4 – Lian Yu (3)
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After hours of testing my shooting skills, I concluded that, while I managed to hit 50 % of the targets, I still missed 50%.

Don't get me wrong, hitting 50% while being me, a person who had no experience shooting a bow could be considered good. But the problem is, I'm not just me now, I'm the Green Arrow... So these results managed to put my feet back to reality.

While sad that I didn't inherit all of Oliver's skillset, I held on to hope. My main theory on this is that when I regain all of Oliver's memories, I will also recover his skills. Now I can only wait and see.

After spending hours upon hours shooting the bow, I decided to check my body.

After getting naked, I noticed that my body is now covered with scars. It was a ton of scars, variating with bullet wounds, knife wounds, and some others that I have no idea what caused them. I also checked my back but it looks almost worse than the front.

I highly doubt lotions against scars will erase all of that...

The mobility of my body is superb, with no damage on my legs or knees, and my arms are in good condition as well.

Basically, my body is in peak condition, except for the scars, but they don't affect me that much, so I'll just ignore them.

Then, after checking my body, I decided to test my strength and stamina as well. I think I'm above average when it comes to strength, but a test is always welcome.

I grabbed the bag that Amanda gave me, with the guns and the supplies, and started to lift it. Its weight was at least 25kg and I managed to lift it with ease.

This doesn't give me the extent of my strength but it shows I can manage pretty well, considering that my muscles are not that big.

Now to the stamina. I think the term stamina reflects how much you can do while maintaining peak conditions, or how long you can do something without rest.

So I started to do push-ups, run around the plane, etc. And to my surprise, after 5 hours of training, plus shooting the bow earlier, I was just slightly out of breath.

That was incredible. I still felt like I had the energy to continue for hours and hours. This means that my body is somehow special because I've never met anyone who could do what I just did and still have the energy to keep going.

This was another thing that I can't explain so I grabbed the notebook and noted it down.

' My body has an absurd amount of stamina. I think I could train all day and still not get tired. Need more tests to determine the extent of this.'

After doing that and eating something, I decided to search the plane for something I might have missed earlier.

After 1 hour of searching, I managed to find some important items. A small notebook with names inside of it. I assume it was the book that Robert gave to Oliver earlier, with the name of all corrupt people on Star City.

While thinking this is not that important to me, I still decided to store it somewhere safe.

I also found a map of what I assume is where all the places Oliver went. There were 2 places with a cross on top, which could mean a grave or something like that, the rest is normal, but the area around the Volcano is the only one marked with a giant X.

This could mean that he went to that place and checked or someone said something to him so he put an X there, so he could remember the dangers of that place. No matter the case, I will not go there.

' I need to get all of Oliver's memories soon otherwise things could be even more dangerous.'

After training, eating, and organizing all of my things, it was already dark outside. This means that 2 days have already passed since I arrived here, in this universe.

' What could've happened to make me come to this universe? Did I die? Oliver died? Which DC universe is this? So many questions and almost no responses.'

With my mind filled with doubts about this situation, I decided to sleep. I can only hope I figured things out the next morning.

I went to bed, laid down on it, and closed my eyes.

After walking up the next morning and noticing that I now have the memories of Oliver until his 11 years, I concluded that by the next morning I would have all of his memories.

This probably means I will have all of his skills by tomorrow as well.

After spending some time adjusting to this new set of memories, I started a routine. First, eat breakfast, then do exercises all day. The exercises vary from shooting a bow, some other weapons that Amanda gave me, to then doing push-ups, to running around the area near the plane.

I noticed that I now hit 70% of my shots with the bow. The theory of the memories being linked to my skill set is proving to be true.

After spending my day doing all that, then eating dinner, I went to sleep with high hopes for tomorrow.

I maintained this routine for 2 days, until...



That was my first thought after waking up. I now have all of Oliver's memories, which means that our souls finally merged and I inherited his skills.

After spending some time analyzing my new memories, I can only be shocked, ' What the fuck... this is insane.'

I was in awe with all the shit Olive- I went through. So much death, and tragedy all around.  

I didn't delve too much into the memories because I decided to do that at night when I go to sleep. It was a perfect time to do it. But, I can test my accuracy and skills.

My accuracy increased to 100%, and my body now feels more synchronized than before. I made more tests until I was satisfied.

After doing this, I went back to my routine. Eat, train and sleep.

I kept at it for a week until I finally managed to analyze all my memories.

'I can finally say that I am Oliver Queen now. I won't think I'm someone else anymore, because, at the end of the day this is my life now.'

After adjusting to my new set of memories, I also realized that some of my feelings changed as well. It was nothing that shocking but I noticed it.

 One of the most noticeable things is that I become braver, venturing deeper into the forest, into uncharted territory. Of course, not unarmed.

I went to grab my torn-up hoodie that was hidden below my bed and wore it.' I wish I had a mirror to see how I looked.'

Then I grabbed a pistol, my rudimentary bow, and some arrows, copied the map that I currently own, and went exploring.

While having my memories back, it was easy to navigate through the forest. I knew exactly where to go and places that are not that safe.

'It's interesting to note that I didn't check the area around the Vulcan. I noted that area with an X because the map of the enemy boss I fought years earlier was also marked with an X.'

I continued my adventure in the forest, going further and further. ' Running through this forest is liberating.'

Also, I was writing down on the copy of my map all the new places I passed.

Interestingly enough, I had been running at top speed for hours and was not tired. I also climbed trees from time to time, easily, and observed the territory ahead to see if it was safe.

After a while, I noticed that I was practically close to the volcano. As it is getting late, I can simply return to the plane, sleep and explore another day. Or I can ignore all my instincts and go even closer to the volcano.

After much thought and clenching my teeth, I decided to return to the plane. 'Not yet. Another day.'

And that's what I did on that day. I went back to the plane, wrote down on the main map the new locations that I scouted, and went to bed.

One week later.

I was back in the area where I previously gave up exploring. It was very close to the volcano so I waited a week to go there.

I was armed to the teeth with weapons and food because this will take a long time.

So, I entered the area I had never explored before, with my alert at maximum. Anything that moves will get an arrow.

I didn't have to worry about shooting anyone because it's been years since I've killed everyone here.

'I don't think I would even hesitate to kill anyone, thanks to the way I am now. I've adjusted as much as I can with the memories and the feelings but it's still strange not to have any hesitation when it comes to killing.'

Ignoring my feelings about death, I continued to explore this strange and new part of the island.

2 days later

I was at the entrance of a cave near the volcano, '' Those last few days have been productive.''

I, besides finding this cave, found several other things that were at least ... interesting.

I found saiyans, no, I found some kind of monkey colony near the area around the volcano. I haven't touched them because they pose no threat to me and I see no reason to kill them.

Then I found trees around the area, many of different species, which was extremely strange

But by far the strangest thing I found was this cave. The entrance was weird as fuck, with the top spiked, looking like teeth.

I only hesitated for a moment before making a decision, 'I need to go in and explore. Amanda has probably already sent my rescue team, so I'm running out of time.'

With a newfound motivation to have a complete map of Lian Yu, I entered the strange cave.

The first I noticed is that this was a cave where humans used to live, based on the things around. Some rusted swords, arrows, and the likes are all around the ground here. 

There was also some kind of picture painted on the cave walls, but I couldn't decipher it.

I didn't spend much time in this area and continued ahead.

When I reached what seemed to be the middle of the cave, it suddenly split into two paths.

Faced with this situation, I took my bow and arrow and shot in the direction of these two paths to calculate the distance and to see if anything was blocking the way.

The path to the left seems to be a long one because even though I shot with all my might, I didn't hear the sound of the arrow falling to the ground or hitting anything.

Based on what I discovered, I decided to explore the right path first as it has something in it and the left-hand path seems to be an endless path.

After putting away the bow and getting a pistol and a flashlight, I started walking down the right path.

Just after I started walking, I found what my arrow hit. It looked like some kind of bat or something.

Instantly, I became alert: 'I didn't realize that animals were living in this cave. A dumb thing to do, I could have been ambushed if there had been any intelligent animals or humans.'

I passed more paintings on the walls with things I didn't understand. ' Sigh, I should've asked for a cellphone with a camera, now I can only try my best and remember everything here and then check if it's important.'

The painting that seemed to be the most important looked like a demon's head, with people idolizing it.

'' Wait... a demon's head? Where have I heard that before?'' 

After spending some time thinking about this subject, something came to my mind, '' Ra's al Ghul...!!!!''

I gasped for a second and began to analyze the paintings seriously. 

'' Hmmm, I see. It does make sense.'' 

...I still understand nothing about it.

I decided to put those paintings out of my head for the moment and continued the path until the end, where I arrived at some kind of room with a lot of things inside.

Beds, clothes, swords, spears, all of it already rusted

I thought I would find something important here or some animal but I found nothing.

Right after I said that I felt a kind of shiver and rolled to the side. 

A tiger attacked me but I managed to dodge it. '' Where did this tiger come from?!!!''

I looked at the spot where I felt the tiger coming from and saw something that looked like a pathway to the outside of the cave. ''That explains the tiger, but what about the bats? I only found the one at the beginning and nothing else.''

Anyways, I aimed at the tiger and to my surprise, the tiger seemed to recognize that it was in danger and ran off through the path he entered.

After making sure he was not coming back, I searched the room for some kind of clue of where this was but found nothing, so I went back to the middle of the cave and went to the left side now.

Just as I entered the left path, I sensed something and aimed my flashlight at the top.

You see, now I found out why only one bat was on the right path..... It's because he was lost. 

Hundred of bats are sleeping (?) at the top. I don't want to imagine what would happen if I woke them up.

After taking the flashlight off the bats, I kept going straight but this time making as little noise as possible.

After so much exploration of this cave, I arrived at an area with some kind of pool with green water.

As soon as I saw this, I just said one thing, '' OMFG... JACKPOT!!!!!''.

I calmed down and came near this pool that might be the famous Lazarus Pit from the DC universe.

Based on the strange painting and others things that I found in this cave, I am pretty sure that this cave was some kind of base for the League of Assassins. However, something happened and they abandoned this place.

I came even closer to the well and considered putting a hand in, but decided against it, "This place was abandoned for a reason, so I'm not going to risk it. Besides, I wasn't sure what the side effects of using the well were.''

I looked at the pit again, '' Is the pit working? The League would not just leave a resurrection pit alone. Maybe it lost its effect or some other problem? Maybe the well doesn't work anymore, maybe it works too well? What matters is that I found it, and I will make sure that it stays hidden. No one comes to Lian Yu but it's good to set traps for precaution.''

I also updated the map again, now with the area around the volcano marked with an even more red X. 

Looking at the Pit made me do something which I might regret later on but ... I emptied a water bottle and put the green water from the Lazarus Pit inside. I'll research it when I get to Star City.

After doing all that and fighting the urge to enter the Pit for fun, I exited the cave and went back to the plane.

Then I noted some things down in my notebook and tried to copy the drawings at the cave but the results were... not that good, but it was the best I could do at the moment.

With my mind filled with pride for finally mapping the whole island, I went to sleep.

Many days later

A boat with fishermen has approached the notorious Cursed Island, thanks to the captain's order.

''I think the captain has gone mad for good. So much time at sea has turned his brain to water. '', said one of the members of the boat.

''SHHHH, don't say that so loud.'' Another member replied and started to look around to see if anyone else was listening, '' I heard that he was paid a nice fee to fish near Lian Yu for a few weeks.''

This caught the attention of the member who complained, '' I never heard about that! How much money are we talking about?''

'' Millions!! And I also heard that he will share some of it with us.''

'' HAHAHAHA. Now I'm motivated.'' The man who complained before was gone, in its place now existed a motivated fisherman, '' I'LL CATCH ALL FISH AROUND HERE.''

The crew stayed near Lian Yu for exactly 5 days before something caught the attention of one them.

'' Hey guys.'' One of the fisherman said, '' Is that an bonfire?''

All of the crew looked over at where the guy was pointing and noticed a very big bonfire on the shores of the Island.

The captain also noticed the commotion and grabbed a binocular. He noticed the bonfire but he also saw a person next to it.

His eyes shook for a moment before yelling at the crew, '' Prepare a small boat right now!!''

The crew was surprised for a moment because they never heard the captain sound so surprised but they did as they were told.

'' Captain, what did you see there?'' One of the fishermen asked.

The captain solemnly said, '' I saw a person near the bonfire.''


After waiting for a month, I finally saw my 'rescuers'. I waited a few days and hatched a plan to gain their attention and a bonfire was a nice way to do that.

Then I buried all the weapons that Amanda gave me, tried my best to hide my plane and the things inside it , put on my most worn-out clothes, and went to the shore to lit the bonfire.

It worked like a charm because I saw a small boat coming towards me. 

' I now have to act like I was away from civilization for 5 years... this will be difficult.'

The small boat stopped near the island and the crew members got off and came toward me.

They were frightened to see a living person on Lian Yu, but they keep calm.

They also spoke to each other in Mandarin, a language I understand.

I had no intention to show them I understand everything there were saying so I just started to act.

'' Thank GOD!!.'' I started to cry,'' Finally!! I can finally leave this island.'' 

I run to the crew and started to cry harder, '' THANK YOU!!''


After a few minutes of me just crying, they put me in their small boat and we went to their main one.

Just as we entered the boat, I fell to my knees and started to cry again. 

Most of the crew didn't understand what I was saying but the captain did speak English.

'' Relax, you're safe now.'' He tried to calm me down.

I looked at the man with tears in my eyes, '' Thank you for saving me.''

The man looked at me with compassion, '' I don't know who you are but you did well in surviving until now.'' He patted my shoulder and helped me stand up, '' You're safe now.''

I thanked the man again and the crew led me to the dining area where they gave me food and water.

After doing all that and resting for a bit, the captain called me. '' We are calling the national guards right now. Can you please say your name so we can inform them?''

I looked at the man, '' My name is ... Oliver Queen.''

The MC will have almost the same past as in Arrow ( the TV series), with a few changes here and there, to make more sense to the story.