Chapter 4 – New Home
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I had sobered up.

The place I went to was a convenience store. I bought a bottle of cold water to calm myself and stood in front of the store for a while.

While standing in front of the store, I looked at the half-transparent window that apparently couldn’t be seen by other people.

Lifespan: 22 Hours 59 Minutes

Points: 190

My lifespan had increased, and I had 190 points left after what I had done just earlier.

While I was happy, guilt washed over me.

‘What did I do? I literally forcefully drank her milk when she was charmed by my Snake Eyes. While I was in a hurry and desperate not to die, I am still a jerk, aren’t I?’

I gripped the half-empty bottle in my hand until it deformed and the content spilled out. I was disgusted, but somehow I couldn’t control my actions after activating the Snake Eyes.

‘It’s like my desire to drink her milk was amplified, making me lose control of my reason.’

I drank the remaining water in the bottle and threw the empty bottle into the trash beside me. I couldn’t stay like this. If I was a man, then I would take responsibility.

Yomemiya Ami. She was quite a beautiful woman and was my type, to be honest. If she was willing for me to take responsibility and asked me to, then I would do almost anything in my power to do that. I needed to repay her kindness.

‘She literally saved my life.’

Thinking so, I began walking back to my small apartment with determination while holding a plastic bag full of ingredients. I have calmed down considerably.

The sun had almost risen, and I bet she would like breakfast. Hopefully.

If she didn’t want to because I grossed her out, then I would eat this breakfast alone like always.

“Let’s just hope she won’t kill me later.”


When I entered my apartment room, Yomemiya Ami was already up and sitting on the bed with a strict expression on her face. She looked at me, who had just entered the room, with a judging gaze. Her legs were crossed, and her arms were put under her boobs, pushing them up.

The first thing I did after I looked at her was go on my knees in front of my bunk bed and say. “I will take responsibility.”

Due to our position and the bed being on the top, she looked down at me from a perfect angle. I could see her thick thighs clearly from this angle, but I forced myself to look down at the ground to avoid offending her.

‘Why is she silent? Am I gonna die socially after I managed to avoid being killed by my System literally? It’s better, but I will die nonetheless if she puts me in jail because there will be no milk in that place!’

I was really scared now at the possibility of her being mad at me and putting me in jail due to attacking her out of nowhere.

“Imamura Rei.” Suddenly she called out to me, so I instinctively answered.


“Look at me in the eyes when I talk to you.”

“Of course!”

My fate was literally in her hand, so I looked up and followed her order for now. Her power was also greater than mine, so I couldn’t do anything even if I wanted to. She was a Hero with C-Rank Superpower, for god’s sake.

‘For now, let’s play safe and appease her. Then, if something bad happens, let’s run away and return to the countryside, my hometown.’

However, when I looked at her, I noticed that she wasn’t angry. Heck, her cheek was tainted red, and she tried her best to hide her embarrassment.

“Imamura Rei!” Once again, she called me. This time, she raised her voice a bit higher as if trying to determine that she was in a higher position than me. “Hear me. You will take responsibility for what you did. Didn’t you say that earlier?”

“Yes, I did.”

Somehow, I didn’t like this atmosphere. From what I knew about this situation, this would lead me to something troublesome. That was the knowledge I accumulated from watching the TV show my mom always watched.

And as expected. Her next words were something that I somehow expected but didn’t expect at the same time. It was a bit different.

“Then be my boyfriend. Take responsibility and stay with me.”

I blinked my eyes a few times at what she had said. So I could only mutter this one word due to her unrealistic request. “Yes?”

I meant, who would ask someone who forcefully attacked them to be their lover? Only someone crazy would do that, right? I had steeled myself to be punished or something, but I never expected this in my wildest dream.


It seemed like she misunderstood my surprised word as an affirmative as she nodded her head, satisfied. A smile formed on her face.

“Then, from now on, you’re my boyfriend. Let’s see. Let’s start by getting your luggage and moving to my home instead. I can’t let you stay in this small room if you’re my boyfriend. As it is my home, you don’t need to pay for the rent. How is it? You don’t mind moving, right?”

This moved so fast that I couldn’t process what had happened. However, I understood one thing.

‘She wants me to live with her?’

If I lived with her, then my most immediate problem would be fixed. I understood that she had some ulterior motive, but…

“Of course. Let’s move right away!”

Refusing a free-rent residence would be foolish. I should just say goodbye to my dignity instead of refusing such an offer! Dignity couldn’t pay for rent, and I couldn’t get any points to increase my lifespan from it!


The morning had arrived by the time I finished packing up my luggage.

“Have you finished packing up your things?” Yomemiya asked me as she stood in front of my apartment. She was still wearing her black mechanical bodysuit that highlighted her sexy body.

“Yes.” I answered her as I fixed my backpack. “All in here, but… Are you sure I can move to your home?”

As I packed my luggage earlier, this question lingered in my head for a while. I was happy earlier, so I accepted her offer without thinking. But now, I only found it strange that she suddenly wanted me to become her boyfriend.

I meant… I had only met her earlier and even drank the milk that she had lactated and made her cum. But she made that kind of offer instead of being angry at me. There were only two options that I could think of.

‘Either she needs me to act as her boyfriend, or she’s still affected by my Snake Eyes earlier.’

But for now, I thought it would be better to go with her. I could leave the problem to the future me.

“Obviously. I won’t extend an offer if I mind about it. For now, let’s move to my home, and I will explain the condition of living there as we move.”

‘Ah! Of course, there will be a condition.’ Hearing that made me feel calmer. There was no free food in this world, and so there was no free lodging.

Let's hear her condition first. If I deemed it too demanding, I could always refuse her and return to my apartment to think about how to pay this month’s rent.

“Let’s get going.” Ami gestured to me as she began to walk down the stairs. I followed her by her side and exited the apartment together.

We walked down the street while being watched by many people. I meant Ami was beautiful and caught a lot of attention. She was silent all the way, but once we reached the main street, she started to speak.

“You asked for my reason for asking you to be my boyfriend, right?” She turned to me.

“To be honest, I have been searching for one for a while. And…” Her cheek flushed red as she smiled awkwardly. “Somehow, when I met you in that alleyway, I fell in love at first sight. Strange, isn’t it? I wouldn't agree to something like what you did yesterday even if I was a Hero if I didn't like you.”

She looked away bashfully while scratching her cheek.

Now I was sure that she was still affected by Snake Eyes. I should be careful when using that skill, or I would charm many women at once.

“I see…” I only answered as such because I didn’t really know how to interact with her. I didn’t know her personality. I didn’t know what she liked. I didn’t know what she disliked. That was why I played it safe still.

“So then, what about the conditions of me living in your home?” I asked her, making her turn to me again.

“Right. There are a few, but the main condition is not to disturb me while I am sleeping. As you know, being a Hero makes me stay at home less than usual because I was busy. Also, there will be only one bedroom, so I hope you can sleep without much noise.”

“Alright. I can do that. Is there anything else?”

“Hmm… Once again, because of my Hero job, I will not be able to be in the apartment for long. It will be helpful if you help me to take care of the apartment together. You see… I am not a household girl, hahaha.”

“Oh, I can do that too. I have always taken care of my house in District 51 by myself, so I don’t mind taking care of the apartment too.”

“Really?! That’s a great help! That’s all for now, and I will see what kind of conditions we can add as we live together. I am looking forward to it, Rei.” She smiled sweetly at me for the first time today, making me a bit flustered.

“A-Ah, yes. Me too. I am looking forward to living with you, A-Ami.”

Unexpectedly, her conditions were so easy. I could do that without even her asking me to. Taking care of the house was only polite when you didn’t even need to pay for the rent.

‘It seems like I hit a gem with my System… But still, I can’t lower my guard.’

After a while, we arrived at the top-tier residence in this Solace City. A lot of high-end apartments lined up, and somehow, we stopped in front of one of them. At a glance, this apartment was easily more than 50 floors tall.

“We’ve arrived,” Ami said, looking proud as she smiled smugly. “This is my apartment. Welcome, Rei.”

My jaw fell from my face. Literally.

‘I have expected her to have a nice apartment, but this… this is too much.’

It seemed like my residence got upgraded from trash to diamond in a night.

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