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"Well, you are not pleased with the title of Count?"

"No, I am honored beyond measure. But if I become a count, I must have a ""domain"". I would like to continue to devote myself to various studies in the Bardia territory, so I would like to be made an associate count."

Sandra looked up and firmly told the emperor.

In the Magnolia Empire, a title may be preceded by the word 'associate."

The normal nobles are given a territory to manage and protect, but nobles with the title of "associate" at the head of the title do not have a territory.

Those who have made great achievements as adventurers, those who have made achievements in the field of research like Sandra, and those who have made achievements in the field of art are not suitable for managing a territory.

Or, for those who do not wish to manage a fiefdom, a knighthood with "associate" at the head of the title is sent to them.

Even if there is an "associate" at the head of the title, the position is considered to be the same as a normal one.

Well, in reality, the title is a little lower than a normal title because it is a title that does not manage a territory, but an "associate count" is certainly higher than a "viscount".

Sandra will be the focus of attention from other nobles in the future, so she definitely needs a certain degree of knighthood in order not to succumb to pressure and harassment.

"I see. It is true that it would be a loss for a talented person like you to be occupied with managing the territory and other chores. Good. Once again, Sandra Florite. I confer upon you the title of 'associate count.'"

"Yes, Your Majesty. I humbly accept."

As Sandra bowed at the Emperor's words, Her Majesty Matilda narrowed her eyes and looked at the Duke of the Glades, who looked as if he were biting a bitter bug.

"And yet. Even though it was a combination of various coincidences, Sandra succeeded in developing a medicine to restore magic power and a special medicine for magic depletion disease in the Bardia territory. However, I haven't heard of any achievements in the past few years at the Imperial Research Institute, where Sandra quit. As I recall, it was the Duke of Grays who recommended the current director of the Imperial Institute. ...... What are your thoughts on that point?"

The audience chamber froze at the cold gaze and words of His Majesty Matilda.

"There is no shame in that. But the 'research' is not something that produces results easily. Sometimes, as in the case of Count Sandra ......, success is obtained in a short period of time through a series of coincidences, while other times it takes decades to achieve success. Therefore, I hope you will be generous and watch over them.


Her Majesty Matilda thoughtfully put her hands on her hammers, and then her mouth relaxed and her gaze changed direction.

How would Sandra, who has left the institute, take what you just said?

"Oh, it's me."

Sandra's eyes twinkled as she was suddenly shaken, but she glanced sideways at the Duke of Glades, took a deep breath, and broke off her speech.

"I am afraid to say this. As the Duke of Grays said, research is not something that yields immediate results. Therefore, as a researcher myself, I hope you will be generous with your time."

As Sandra's statement roared through the room, a look of relief could be seen on the faces of some of the nobles, including the Duke of Glades.

However," Sandra continued, "but ......"

"I do not know now, but when I was the head of the institute, there were various agendas stirring around, and it was not an environment that could be called very open. If such a situation continues, it will be difficult to achieve research results."

"What is it? You may have been given a title, but you are still brazen enough to speak out."

The Duke of the Grays opened his eyes with a blue streak and turned his sharp gaze toward the throne.

"Your Majesty Irwin, there is no such thing as 'bad ventilation' at the institute. In the first place, the statement 'bad ventilation' itself is an insult to us who support the institute. It is an insult and a desecration to the high nobility who support the institute. Please do not take it seriously."

"I see what you two are saying. I see your point, I understand both of your opinions, but, Grays. Sandra, who has been unable to produce any results at the institute, resigned from her post as head of the institute. The fact is that Sandra, who has cut ties with her family, has achieved results at Bardia. This is both a failure of the institute and a failure of the empire. Worst of all, it was possible that Sandra, an outstanding human resource, would have left the country. We cannot turn a blind eye to this fact."


Biting his lower lip, the Duke of Grays' face contorted in frustration.

"Don't look so scared, Grays. If, as you say, the institute is well ventilated. If you are right, there is no problem with conducting an audit to review the situation. And in any case, now that the magic restorative has succeeded in Bardia, there will be a need to review the budget and research objectives of the institute."

The emperor told him, apparently thinking that anything more would be a bushwhack.

The Duke of Grays bowed and withdrew, saying, "I understand ......."

But she never forgot to give Sandra and the rest of us a hateful look.

It was as if to say, 'Remember me."

But things went as we had originally planned.

Sandra had regained her honor, and the magic restorative and the special remedy for depletion were Bardia's achievements.

The emperor's statement that he would review the "ventilation" and "budget" should have been effective enough to check the Duke of Glades and other nobles.

'Sandra, is that clear?"

'Yes, I am. I am honored that you have taken my advice."

Sandra bowed to the emperor and stood awe-struck behind us.

This was the end of the matter, so the next item on the agenda.

The next item on the agenda was to discuss the new relationship between Bardia and the new Grandek family. ...... But then, suddenly, Her Majesty Matilda cleared her throat and caught our attention.

Your Majesty, may I have a word?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"The development of Bardia, not only in terms of recent victories, has been outstanding in the empire. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Bardia is the most advanced territory in the empire".

"......I am beyond honored to be so highly praised."

The father gave a wistful nod in response to these unplanned words.

I don't know, I have a very bad feeling about this.

"Matilda, what are you trying to say?"

When the emperor twisted his head to ask her, her mouth relaxed in a sneer.

"In other words, should we strengthen the connection between Bardia and the imperial family, which is on the cutting edge?"


My father and I were taken aback by this proposal, which was so out of the ordinary that it caused a stir among the nobles.

But Her Majesty Mathilda was unconcerned.

"The Bardia family has an eldest daughter, Meldy Bardia, so why don't you take this opportunity to marry her to the second prince, Kiel? Considering the development of the empire and the future of peace and tranquility, I think it is well worth considering."

"Hmm. A future of development and peace."

The Duke of Burns, the leader of the conservative faction, raises his hand.

"One moment, please."

"Yes, what is it? Burns."

"Your Majesty Irwin, I am afraid to speak to you. The Bardia family has already married the princess of the neighboring country of Renalute to Lord Rid. If the royal family is also engaged, it would be too much of a power concentration, wouldn't it? Besides, the Renalute side will not feel too good about it."

Originally, Renalute had hoped to marry into the imperial family.

However, there are few advantages to having a princess from a country that is already under a secret agreement with the royal family to be related to a country that belongs to the royal family,...... and that is how the marriage between me and Fara was decided upon.

But when he pointed this out, Her Majesty Matilda shook her head.

"I understand what Burns is trying to say. However, Rid and Fara have already been happily married, and everyone in the empire and abroad knows how well they are getting along. No one would say there was anything wrong with the marriage."

Oh, really?

I blinked at the unexpected words, but Her Majesty Matilda continued.

"From a political point of view, If the Bardia family is related to the royal family, we will be related to the Renalute royal family. It's a long way off, but if you think about it dispassionately, it's not a bad deal for the Renalute."

Her Majesty Matilda's voice roared through the audience chamber, causing the Duke of Burns and the other nobles to roar.

"I humbly beg your pardon. I thank you very much, but my daughter Meldyis still very young, and I think this is too hasty."

"My father is right. I beg you to reconsider."

"Oh, no, that's not true. The engagement of His Majesty and I was made at an age close to that of Meldy and Rid. It is not too early.

I tried to resist somehow following the lead of my father, but I was lightly treated by Her Majesty Mathilda.

I want to do something about it, but my position doesn't allow me to say anything back.

Just when I thought that the moat would be completely filled and Meldy's engagement would be decided, an unexpected person raises his hand.

"May I speak up for a moment?"

' "I know it's ....... ""Lord Bergamot.""

Her Majesty Matilda's brow wrinkled.