Chapter 3: Casimir
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It's been a while. I'm sorry, I have low motivation and little time. Luckily though, the showing season is ending so I can write more. But then NaNoWriMo starts- anyway, I have a chapter so... TW: Mention of self-harm


A red sun rises, blood has been spilled this night."

-Legolas, The Two Towers

Casimir was weak- at least that much was confirmed as he hobbled back to his old home. His breathing is shaky. What had just happened? It’s like his mind had just shut down- panic mode or something. He was useless. Wasn’t he? Yes. Yes, you are. His mind supplied helpfully. 

Shut up Casimir gritted his teeth and stormed back into his room, ignoring both Katya and Holly calling to him. 

He could hear them talking about him from the other side of the curtain, “-what happened?”

That was Holly, sounding considerably concerned. He groaned and slammed his on the ground, “I hate it I hate it I hate-” He stopped. His claws were digging into his sides as he crossed his arms over his chest. 

One breath. Breathe. Stop freaking out. This had never happened to him before- he had never felt…. Filthy, for no reason. As if his soul had become contaminated somehow. It made him feel as if millions of ants and spiders were crawling all over him, squeezing themselves past chinks in his scales and into his eyes and mouth,, and nose. 

He started to feel a strange sickness bubble up in his stomach- making his insides squirm uncomfortably. He whined, closing his eyes and leaning back. 

---- ----- ---- ----


Katya shrugged at Holly’s questions, “I don’t know. He was fine- or mostly fine. He seemed a little distracted- but it’s his childhood, y’know? But I think all of this started when- well, he sort of spaced out for a minute. After that, he wasn’t all here. Then he collapsed. Like- a panic attack or something.” 

Holly glanced down, she held a small rabbit in her claws, a mountain of herbs and berries in the outcome next to her. “I don’t know either- he left, about 8 years ago. When he was 7. Almost the end of his hatchling years- yet I don’t remember anything like this happening.” 

Katya leaned on the wall, “No I think it is something new You’d think that running for your life would somehow trigger a panic attack, but no, instead it’s this. ‘Course, it could be PTSD.” 

Holly turned, dropping the rabbit in a bowl, “PTSD? What?”

“Post-Traumatic stress disorder. Probably from being on the run or locked up for 8 years. How old is Casimir anyway?” Katya asked, plucking some berries from the outcome in the wall and popping them into her mouth. 

“15 by now. Dragons usually age a lot faster than humans if the books I read are correct.”

Katya’s mouth fell open, “Do you-?”

Holly smiled at her as she began cutting up the rabbit, “yes, Casimir told me. He didn’t want me to mistrust you in case anything... Happened.” 

“Do you- will- judge me for it?” 

Holly laughed, “Of course not!” Then she winked, “You’re fully dragon now anyway. I bet Cassi wouldn’t like it if I disliked you.” 

Katya blushed, glancing at the floor guiltily. “I do hope he’s alright- I bet it’s hard for him to accept the mistakes he made. He’s too confident for that.” 

“I fear you know my  son better than I do…” Holly said quietly. 

Katya didn’t know what to say, “W- You’re not to blame- It’s not like you could reach him from the Human Realm.” 

“I know, it’s just…” 

A Bang

Katya turned quickly, “I’ll go check on him.” She sighed. 

She pushed open the curtains, “Casimir?”