Chapter 7 – Chaos & Order
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In front of Ryo were two floating beings in the void.

One was a completely Red Humanoid Entity while the other was Dark Purple Humanoid Entity.

Clenching his fist, Ryo took a deep breath and calmed his mind down. Just then he noticed that he was in his old body, the same body which he used to have before it was blown into nothingness by the experiment.

Opening and closing his hands a few times, Ryo looked back expressionlessly at the two beings who were watching him silently, and asked, "Who are you and what do you want? Surely you didn't make me go through all that for no reason, right?"

With a short silence in the void, the Dark red entity moved his hand and snapped his finger, summoning a long table.

While this was happening, the dark purple 'spoke', "Why in such a hurry? We will answer your questions but do take a seat first.", with that, a chair popped into existence just by the side of the table.

With a silent observation, Ryo nodded. He knew that acting like a bitch right now would be only a waste of time. With that, he sat on the chair while looking at the two others sitting in front of him.

"So like I asked, Who are you and what do you want?"

<Chaos>"We? We are concepts. Concepts that form the basics of the universe-"

With a frown, Ryo interrupted, "Don't stretch things longer. I understand that you are concepts, but what? There are various different concepts that form reality."

<Chaos>"... You are quite a rude man, Ryo... This Purple guy by my side is the concept of 'Order', while I am the concept of 'Chaos'. Order can control positivity while I can control Negativity. As for our purpose, we are looking for a being who passes our criteria."

"What criteria? What is there for me if I complete all the required conditions?"

<Chaos>"Sadly we can't reveal the requirements, but we can say for sure that you don't fulfill all the requirements. As for what you will get if you were chosen? We would have started to speed up the process of you getting strong and defeat and kill the very being that sent you away in the place where you were just before."

"... I see. So why do you even want to kill D-?"

<Chaos & Order>"Dont say his name! Although we were able to talk to you in this separate dream dimension, taking his name would make him understand what was happening. As for the reason we want to kill him? We don't know how but when the Infiniteverse was formed, the very first being to come into existence was none other than 'him'. He was so powerful that he could literally kill a concept without any effort! This literally breaks off the balance of the Infiniteverse! We, the primordial beings cannot accept that!"

"... I see. Looks like the talk is over. Is there anything else there for me? After all, I went through all that just for waste?"

<Chaos>"... Well as a reward for going our test... how about we let you talk to the soul fragment of your father? Although we weren't able to bring the complete soul, it was easy to take away a small fragment of his soul"


Standing in anger, Ryo instantly held the Red being 'neck' with a tight grip as if trying to choke him.

"Do you know what you did?"


With a single flick of his finger, the Chaos sent Ryo into a dream-like state.

Looking back at the Order, he asked, "Why are you denying him? He is the only being that has the support of 'Author'! Only he has the chance to defeat 'him'!"

"Do you really think so?"

<Chaos>"Yes. He also has a good personality. I support him! I like his ambitions and his dreams. And you can also see how he will be clashing with 'him', it is in our best interest for supporting him. Or we will have to wait for several more years for another chosen one to be born! By that time, Ryo would have changed the Infineteverse by a huge margin!"

"You can see the future and estimate what will happen, right? Do you really think that he even stands a chance against 'him'? It's impossible! Although he is a chosen one, he doesn't have the necessary [Core] to achieve what we are trying to do!"


With that silence ensued. For the first time in the history of trillions of years, the two opposite concepts were standing in the same place and talking peacefully. Due to its properties, Chaos wasn't able to accept not interfering with Ryo and helping him grow while Order did not accept helping Ryo as it will break the future and alert the opponent.

If only they knew...


(Ryo's POV)

I looked into endless darkness, trying to understand where I am.

'These higher beings are cunts! Going and coming as they want. Just wait... I will kill them... How dare they even hurt my father's soul!?'

Anger got hold of my mind as the scene of my father's death played in my mind in loops. As a person who used to have eidetic memories, I clearly remember the scene. By this time, it had become a nightmare for me.

Barely was I able to overcome the nightmare, only for it to haunt me again!

Although it might look idiotic for me to act so angry and arrogant to these Higher beings that can kill me anytime they want, from their conversation, I have learnt that since I am being protected by the 'DIO' who somehow is not DIO, they won't try to harm or kill me as it will alert him.

Furthermore, with this outburst, I was able to clear all my lingering negative feelings toward these Higher Beings, so next time, when I meet them, I will be much much more perceiving and calmer, and my emotions won't be getting in my way.

As my emotions has been enhanced, a little bit of anger can make me feel like hitting the person of anger in question. This is a huge problem as a little slip of mine over my emotions can make me feel enhanced emotional outburst and reactions.

With that, I took a deep breath.

Finally. Now that I think of the senecios and thought about these Higher Dimensional Beings, I am not feeling any emotional outburst.

"Ryo... is that you?"

'This voice... no no no... I can't face him like this... he will be very confused and ask me something that I don't want to...'

Taking a deep breath, I calmed down my mind and turned in the direction where my father was.

There he was, in a spherical shape made out of a bright golden orange shape, flying toward me. While he was reaching me, I saw how his body started to transform into his human form. With brown eyes and black hair and a beard, he walked toward me quickly and hugged me.

In a bit of shock and absentminded-ness, I also hugged him back.

Feeling him pat my back, memories freshened as I remembered how we used to live. A lovely simple life.

'I will really kill all the bastards who will be in my way.'

With that, he grabbed my shoulders and asked, "How are you, Son? And what the hell is going on right now!? I thought that I was dead but then a red floating figure came to me and introduced himself as a ROB and asked me what I wish for... and here I am!"

Knowing what was about to come, I smiled wryly at him and narrated what had happened to me and how we met again.

"So... You are now isek-!"

"Nah dad, it's more of a Reincarnation. And it's not a good experience..."

"Did you make any girlfriends!? Any wives!? A harem!? Haha!"

Looking dead eyes at my enthusiastic father, I felt like facepalming. It was as if the Otaku bloodline was flowing through the family, both I and my dad were huge fans of Classic Animes, Mangas, and Stuff.

But unlike me who prefers to be in no relationship, my father prefers huge harems. Although it was a wet dream for him, he knew within his heart that it was better as a dream than reality as it takes a lot of effort to maintain a good healthy relationship, much less a harem.


The laughter soon died as with a sign, dad sat down on the floor.

I knew that jokes time is over.

Following his steps, I also sat down on the empty... void? It was hard to say as we are literally floating in the void and were actually floating in the endless darkness.

"You know, Ryo... I always wished to live a quiet life. Yes, I did indeed wish for an exciting life but when I looked upon my thoughts, I deep down knew that what I truly wished for was a quite happy life. I have already seen so many tragedies. So much so, that I asked myself what was truly the real meaning of life... And do you know what conclusion I came to?"

"...I know... Death. The state when you stop feeling everything."

"... I don't know what led you to think that but it's not that. It's about enjoying life as much as you can and trying to make others happy. Yeah, there might be many people who don't deserve that kindness. But happiness is the final goal of life. But you have to be very careful about it. It can be dangerous."

Patting my shoulder, he continued, "Sometimes happiness can be very addictive. It can make you go to lengths to do something. But you have to make a line for your satisfaction. Overdose of anything is not good. As for how to gain happiness? It depends on your goals. Tell me, Ryo what do you think is your goal?"

'What my goal is...?'

"I think it's reaching the peak and being in control of my own destiny."

"... Do you really think so? Dont try to confuse yourself. I can see the uncertainty in your eyes. Eyes are the window of souls, haha! So tell me your real desire..."

"My real desire...?"

'As expected of father... he was able to figure it out. So all the time I was really deceiving myself, huh? But what is my real desire?'


Laying flat in the void, my memories flashed through my eyes. Many smiles, smirks, sad faces, satisfied faces, eyes of emptiness, people with great ambitions...

"I think I know what my real desires are..."

Unknowingly a smile formed on my face. Dad chuckled at my expression. He knew right? Going through so many things and having many conflicts in my mind... He knew for sure.

"So tell me, Ryo, what are your real desires?"

"... I desired a normal short life. Full of happiness, where I can feel free, unbounded by any chains. Be able to do whatever I want to do. Be lazy and have a... family."

"Haha. I knew it from the start. I have seen you grow, how I can miss the conflicts of your mind? Especially when I can see obvious signs like your hyperactivity, having heavy eyes, always a serious face, and more and more. But why the last one? I didn't realize that you were ever a family guy, heh, no pun intended."

"... Heh, old man, it's all because of you. Your night stories related to your life before the war and stuff."

"Naruhodo. Naruhodo. Well, I can say for sure that the one falling in love with you will surely suffer from the lack of love returned to her. After all, I can say for sure that you were never a 'family guy'. "

Veins almost bunged over my head as I heard him make fun of me.

"Yeah. I know. I know. I am not so lovable guy, but at least you should have said something better at the final meeting right? Old man? Old man?"

Looking back at my father, I saw in horror as he had started to turn into glowy particles.

As if he knew that his time was up, he patted my back and replied, "Haha, sorry Ryo. Looks like my time is up. But remember, never betray anyone's love. It can break a person. Also, your goals are very hard to achieve. I am praying for your success. Never lose hope, Ry-..."



*Blub* *Blub* *Blub*

'I hate this world.'



Man, last night there was a fire in my building. Sorry, wasn't able to complete the chapter as I had to spend 3 hours outside, and then it was already a few hours past the midnight. So there will be another chapter today as of making up for the missed chapter!

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