Chapter 12 – Recruitment Plans
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Year 12 - Month 4 - Day 12

The team is back. Over the past five days, they completed eight simple missions and brought their mercenary party rating from twenty-five up to forty. 


The mercenary guild has two different rating systems. The first one is for parties and is an exponential rating from one to one hundred. The higher the number, the harder the mission.


The second rating system is for mercenary companies, like the Order of the Tree. It ranges from one star to ten stars on a few different scales. The main scale, which is the overall rating, is based on a combination of everything. For us, our efficiency is currently ten out of ten, since we complete everything we take within the designated time. Ability is only a three out of ten since we lack powerful members, luckily that should change in time. Quality is a nine out of ten, I’m not sure how this rating changes, but it basically means we clean up and don’t leave dead bodies everywhere. The last one is what customers rate our services, currently at ten stars.


Overall - 8/10 stars

Efficiency - 10/10 stars

Ability - 3/10 stars 

Quality - 9/10 stars

Ratings - 10/10 stars


With the team standing in front of me, Lily passed out all the skill fruit we collected over the past few days. Hesitantly, they ate and soon enough they were ecstatic.


“Haha haha! This is much easier than grinding magic!” The mage, Heyayo exclaimed. “God, I love explosions!”


Ignoring her antics, the noble, Marquess Savage turned toward Lily. “Princess, if I may be so inclined to ask, is it possible to purchase some of these fruits? My family would pay handsomely for these.”


The other three had more silent reactions, mostly of shock at how simple it was.


“Now that you all have skills, shoo!” Lily gestured for them to leave. “We’ll send you more missions, and Tree-sama over here will add you to our communication system.”


Oh, yes. The database. [Ruler Management Screen] open!


[Ruler Management Screen - Order of the Tree]

[Database Management]

[Citizen Management]

[Military Management]

[Policy Management]




[Database Management], please.


[Database Management Screen]

[1. City Entry/Exit Logs]

[2. Merchant’s Guild Logs]

[4. Mercenary’s Guild Logs]

[3. Adventurer’s Guild Logs]

[4. Agent Listing]

[5. Local Nobility and Royalty Listing]

[6. Foreign Nobility and Royalty Listing]

[7. Organization/Groups Listing]

[8. Merchant Listing]

[9. Mage Listing]

[10. Warrior Listing]

[11. Communication Test]


I should probably rename it first. Maybe make a few more too.


[Specify a new name for database eleven ‘Communication Test’]


Private Communication Channel.


[Database eleven ‘Communication Test’ has been renamed to ‘Private Communication Channel.]


Good. Now create two more databases. And copy the format from database eleven Private Communication Channel


[Please designate a name for database twelve.]


Mercenary Communication Channel.


[Database twelve ‘Mercenary Communication Channel’ created from template database eleven ‘Private Communication Channel.’]

[Please designate a name for database thirteen.]


Intelligence Communication Channel.


[Database thirteen ‘Intelligence Communication Channel’ created from template database eleven ‘Private Communication Channel.’]


Done! Now. Uh. Time to sleep?

Year 13

I’ve gathered quite a few more points. Lily also created two more teams of mercenaries boosting our ratings. Now we are sitting comfortably at…


Overall - 9/10 stars

Efficiency - 10/10 stars

Ability - 8/10 stars 

Quality - 10/10 stars

Ratings - 9/10 stars


Wow. Ability went up higher than I expected.


Back to my cult. I believe we should be pretty rich now. [Ruler Management Screen].


[Ruler Management Screen - Order of the Tree]

[Database Management]

[Citizen Management]

[Military Management]

[Policy Management]




[Resources] this time.


[Resources - Order of the Tree]

[Destiny Points: 1,665,108]

[Reserve Balance: 2,874,660 gold]


A nice chunk of destiny points. The reserve balance is also building up steadily. I wonder if I can withdraw those destiny points…


[Withdraw All Destiny Points?]

[Note: A ten percent fee is applied when withdrawing points from an organization’s balance. If you wish to use points for the organization please specify when purchasing an item.]


Interesting. Well, it’s nice to know I can. How many destiny points am I at anyway?


[Destiny Points: 425,327]


Oooooh. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a number that big. Followers?


[Order of the Tree Members/Followers: 46,253]


Looks like the name changed. Odd. Followers is still building up from the recruits the empire sends my way, although I wish it would be a bit quicker. Maybe I should urge Lily to expand our mercenary or spy networks. I’d really like to reach level ten and see what that unlocks.


Let’s check in with the crew. Hello.


Did you have a nice nap Tree-chan? Lily asked.


It was lovely. So what’s next?


Always rushing…


Not rushing, I just had a long nap.


Still rushing. We’ve done a lot in the past couple of years.


We can always do more.


That we can. Nyx chimed in. I actually have a suggestion Tree-san. We need to get your followers over fifty thousand first though.


So we need to recruit people?


Yes, although I’m unsure of where we could get four thousand people. Lily?


Hmm. Lily paused for a few minutes occasionally muttering ideas while Nyx and Cat filled me in on a few world events that occurred during my nap. Nothing too major, a couple small skirmishes with neighboring nations and our spy network has been reorganized a tad to better fill the roles we want. We now have spies carefully working their way through the government ranks of many nearby nations.


Exiting her concentration, Lily spoke. This might be a long shot, but we could see if it’s possible for the Imperial Magic Academy to pay a visit here.


Why would they do that?


Well, most end up working for the Imperial Family in one way or another so it could just be a tour of the palace or something. Then we can ask them to swear fealty to the Twilight Empire’s holy tree.


Would they actually do that though?


As long as someone important is watching, like me, or my father.


Your father, huh? I don’t think I’ve ever met Lily’s father, the Emperor of the Twilight Empire. Might work.


Worth a shot. Nyx added.


I agree. Cat said and with that our plans were made. I guess it’s time to meet the Emperor.

Year 13 - Month 1 - Day 3

Lily convinced her father to come and visit my garden. I decided it would be rude to greet the emperor of a country without my avatar, so I finally activated it once more, no longer concerned about my destiny point balance.


[Innate Skill: Human Avatar activated!]

[Activation cost: 10,000 Destiny Points. Continue?]


Yes, yes, activate.


[Activated. Generating body.]

[Activating senses…]

[Completed. Destiny Point drain: 300 points per day (breakdown?)]

[Destiny Points: 415,327]


Ah. That’s nice. It’s been a while since I’ve sensed all these senses. I ended up tossing around balls of water, then testing out a few fire magic spells, then I used some nature magic to regrow the grass I killed. Sorry grass. The next few hours passed similarly, draining my destiny points more than I’d like to admit.


[Destiny Points: 396,712]


Oops? Unfortunately, I had to cut my shenanigans short when two very important people walked into the courtyard. One was, naturally, Lily, and I’m sure you can guess the next. The Emperor. Emperor Roland of the Twilight Empire.




Order of the Tree stats:

[Members/Followers: 46,253]

[Destiny Points: 1,665,108]

[Reserve Balance: 2,504,660 gold]

 Tree-san’s stats:

[Destiny Points: 396,712]

[Level: 9]


[Displaying tree…]

[Branch 1: Shadow Magic]

    [Branch 1.1: Blend with the Shade]

        [Branch 1.1.1: Sync with the Shade]

        [Branch 1.1.2: Blind with the Shade]

        [Branch 1.1.3: Feel with the Shade]

    [Branch 1.2: Shadow Leap]

    [Branch 1.3: Shadow Stalk]

    [Branch 1.4: Assassinate]

    [Branch 1.5: Permanent Skill]

[Branch 2: Water Magic]

    [Branch 2.1: Summon Water]

    [Branch 2.2: Water Shot]

    [Branch 2.3: Water Blast]

    [Branch 2.4: Drown]

        [Branch 2.4.1: Drown Shield]

    [Branch 2.5: Permanent Skill]

[Branch 3: Light Magic]

    [Branch 3.1: Greater Heal]

        [Branch 3.1.1: Greater Refresh]

        [Branch 3.1.2: Greater Cure]

    [Branch 3.2: Sudden Stasis]

        [Branch 3.2.1: Offensive Stasis]

        [Branch 3.2.2: Postpone Death]

    [Branch 3.3: Permanent Skill]

    [Branch 3.4: Lance of Light]

        [Branch 3.4.1: Light Beam]

        [Branch 3.4.2: Light Arrow]

    [Branch 3.5: Dome of Light]

        [Branch 3.5.1: Moving Dome]

        [Branch 3.5.2: One-sided Wall]

[Branch 4: Mind Magic]

    [Branch 4.1: Telepathy]

        [Branch 4.1.1: Enhanced Telepathy]

    [Branch 4.2: Seed of Thought]

    [Branch 4.3: Permanent Skill]

[Branch 5: Aura]

    [Branch 5.1: Regal Intimidation]

    [Branch 5.2: Royal Grace]

    [Branch 5.3: Permanent Skill]

    [Branch 5.4: Aura of Tranquility]

    [Branch 5.5: Aura of Concentration]

    [Branch 5.6: Aura of Focus]

[Branch 6: Fire Magic]

    [Branch 6.1: Explosion]

        [Branch 6.1.1: Shrapnel Explosion]

        [Branch 6.1.2: Flame Explosion]

    [Branch 6.2: Implosion]

    [Branch 6.3: Permanent Skill]

[Branch 7: Nature Magic]

    [Branch 7.1: Everlasting Cycle]

        [Branch 7.1.1: Return to Nature]

    [Branch 7.2: Grow]

    [Branch 7.3: Entrance]

        [Branch 7.3.1: Entrance Fauna]

        [Branch 7.3.2: Entrance Flora]

    [Branch 7.4: Permanent Skill]


[Root 1: Nature Sense]

    [Root 1.1: Life Sense]

[Root 2: Telepathy]

    [Root 2.1: Marked Telepathy]

[Root 3: Path of Divinity]

    [Root 3.1: Divine Tax]

    [Root 3.2: Druidtree]

    [Root 3.3: Magitree]

    [Root 3.4: Comfort of the Trees]

    [Root 3.5: Divine Descent]

[Root 4: Human Avatar]

[Root 5: Aura of Peace]

    [Root 5.1: Aura of Weakening]

        [Root 5.1.1: Aura of Weakening Potions]

    [Root 5.2: Aura of Purity]

        [Root 5.2.1: Aura of Curing]

[Root 6: Rapturous Roots]

    [Root 6.1: Mana Navigation]

[Root 7: The Root System]


There you go! Not sure when I'll have time to write the next chapter, but it shouldn't be more than a couple days, hopefully.