4. Radio Star
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Rick was driving down the old dirt road on his way home, his eyes were distant. Mary was sitting quietly in the back, her hands gripping her blood soaked skirt tightly. She was pale and listless, her eyes closed asleep.

The sun was setting in the background, the horizon dyed red.

Rick's eyes began to wander off the road, noticing several smoke clouds rising in the distance.

"The world's gone crazy..." He muttered under an exhausted breath.

As the old truck drove along, Rick had continually glanced at the radio on his dashboard. He knew there would be nothing but bad news if he turned it on but there was a small glimmer of hope.

Hope that it was just this town and nowhere else that had gone mad. 'Maybe it was a government experiment, or aliens.' He thought optimistically.

"Argh to hell with it!" Rick switched on the radio and listened bated breath.

As the radio crackled to life, a voice of a man could be heard through the static. The voice was filled with terror.

The voice on the radio became clearer until it was easily understandable. "I- I just saw the studio manager choke Charlene my assistant to death! I c-couldn't do anything.. All I could do was block off access to the broadcasting room."

Banging could be heard in the background startling the panicked radio host. "They'll break through soon, James and Charles..I thought they were harmless but... " The banging grew louder and louder till it was almost deafening.

The radio host's voice grew more agitated and afraid by the second. "Those of you still listening, stay in your homes! Keep your families safe! Don't trust anyone!" A loud boom was heard in the background that sounded like the shattering of wood, it was followed by panicked shouts.

A loud thwack could be heard and then silence.

"Praise the azure god!" An excited croaking voice sounded from the radio.

Rick covered his mouth in shock.

"I didn't want to believe it, but it's true...our world is ending." He mumbled as he switched to a different frequency, a hint of despair flashing in his eyes.

It was a radio host he was familiar with called Fiona, she broadcasted from a small town in the next county. A single housewife with 2 children, she had a certain flair about her that always seemed to cheer him up.

As he drove, the red sunset gave way to the dark night. A gentle voice sounded from the radio, it was pleasant on the ears. "All's well in my little town my dear fans, no need to worry about me. Many people in my lovely town are old retirees so none of the crazy shenanigans going on elsewhere are happening here thank god! Now I know that these are troubled times but will that stop me? No my dear fans, even if the world is going down the drain I'll still be here broadcasting and giving prime housewife advice! Now listen close, today's daily recipe is a new take on the old lasagna dish-"

Rick's worries seemed to fly away as he listened to the radio, his focus on the road waning. He had driven down this road countless times before so he knew it like the back of his hand. He drove steadily as the red sunset gave way to the night.


Rick was snapped out of his little daze as his truck hit something that gave an audible groaning sound, he couldn't quite make it out since it happened so fast.

"Shit!" Rick stepped on the brakes, his rickety truck coming to a halt.

"Papa.. what was that?" Mary rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"Nothing, nothing. Go back to sleep Mary." Rick assured her before stepping out of the truck.

Walking up to the front of his truck, he saw a rather large dent along with a fairly noticeable blood splatter.

"Fuck!" Rick cursed, he looked around and heard a weak whimpering coming from behind the truck.

Walking towards the source of the noise Rick found a dog, it had brown shaggy fur and one floppy ear. The other ear seemed to have been torn off. It breathed faintly before finally succumbing to it's heavy injuries.

"The boy's dog.. " Rick rubbed his face in frustration. "Everything wrong seems to be happening today, could it get any worse?" He muttered.


Rick's hairs stood on end, a cold sweat running down his back. That sounded distinctly like the pump of a shotgun.

"Hands up! Turn around, slowly." A cold but familiar voice sounded from behind.

Rick raised his hands turned around.

Grim was standing behind the nearby fence, a large shotgun in his hands pointing directly at Rick.

"It was an accident boy, I didn't mean nothing by it." Rick's hands grew sweaty.

"Old man...are you good?" Grim held the shotgun steadily, there was a threatening tone to his voice.

Rick shook his head hastily. "I- I don't know what you mean boy."

Grim's eyes narrowed as he replied in a deep voice. "I just killed the Thompson's from the next farm over after they attempted to kill my wife and son, I'd known them for over a decade. They were nice people but they weren't good, you get me?"

Rick gulped nervously. "L-listen boy, I just came back from the most fucked up wedding ye would ever see. The pastor killed me son-in-law and then wanted to kill my little girl. Me and Mary just barely managed to escape that hellhole, please boy...w-we just want to go home."

Grim's expression eased as he slowly lowered the shotgun. "Rick, come inside and have a drink. We need to talk."

Rick let out a breath of relief.


Inside Grim's farmhouse, Rick was sitting at the dining table. Laura and Jyn were fast asleep in the main bedroom, Mary had been carried to the guest room and was sleeping soundly.

Grim put two glasses on the table and then filled them up with an old bottle of liquor.

Rick hesitated and asked. "Boy, yer sure you want to waste this fancy stuff on this old man?"

Grim shrugged and replied. "It was supposed to be saved for grand occasions but I don't think we'll be seeing any of those any more, drink up." He took out a pack of smokes and lit a cigarette, breathing in the smoke grim sighed.

"Ye said it boy." Rick took a swig, surprise blooming on his old face. "This is some good stuff boy! What year is it?"

"2922" Grim replied, puffing out smoke like a chimney.

"Damn! It's older than me." Rick laughed taking another swig finishing his glass of liquor.

Rick poured himself another generous helping before asking. "So what do ye need boy?"

Grim sipped from his glass and replied with a solemn tone. "The coming days are gonna be hard...Rick, I need help if I want to protect my family."

Rick shook his head and replied. "I'm planning to hunker down in my home boy, I have a nice bomb shelter set up. Should last a few months after I go grab some supplies from town. Me and Mary will wait out the storm. I can't help ye."

Grim asked. "Didn't you hear it Rick? The voice of god? It said we have to kill in order to live, how are you going to handle that huh?"

"I'll just slaughter some of the farm animals boy, we have plenty of chickens there." Rick replied with little thought as if it were the obvious thing to do.


Grim slammed the table with a thud startling Rick. He shouted. "You don't understand! Do you think the almighty azure god would leave such a loophole!?"

Rick held up his hand and said gently. "Please boy, calm down."

Grim took a deep breath and then continued. "I felt it Rick, the moment I killed Nathan Thompson something inside me receded like the tide. I didn't notice it before but when I did, it had already wrapped itself around my heart slowly snuffing out my life. Only after I killed did it disappear."

Now that he thought about it, Rick did feel short of breath ever since that inky substance poured into his body. The very thought frightened him.

"Don't jump to conclusions boy! Have you even tried using the farm animals?" Rick asked, desperation in his voice.

Grim nodded. "Yes, but it didn't work. The suffocating feeling has already slowly come back. I'm worried for my son and wife Rick, if they don't kill soon...like the azure god said. 'They'll be swallowed whole'"

Rick gripped the arm rest tightly, he poured himself another drink before gulping it down.

He mumbled incoherently as he shook his head in denial. "It can't be.., can't be.."

"What about your daughter? If you want to keep her alive, she needs to kill someone." Grim said in a grave tone, he continued. "Rick, I can't do this alone. Will you help me?"

Rick let out a sorrowful sigh. "Don't get too hasty boy, maybe it isn't as bad as you think. Wait awhile, you don't want to start something you'll regret."

Grim slowly nodded his head. "Fine, we'll wait. I hope you're right."

Two days later~

Screams of pain were coming from Grim's farmstead.

Laura, Jyn, Mary and Rick were writhing on the dining room floor writhing in pain. The tables and chairs were turned over, spilled cereal everywhere.

One minute they were having breakfast, the next they were crying out in agony.

Grim was panicking as he held onto his wife and son. "Laura what's happening!?" He shouted anxiously.

No reply came, only whimpers and groans of pain.

Unable to do anything, Grim felt helpless. Thoughts were running through his mind like flashes of lightning, an uneasy sweat dripped down his brow.

After a minute, he stood up. Grim carried Rick and Mary and put them in the guest room. He then carried his wife and son to the master bedroom placing them on the large bed gently.

Grim kissed their foreheads, Laura and Jyn were no longer in pain but the experience had been extremely taxing on the two making them fall asleep.

With a firm look of determination, he grabbed the nearby shotgun and said. "I'll be back."


Several hours had now passed since Rick had succumbed to that unbearable pain. It felt as if someone had poured molten lead down his throat and then tipped the leftovers on his body. The pain had left such a deep impression on him that it was likely the cause of the constant shakes now ravaging his hands.

"That was the worst thing I've ever felt." Rick remarked warily as he got up from the bed, he was still feeling pain but it was not as intense as before.

"The hell is that!?" To his shock he immediately noticed something strange. In the corner of his eye was a blurry figure he couldn't quite see, it was far away but it was slowly inching it's way towards him.

Rick turned his head to get a better look at it but as his eyes moved, so did the blurry figure.

"T-that can't be!" Rick kept moving his head but no matter how he tried, the blurry figure stayed locked in the corner of his eye.

As he moved his head frantically, Rick noticed that Mary was already awake and sitting up, fear creeping onto her face. Her eyes wide open as if she were staring at something.

Rick shuddered, he whispered to Mary. "C-can you see it too?"

She nodded her head. "Papa, what is it?"

"I don't know but it's giving me a bad feeling. Let's go find Grim." Rick held Mary's hand and the two left the guest bedroom.

Even though they had left the room, the figure in the corner of the eye was still there inching towards them very slowly.

Seeing as he could do nothing about it, Rick tried his best to ignore the ominous being and search for the others.

Both Rick and Mary checked the rooms but they couldn't find any trace of Grim, Laura or Jyn.

"Papa! They're outside." Mary pointed out a nearby window.

Rick took a look and saw Grim. Laura and Jyn waiting beside the barn.

"Let's go." Rick and Mary left the farmhouse and walked towards them.

"Papa, the thing is getting closer!" Mary said in a fearful voice.

Rick nodded. "I know Mary, but it's still a ways away yet. Whatever it is, I won't let it get to you no matter what."

Mary nodded as her fearful expression eased a little.

The two reached the barn quickly at a steady pace, Grim was standing there as if he had been waiting for them for a while. His head was bandaged, a trickle of blood running down his cheek. Laura and Jyn were sitting beside the barn door hugging, their faces pale as if the blood had been drained from them.

"Come inside, I've got the cure ready." Grim said as he walked inside. Rick and Mary followed behind, both feeling bewildered.

The inside of the barn was dark, hay littered the floor and the air was musky. Although it was difficult to see. A few rays of light managed to make their way through the barn's looser planks.

As the three walked towards the center of the barn, a gasp of shock left Rick's mouth followed by Mary's scream.

In the center of the barn there lay 4 people, tied up and gagged. Three were adults, two men and a woman. The last was a teenage boy, no older then 14.

The two men had already been shot in the head, their brains splattered on the barn floor. Only the woman and the young man remained. They looked Grim, Rick and Mary as they shook in fear.

Grim turned towards Rick and handed him a revolver. "You know what to do right?"

"I-I can't..." Rick attempted to push the revolver away but Grim grabbed his hand and slapped the revolver into his palm.

"Wake the fuck up Rick! My wife and son have already killed." Grim pointed to the two dead men and growled. "After they did the deed, the pain and that monster in the corner of their eye disappeared. I was right Rick, if we want to survive we have to kill!"

Grim turned around and walked towards the barn exit.

"Tell me boy, did yer wife and son do it willingly?" Rick shouted in frustration.

Grim shuddered, he stopped in place like a statue.

Grim sighed and with a weary voice, he replied. "No...I had to force them, it broke my heart but I had to do it."

Grim's hands balled into fists, he was gripping them so tight that his knuckles went white. "No matter what, I'll do everything in my power to keep them alive and safe. Will you do the same, Rick?" Grim gave a brief glance towards Mary before leaving the barn.

Rick stood silently in the barn, Mary clutching his arm tightly.

He stood still in a daze, the blurry figure in the corner of his eye had gotten a little closer and a sound had followed it. It was a distant buzzing sound, that was all he could make out but it terrified him.

Mary looked down at the woman and young man, they were both crying and whimpering through their gags.

"Papa I can't do it, I won't do it!" Tears had begun to leak from her eyes.

He gripped the revolver tightly. A firm resolve shone in his eyes. Turning towards Mary, he smiled weakly. "Don't worry Mary, you just need to hold the revolver and put your finger on the trigger, close your eyes and I'll do the rest."

"But.. " Mary sniffled.

Rick wiped away her tears. "I'll take on all the burden, I'll keep you safe."

Outside the barn, Grim was waiting. Laura and Jyn stood by his side, both were still a little shaky but color had returned to their pale faces.

Laura gripped Grim's shirt and asked. "Husband, will they do it?"

Grim's gaze was distant as he replied. "They have to, there is no other choice."

Laura opened her mouth to say something but two loud gunshots interrupted her. Turning her head towards the barn, she saw Rick walking out while carrying Mary who had fainted.

Rick stopped in front of Grim and then reached out to hand over the revolver.

Grim shook his head and said. "Keep it, you'll need it."

Rick put the revolver away and said. "We need supplies, Grim."

"A trip to the town then?" Grim suggested.

Rick Nodded. "It should be safer now, I saw the authorities handling the chaotic situation on my way out."

"Hopefully..." Grim muttered.


It had been hell ever since the calamity hit 2 weeks ago. Rick and Grim stuck together with their families and managed to survive the many dangers that now plagued the quiet countryside. Mostly small groups of similar minded people who were intent on killing them.

Although they were content to stay in their local town, they had to leave after the fifth day.

The town they lived nearby was relatively peaceful compared to others, still many went on crazy killing sprees until they were subdued by the local authorities but that didn't last long. It started after seven days and it hit everyone that had yet to take another's life.

The immense pain that came every few hours, and the figure in the corner of peoples eyes were not the straws that broke the camels back. No, what destroyed the fragile peace was a woman, a teacher to be exact.

It happened in the town square to a gentle woman who taught at the town's local primary school. She seemed to be running from something as she sprinted madly through the town but was eventually caught by what she was escaping from. Before the eyes of many, she thrashed in pain violently as black goo poured from every opening in her body, her screams echoing in the square. After a while she collapsed on the ground but she was still clearly conscious, she kept looking at her legs in fear, her mouth opening and closing as if to say something but no words came.

And then it happened, part of her legs disappeared as if some invisible beast took a chunk of her into it's belly. It continued until the woman had completely disappeared, all the remained was a puddle of black and red liquid.

Many in town the town square saw it happen and it began happening to others, that's when the massacre began. Everyone was killing in desperation, it became so dangerous that Rick and Grim along with Laura, Jyn and Mary were forced to leave town. With their current supplies, they could last a while.

The group wandered the countryside picking off anyone they came across. The killing became second nature to Grim and Rick and even though what they had done was heinous and immoral, their survival instincts had long snuffed out the inner voices telling them what they were doing was wrong.

The two made sure Laura, Mary and Jyn took no part in what they did, it was probably the only thing that kept their conscience clear.

If it wasn't for the roving band of azure god lunatics they crossed several days ago they would be on the roads. Still comfy and secure in Grim's van. Alas, bullet holes aren't good for a vehicle's engine.

The two families had no choice but to ditch the van and travel on foot. Their destination a nearby city where hopefully, they can find some supplies as theirs were dwindling fast.


A small group of people walked down an empty road, five in total. Trees and rocks dotted sparsely on the sides. The two grown men were carrying heavy camping backpacks, a hunting rifle strapped to their shoulders, the other three, two women and a child held small bags that were easy to carry.

"Dad, I'm hungry." Jyn complained, he was looking a little thin and had bags under his eyes.

Grim looked at his son and ruffled his hair. "We only have to walk a few miles to reach the next city, just a little longer."

"We can stop for some lunch can't we?" Laura asked, she was worried about how thin Jyn had gotten.

"Grim, we should stop. Mary needs a rest." Rick was lending his shoulder to Mary who seemed a little wobbly, she was pale and her body spasmed in pain. She seem used to it as she only gritted her teeth not letting out a sound of complaint.

"I guess we could rest for a while, we have been walking since morning." Grim nodded, noticing Mary's pained expressions, he assured Rick. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find someone soon. Mary will be fixed up in no time."

Rick could only respond with a weak laugh.

Hearing Grim, Mary attempted a faint smile. She replied. "Thanks for the concern."

The group found a large tree to the side of the road and settled under it. The day was especially hot so some shade from the overbearing sun was welcome.

The Five sat and began unpacking their bags, locating their lunch.

Their meals consisted of several canned foods, beans, corn and beef. Nobody bothered to heat the meals up and just dug in with their spoons.

Rick took out a pocket radio, he turned it on after adjusting the frequency.

"Heeeeellloooo, heeellooo, hello! haha! This is your dutiful housewife Fiona here coming at you from.. Uhh.. I forgot...gahahaha!" A drunk sounding woman echoed from the radio.

Rick smiled. He hadn't heard from his favorite radio host for over a week now.

"Today's recipe isssss.. drumroll!" There was a tapping in the background as the woman giggled.

"Gunpowder and lead! aha!" An audible cocking could be heard in the radio background.

Rick frowned, Mary, Laura and Grim had all focused on the little radio. Only Jyn was ignoring it as he nibbled away at his can of beans.

The radio was silent for a while until a soft weeping came. "I-I-I can't do it anymore! *Sniff* My two lovely daughters.. I killed them.. t-to keep the buzzing beast away, but it's back! I can smell it, feel it's breath on my neck.."

"N-no longer in the corner of my eye, I see it..." Fiona whispered as she sobbed.

Fiona started crying loudly through the radio as she shouted. "I-I shouldn't have done it right? I shouldn't have! I shouldn't have!-I shouldn't have!-I shouldn't have!-I shouldn-"

Fiona continued to repeat her self for a while, a weak banging in the radio background as if someone was hitting their head against a desk.

"I can't.. anymore.. Mommy is sorry.. so sorry, will they forgive me?" Fiona asked over the radio.

Several seconds passed. There was no answer, only the occasional static interference.

"...I don't deserve it." Came a whisper that was barely audible. The next thing heard was the sound of metal knocking on teeth.


An unsettling calm descended upon the group as a gentle gust of wind blew through the nearby trees and brushes.

Rick turned the radio off, he seemed to have aged a great deal. With a dejected expression he began eating his canned beef.

The group ate in silence, only the sound of insects and the chirping of birds could be heard.

Grim finished his lunch and began packing up. As looked up he saw his son heading into the bush. "Son, where are you going?"

Jyn turned his head around and replied. "Toilet."

"Don't go too far." Laura said.

Jyn nodded before disappearing into the dense brush.

Rick looked at his daughter who seemed to be distracted and constantly looking over her shoulder.

He reached out and touched her shoulder.

"Ah!" Mary jumped up in fear, she looked at her father and the surprise on her face turned into tears.

"It's coming closer dad, the constant buzzing...and that disgusting smell..." She leaned into her fathers shoulder and began to cry.

Rick patted Mary's back. "It's okay honey. Grim, we need to find some people quickly. Mary hasn't killed anyone in 6 days."

Grim nodded solemnly.

"Ah!" Jyn's scream came from the distant brush, it was short and full of fright.

"JYN!" Both Grim and Laura shouted at the same time before rushing towards the direction of the shout.

After rushing through the dense bushes Grim and Laura found Jyn next to a river, he was perfectly fine and only a little frightened.

"What's wrong!" Grim held Jyn and asked with worry.

Jyn pointed towards the river.

"Oh my..." Laura gasped.

Grim looked and saw what looked to be over 40 dead bodies littering the banks of the river, a few more were floating down the river. His eyes narrowed as he spotted something.

From behind him, Rick and Mary appeared, they were both out of breath and Rick seemed to have cut his cheek on a branch. They both gasped at the scene.

"Jyn, follow your mother back to the rest spot." Grim looked at Laura and she nodded.

As Jyn and Laura left, Grim turned to Rick and pointed to a spot on the river bank. "That one over there, he's still alive."

Rick nodded with a thankful expression.

"I'll be waiting for you at the rest spot, don't be too long." Grim walked back towards Jyn and Mary.

"Dad...Hand me the gun" Mary looked at Rick, her eyes had a hint of desperation to them.

Rick shook his head. "I'll help ye, no need for ye to trouble yerself Mary."

"You can't keep helping me forever papa, one day you'll be gone and I'll have to do it on my own." Mary looked into her fathers eyes with a faint but firm resolve.

Rick sighed and handed over a revolver.

With the gun in hand Mary walked over to the area Grim pointed to. There was a young man there, soaking wet and shivering. His chest heaving up and down. He was quite handsome with black hair and blue eyes. A high schooler by the look of it as he was wearing a tattered uniform. There was a bloodstain on his stomach, a wound considering that fresh blood was leaking from it.

"Cough! He-help, please" The young man looked at Mary pleadingly.

"I'm sorry..." Mary took the gun and with shaking hands aimed it at the young man's forehead.

"N-no! s-stop!" The young man was frightened and attempted to crawl away.

"I-I have to, if I don't it'll get me!" Mary shouted weakly, her cheeks were soaked in tears. She was mentally trying to justify what she was about to do but all it did was make her tears fall harder.

"I-I don't want to die!" The young man cried out, he stopped trying to escape and looked at Mary with fear in his eyes, suddenly he gasped and pointed at Mary's face.

"W-what? What is it?" Mary touched her cheek and looked at her hand, it was drenched in a black liquid.

"Ahhh!" Mary screamed in terror.


The gunshot echoed throughout the area and a long silence followed.

After waiting a few minutes, Grim, Laura and Jyn saw Rick and Mary walk out of the bushes.

Mary was very pale, a smudged black stain was on her shirt.

Grim looked at the two and said. "We're running out of supplies. The city up ahead should have some, lets go."

"Yeah..." Rick replied tiredly.

The group packed their things and left towards the city.

I didn't want to linger here too long so some things are sped up, hopefully this little arc will be wrapped up in the next chapter so stay tuned! :)