Chapter 36: Reunion [1]
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Chapter 36: Reunion [1]

The scent of a perfectly roasted meat glazed with honey wafted out of the room The trio shifted their gazes on the door and soon found the source.

The Baroness carried a large silver plate containing a lump of roasted boar meat. The heavenly aroma crafted by the spices was enough to put the little kids into a brief stupor, and before they even knew it, they were already gulping their saliva.


After putting the large plate in the middle of the table, the eyes of little kids immediately landed on it. They were like young hungry wolves as they eyed their prey. Still, they held themselves before throwing cutesy looks at the Baroness, waiting for her go signal.

“What are you waiting for?” The Baroness let out a giggle. “Eat!”

Without further ado, three little kids immediately dived and stuffed the roasted boar meat into their mouths, forgetting the etiquette drilled to them by their mother. They ignored everything and gnawed cut meat like hungry little squirrels.

The dish’s deliciousness wasn’t something even their perfect mother could ever accomplish. Never.

Their blissful expressions and the speed they were emptying the delicacies brought forth a big smile on the Baroness’ face.

The Baroness caressed her chin and squinted. Watching the trio gobble up the meat, she couldn’t help but smile. “It looks like you’ve missed my cooking.”

The trio nodded while licking their fingers. Aside from being a powerful warrior, the Dragoness of Gisvold was also known as a great gourmet and cook. She had this hobby of hunting monsters everywhere just to get new ingredients for her kitchen experiments.

“So tell me little ones.” A mirth slipped out of her lips. “Is Annise cooking edible?”

She knew it best since the baroness was once part of Levo’s small army.

Her words made the trio shudder for a moment as few dreadful memories flashed before their eyes. The pot of evil made by their mom had them quivering. The trio glanced and each other before shaking their heads.

The Baroness was right. Their mother was never an excellent cook. No, rather, she was not even a cook. Thank goodness their mom rarely ventured into the kitchen.

Klive’s spoon stopped as he fell in deep thought. He then raised his hand, lolling his head at the Baroness. “Aunt, the food mom makes is eerie. They’re bitter, salty, sour, and sometimes plain ‘ew’. But my father eats it all in relish. Is something wrong with father?”

Liszt and Ciera lifted their eyes, their fork and knife still drilling at the delicious roast boar. They were curious for the same reason. They never heard their father complaining about it in their entire life. He was their hero during dinners.

“Cause boy, your father is a different beast.” The Baroness flashed a grin.

“Oh.” Though Klive felt it makes little sense, he still felt that his Aunt Cecille spoke the truth.

It didn’t take long until they wiped the dishes clean from the table. Nothing remained aside from the inedible parts. A long sigh slipped out of the trio as they threw a longing gaze at the leftover bones.

“Anyway, do you know how your older brother Davin is faring?” asked the Baroness.

The baroness was the one who encouraged his son to train under knight Levo. After all, Levo’s training regimens were one of the best ways to become excellent warriors. Though trivial in size, the knight’s army was still known and proven to be among the best soldiers in the Knight’s kingdom of Rutherford. They were ferocious, skillful, bold, and disciplined. Battle-hardened warriors who led and swept hordes of monsters during monster subjugations.

“Uncle Davin?” Klive said. He recalled the face the esquire who’s shining face had been sculpted anew. His father, the knight, had perfectly crafted through the daily training he had to undergo against his father. He gulped and scratched his cheeks. “I think he’s fine, aunt!”

Ciera and Liszt looked at each other. A wry smile formed on their lips.

“Brother Davin always takes care of us, Lady Baroness.” Ciera looked down, playing with her soup.

As for Liszt, he simply nodded, agreeing to what his two other siblings had said.

“Actually aunt, Elder brother Davin is with us.”


The trio, plus the Baroness, turned their gazes at the newcomer. It was the Lord of Gisvold. He looked pale, as if he just met a ghost.

“What happened, dear? What’s wrong?”

The Baron walked straight into the dining room. A pale shade had veiled his handsome, chiseled face. He mumbled and immediately walked towards his wife. He looked lost.

“Darling! Darling Cecille.” He huffed and put a knee on the ground. “Y-you won’t believe this. Our son, our son.”

The Baroness’ eyes turned sharp, finding his husband a bit too excited. “Talk clearly dear! What about Davin?”

“I’m sorry.” Baron Callias swallowed his spit and continued, “He’s back!”

“I know, the little kids just told me now.” She frowned and pointed at the hungry trio.

“Yes! I mean his back, but he looks so different!”

“How different?” The Baroness raised her eyebrows. “Did he grow strong? Then, let me test that brat with my ax.”

The well-fermented face of Davin entered the Baron’s mind. He wondered how his wife would react once she glimpsed Davin’s current plight. His lips quivered like he ate a cow’s dung.

‘Should I tell her or not? It’s better if she’ll see it herself.’ He felt stuck in a dilemma. A headache loomed as he let out a heavy sigh. “D-Dear, please see for yourself.”

“What’s with the suspense, Callias?” She stood up and grinned. “Is this one of your surprises again?”

“You can relax first, little ones. Anyway, let’s play later, alright?” The Baroness looked at the eating little ones. “I’ll meet my worthless son.”

“See you, lady aunt!”

“Alright, lady baroness.”

“Hmnn. Enjoy!”

“Let’s go dear.” She turned her head to the Baron and grabbed his arms. “I want to pick up my ax first. I hoped the skirt-chasing boy had learned to change his way and grew some balls under Levo’s guidance.”

Baron Callias choked and looked at his wife. “Dear, Davin’s a changed man. No need for the ax. He changed so much you will not even see any traces of adolescents on his face. You’ll be shocked just as I am.”

“Really?” The Baroness couldn’t help but lift an eyebrow.

‘Oh, hell my wife, you will!’ Callias couldn’t help but roar in his mind. Anyway, the change was so extreme that he looked much older than his father. And that little prick dared to call him dad? It was… It was unacceptable!

Baron Callias held the shoulders of his wife and stared at her eyes. “Believe me. You’ll be shocked.”

A glint of curiosity shone in Baroness’ eyes. It had been a year, and she also felt quite excited for his son. From the way her husband was acting, it seemed it was a tremendous change. “That’s good. It seems like I have to thank Levo and Annise again.”

Baron Callias: “…”