9 – Darkseid!
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After training with Diggle and much thought, I decided to meet my possible new ally.

I decided to go to Queens Industries and look for Felicity Smoke. I decided to talk to her and see what she was like in person.

In the reception, I received a few weird looks. It seems people still don't recognize me or they are afraid of something.

I went to talk to the receptionist, '' Hello, can you please talk with Walter and tell him that Oli-''

Before I could continue, the receptionist interrupted me, '' Sorry, but the CEO only talks if you have an appointment.''

She said that while looking at the computer. She didn't spare me a glance.

While that didn't make me angry, it still bothered me. Like, she didn't bother to look up and she straight up rejected me. I get that Walter is a busy man but that was unnecessary, I think...

I didn't let the attitude of the receptionist get the better of me and continued, '' Can you please tell him that Oliver Queen came to visit him?''

She was already planning on calling security, but when she heard my name, her face went pale, like she had seen a ghost. '' Mr. Oliver, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you!!''

I didn't care that much, '' That's okay, you are just doing your job. But next time, please at least look at the person or hear her name first.''

She nodded and proceed to call Walter. A few moments later the call was answered and she told me to go ahead and take the elevator.

I thanked her again and went to the CEO's office, which could be mine in the future.

'The problems of the future are the problems of my future self.'

When I got out of the elevator, Walter was there to pick me up. '' Hello, Oliver. To what do I owe the visit?''

'' Good day to you too, Walter. Honestly, I felt bored at home, and with nothing better to do, I decided to check what my future company looks likes.''

That might sound douche but I need to play the part too. While in the last month people haven't been able to see much of me as Green Arrow, I have to completely erase the root of anything that might relate me to that life.

As expected, Walter's face twitched a little. '' Well, feel free to explore the building as much as you want. I will give you access to all floors and, if you want, access to all files regarding the company.''

' He really is a good man... Mom chose well.'

While praising Walter in my head, I accepted the pass he gave me, '' Thanks, but I have no interest in looking at those files right now. They just give me a headache and I understand nothing.''

Walter nodded and I said my goodbye, '' Again, thank you for the pass. See you at home, old man.''

I gave a hand wave and a stupid grin and left Walter's office. Walter returned the hand wave and just went back to work.

' Time to see if our tech girl is up to the hype.'

To erase any suspicion, I visited all floors and went on a tour through the company, until I reached the floor where Felicity worked.

It was easy to spot her, the only blonde on the entire floor, and the only one with a lot of computers around her.

' Wow, she really looked beautiful, not like Laurel, but a strange kind of beauty...'

After admiring Felicity for a moment, I decided it was time to introduce myself.

I approached her but as she was going through some things, she didn't notice me. ' It seems that my presence is diminishing more and more.'

Ignoring those thoughts, I coughed a little to gather her attention but it seems to have worked too well, as she dropped the things she was holding.

' Well, that worked nicely...'

I said nothing and helped her gather the things up. After all that, I started to talk, '' I'm sorry about that. I arrived a few minutes ago but you didn't notice me so I tried to gather your attention...''

'' No problem. Sometimes I lost myself in the things I study... by the way, what is the heir to the throne, Oliver Queen, doing here?'' Felicity didn't look irritated, so it's fine.

'' So you know me?'' I asked surprised. ' But it's true my face was all over the news last month.'

'' Who doesn't know you? Your face was across the TV for days... So, what do you want with me, an IT girl?''

Felicity looked at me suspiciously.

'' Believe it or not, I was doing a tour in the building and noticed this floor, which seems to specialize in tech and gadgets, so my curiosity got the best of me and I visited.''

This response seems to have satisfied Felicity but she still looked suspicious at me. '' Okay, now that you looked around, does your curiosity seems satisfied?''

I shook my head, '' I also have a few doubts regarding some things, for example...''

For the next 10 minutes or so, I talked about what I wanted for my adventure as the Green Arrow, without saying anything that could compromise me.

By the time I finished talking, Felicity looked at me like I was an idiot, '' You do know that almost all the things you asked for are impossible to make, right?''

I nodded, '' Yes, that's what other people told me, but then I saw you doing those modifications on that thing there.'' I pointed at the thing she was holding before, '' and I thought to myself, maybe she can help?''

'' You do know that I'm only an IT, not a genius constructor, right?''

'' I know, but what if you have money and time to experiment with those things...?''

These seem to have picked her interest, '' Tell me more.''

I started to explain to her, '' I took the liberty to check your curriculum before coming to say hi, so I know that initially, you tried to create a lot of interesting things, but for some reason, you stopped.''

As I mentioned this, a pained look was spread across Felicity's face.

' So something that I don't know happened to her... maybe my information about some character was wrong or outdated.'

'' So, as mentioned earlier, I have a lot of ideas and even more money to burn to make those ideas come true, but I need the help of someone who knows what she's doing.''

'' And that person is me...?'' Felicity pointed at herself.

'' Precisely.''

'' But surely there must be someone out there even more qualified than me.''

'' Perhaps, but right now you are the most qualified person next to me, and to make things even better, you already 'work' for me.''

After I said all that, Felicity went silent, probably thinking about the pros and cons.

' I will slowly try to show things to her and, as time passes, she will notice some similarities between what the Green Arrow is using and what I'm asking her to build. She's smart so she will figure it out very soon.'

After thinking for a while, Felicity finally came to a conclusion, '' Can you give me some time to think about it?''

'' Sure. But here, this is something I want you to take a look at and see if you can build it.''

What I showed her looked like a harpoon but was actually an arrow. I needed a grappling hook like the one Batman uses. Of course, if she could make it arrow-shaped that would be great.

She took my drawing, which was good by the way, and started to analyze it. She looked at it intensely, '' This... I might be able to build this.''

''There's a 'but' somewhere?''

Surprisingly, she shook her head, '' As I said before, I will think about it.''

'' Okay, but here's my number for you to call when you decide it.''

She grabbed my number and the drawing and said goodbye to me. I left her floor soon after.

' She will come around. Now I just need to slowly introduce her to my other life.'

While feeling somehow guilty to involve Felicity in this kind of thing, I reassured myself that this was her future anyway, and put this thought to the back of my mind.

I returned to the CEO's office and wanted to give the card back to Walter, but he rejected it.

'' This is your company, the least you should have is access to all floors.''

I thanked him again and went back home to rest. I encountered Thea there watching TV.

Feeling that I should at least spend more time with Thea, I seat next to her. She noticed me and as soon I sat down, she came near to cuddle.

I obviously accepted the affection and we watched the television in silence.

After spending some sibling time with Thea, I finally went to bed.

' I need more rest. Not physically, because I'm quite okay despite resting very little, but mentally. I'm doing vigilante work nonstop, I need a break sometimes.'

This thought sent me back on time to the dinner with the Lance family. ' Maybe it's time to call Laurel to a date...?'

With that thought in mind, I drifted to sleep.

The next day, when Thea, Moira, and I were having breakfast, I asked, ''You know what Laurel likes as a gift?''

Moira and Thea looked at me in surprise. But then soon after Thea smiled with a knowing look on her face.

''Hey, I haven't seen her in years and her tastes may have changed...'' Which was true.

''But why would you ask that, Ollie? Maybe you're going to ask her out on a date?'' Thea found her entertainment for today.

"Actually, I will. I've been back in the living world for a month now, and it's about time I asked her out.''

Thea nodded and took out her cell phone and started to write something.

I got curious and asked, '' What are you doing?''

"Nothing, just warning Sara about you...

'' HEY, you little devil.'' I said this as I got up from my chair.

Thea did the same and started to run around the dining table.

After spending some time running after Thea, she and Moira finally started giving me hints about what Laurel likes.

'' So she like birds now? Okay, what more? She doesn't like this place? Okay...''

We spent almost thirty minutes talking about Laurel and by the time we finished, Thea and Moira looked at me expecting something.

'' What?'' I asked.

'' You're not gonna call her?''

'' Now?''

Thea and Moira nodded simultaneously.

'' Sigh, okay okay. Jesus, you guys really are something...''

After I took my phone out to make a call, I saw Thea and Moira giving a high five

Shaking my head, I waited for the phone to pick up. After a few moments, I heard a '' Hello.'' from the other side of the line.

'' Hello, good morning, Laurel. It's Oliver speaking, can you talk now?''

Thea and Moira stopped doing what they were doing and focused on me and my conversation.

' At least they didn't ask me to put on speaker.'

I heard Laurel fumbling a bit at the other end, but she answered after some time, '' Sure, Ollie. What do you want to talk about?''

'' Do you remember our talk at the balcony a few weeks earlier?''

'' I do.''

'' So, I think it's finally time to ask the question. Do you want to go on a date with me?''

I swear I could hear Laurel smile from the other side of the line, '' Of course. I'm free this saturday.''

'' Any preferences for food, place or time?'' I asked.

'' No, i'll let you decide that.''

We then spent some more time talking, but soon it was time to say goodbye.

After we said our goodbyes, I hang up. As soon as I looked at Thea and Moira I noticed that a huge grin was across their faces.

'' What now?''

Moira hugged Thea and started to fake crying, '' Thea, what should I do? My baby boy is all grown up now...''

Thea also started to fake cry, '' Mom, I also don't know what I'm going to do! I just got my brother back and now he's gone because of another woman.''

I smiled at the scene and proceed to ignore both of them.

' Life is looking good. I guess nothing can ruin my week'

Later on the same day

''This is the place?'' I asked Diggle through the earphone.

''Yes. From the information I found, it seems that today there will be a big negotiation between rival gangs. There are estimated to be at least 15 people there, all armed. Be careful, Oliver.''

''I always am. Let me know if anything else comes up, I'll take care of the situation here.'' After taking my focus off the Diggle call, I got off the bike and took a big breath.

'It's been a while since I became Green Arrow, but even with all this protection and my ability, I still feel nervous when I face others.'

' Should I do this stealthy or just go ham and fuck it?'

I decided to go stealthy after some thinking. ' First time in a while that I will do the ninja way, let's see how I do.'

Having decided the way I was going to act, I started to look around for entries. As I still didn't have my grappling hook, the roof is not an option.The place where the transaction was taking place was a bit out of town, in a big shed, with only 2 entries. The front have 5 people there, so if I want the stealthy way, i should look at the back.

I went to the back and after arriving there, I noticed that only 2 people were protecting this entry, so it would be easy to enter.

After looking around some more and noticing that the rest is inside or hiding somewhere else, I decided to act.


'' Hey, do you know why they are so secretive about this deal?'' One of the thugs asked.

'' You don't know? There's a new crazy guy in costume here that is fucking our business, so we need to lay down for a time.''

'' A guy in a costume? But isn't that a rumor just like the one in Gotham... what was his name again?''

'' Batman, and no, that is not a rumor. That guy in Gotham is seen as a ghost by most people, but the criminals there know he's real. My friend even saw him one time.''

'' Damn it! So there really is a crazy guy fucking us around! I thought it was a rumor.''

'' No, it wasn't.'' A new voice suddenly said.

Both thugs were slow to react and by the time they did, the last thing they saw before losing consciousness was the back of a hooded man.

Inside the big shed, both sides were having a heated discussion.

'' This is less than what you promised!''

'' It can't be helped, our business took a hit last month, because of that Green Arrow guy, or whatever they call that.''

At the mention of the name, both sides stayed quiet, until the one who is buying said, '' Okay, but we will also take some money out.''

This of course didn't go well with the one selling and the discussion continued.

What they didn't notice, is that members of both sides are being taken out one by one.

When they finally realized something was wrong, only 5 people were left, '' Wait, where is everyone?''

The rest of the group started to look around and found the unconscious body of their fellow criminal, '' HEY, over here.''

Everyone gathered and looked at the body, '' What the fuck happened to him?''

They noticed that there were no gunshot wounds or anything of the sort, '' He was knockout cold without us noticing....''

'' The Green Arrow...'' Said one of the thugs.

'' What did you say?'' One of the boss asked.

'' Boss, it's the guy dressed in green who uses a bow, he even fucked up our neighbors' negotiation last week, and I think he is here.''

That seems to have put the rest of them on full alert, even more than before.

'' Well, I guess stealth is over then.''

Before they could even guess where the voice came from, 3 of the remaining 5 were hit by an arrow, their fate unknown, but they won't be getting up anytime soon.

The two remaining people were the bosses, but they did not come out of the ambush unharmed. The weapons they held are on the ground, with an arrow in them.

''Who are you and what do you want?'' asked one of the bosses.

His answer was a punch in his direction, but the boss was prepared and dodged it.

As soon as he dodged it, he approached boss number 2, '' Let's team up and take him out together!

The bosses decided to work together and surrounded the Green Arrow.

Seeing the situation, the vigilante stood there waiting for them to attack. Which they did soon after.

Although they were forced into a momentary alliance, they had a certain coordination, with each punch completing the other, leaving practically no opening for a counterattack.

With each punch, they were cornering the vigilante more and more and they felt they had the advantage and started to be more aggressive with their blows.

This proved to be fatal.

When they launched a stronger attack, the vigilante, with amazing agility, dodged their attacks in such a way that he appeared in between the two of them.

Taking advantage of this gap, he used the bow as a weapon and swung with all his might in the direction of one of the bosses, who this time had no luck dodging and was knocked out.

Seeing that even with two strong and good fighters they were still defeated, the other boss tried to run away but all he got was an arrow in the middle of his chest.

After checking and seeing that there was no one else around, the vigilante left. But not before burning all the drugs that would be sold and taking all of their money.

''Diggle, it's done. Send an anonymous call telling the police about this place.''

'' Copy that.''

After taking care of those thugs, it seems that fatigue caught up with me. I rode my bike and was arriving at my hideout when Diggle suddenly started to talk, '' Oliver, I know this might sound weird but there's something I need to show you.''

Diggle sounded serious, '' I'm on my way.''

' What could it be...?'

The answer was revealed as soon as I entered my hiding place. Our computers were open and they showed news that kidnappings in the cities around Star City were having an inexplicable increase in numbers.

''I noticed that, in the last 2 days, the number of kidnappings is going up a lot. First it was a few dozen, but today the situation has gone through the roof. And it's not only here in Star City.'' Diggle said. Then he used another computer to compare the numbers to Star City's and showed me that the results were about the same. '' Something big is happening...''

Seeing this, I started to search my memories for something that might be causing this and I remembered something. ''See if you can find at least one image of the supposed kidnapper! Anything!''

Diggle was surprised by my urgent tone and started to look. After a while of waiting, he shouted, ''Found something!

I went to his side to look at the computer screen and my worst fear was confirmed. It was a very blurred image, but for me who has read comics before, I recognized it right away.

' Parademons...'

Fear started to crawl all over my skin.

' Darkseid is coming!!!!'

How unlucky must you be to get a date with the love of your life and on the same day, you discover the world is on the brink of destruction?

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it.