Chapter 111:The Truly Powerful
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Simon never met a woman and for good reason, even a newborn female was equal to a tier 5 legendary monster girl. The average female is a tier 6 legendary monster. Combatants could go up to a tier 7 legendary monster. And the special ones were roughly equivalent to a tier 7 mythic monster. A literal pinnacle existence.

Tier 7 mythic monsters(according to their mythical status) were so powerful that a single one could slaughter an entire battalion of tier 7 legendary monsters. Something about their epic ability multiplying their overall strength. Not only that, a single mythic tier 7 was capable of destruction that could destroy an entire country if not handled with caution. Such was the magnitude of their might. 

And apparently, the entire aristocracy of the nation he lived in was made up of these super-powerful individuals. The only reason men were not considered obsolete was because regardless of what they tried they could not live past the age of one hundred. While, any veteran tamer was effectively ageless because one reason or another, women would die when they hit the age of one hundred on the dot. Longevity was one of few things exclusive to men, taming being the other notable.

(Simon did not know that he technically had a companion who was their equal even if her power was a fraction of a fraction of its original) 

It was making him nervous, this would be the most powerful being he had ever met in his life.

(our hero has no idea that his 'soft mom' was an even bigger powerhouse)

There was even a super expensive-looking suit provided to him by the university which was his to keep. While Simon was putting it on he felt lighter than normal and was bursting with strength.

Before he could even voice his question.

"Yes, master it is magically enchanted gear. Every piece of this suit is equal to tier 5 monster gear and as a set is equal to tier 6 monster gear in effectiveness."

She said while taking notes for him. It was a list of actions and mannerisms he needed to be aware of when in the presence of royalty.  

His eyes widened as he asked in shock.

"Isn't this like super expensive?!?"

"Yes. If you could sell this to the Planar University you would have enough credits to immediately graduate."

Flora said nonchalantly as she handed him the piece of paper with over 30 points of note on it.

"Sadly we are pressed for time so I only listed the extremely important ones."

Simon quickly read over and a couple of them were just weird. He could not help but ask.

"Bow your head at a 90 if she blows her fan while looking at you?"

Flora transformed into a necklace as she said into his head.

'The gesture means that the woman would like to engage in sex with you and a 90 degree is a polite way of rejecting it.'

Simon blinked confused at the sudden burst of information.


"Nobles are always on the lookout for good males to extend their bloodline as their life is so finite. Powerful Tamers like yourself create more powerful offspring often with special abilities."

She replied.

Simon had to do a double take, unable to understand what was being said, his hand was on the doorknob just about to open the door before it stopped.

"What??!? Why?!?? How?!??" He asked completely in shock. His knowledge of procreation was spotty at best but something about making his own progeny left a weird and very bad taste in his mouth.

'Please do not be alarmed master. While I do find the way they treat men DISTATEFUL the university is a strong enough force that they will not do anything drastic. And this is probably the best and safest place for you to meet the most elite existence in the country.'

She said in that soothing voice that calmed him down, though the word distasteful was annunciated in a very frightening manner. So much so that he had to ask.

"Distasteful? How is it distasteful?"

'Master, trust me, you are not ready to know about what I have to say in this matter. I beg of you, drop this and do not try to look it up. You are not ready for it.'

Flora's words were grave. 

Simon decided not to press anything and get this over with. And he was even more worried now than he was a couple of minutes ago. Things could only go swell.

So he opened his doors only to be face to face with Michael who had a very worried look on his face.

"Simon, I just got notified! Please do not go meet the woman!"

So... now he could not even be sarcastic before jinxing himself.