F*cked Up
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The guy with the dreads started laughing hysterically as he looked at me. “What in the world are you? A jester?”


I frowned deeply as I glared at him. This was not how I wanted to start my new life, but it looked like I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.


"No, I have remarkably bad luck; now, where are these monsters, Mr. Joker?" I asked sarcastically, and the man laughed.


"I like you! The Name is Ace, and the monsters are this way!" He said before turning and walking away, and I quickly followed after him.


This was going to be a long day, I could already tell, but then I noticed a sign that was flickering. Then the face of the man that I was with showed up on it.


[Target for kill: Ace Mentura.]


Really? The first person that I meet, and it is the one I have to kill? This was just my fucking luck.


"What is your name, bud? What are you looking at that billboard for? Are you taking up shaving your legs? Or just not used to the big city hub-bub?" Ace asked, and I looked down at him.


I was doing this guy a favor by killing him. He was going to get sent to another world and probably fuck tons of bitches, and do some fantasy blow. I could do this! I was the interdimensional hitman, after all, but I had a problem.


"Your name?" Ace asked again with a raised eyebrow.


"Hank," I lied. I was supposed to kill him, so giving him my real name might not be good, and I had no weapon. Fuck.


"Well, Hank, let's get going. What class are you?" Ace asked as he started to walk, and I followed, looking around for something heavy.


"Class? How do I check that? Sorry pretty new at this," I said, spotting a fair-sized rock.


"What? You don't even know how to open your menu?" Ace asked, still looking forward.


"Nope," I said, trying to figure out how high to lob the rock.


"Well, you just say the work, and it will open," Ace explained, and I tossed the rock up in the air. Unfortunately, it got stuck in the tree above in the wedge of a branch. Stupid fucking tree!


"Oh? Really? Menu?" I asked, and a menu appeared in my vision. I looked at my class and groaned when I saw the defender and tripped on a root, almost face-planting. 


"Yeah, really. You okay there?" Ace asked as he turned around and helped me up.


"Yup! Just slipped, is all," I lied as I dusted myself off before following after him again. This was going to be harder than I thought, but not impossible. I would just have to look for another rock that was bigger this time. I was going to kill this son of a bitch one way or another!


I had been pretty averse to doing this, but after already failing once, I was now determined to finish the job. This had to be one of the easiest jobs, considering the guy was right here. I had just been unlucky so far, but that was going to change.


I was following behind Ace as we walked down the street when I spotted a large rock in front of us, and I quickly ran over to it before Ace could say anything. 


"What are you doing?" He asked with a confused look on his face, and I quickly grabbed the rock before standing up. 


"I am going to kill you," I said plainly as I lifted the rock above my head before bringing it down on his head with all of my strength.  


Ace dropped like a sack of potatoes, but there was a shield that appeared around him.


"What the fuck was that for?!" Ace groaned as he tried to get up, but now I was in the shit and had to finish my task. 


I lifted the rock once more and brought it down onto his head with all of my strength, but the shield flickered before reforming. Ace looked up at me with a pained expression. 


"I don't even know you, and you are trying to kill me! What is wrong with you?!" He shouted as he tried to get up again, but I was not going to let him. 


I lifted the rock for the third time and brought it down on his head as hard as I could, finally breaking through the shield, but Ace rolled out of the way. 


Suddenly, there was a sword stabbed into my chest from behind, and I dropped the rock as I coughed up blood. 


"You fucking idiot! Why would you try to kill me?!" Ace shouted as he pulled his sword out of my chest before slashing my throat. 


I fell to the ground, dead.


Suddenly, I was back in the white room, and Jim was sitting across from me with a disappointed look on his face.


"I thought I told you to kill him?" He asked, and I shrugged.


"I tried! The rock just got stuck in the tree, and then when I found another one, he had some kind of shield around him!" I protested, but Jim was not having any of it. 


"You were supposed to kill him! That was your only instruction! Now the God of the world that needs this little son of a bitch is going to be very upset," he said as he stared at me, scrubbing his hands over his face.


"I am sorry! It won't happen again," I said, and Jim sighed.


"It better not. You have one more chance. If you fail again, then you will be stuck in this room for the rest of your life," he said, and I gulped.


"I understand," I said, and Jim nodded before disappearing.


I was now alone in the room once more, but I was not going to fail again. This time, I would make sure Ace died even if it killed me... well, maybe not that far. I needed to kill this guy, but how was I going to do that?!