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"So, I have a copy of the book," Maxine said.

Astra looked up from her salad roll. They were holed up in the back room of the shop Astra worked at, eating over a tiny table that Astra was only allowed to eat at because of her condition. That's how her boss always described it, her "condition". But she was kind enough to let Maxine back there, too, even though she wasn't an employee.

"What book?" Astra asked.

"The book! You know, the book about us." Maxine pulled it out of her bag and dropped it on the table before they could waste too much time clarifying. "Someone gave me a free copy."

Astra froze for several seconds, then delicately put down her roll and dusted off her hands. "Nobody told me there was going to be a book about it. Is that even legal?"

"We can argue about media law later when either of us learns anything about it. Do you want me to lend it to you once I'm done so you can know what it says about us?"

"Not unless this book can somehow find me a job that pays better."

Maxine stretched, considering the idea. "Probably not. You know, plenty of jobs let you work from home now."

"But they make you do interviews in person first, and people always embarrass themselves. One day I'll figure out how to put this power into sleep mode and then watch out world."

Astra's boss, Leonie, put her head around the corner to scowl at them. "The line for the change rooms is out the door."

"Is old Mrs Parson there with her creepy husband?" Astra asked.

"No, you're safe," Leonie said.

"Then I'll be out in a moment. I'm just consulting with Maxine on how I can help with her secret government stuff," Astra said.

"Is it finance related?" Leonie asked, her expression playful.

"You know I can't answer that," Maxine said, with a wink.

Leonie ducked out, and Astra immediately groaned and slid onto the table.

"There, there," Maxine said, patting her shoulder with the lightest touch.

"I know that Leonie has known me since childhood so it doesn't work on her, and anyway she's over 60..."Astra said, her voice muffled by her arms.

"Which is why you can work at the old lady clothing store because post-menopausal women are least affected, yes."

"...but did you ever feel swayed by my power when we first knew each other?"

Maxine looked up the ceiling, dusty and dull, its paint having greyed with time. "I don't think so. Maybe because I heal from everything, so it never had a chance to get its hooks in me. But there's so little we know about how your power works."

Astra dragged herself upright and dusted off her uniform, then pinned her rainbow hair back into its bun, and pulled her black wig back on. "You should read the book and tell me if there's anything to worry about."

"Can I have your leftover food?"

"I've eaten half of it and my saliva is all over it. I could have any number of diseases," Astra said.

"I could eat ground glass and not have any problems," Maxine said, smirking. "Which we know from experience."

"Sure, eat it, then."