Extra Chapter – Athos the Mad God
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This chapter is to celebrate the fact that this silly book of mine passed the 100k views mark! It is a small gesture from me to thank you all for coming back and reading it!

It was a peaceful night. The sky was clear of any clouds and filled to the brim with stars. Athos was lying in the green grass, watching them twinkle. Nobody knew what he was thinking about, and if someone would ask him, he couldn’t answer his or her question. It was just a feeling… a constant nagging, a tugging at his soul.

“What’s on your mind?” A kind voice asked as a woman arrived, sitting down next to him.

She wore only a thin, green dress, barely covering anything on her perfectly shaped body. Her figure was oozing maturity and the aura of motherhood. The way her hips shook as she walked forward, the way her breasts followed the rules of gravity as she sat down next to him… everything was simply enchanting. It was no wonder that the mortals looked upon her as the patron of all mothers, of all women, and as of purity. But with the last one, Athos would argue. Vehemently. He knew her the best, and he knew how wild she could get when they were all alone.

“Nothing much, my little muffin~” He answered, looking at her, changing his posture, placing his head into her lap, and letting Nilier stroke his white hair. “Mmmhm~ Your fingers know the best how to please me~”

“Pervert!” She chuckled, pinching his nose. “I woke up when you came out here! Bad dreams?”

“Nope~ I just feel filled with energy after our nightly exercise!” He grinned, flashing his white teeth. “Have you ever thought about it?”

“About the exercises we do or about how I ended up with a bad boy like you?” She asked back.

“Neither.” Athos laughed, turning his red eyes towards the Sky again. “About what is out there!”

“Out there?” Nilier flinched ever so slightly, but Athos noticed it. He just let it go without saying anything. “There is nothing out there, Athos. The stars are just souls, twinkling in the river of the Reincarnation Cycle. You yourself have flown up there and seen it for yourself! There is nothing beyond the Sky!”

“Then why do I get the feeling that there is?” He sighed, blinking his eyes ever so slowly. “Since the day I managed to become a member of your exclusive little group, I got this nagging feeling in me! That I am stuck in here… and I should be… out there.”

“Because you are borderline mad!” She replied, rolling her eyes. “Why do you think Skoorn and the twins started to call you the Mad God, huh?” She grumbled. “They say that your insanity is slowly infecting me too!”

“Pft! Yeah, sure!” He clicked his tongue, sitting up, leaning in, and kissing her while he started to knead her ample breast with one hand. “The only thing I am spreading onto you is my seed! What do you think? Can you get pregnant? Would our child be a God since birth?”

“See? This is why I agree with them…!” She said, gasping for air as she was clinging onto his neck. “You are always asking stupid questions!”

“I think it is a completely honest and logical question!” He said, shrugging. “Anyway, I forgot that I got you something!”

“Huh?” She tilted her head, curious, looking at him as he produced a silver necklace with a huge sapphire hanging from it.

“I thought it was like your eyes and would compliment you greatly!” He grinned as he put it on her.

“Athos! This… This is beautiful!” She exclaimed happily.

“Just like you~.”

“Hehehe~” She blushed innocently. “Where did you get it? I feel some soothing fluctuations coming from it~ This is not a normal gem~”

“From Baldy.”

“Pft…!” Nilier stifled a laugh. “Let me guess, you stole it?”

“I did.” He nodded, spreading his arms. “Fucking ballsack-face is feeding his rusty dick with these rare artifacts! I think he is fully impotent, and only his sword remains for the bastard! It is the only thing that reminds him as to how it feels to grab onto something hard!”

“Stop it!” She laughed, nudging him. “He is my eldest brother! Even if he is a jerk, don’t badmouth him too badly!”

“So what if he is? By the way, where did his baldness originate from? He always attacks me when I ask him about it! If he is so bothered with being bald… just regrow his hair! And you call me mad? You also have a pair of siblings who fuck like bunnies, yet I am the weird one among you?” Athos said, rolling his eyes again and again.

Nilier opened her mouth to speak, but she was troubled. Her expression was changing rapidly, but in the end, she said nothing. Athos didn’t notice it this time; he was too immersed in berating the other Gods. Just as he was going on a rant about Skoorn, the whole pocket realm, which was Nilier’s own home, started to shake.

“Right on cue!” Athos scoffed, already teleporting away, gone from Nilier’s lap. She was looking at the cracking sky as a black hole opened up, and Skoorn walked out of it.

He was wearing a tight-fitting, black uniform, with his rusty sword in hand. He scanned the land with a cold gaze, only stopping at Nilier for a second, noticing her necklace as he snorted, looking for Athos. When he found him, it was because he appeared behind him, kicking him in the butt, sending Skoorn skidding forward in the air.

“Can’t you knock, you raisin-faced bastard?!” Athos spat, provoking him immediately.

“Give it back.” He said, turning towards him, raising one hand with an open palm.

“Okay!” He shrugged, giving him a ‘high five’. “You are it!” He laughed, flying away in the next moment.

Skoorn immediately blew his top, brandishing his sword and slashing at the fleeing figure of Athos.

“Don’t you dare ruin my home!” Nilier shouted from the ground, watching the black arc streaking through her realm’s sky. It was a deadly and destructive blow. If it were cast in the outside world, thousands of mortals would be killed, even if they just stood under it, watching it pass by them.

“Whoa, man, you are some gloomy little prick, aren’t you?!” Athos laughed as his body, when hit by Skoorn’s attack, was blasted apart. He blew up like fireworks, spewing fire everywhere.

“ATHOS!” Nilier screamed as it was raining fire on her favorite flower garden, setting it aflame. She was not worried about him… she was angry.

“I will fix it, dear; don’t worry!” Athos’s reply came quickly, and Skoorn was already turning around, raising his rusty sword to block.

Athos was materializing right there, wielding a two-handed saber made out of pure orange flames. His hands were encased in glittering, blue ice, right up to his shoulders as he was holding it, slashing downwards. Skoorn’s eyes enlarged as he felt and saw how the Mad God’s blade simply phased through his rusty sword. The body of the flames opened up, letting it pass through each other so he could slash through his defenses.

“You are mad…” Skoorn whispered because the results were already apparent. He would be hit by Athos’s flame, slashed across his chest, while he would also strike him in the head with his sword.

“Maybe~” He grinned, as his face was turning blue and a layer of ice was covering him up completely.

When they clashed, it resulted in a deep roar and another explosion. It was cracking the sky itself, driving Nilier’s realm to the brink of destruction.

“FUCK OFF, YOU TWO!” She screamed again.

Her black hair was transforming as she flew upwards. At first, they braided themselves into two pigtails before ‘falling off’ and landing in her hands as whips. She was quickly up there, right below them, snapping her whips at the two. Skoorn was hit straight in the back, flinging him away. He was moaning because of the still burning scar on his chest, turning towards Athos with a seething anger burning in his eyes. Nilier’s other whip landed on Athos’s ankles, pulling him downwards like a ragdoll.

“Woah, woah, my dear!” He flailed his hands as his ice armor fell off of his body, revealing his uninjured head. It was clear that he was the one who came out on top in the previous brief clash of theirs.

“Shut it!” She snapped at him. “Skoorn! Leave! Or I am going to go to your own realm and wreck it shreds, too!”

“...” Skoorn said nothing, just turned his eyes towards her, watching the gem hanging off of her necklace.

“Hey…” Athos whispered to her, letting Nilier bind his body with her whips. “If you keep him here, I can go and snatch some fine stuff! Let’s do that right now!”

“...” Nilier just ignored him, trying not to laugh, but Skoorn simply harrumphed, raising one hand, tearing a hole into the air, and leaving without any other words.

“Sore. Fucking. Loser.” Athos chuckled, seeing his retreating figure.

“Athos…” Nilier turned to her with a deadpan look on her face.

“Yep, my lovely little bunny mommy?” He asked back with a kind voice, leaning forward for a smooch.

“Nah-a!” She pulled on her whips, squeezing his body.

“Oh my! If you want to play it rough, I’m in!” He blinked his red eyes with a playful light in them, turning Nilier’s cold expression into a… cold expression with a completely blushed face.

“Khm!” She scratched her throat in the end, shaking his influence off. “Fix my realm, and then you can… kiss me! Our garden is also messed up!” She pointed down at the flower field, being overturned by the unbridled impact of two Gods clashing. Even if it was just for a brief moment.

“I see…” He smiled, freeing himself from his whips, gently caressing her face. “Come, let us do it together~ As always~.”

“Um…” She nodded, letting her hair reattach itself as she lovingly hugged him, snuggling up to his body while they descended down. They started gardening without any words between them. Athos just chuckled, watching the truly happy expression on Nilier’s face as they tended to the flowers like their own little children.


“They fought again!” A sigh echoed amidst the falling snow. It came from the mouth of a young girl standing on the porch of a wooden house, watching the big, white flakes slowly covering up the pine forest before her.

“Yeah!” A similar-sounding voice agreed as a young boy, identical in looks, walked next to her.

They were the twin gods, Alfina and Oynega. Looking at them, it was impossible to tell which was which. Not without checking them naked… even then…

“Did their clash have an effect on it?” Oynega asked, gently holding Aflina’s hand, intertwining their fingers.

“No.” She replied. “But I really hate when they start fighting. Every time they do it, it could have an effect on our cycle… I fucking hate the idea of getting a setback because that unpredictable bastard can’t keep himself in check!”

“Skoorn or Athos?”


At that, both of them laughed, not because it was funny but because they were frustrated.

“Whatever! He can’t do that much damage to it if it is just about them fighting!” Oynega patted her hands, calming Alfina down. “It is not like he wants to tear the Sky open!”

“I hope not!” She scoffed. “That would set us back a lot…”

“He doesn’t have the strength for it.” Oynega mused, but he was truly thinking about the possibility. “He only became a God a millennia ago! Even if he managed to woo Nilier, she was going to be the perfect pawn to keep him in check. We have known her since we were mortals… She would choose our side in the end. And Skoorn is dumb enough to think he is at the helm.” He giggled. “Yet somehow he always does as we advise him to do~ Idiot~.”

“Because he was born dumb! No wonder that Master punished him seriously once!” Alfina said, clicking her tongue.

“Don’t bring him up!” Oynega flinched.


“Anyway…” Oynega changed the topic. “We need a backup plan for the unpredictable one. Let’s start with what… Master told us about… faith.”

“Hey… you said don’t bring him up!” Alfina elbowed him but then nodded. “Um, accumulating faith is a long process. But we can start spreading it covertly. It is good to have something in our sleeves. If the worst comes into reality, we won’t be helpless. Let’s do it in a way that the idiot doesn’t realize it.”

“Which idiot, again?”

“Hehehe, all of them~” Alfina grinned as their eyes were flashing with wicked ambition.

There were some clues sprinkled here and there~