A realm populated by mortals, where demigods and gods were beings of fables and legends only. This peaceful and mundane world experiences an irreversible change that gives rise to not just cultivators but brands of new lifeforms. Demons rise up as animals transform and gain intelligence, and the world itself changes forever.
After thousands of years, the one behind this cataclysmic event is finally reborn into a new family, body, and existence as a ruling empire's famous general's daughter. This may cause some unexpected hurdles along the way... But what else would make it more fun to reach back to the top if not a new challenge?
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It's rare to find a good cultivation novel with a female protagonist, but this is definitely one of them.
The world building is well done without too many info dumps, the characters feel like real people, and dialogue flows nicely while not feeling like filler.
The main character is strong and confident, while also not being overpowered. I especially like her playful and unabashed personality, as well as her relationship with the ML.
Conflicts make sense and aren't just one dimensional villain clichés, and the plot is slowly but steadily advancing without making massive jumps that leave the reader confused.
Finally, the cultivation and power gain is consistent throughout the novel, I think the main character and characters around her increase their strength at a pace that makes sense for the setting while still being exciting to read about.
Overall, if you like the genre, or even if you don't, you should definitely give this a read!
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Its truly rare to find a cultivation novel with a female lead that isnt some generic chinese trash. Most of what I want to say has been said by BioArcane so, good job author!
If there was one gripe I have about the novel its that our MC is too playful and childish, I would even say irresponsible. The few times she is serious is when she is angry or someone close to her is in danger or hurt. A lot of her decisions could easily turn badly for her or her close ones if it wasnt for either plot armor or her special past and background.
This is purely a personal dislike on my part and in no way am I shaming the character. Even though I felt a little annoyed with her sometimes I still enjoyed this story massively.
I recommend this story too anyone who doesnt mind an outgoing female protagonist who gives 0 sh*ts about common sense and the rules. Not to mention the authors way of introducing cultivation and how they wrote the story is great. This story is a breath of fresh air after almost drowning in the ocean of piss poor generic, re-skin chinese cultivation novels you have seen around.
You know the ones with some reincarnated assassin, genius doctor, abused daughter of a rich family, sh*t aunts and uncles, revenge, and some generic cold hearted male lead that somehow falls for the female lead ect ect...
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To get the opinion out of the way: this is probably one of the best stories I've read. There, I've said it, I believe it, but it won't help you choose to read, which you should.
So first, I think this is one of the best explorations of a reincarnation plot I've seen. This is for a few reasons:
1) It's not intrusive: it's a part of the story, it's important, but you aren't being slapped in the face with it, nor are you left feeling that the character is acting way dumber than someone their age should.
2) It doesn't feel weird: the whole reason behind the reincarnation is well explained, the character's reaction/perception of it is natural and refreshing, and it's a fundamental part of the plot rather than a means to explain it to the reader.
Next, read BioArcane's review, it perfectly highlights the rest of the stories best points and is still relevant even now! There has been no drop in quality whatsoever.
There is an unfortunate issue with the grammar, mainly with the use of gendered pronouns (which is later explained to the authors native language not having them), but its by no means unreadable, just need to be cautious that he and she may not be reversed.
Tldr: it's very good with good plots, good world-building, good characters, and good progression, but he and she = they, and I have to wait for more chapters now that I'm caught up... Yes, that last one can be a problem don't judge me. Anyway, read it... Just try a few chapters
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One of the best stories out there. First, the female protagonist is a real protagonist, not just a female being saved by others all the time. She is a strong protagonist without being totally overpowered and getting stronger at a flow that makes sense; the same goes for the side characters.
The story is well set around her and the world is well described making it easy to follow for the reader. There are quite a lot of fights taking place but there are not taking an overbearing place in the story and are mostly logical helping the plot; not just random fights that take place for who knows why. The storytelling is really well-written and intriguing making it very enjoyable to read even at a daily basis.
There are two chapters a day which helps the readers to stay tuned.
The side characters are also well-written and well-developed alongside the protagonist, each having different characteristics and powers making the story even more interesting and diversified.
If I had to find a drawback, it would be about the power levels of some characters she encounters later on in the novel which are perhaps a bit unbalanced but it helps bring interest to the story so it's fine in my opinion.
There is no trauma about her previous life or stuff like regrets. She really does start over and enjoys her new life as if it is her first making the character even more interesting.
There is a bit of romance but it's well-made so it's mostly funny, not overbearing, and helps the plot go forward while improving the relationship between the protagonist and the ML.
All in all it is one of the best if not the best cultivation I've ever read and I definitely advise you to try it.
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I don't even use ScribbleHub, I just made an account to write this. The story is amazing: the characters are lovable and endearing, each with their own personality; the pacing is great, never slow and even then with enough space for downtime and small chapters to get to know the world and characters better.
As others have pointed out, it's not a "cultivation" story but rather a story with cultivation as it's power system. It also borrows some world-building aspects, but that's mostly all of it. For me, it was a breath of fresh air; not having to keep track of the MC's fifth demonic cultivation technique or having to read 4 paragraphs explaining in minute detail how the energies in this specific world works. Basically, the cultivation aspects are tools the story uses (really well I might add) and not the main focal point or driving force.
The overarching story is great too. I found it as an interesting take on the subject and as one learns more, it makes sense and becomes more appealing. It could be argued that there are some parts that are solved a bit fast or easily. However, I see it as a matter of preference; it prevents the story from stagnating too long on a conflict or area and keeps it rolling along to the next arc.
I can't recommend this novel enough. If you're looking for good stories to read, this right here is one.
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I absolute can recommend to read Mad god it's one of the best storys that I had the enjoyment to read and I thank Corty for creating this masterpiece.
I Just finished the Story and still can't Believe it's the end.
I loved the main group around the Main character Ren every one had Something unique. But Ren was by far my favorite I liked her Humor and how she was Always confident in her way. My second favorit characters would be Kang I just love that friendly giant, and Ariana she really grow on me.
Grammar was absolutely okay there was an error with the He/She Sometimes but nothing that really stood out to me.
Sorry for my absolutely not perfect grammar but I hope the person who ready this is going to have as much fun as I had reading Mad God.
(Shiroaoi on Royal Road)
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Not sure why it claims status is chapter one... Im on Chapter 200 and can't wait for more.
So many cultivation stories quickly turn boring as they seem that every new chapter is "Welp they cultivate some more... Followed by more of the same.
Not this story. It has fun and tragedy mixed and a plot that keeps expanding and I always look forward to the next chapter.
Thought to add to the previous review. This is not a story about cultivation. It is a story WITH cultivation.
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Absolutely gold. Hilarious comedy, logical and witty interactions, and an actual progression system. The MC may be reincarnated but isn't instantly OP due to previous knowledge and actually has to train. The world is actually well built and progressing as you would hope and the cast is well developed upon introduction and are kept relevant, even for characters that were only mentioned in a single sentence. Finally the power system is relatively easy to understand and is consistent in what can and can't be done based off level and element, but can still be overturned based on skill and knowledge. Overall it's a great story that you should read even if you don't really enjoy cultivation like me!
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It's time I've given the corty series a review of my thoughts. The mad god was simply phenomenal. I had no idea what to expect... from the synopsis and the cover which I liked I still decided to put it off to read a couple other series... I'm kinda head butting the wall now because of this. The mad god made me laugh, get angry and get super pissed off... but wow what a creative venture that truly pulled me in. Corty has a way of writing that has such structured world building that's rarely seen. Side characters can all be main characters if it was another story featuring just them. The way he creates his characters is fantastic. Also, corty has this sense of humour in his writing that makes me actually laugh out loud and I've done it so many times reading his stories. Ren has become one of my top 10 characters of all time... Lia is almost up there too because of their similarities but ren is just so much more out there ✌? only those that have read these series will get that V lol. Another excellent thing about corty is that he can take criticism... some, in my opinion were uncalled for in my eyes but maybe I'm just biased... you have some though that think a book should be written 100% to their liking and tastes... I know that we as a reader love to read things we like but it can't all be what we want. If that's the case pick up a pen or laptop and write your own series. Also, corty communicates with his readers. He will respond to literally every comment and not just with a "thanks for reading" or something generic. He will actually respond! He will have a conversation with you. Authors take note of this!! No one likes to read and if they take time out to leave comments it would be nice to get a response. But I will keep this short sorry Ren ??✌?. Read this series! It's sooooo worth it!
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This is pretty well written, and you can tell the author has at least some expirience writing stories as it's fairly well paced, with decent character writing and development. Even side characters get their time to shine, with seeming one offs getting attention to the point that it's surprising if they don't come back.
The setting is pretty standard for cultivation novels, but it's executed so smoothly that it honestly feels pretty refreshing. The story avoids the endless repetition that often appears in those novels, due to authors trying to pad out the length and milk money from whatever pay-par-chapter site they publish on. It's not revolutionary, and if you've read a ton of cultivation stories this one might not be very notable, but so far it definitely hasn't been a waste to read.
Really, the greatest criticism I can make for this novel is that it's desperately in need of heavy proof reading. There are some jumbled sentences, mixed up names, incorrect auto-corrects, and tons and tons of mixed up pronouns. Honestly, this is the one thing that could be a major dealbreaker for some people, as if I wasn't used to auto-correcting those issues in my head, as I've worked as a proofreader in the past, it could easily frustrate some people.
If those issues are fixed, I could honestly say that the author could publish this and it'd be worth the money for readers. Maybe not worth the trouble of getting printed, but split into volumes at a few bucks each and I don't see anybody complaining.
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