Interlude Six Suffering
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Interlude Six Suffering


              “Scath?” Priest asked the Prime Council.

              She looked at each of the eight other Prime’s sitting around her. Seton, Mylash, Marikesh, the twins Brog and Siamo, Demos, Bot, and finally Caineen all avoided her gaze and refused to answer.

              “SCATH?” Her voice rose, sending shivers down their spines.

              “He… He is missing.” Mylash replied.

              He was the only other human beside herself and Seton. One of the very few that didn’t utterly disgust Priest, she watched, waiting for him to continue.

              “He entered another realm, and there has been nothing since.” He continued.

              Priest nodded.

              “That is not what we are here for.” The seductive voice of their master spoke.

              They all looked around the room, seeing no one. This was typical, and no one spoke up.

              “Scath’s absence is none of your concern.” The voice spoke again.

              They each nodded and remained silent.

              “He is back.” Suffering spoke.

              They all knew who she spoke of.

              “We must act now.” Bot, their only Demon Elf spoke.

              “Agreed.” Brog and Siamo replied simultaneously.

              There was no one reply from Suffering, so they all rested their gazes on Priest. She nodded, then each of them disappeared one at a time.