Chapter 1
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Emotions are valuable to a higher realm being, and ‘Hatred’ is coveted above all else.

They say hate is more addicting than drugs or sex. It’s more desirable than love or worship.

“Hate is the spice of life,” says a demon.

“Hate makes eternity less dull,” says an immortal.

“Hate gets me up in the morning,” says a primordial god.

Where there is demand, there is money to be made. As a Hate-runner, it’s my job to gather as much hatred as possible and sell it to my clients.

Recently, the Gatekeepers are cracking down on Hate-runners like myself. Arresting several of my colleagues. Ha! Amateurs. How could you not get arrested when you forcefully open a rift and attack a lower realm to collect spite? So tactless!

To survive in this job, you gotta play it smart and have patience. I have three iron rules I live by.

1. Blend in with the locals.

2. Never kill a sentient being except in self-defense.

3. Never disrupt the universal order.

Abide by these rules and even the Gatekeepers will turn a blind eye to me. After all, somebody has to keep the higher realm beings happy, and that somebody might as well be me!

I eye a newly discovered realm. So young. So full of life. The perfect place to mine hatred.

I laugh maniacally and slip my soul into their cycle of reincarnation.

Just wait, young realm… a villain is going to be born in your world!

Hahaha! Hahaha haha!


Twenty five years later.

After many sacrifices, the great evil is finally defeated. He is now put on trial at the highest court. Tens of thousands of people gather to witness his trial, and the hearing is broadcast to the rest of the world via magic.

That’s the devil? He’s more handsome than I expected.

Of course, he’d be good-looking. How else would he lure so many people to their doom?

He looks weak. Bet I can take him out in one punch!

Where was this enthusiasm during the subjugation? I didn’t see you volunteering to take him down.

S-shut up!

Did you know they built this courthouse specifically to contain him? Every brick is made from anti-mana stone. Thousands of mages are on guard. And there’s a force field created by the nine elders restraining him!

Five elders. He murdered half of them, remember?

All this protection for one man? Crazy!

Shhh… quiet! The trial is starting.

Adrian Acker, you stand trial for crimes against humanity. How do you plead?

Who? Me? What did I do?

Adrian Acker — the Devil! You are accused of four thousand accounts of murder, conspiracy, theft, and more! How do you plead?!

Weew~ Four thousand is a lot. Hey, can you explain them to me one by one, judge?


Don’t be mad, you’ll pop a vein.

I’m asking you for the last time! How do you—




Did I hear that right? Did he confess? Just like that?

A-hem! Since… Since you admit guilt, I hereby declare you—

Not guilty! Guilty. Not guilty. Guilty. Not guilty. Now, which should I choose?

Adrian Acker, you dare mock this court?!

Who? Me? Why I’d never! I do declare… I say I do declare that I need to take a piss. Ah! Never mind, I did that already.

Oh, for the love of god, just kill him already!

Yeah, execute the devil. This trial is pointless!

Burn him! Burn him!

Ah, you hear that, judge? The sound of the good populace wanting justice to be served. Who are you to defy their will?

Enough! Order! Order in the court! This is a holy place of judgment where guilt must be proven! Adrian Acker, if you refuse to defend yourself then—

What? Are you going to assign me a lawyer? What a waste of time. I’m guilty. There, you happy? Now let’s move on to the execution. Chop. Chop. I don’t have all day.

No. No lawyer may represent you without bias. The only way for the world to hear about your side of the story is through your own eyes.

Wait! You don’t mean… No! Don’t you dare!

I am the judge! I dare! With my authority, I order the defendant to reveal the truth to the world with the Memoria spell!


Crazy! The judge is crazy!

I haven’t experienced Memoria since… shit, when was the last time it was used?

Er, guy? What’s Memoria?

Memoria… a spell that will display the target’s memories. It is rarely used since no one in their right mind is willing to show the world their deepest, darkest secrets.

And it’s going to be used on the devil!? Wouldn’t his memory be really… fucked up?


Oh boy… We’re in for a show today.

No! I refuse! It’s an invasion of my privacy! I’m guilty! Guilty, you hear me!? Just kill me! Here, I’ll do it myself. I’ll—


Whoa! The judge slams his hammer and the devil turns into a statue!

As I said, the security here is crazy.

Order! Order in the court! I hereby place a gag order on the defendant and freeze his body to prevent any suicide attempts! Any objections?!

No? Good! Now let the truth be shown to all!