11 – Justice League: War (2)
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AN: I tried 3 person view in this chapter!

I hope you liked it.




Oliver was speeding up on the highway. ' From what I remember, the grand fight occurs in Central city. At my current speed, I can arrive there in 20 minutes.' 

Fearing that he might lose the main fight, Oliver accelerated even more. 

10 minutes later 

Oliver arrived at Central City and noticed that the full invasion hadn't started, ' Now I need to find Batman, Superman, or GL.' 

Just as he was about to search for them, Oliver received a message from Diggle, ' Your family, my family, and Laurel's family are safely at your basement!' 

'Thank God!' Now Oliver had one less thing to worry about. 

'The main invasion hasn't started yet, stay alert and don't die.'

After sending the message, Oliver continued searching for the heroes. 

In one of those searches, Oliver found a Parademons trying to kidnap someone. 

"HELP" The guy was being dragged, and the Parademon was ready to fly when suddenly it was hit with an arrow to the hand. 

The Parademon dropped the human and turned around to face the person who shot him. But as soon as he did that, an arrow to the eye killed him. 

" Move away!" The man almost didn't manage to dodge in time, and the explosion sent him flying for a bit, but he was otherwise unarmed. 

Oliver went to help the poor man, ''Are you okay?''

The man accepted Oliver's help,'' Those things attacked me when I got out of my car". 

Oliver looked around but found no one else in the area, ''Go and hide. Those things are bad news.''

The man thanked Oliver again and started running away.

Oliver looked around and saw no one else in danger. Then he got on his motorcycle and continued to look for the heroes. 

In many of his rounds around Central City, Oliver saved at least 50 people from the Parademons, and still, no sign of the heroes.

'Did I miss something...?' When Oliver was doubting his memory, an explosion far away caught his attention.

'Where there's smoke, there's fire!' Oliver sped towards the explosion.

When he got closer, Oliver could see thousands of Parademos, 'My God! How can we beat so many of them!'

Even though Oliver knew it wouldn't make much difference to kill 1 or 2 Parademons, he still stopped his motorcycle and started shooting with a pistol, 'I'll save my arrows for later.'

One shot, one Parademon dead. 15 shots later, Oliver reloaded in less than 2 seconds and continued shooting.

Even though he had killed 30 enemies, a lot was flying around. When Oliver was about to continue shooting, he noticed a green light coming from the explosion site. 

Any DC fan would know who it was, '' Green Lantern!''

Oliver finally found out who caused the explosion, ''If I'm not mistaken, Batman and Superman are with him.''

Proving his thoughts were correct, Superman suddenly came out of the smoke, flying and killing any Parademon in front of him while Batman was shooting Batarang at the enemies.

'Finally!' After spending months on this earth, Oliver met the superheroes he was a fan of.

After a few seconds in a daze, Oliver continued shooting.

Not a single shot Oliver took missed its target. Alone, he eliminated more than 50 Parademons in less than 3 minutes, all with a clear shot to the eye and from a considerable distance.

After Superman eliminated all the Parademons in the area, the trio came toward me.

''And who would you be?'' Superman said while flying away.

'He didn't use his x-ray vision... at least he's respectful.'

'' You can call me-'' Green Arrow.''

Batman interrupted me and said over me. Oliver nodded, '' And I came to help! My city was invaded too, but I had a gut feeling telling me that something much bigger was happening elsewhere.''

"You trust your instincts so much that you abandoned your city!?'' Batman was strangely agitated.

''What good would it do to kill all the monsters there, if more of them were to appear later?''

With that logic, Batman was quiet. Green Lantern, noticing the strange air around, introduced himself, ''WELL, that was strange. Anyway, my name is Green Lantern, but you call me whatever you like.''

'' Nice to meet you. But now, should we do something about that?'' Oliver pointed into the skies, where at least 300 Parademons were making their way toward them.

Batman straightened up to continue fighting, but Superman and Green Lantern flew toward the enemies. The duo eliminated the Parademons in less than 2 minutes.

Oliver took advantage of the fact that they were both fighting and came over to talk to Batman, '' So... do you have any idea of what's going on?''

Oliver thought Batman would be quiet, but he started talking, ''I think it's an invasion. For what purpose, we haven't found out yet.''

' At least he knows how to focus on danger and doesn't hold grudges...let's give him a hint.'

Oliver nodded, '' That's something I was thinking too. There's just one thing that is nothing making much sense to me.''

Batman looked at me as if to say, 'Go on.'

''Why kidnap people? I saved a few on my way here, and it didn't look like these monsters were trying to kill them, they just take them somewhere.''

Batman then pointed in a totally new direction. Oliver looked there and saw a giant spaceship, '' They're taking these people there, but we don't know why either...''

When Batman finished talking, GL and Superman landed on our side, '' Hey, have you guys solved your differences yet?''

Batman glared at GL, "We were discussing why they are kidnapping people and nothing killing them.''

'' Slaves, perhaps?'' GL gave his opinion.

'' Maybe. Or something more sinister, like cattle.'' Oliver interjected.

The trio looked at him weirdly, '' What? It could be, we don't know.''

Just as the group continued talking, a red spark suddenly passed between them. Superman noticed, but the rest couldn't see anything.

Oliver was the first to react, aiming his pistol in a totally random direction and shooting.

'' WOW. That was dangerous!'' A voice came from behind Oliver.

Realizing who it was, Oliver lowered his pistol, '' Care to introduce yourself?''

'' You can call me Flash. And you almost hit me.'' Flash opened his hand over Oliver's and dropped a bullet.

'' Flash! Buddy!'' GL went close to Flash and did a weird handshake.

'' Oh yeah, Batman is here.'' GL pointed at Batman

'' Batman is real?!'' Flash appeared infront of Batman, '' Im a fan, sir!''

'' You do a good job protecting your city!'' Batman complemented the Flash.

''It is nice to meet your idols, but we still need to do something about this situation,'' Superman said while hovering in midair.

'' What did you guys were talking about? Maybe I have some information.'' Flash fit right in with the group.

'' We are talking abo-'' 

Just as Superman was talking, a group of Parademons crashed near us, with a woman right in the middle of them. After they fell, the woman killed them easily and noticed the group, '' Hello! My name is Diana of Themyscira! And who are you, mighty warriors?''

GL was going to talk to her, but suddenly another Parademos crashed near us.

The woman, noticing that the Parademon fell near her, tried to attack, but what meet her was a plasm cannon to the face.

The woman was sent flying and Superman went to attack next, but the 'Parademon' spoke, '' Wait! I'm human... and I know exactly whats going on.''

Oliver looked at the scene and a small smile formed on his face.