Chapter 3 – The First Millennium
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My brother Zaide had always tried to shield me away from the dangers and evil when we were children, it wasn’t easy for him. How did I know? That’s simple, its because I lived in those times too. I had no recollection of our parents, for me my entire family was my brother. So I’d always done everything I could to help him out and since brother had always let me keep the money he earned safely with me at home, he never noticed the meager amounts I earned from helping out around the neighborhood. I’d always pretended like I didn’t know how brother earned our keep and that I didn’t hear him sobbing at night. Zaide had truly earned the right to a better life and I was gonna make sure he went and lived a proper one soon enough.

There was something weird about Tom, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but I was sure that he had more than just the reasons he stated for picking Zaide. On the bright side though he was friendly enough and he did show me how to change into an ELF! Brother just went ahead and took a look at the time skip option for the menu and apparently, he got to choose between speeding up our perception of time and just jumping ahead by a few years or so. He decided to just speed up time for us in the end which I’m all for. Speaking of the menu it’s totally unfair that only he gets one, it turns out the menu is only for the Realm Lord. Anyhow I knew exactly


I went ahead with the time speed up option not wanting to miss much in the first years of my world. So, as we started, I decided to place all the races in regions that they could take advantage of. The centaurs got the open plains of Mongolia, the Dwarves got the ore-rich continent of Africa all to themselves, the Orcs and Humans were set in Eastern Europe and the British Isles respectively. As for the Elves, well I spread them across the Americas. For the first millennia, all the races attempted to explore cautiously, banding together into small tribes and families. The Elves being slightly more organized formed tribes, the Dark Elves lived around the Mississipi River, in the swamps and caves surrounding it. The Wood Elves lived in the Forests on the West coast of North America in what was once Washington and Oregon. The Sea Elves were the only Elves to live in the South, forming small colonies by the shore off of Southern Mexico and Belize.

After the first millennium had passed and all the races had begun to reach a population of around 1000, I slowed down to check on the other two. Tom had nothing really to report on as everyone was still focusing on survival and knowledge was an afterthought. When I checked on Jasmeen however, she was quite literally bursting from excitement. It turned out she had already started receiving prayers. Tom was by far the most surprised of the two of us, having predicted that it would take longer for any race to begin praying to us. It turns out the Dark Elves had taken to praying to the Moon and Jasmeen being the Goddess of the Moon had received their prayers and answered them, as for why the Dark Elves had begun to worship the moon?

That was simple, their people had very sensitive sight and the light of the Sun was far too harsh for them. They became by necessity a nocturnal people, living in caves and swamps to avoid the glare of the Sun. So, it was only by moonlight that they were able to appreciate the beauty of their homes and so, in turn, they gave thanks to the Moon. The waning of the moon to them was her battling the evils of the world and the waxing of the moon, proof that she was victorious. They called her Mawu, the Great Mother……….my 14-year-old sister was the Great Mother of the Elves and she seemed quite happy about it. I shook my head speechlessly wondering what was up with that. Anyhow, receiving prayers was far from the only thing my little sister did. As a gift to the tribe leader of the largest tribe of Dark Elves, my sister gave him the knowledge of bow-making and sure enough, a thousand years in there was an entire tribe of archery loving lunatics who worshipped the moon in Mississipi. ‘You can't make this stuff up,’ I thought tickled by the whole scenario.

All the while as the Dark Elves worshipped the moon I was curious as to why I hadn’t started to get any prayers from the others. As I took a peek at the Wood Elves I was left speechless by what I saw, they were too absorbed by the beauty of their forest to bother with the Sun or the Moon. Most of their traditions revolved around the Trees and the wildlife. They would rarely ever eat meat preferring to forage for food, though occasionally they would hunt some of the carnivorous animals residing in the forests. As for the Sea Elves, the only real difference between them and the Wood Elves was that their bodies were built for the seas and rivers. They could breathe underwater, and they built canoes to explore the Gulf of Mexico. Unlike the Wood Elves, however, the Sea Elves learned to fish and seafood became a regular part of their diet. Their entire lives revolved around the Sea so it made sense that they didn’t worship any of the three of us yet.

Moving away from the Elves, however, the Orcs had already started fighting amongst each for supremacy over the Orc tribes and even through all their infighting their population was well over 1500, I could see the advantage the Orcs had over the other races. The Human settlements surprisingly had thrived, there didn’t seem to be any large carnivores or wild animals native to Britannia, except wild cats and stoats. They were the race closest to discovering magic as a result, having been able to live in relative peace. The Dwarves comparatively were in a rough spot, the dangers that lurked outside the mountainous terrain that they inhabited had claimed many dwarven lives to date and they had the lowest population as a result. The only good thing to come out of their harsh circumstances was that they had begun to use stone for their weapons. Clubs had turned into sticks with stone heads as the Dwarves slowly began to tame the dangers of the wilderness. Lastly, the centaurs occupied a rather unique position amongst the plains of Mongolia, the wolves, foxes, and other wildlife had shown them that they weren’t alone in the world but they had yet to come across any life on two legs which could turn out to be problematic in the long run. They formed large numbers of small tribes, nomadic in nature, grazing and exploring the vastness of the plains. They had already begun to wonder about their creation and begun to debate amongst their elders and councils as to their origin.


I was honestly pretty conflicted writing this chapter, I really don't have any experience writing so I was constantly debating whether or not giving a different POV was worth the risk of lowering the quality of work but I really wanted to try it out so I just gave it a shot. I intend to start an Arc with the MC descending amongst the races so I'll put up a poll in which you guys can choose which race to start with. As always don't hesitate to point out any mistakes you think I've made or if you think the chapter was no good and if you felt it was to your liking do let me know, Thanks for all the reads and views and Gig'Em.

What Race do you want to explore first?
  • Dark Elves
  • Wood Elves
  • Sea Elves
  • Humans
  • Dwarves
  • Orcs
  • Centaurs
Total voters: 6 · This poll was closed on Oct 17, 2019 09:23 PM.