Part 14 – Secrets and Lies (1/2)
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2800 words for you my dears...

Chapter 1: Part 14 - Secrets and Lies


Petra, the self proclaimed Goddess. Just right now I had called out to her in anger, even instinctively used her name. The only problem was, I had never before met that woman! So how did I feel so strongly for her?

In an attempt to clear up my confusion I started sifting through Fury’s memories, which was easier said than done really. When I tried to recall what Fury had been doing in my time out, it felt as if I was remembering things I had done while being blackout drunk. There were parts that were simply missing and others that seemed plain wrong. It was almost as if looking at someone else's memories who desperately tried to stop you from it. This was... more than worrying. If this meant that Fury was still somewhere in me, then Acathia and I would have more work to do in fixing what was left of my soul than we already had.

But what I could piece together from my hazy mind, was that Fury had met with Petra twice before. Both times she had helped her in some way before offering a deal. The details of that deal eluded me sadly. The thing that really didn't sit well with me though was that I had no clue as to what kind of goddess this Petra was supposed to be. Looking at her she didn’t seem to be much more than a woman way to much into pet-play. Additionally she actually looked rather young! If I hadn’t instinctively known that she was something like a goddess – and if she hadn’t been sitting on empty air – I would have thought of her as just another one of the students from the academy.

Sadly I could hear the noise of the hunters coming closer, meaning I would have to either trust her or fight my way out. A single look at Meggy told me all that I needed to know. No matter if her wounds had healed she was a young and terribly exhausted girl. The chances for the two of us being able to take on an entire group of trained killers without a proper weapon were dim, to say the least. Seeing how hopeless the situation seemed I couldn’t help but wonder if the supposed goddess has a hand in this. It was simply to good of a leverage that I could refute the idea of her having meddled somehow. And yet, I also knew that she had me exactly where she wanted and I had no other way out. Well, played indeed.

“Okay. So do your sales pitch. I’m listening.” I finally said.

“Oh? Now this is curious... you are not Fury are you?” She seemed genuinely curious and leaned in closer.

“True. Now say what you have to say or let me die in peace.”

“Well, someone’s cranky for having lost two weeks!” ‘Two weeks? Fuck. Hopefully nothing too bad has happened in that time.’ Before I could even interrupt she had already started talking again. “Anyway! So, you may have noticed the heavily armed men coming for both of your cute little heads? I... can help!” ‘Ugh... way too hyper and I doubt I can break her fingers to teach her manners.’

And so instead of going for the violent option I silently raised an eyebrow, inviting her to elaborate.

“Well, you’re about as much fun as a desert. Where is the flirting and yelling and surprised screaming?”

“Ah... no. Also, deserts can be fun... at least if you know what Burning man is. Now, where is the catch with getting your help?”

“Ugh, fine! Be my champion and I’ll get you out of here. Plain enough... also what is burning man?” While this seemed to have caught her attention, I only wanted to leave.

“Nothing. And I accept.”


And the very moment the word had left her mouth she disappeared into thin air. For several seconds I just stood there with my mouth agape. Had I actually just been dumped by a Goddess? A low sigh escaped me when I heard the noise growing louder. Well, apparently this was the end of it. Might as well go out swinging. Kicking Meggy in the side to wake her up I readied my pitiful excuse for a weapon.

“Niah! What is going on?”

“We're under attack. If you can fight get ready.”

“Okay... but why is somebody portaling in?”

“What? Where?”

My eyes grew wide when she pointed to spot in the air above me and even wider when I saw runes form on the ground around me. Before I could even jump out of the way of what by the hells was going on, two dark shapes plopped down from above and crashed into me. The last thing I noticed was a sharp pain as my head impacted with the rocky wall.


Aliyana Mureay

Even knocked out my demoness was still a glorious sight! I had been so overly lucky in finding the scroll to summon her, there was obviously no way by the gods that I would ever let her leave my side again! Even if she was quite rude and a bit cruel at times, I could live with that as long as she would bring me what I needed. As she was my summon I hadn’t been able to just let her running away stand, already I had noticed the mockery and ridicule the other mages threw my way! And so, I had gotten my dear teacher convinced of the idea that alone and confused demon running around could be dangerous. It had taken surprisingly little prodding to get her to agree, apparently they had some sort of deal already.

“Aliyana, are you ready for the ritual?”

“Uhm... sure! But why again are we releasing a bound demon?”

“Because she will be a great danger to herself and everyone around if we let the parasitic soul take over! I caught a glimpse of it on the day you summoned her and it was more powerful than anything I have seen before...”

“So if we were to try and properly bind her?”

The words had barely been spoken before that damned cunt Megan Hale had already grabbed me by the collar.

“Niaooo! You will free Meggy's mistress! Nothing else little witch! Is that understood!?”

‘Why again had we dragged the pathetic remnants of that bitch with us? She was already corrupted... we could have just let her stay there! But no, apparently a teacher has responsibilities for their students, even if said student gets herself turned into a demon's sex toy. Fucking pathetic... just you wait until the other students get wind of this. With how the mood is at campus right... hahaha~’

“Oh, I am sorry Megan.” It was a delight to see her frown at being called by her old name. “I was simply asking from a purely academic point of view! If you would be so kind as to unhand me now? I would never harm your.... mistress.”

The look in her eyes told me quite well what she thought but apparently Miss Aldeno’s promise finally overruled her suspicion. “Fine. But know that Meggy is watching you! Grrrrr!”

‘Wow... what a nut case. How can she willingly act like such a simpleton? But if I bind Fleur she will be mine too... two birds with one stone! Ha! Just you scowl little kitten... you’ll be warming my bed soon enough...’

“Miss, are you sure that she has to be unconscious for this?”

“Huh? Oh, technically not.... but as you already knocked her out by falling on her I was just taking advantage of the situation. I mean it is rather painful to operate on your soul. Also like this is was far easier getting her back through the portal. But really it is fascinating to work in such a complex person! I mean can you imagine what must have happened to her to get her soul that damaged in the first place? And surviving the splitting of your own soul without I’ll effects... I am honestly surprised that the parasitic soul hasn’t taken over yet!”

A thin smile crossed my lips. While she was talking about magic Miss Aldeno was always so absent-minded. It made it far to easy to change some of the rituals runes while she wasn’t looking. And Megan had never been quite that well versed in summoning. Just a few blobs and lines here and there and soon enough the outer ritual circle would be bound to me. Once I activated it with my blood there was no going back. After that, I simply had to quell and subjugate an already damaged soul and whatever was the parasite and I would have the loyal minion I needed. I was going to make my father proud and after that nobody would laugh about house Mureay ever again!

“Okay!” Miss Aldeno clapped her hands energetically. “So, this should be it! Hopefully, Miss Bellrose isn’t going to be upset that we did this without asking first! Ah, no. She is a smart woman I am sure she will understand the necessity! Oh! Miss Mureay if you would do the honour of activating the safety ritual? It wouldn’t be good for the soul awakening to be interrupted.”

“Of course~, that would be bad.” I said with a sweet smile.

Ah, it was simply too easy. Smile a bit and be nice, then dangle something they want in front of a person and they become blind to your actions. I gave Megan a last smirk just to keep her on edge before I discretely cut the underside of my forearm. A lot of practitioners cut their palm or a finger but those took ages to heal really. Of course, blood magic was frowned upon even in the Empire but every port in a storm, or however they said.

I had perfectly timed the moment my blood dropped onto the runes, a little too early or too late and Miss Aldeno might have stopped me but as she was currently feeding the runes keeping my demon’s soul stable all she could do was look on in panic as the soft blue glow gained a blood-red hue. This time I couldn't stop myself from grinning like a maniac! It was working! Finally! A simple flick of the foot had several prepared protection spells hit the ground. Just as Megan noticed what was going on a silvery bubble raised around me.

‘Ah, it was a good idea after all to prepare these.’ I mused with a mirth full smile as I saw the Senri trying to break through the wards. ‘Well then, let’s take out the parasite first. It should be easy enough while Aldeno keeps the original soul occupied. Here we go~... huh? What is this?’ I slowed down as the full magnitude of the entity before Me made itself known. Even a slight “poke" left me shivering. This... this was far from what I had expected. And then... SHE SPOKE.

‘Oh? Hahaha.... What have we here? A little Spider watching and plotting? No... not even a full one. A fracture of what you could be at most. And yet you have the gal to try and bind... me? Do you not know who I am? What have they been teaching you? Well... let me show you. I AM A THORN!!!’

I could feel my very being boil at her words. If I was a stormy breeze than she was a hurricane! And still, I couldn’t stop myself... something deep in me, something I didn’t even know was there, was bowing its head in deference. This one was a mistress worthy of my talents it said. It whispered to let myself be taken. I was in terror at these thoughts but still, I couldn't stop my mind from yearning for her touch.

‘Ah... I see that your instincts have not forgotten. That is right little Spider... I am a Thorn a commander, a leader! And you? You are just the pathetic bastard child of some long-forgotten Watcher. Now... what to do... what to do. Break or take? Hmmm... I am feeling rather benevolent so I will not erase your mind like the pathetic candle that it is. And considering that my beloved sister already has herself a pet... why not get one myself? Yes, it is decided you shall be mine... but you did try to bind us, punishment is due... When I release you, you will bite off your own tongue.’

It didn’t matter what I thought because the thing inside me had already agreed. As quickly as it had taken over all that I was, its presence had faded away. I felt oddly cold without its touch... despite knowing what it had agreed to... I just needed to feel it in my mind again! But before I could grasp for the thing in me my consciousness faded.

Slowly my eyes opened and I still wasn’t sure what had just happened. I had bound my demon, no? I could feel the bond between us! It must have worked! I had prevailed after all! With a smug grin, I got up to my feet and walked by Aldeno caring little for her scared expression. Instead, I approached the beautiful demon slumped on the ground. A little more than a step away from her I raised my voice.

“I have bound you! My words are order and my well-being is your greatest delight! Arise, my beautiful demon princess!”

Before my eyes she slowly raised higher and higher until she towered over me. Yet my smile froze cold when she opened her eyes. Those where not the golden eyes of my demon... these were crimson red! As if I was looking into the hells themselves... there was no averting my gaze. She smiled such a cruel horrible smile, and then she spoke.

“Insolent little spider... an order was given indeed but not to me. A tongue that speaks such nonsense deserves cutting, don’t you agree? You know your punishment... do it.”

“Yes, Mistress.” The words had formed before I could even think otherwise. And there it was again the thing inside of me... with tears of sorrow and pain I welcomed it. The pain was excruciating but I couldn’t stop myself. Warmblood filled my mouth almost threatening to drown me, but still, I kept going. And all of a sudden  with a final clicking of teeth I knew it was done.

“Good. Now give it to me!”

As if she was asking for change at the market her hand was raised in front of me. And once more I embraced the thing inside of me. I reached into my mouth and like a bloody slug took the piece of flesh out. Blood and tears seeped down my face but no sound escaped me as I offered my mistress her price. The red piece was in her hand, then in her mouth and she swallowed.

“I have partaken of you, now you shall partake of me. Oh, and please do cry because unlike my sister I like to play rough!”

With this, she sliced her own wrist and forced it into my mouth. Soon enough I had to swallow to not drown on the sweet liquid. But like ambrosia running down my throat, I soon fell into a slumber.


I awoke to darkness around me, darkness, warmth, and the whispers of a dozen voices. Hushed sounds that had nothing human to them but to my ears they were strangely pleasing. I couldn’t move, my limbs seemingly restrained even if I couldn’t feel them but the voices said that it was okay. Sister, they called me. Young one. So few left in this world. Hunted and destroyed had been our kind. Our lairs burned to the ground. Our children slaughtered before our eyes. Our masters and mistresses had abandoned us. But we had endured. We had done as long before. We had listened and we had watched. Secrets spun in our nets like flies. They welcomed me. Cherished me. A new Watcher was being born. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought and as I did my skin split from ear to ear.



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Thanks to my supporters: Ro'Din, Serafild 3.0, Melsa Hvarei, Eiren Rain, SvenGTX, and Kessie!!!