Chapter 3: The first meeting
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Wren settled down with the comic book. 'Invisio and Flash: the evil duo's downfall'. It had almost been a week since Wren had last been to the library. Her procrastinated homework finally finished in the early hours of the morning it was due.

"You know, the books not going to read itself." An unfamiliar voice said. Wren looked around, startled before her eyes settled on a face not so different from her own. "You must be Wren" she smiled "I'm your aunty Carol."

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

"You probably have some complicated questions you want me to awnser, so I decided that I would come and explain them myself." Stated Carol. "I have plenty of time and we are unlikely to be disturbed, so ask away."

Wren was stunned. It was one thing looking at pictures and reasurching the villain but another to actually speak to her. "W-what do y-you want?" She stammered. "I-I mean, why a-are you t-t-alking to m-me?"

"Well, I guess I wanted to meet my family again. I'm getting older and I wanted to reconnect."

Wren was skeptical "So w-why don't you c-contact your b-brother."

"He doesn't want anything to do with me, besides I find him rather tiresome. He thinks I want to make him into a villain or something." Carol was rather plain in her talking, quite different from how Wren had imagined "he made it quite clear last time we spoke."

"S-so you want to m-make m-me a villain?" 

"No, no. It's much too dangerous, I would suggest nothing of the sort. I just saw you were interested in my little book and wanted to give you the stories myself." She finished with a definite nod. "Besides you might want to actually practice with your powers."

"I. I don't have p-powers" said Wren sadly.

"Nonsense, I would be surprised if you didn't. Everyone in our family has one, even on your mothers side. Your grandfather made sure of it." Carol said with obvious disapproval, but if it were for her mother or grandfather Wren did not know. 

"A-aunty Carol? Why don't you like the H-HEROS?" Wren asked. 

Carol seemed to flicker out of existence before she softened. She did that a lot and Wren wondered if her power had something to do with emotions. "I have nothing against the HEROS, well not individually anyway. I've even teemed up with them a couple of times. The problem I have with them is their power, their lack of consequences and their biases towards their funders. I have only ever known of two HEROS to be arrested, the first was for getting out of control and causing a series of murders that they couldn't cover up, and the second one was for teeming up with me one too many times. . . I tried to save her, I did. Got arrested in the process and everything. I got 5 years in a power prison and she got 3, bit excessive if you ask me. . ." She trailed off. "Anyway we both got released after two years when the law changed. Even the Emperor thought them 'too cruel for any human'". "w-why?" Wren interrupted. "W-what was so bad about them?" Carol flickerd out of existence for a second and Wren was beginning to work out where she got her name from. "Well do you know how they kept the powers in check? No. Well they drained them. Only the primary ones of course, couldn't do much with the secondary, not that it mattered, they had you too weak to do anything." She shivered."Of course they had to be careful not to kill you, but it was still bad. Especially for a more heavily used one like Misty's. I can still see her, they dragged her out as she couldn't walk, her blue hair had turned white, dried blood trailing across her sunken cheeks. I probably didn't look much better myself." She let out a hollow laugh. "They didn't put that in the comic book did they?" She pulled down the album and flipped to the fird page. "Invisie and Flash. Flicker and Blue Lighting." Carol smiled "I should go. Things to do, people to see, HEROS to defeat. You know me." And she vanished, leaving a startled Wren to gather her thoughts. The abandoned comic left on the table.