Ch. 3: Team 7
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I woke up to see Hinata, still naked, staring at me as if now unsure what to do.

"Good morning.", I gave her a soft smile.

She turned red, "Good m-morning."

"What time is it?", I yawned.

"We still have two hours until we have to be at the Academy.", she said shyly, "If you want to do that again, we can."

I couldn't help my laugh, "Are you trying to seduce me?"

"I-is it working?", she smiled back, "I c-can make you breakfast too."

She was trying her hardest to be useful, and I pretended like it didn't make me feel like shit. I was a selfish bastard. I had wanted to fuck most of the girls from Naruto since I hit puberty. It was hard seeing her as more than just a two-dimensional character before I had fucked her.

Now I just felt bad.

She didn't get go on and marry the guy destined to bring about World Peace.

And now she was destined to become a teen mom.

(Was it really that bad though? Her future wasn't the best. I was saving her in the long run. No child of mine would get a stupid name like Boruto.)

As long as she let me do whatever I wanted to her, then her children would see a lot more of me then Tsubaki's.

"No, that's fine.", I brushed her off, "I can make breakfast."

"D-did I do something wrong?", she asked.

"No, you didn't.", I assured her, "I'm just hungry and I read that you'll probably be too sore to do anything for a bit. I volunteer at the hospital sometimes so I can help you with any soreness after we eat. I'm going to need to go over to my house real quick for ingredients anyways. I'll get you some money for groceries "



I was an Influencer in my last life. I know that doesn't mean much now, but my wife and I were pretty famous.

I got married to my high school sweetheart the second we graduated. Her dad was some guy from Silicone Valley who didn't approve much of me, but wasn't around enough to really have an opinion. He bought us a house close enough to show that he cared, but far enough away that he could use it as an excuse for not visiting.

My wife was the light of my life the first few years. We were young and in love and it was enough for awhile. I couldn't leave because for religious reasons she didn't believe in divorce, and I refused to cheat on her. The last year I had been alive, she started considering adoption, but I didn't want a child to "fix" our problems. I wanted communication. She was spending so much time with her personal trainer Matt, that I thought she was cheating on me with him. (I never confronted her, but I think that car did me a favor. As petty as it is, I hope she never got remarried and that car killed us both.)

Vain and vapid, but so fucking hot even if she did become a complete bitch after a few years. My last year we were arguing about everything and anything, though I grew to hate her, I still loved her in some twisted way

Her name was Astoria.

She was a bombshell blonde with the greenest eyes I had ever seen, in that life and this life. We bonded over our love for anime, and on my birthdays she could cosplay as a character of my choosing and have sex with me. We had fun when we were younger, but things changed between us as the fame grew.

She hated everything I made and constantly counted calories.

I decided to make Hinata some pancakes to see if someone would appreciate my cooking or if I was really that terrible a cook that I drove my wife to diet.

And I needed to make sure Sakura and Ino knew not to diet when pregnant. As much as I loved their bodies, it wouldn't be healthy for a growing baby, and the two were young enough that any complications could prove disastrous.

There were a lot of things I needed to do.

First I needed to hope I still had Naruto and Sakura with me on Team 7 with Kakashi as our sensei. If Zabuza lived, he couldn't be reanimated to fight against the Allied Shinobi Forces. 

(A little part of me wondered if Haku was really a boy or not. If Haku was a girl I could just fuck a kid into her and she would be forced to come to Konoha. Zabuza would of course follow his protegee and I would be able to gain two strong fighters. But, it would breed resentment, so I would need to slowly seduce Haku if she really did turn out to be a girl. I remember there being a lot of debate about it on various sites. Kishimoto got a lot of shit for his characterization, so people were open to the idea of Haku actually being a girl pretending to be a guy who dressed up like a girl to throw off opponents. Marriages here across all of the Elemental Nations had a shared commonality. A marriage ended only in Death, not Divorce.)



When I finished making the pancakes I headed back to Hinata.

"What's t-that?", she asked.

I looked down at the pancakes wondering if I made them wrong, before I remembered that Konoha certainly didn't have the same variety of food that my first life did.

"Just a recipe I made. I've had a lot of time to experiment with cooking when I wasn't training."

She smiled slightly and hesitantly took a bite.

Her eyes widened, and I wasn't sure if she was going to spit it out or grimace. 

(I wasn't sure what would have been worse.)

She took the plate from me.

"This is amazing!", she grinned, "C-can you give me the r-recipe?"

A smile made its way to my lips, "Yeah, for a kiss."

Her lips pecked mine so fast that I wondered what happened to the girl I had woken up beside and fucked the night before.



We got to class before anyone else, Hinata's outfit the same except for an embroidered red and white Uchiwa, I doubted anyone would notice it unless they were looking for it.

I was kind of regretting the whole marriage business when my fangirls swarmed me to express that they had submitted applications and wanted to know if I would consider them.

Leading the group was Sakura and Ino.

(I could tell by the look on their faces that they hadn't gotten notice of their application's approval.)

This would make Sakura less bearable when we finally got our assignments.

Right now she was just a whiny fangirl with little personality, and unlike the Original Sasuke I wouldn't have the pleasure of leaving with Orochimaru for a few years to come back to Sakura being competent.

If I could kill Orochimaru somehow during the final exam after the Hokage weakened him, I could protect any future children of mine from being used as his future vessel.

(Maybe even win enough points with Anko to get her drunk enough for me to bang at least once.)

With Orochimaru gone, Danzo would die and then maybe I would leave Itachi alive until his illness took him. The Original regretted killing Itachi when he knew the truth. It wouldn't feel right to kill Itachi, no matter my thoughts of how much of a hypocrite he was.

After that I could take his eyes and not have to worry about mine.



The teams were announced and to my relief, nothing major changed. The Rookie Nine still had their same composition. I didn't know if any of the background teams were different, but I didn't much care so long as it didn't effect me.

The only big surprise for the class was when Team 8 left with Kurenai and Ino and Sakura zoomed into the Uchiwa on her back.

My ears hurt from their screeching, and I was glad that I had already decided on separate houses.

"Why does she have that on her back?", Sakura hissed to Ino as the two, in a rare show of cooperation, glared at Hinata who was thankfully already out the door.

Ino looked positively murderous, "She doesn't even like Sasuke! Everyone knows it, including him!"

Shikamaru sighed softly into his desk, "What a drag."

Naruto looked confused, "What's happening?"

(No one felt the need to explain anything to him.)

"Choji.", Ino snapped, "Find out why Hinata has that on her back."

He paused briefly from eating more chips before he lifted his head and asked loud enough for everyone to hear, "Sasuke what's going on with Hinata?"

"I accepted her application, the Ceremony is later tonight.", I stretched, "But, we got married yesterday."

Shikamaru tactfully covered his ears before the girls shrieked.

"What about my application?!?", Ino and Sakura asked.

My back popped back into place as I said, "I sent out all the approvals and rejections last night. Hinata just got hers first and moved in last night. I accepted a few others. No spoilers though. Everyone will find out when they get their letters from the Hokage's office. The Sandaime is a busy man, I don't know when everything will process, but it might only be a few days."

"A few days?!?"

(I rethought why I had decided Ino and Sakura needed to be in my Harem as I gave a silent pray for my ears and hoped the next generation of the Uchiha Clan wouldn't inherit those shrill voices. I wasn't even sure if the sex would be worth it.)

I took a page from the Original and looked broodingly out the window, "Hn."



Kakashi arrived late, but I wasn't surprised.

Naruto was pouting about the fact that I would have a giant family one day.

Kakashi pointed at me when we reached the roof, "You there, make an introduction. Likes? Dislikes? Hobbies or Dreams? Goals?"

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I like training and cooking. Dislikes? Men so driven by power that they slaughter a whole Clan. I dream of avenging my Clan and my Goal is to rebuild my Clan."

Everyone else's introduction remained the same, except for Sakura looking at me more like it would allow her to get the application result quicker. Naruto left when I pointed out a coupon for a free bowl of ramen on the floor of the hallway, I felt a little bad for taking away his future wife. Kakashi left as he did in Canon.

"Sasuke!", Sakura yelled as I was heading away, "Do you want to eat dinner with me? It could be team building without Naruto or Kakashi."

I paused and couldn't help the look of confusion on my face, "Did you not hear me earlier? I'm having a Wedding Ceremony tonight."

"Oh.", she sounded disappointed.

I waved over my shoulder.

"Do you love her?", she asked softly.

I paused, my back was still turned away from her, "I could grow to. Nearly all of the applications I approved were from people I can see myself loving one day. I need someone reliable if I'm going to have kids with them one day."

I took a few more steps forward before she called me again.

"Sasuke?", her voice was breaking this time.

I braced myself for her to either cry or yell at me, "Yes?"

"Even if you didn't pick me, I want you to know that I just want you to be happy.", Sakura declared, "Don't take this to mean I'm not interested in you! Because I am! I would have as many babies as you wanted to help you rebuild your Clan. I won't give up on you! I don't mind sharing you, but I'm just glad Ino doesn't know if her application was approved either."

So many emotions encompassed me as I tried to figure out how to respond to that. For a moment there I worried she might have turned into one of those "If I can't have you, then no one can" Yandere types.

"Thanks.", I settled on instead turning back to her, "I'll see you for whatever Kakashi has planned tomorrow."

"Have fun at your Wedding Ceremony!", her smile was forced, but the words were genuine.

Third update today! Don't get used to that, these chapters will probably be sporadic as fuck, I only updated so quickly because I  worked an early shift this morning and have the day off tomorrow. Review or whatever. If anyone finds something that they need clarification on, please don't hesitate to ask. If you have any criticism, I take it seriously since I'm trying to write a decent hentai fic. However this is my first fic, so I really don't know what I'm doing and learning as I go. There's a poll on if Haku should be a girl or not down below. Next chapter will have a lot of smut as Hinata and Sasuke will be having a Wedding Ceremony and Sasuke is a horny little fucker.


In other news, Neji and Hanabi might make an appearance.

Should Haku be a girl or guy?
  • Girl (Let Sasuke add her to the Harem!) Votes: 49 89.1%
  • Guy (Maybe just leave Haku a bro?) Votes: 6 10.9%
Total voters: 55