the process." Her voice made everyone tremble; the stronger gods instinctively grabbed their weapons, while the weaker ones tried to hide themselves amongst the crowd.

It was then that Set asked with a shaky voice, "What is your question, Old One?"

She quickly responded, "Oh, I am still not that old, lesser deity; I am barely six billion years old. Regardless, my question, of course… You see, my mom, or is it my sister? Regardless, she went missing around a million years ago. Aiueguilp'kraykth is her name, so we have been going everywhere trying to find her, and… I see that many of you are so scared that you have become unable to talk."

The gods around me were standing as still as if they were statues, staring at the entity in front of everyone, terrified, but then she suddenly changed to a more human version, something we could understand, I think. She still held a certain sinister aura, and some dark tendrils were extending from her back, but she almost looked human in a way.

She continued, "Well, I have some questions I'd like to ask…" As soon as she said that, all of the doors and windows in the whole palace slammed shut.