Chapter 19
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From that day onwards after the kiss, Shizu started becoming a lot more forward and direct in her romantic advances towards me.

I couldn't quite understand it. I never claimed to be an expert on the inner workings of the female psyche, let alone that of a psychotic, knife-stabbing yandere. However, I had far more pressing matters to concern myself with.

"Amelia... do you remember who attacked you?"

"I..." Amelia's amber eyes shifted downward as she sat upright on her bed in the infirmary. "It was dark... I was attacked from behind... it happened suddenly... and quickly... so..."

"Did you catch a glimpse of the attacker? Any details at all?"

Innis sat by Amelia's bedside, questioning her about the assault that took place in the forest. Meanwhile, Leo, Shizu, and I stood behind Innis, silently and awkwardly observing the scene.


"Hey Innis, you shouldn't push Amelia too hard if she says she doesn't remember," I laughed, acting casual. "After all, Amelia only just started to get better."

"That's right," Shizu sprang from my side to Amelia's bed, clasping her hands with an expression filled with warmth and care. "Amelia, your focus should be on getting better. You don't need to worry about anything else. I'll be right by your side, okay?"

"Shizu..." Amelia said, a grateful smile spreading across her face.

Over the past few days of staying at the infirmary, I had instructed Shizu to be friendly with Amelia to deter her suspicions that Shizu was the attacker. To my surprise, Shizu had went above and beyond my expectations and managed to not only gain Amelia's trust completely, but become close friends with her. It was scary how good Shizu was at social manipulation. 

"Ryuji, this is important," Innis asserted sharply, her tone serious. "I assume you are well aware of the rumours circulating about an impending invasion of Lunaris?"


"The rumours are true," Innis said, causing my heart to sink. "The truth is we've known for some time now that the Vasily Empire have been amassing a massive army of approximately 150,000 soldiers to the east of Lunaris, just beyond the borders of the Mideron Empire."

"150,000...?!" I said, trying to grasp the size of the number in my head. 

"So it's really true..." Leo grimaced to himself, slumping his back to the wall on the side. 

"If the attackers were enemy scouts from the Vasily Empire," Innis continued, "that means the Vasily Empire have already begun making their moves and an invasion of Lunaris could be imminent at any time now."

"Right..." I nodded gravely.

"Although, I highly doubt they were enemy scouts." Innis added.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"No enemy scouts, no matter how many, should be able to defeat an Imperial Mage," Innis replied. "It's implausible." 

"I-I just wasn't expecting to be attacked, that's all..." Amelia said, blushing in a mix of anger and embarrassment. "If I had managed to activate  [ Saintly Prowess ]  in time, I would had definitely won...!"

"But you didn't." Innis stated flatly. 

"I..." Amelia hesitated. 

"Anyway, I think I already know who the attacker was." Innis said, stunning all of us.

"Y-you do?" I asked.

Innis nodded. "Based on the wounds and fighting style, it's most likely the same person responsible for the Bloody Massacre near Azalea Village."

I fell silent, astounded by Innis' astuteness. I was already aware of her intellect, but I didn't think she would pin it down that quickly.

"Ryuji," Shizu whispered next to me in a concerned tone. "We should leave Lunaris as soon as we can, especially if the invasion is true..."

I contemplated Shizu's words quietly for a second. From a logical standpoint, she was right. This wasn't our war. We had no reason to be involved in this.


"But, what about all the people living at Lunaris?" I asked Innis. "They're still here, kept in the dark on this. Why hasn't there already been an evacuation made of the city if you're certain about this invasion?"

"That... is not my call to make." Innis said. "We, Imperial Mages, only carry out His Majesty's orders as our duty."

"Ryuji, even with those numbers, I wouldn't be too worried about Lunaris," Leo chipped in, then his glance hovered over Innis and Amelia. "After all, we have two Imperial Mages here, right before our eyes, protecting Lunaris. And if the rumors hold true, there may even be a third Imperial Mage lurking somewhere within the city."

"I guess you're right..." I said, a slight relief washing over me. I still didn't fully understand the power scale in this world, but I trusted Leo's judgment since he was a much more seasoned adventurer.

"Actually, that's where you're wrong." Innis said.

All three of us turned our eyes to Innis in surprise.

"B-big sister, are you sure about telling them this?" Amelia asked Innis, giving her a look of concern. "His Majesty did not—"

"Amelia, let me concern myself with that," Innis interrupted. "This matter concerns you no longer."  


I had no idea what they were talking about. All I knew was that it was pretty jarring now that I had time to think about it to see Amelia calling Innis 'big sister' when Innis looked like a child and Amelia appeared near my age, around 17. 

"The Imperial Mages were not dispatched to Lunaris for the purpose of defending the city," Innis disclosed. "That is not the reason we have been sent from the capital. We are here on a different mission. Therefore..."

"No way..." I exclaimed in dismay. "Innis, are you just going to let Lunaris fall?"

Innis remained silent, but her lack of response only confirmed my fears.

"So, why are you telling us all of this?" I asked Innis cautiously, aware that she must have a reason for divulging all this information with us.

"Ryuji, I have a request for the three of you."


"'Assist in the evacuation of the city if things turn dire,' she says," Leo scoffed as the three of us walked along a hallway within the Grand Castle. "Like she's handing us a slime slaying quest."

I kept quiet about the time Shizu and I failed our first job as adventurers, which happened to be a quest to slay slimes.

"Well, Innis said she can't do it herself without the King's orders," I said. "And, she can't authorise the knights to act without the King's approval either. So, I don't think she really has anyone else to turn to."

Leo halted abruptly, turning to face me with a stern expression and a serious tone. "Ryuji, this isn't just another quest to slay monsters or rescue someone. This is war. And we are adventurers, not soldiers. Do you understand?"

"Don't speak to Ryuji like that!" Shizu stepped in, causing Leo to back away. "I'll cut your tongue out."

"Shizu," I intervened, gently pushing her aside to address Leo directly. "Look Leo, I know that. But I'm not about to sit back and watch all the people at Lunaris perish like livestock."

"Ryuji..."Leo's eyes softened.

"Even if we can't save everyone," I said bitterly. "Maybe we can still save some people. Even if... it's only one or two people. It's better than doing nothing at all."

Leo stared at me in silence for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Ryuji, I share your desire to help the people here, but—"

"—Make way for his Lordship!"

Interrupting our conversation, stern voices echoed through the hallway, and we turned to witness a procession of about a dozen knights clad in distinct red armor, marching with synchronized footsteps that reverberated like crashing cymbals.

In the midst of the knights, a short and plump man adorned in an excessively extravagant robe was being escorted by his entourage. His prominent hooked nose and an air of nauseating superiority made it clear that he was none other than Lord Gael of Lunaris, the very person the knights had referred to.

"The Bloodhounds..." Leo whispered by my side.

"What?" I asked.

He pointed at the knights that were all wearing red-painted armour, "See their red armour? They are the Bloodhounds, Lunaris' most esteemed and elite unit of knights. They serve directly under the command of the Lord."

"I see..." 

We stood silently, watching as they approached. Just as they were about to pass us, Lord Gael raised his hand, signalling his knights to halt. He whispered something to one of them, who in turn nodded and motioned to his comrades. Suddenly, five of the knights broke away from the group and made their way toward us.

"You three!" barked the knight whom I assumed to be their leader, his voice seething with anger. "How dare you fail to show the proper respect for His Lordship, Lord Gael of Lunaris!" He gestured grandly towards the plump man behind him.

I blinked, unsure of what the knight leader was referring to.

"Apologies," Leo responded first, his tone lackluster. "As someone who hails from outside the Mideron Empire, the customs of these lands are still unfamiliar to me. If my actions, or rather lack thereof, have offended you, Your Lordship, I sincerely apologize." He offered a small bow that matched the minimal enthusiasm in his words.

The knight leader scoffed and removed his helmet, revealing a young man with wild navy blue hair and a piercing pair of golden eyes. A scar ran across his cheek, possibly from a battle long forgone. 

"I am Sir Reynard, leader of the Bloodhounds," he declared with a deep no-nonsense voice that made it clear he was not to be trifled with. "We are the guardians who protect the city of Lunaris and ensure the safety of the Lord."

"Leo," Leo introduced himself.

"Ryuji," I nodded.

Shizu remained silent, refusing to introduce herself.

Fortunately, Reynard let her silence pass, perhaps because she was a girl.

Reynard turned back to Leo. "And what brings an outsider like you inside the walls of the Grand Castle of Lunaris?"

"I am an Adventurer who has been invited here as a guest," Leo explained, gesturing towards us. "These two are in the same position as myself."

"Oh?" Reynard turned his attention to me and Shizu. "Yet, these two appear to be citizens of the Mideron Empire," he pointed at our clothing and cloak. "All made in the Mideron Empire. So, what excuse do you have for not kneeling before His Lordship?"

"Ah, so he is the Lord of this realm," I remarked, glancing towards Lord Gael across the hallway. "Apologies, I didn't recognize His Lordship because, despite residing in Lunaris for nearly two months now, I have never had the opportunity to see even a glimpse of His Lordship in public throughout my entire stay."

"You...!" the knights tensed up, ready to intervene.

"But, I suppose that's not entirely surprising," I raised my voice and shrugged. "After all, His Lordship must be occupied with important matters and responsibilities." The knights relaxed slightly upon hearing those words.

I continued, "Matters far more pressing than the well-being of the common people who suffer from poverty and hardship outside these grand walls." I lightly tapped the wall beside me, producing a firm resounding sound that showcased its solid construction. "My, what a splendid wall!"

The knights exchanged uncertain glances, unsure how to interpret the sarcasm embedded within my words. It was a statement that wouldn't be out of place coming from a haughty noble without jest.

And, as if to illustrate my point, Lord Gael himself gave me an approving nod and declared, "Ah, I see you have an eye for quality. Not to boast, but I was personally involved in overseeing the construction of the Grand Castle from its inception to its completion." He wore a smug smirk on his face, consumed by his own self-importance.

I chuckled. "Naturally, it had to be you. Only a person of His Lordship's remarkable talents and resourcefulness could have erected such a magnificent edifice in a city like this." I ended with a small bow, acknowledging his authority in appearance. 

His smirk widened, clearly delighted with himself and oblivious to my thinly veiled jabs.

"Fine then," Reynard turned his attention to Shizu. "You're the last one. So, what is your excuse?"

All eyes in the hallway focused on Shizu.

Squinting at Lord Gael with a frown, Shizu let out a perplexed exhale. "...Hah? Why would I kneel before any man other than Ryuji, my beloved? Especially before a short fat troll like him?"

The hallway fell into a stunned silence, struggling to believe what they had just heard.

"H-How insolent!" Reynard was the first to regain his composure. He made a threatening gesture, reaching for his sword, followed by the other knights in the hallway. However, I could see that Shizu had already poised herself for a confrontation.

"Execute her!" Lord Gael's cry echoed from behind.

But before things could escalate any further, a sharp shrill voice pierced through the tension. "Stop!"

We turned to see two individuals approaching us from the opposite end of the hallway—Innis, with Amelia trailing behind her.

"T-The Imperial Mages..." the knights whispered among themselves, their faces filled with awe as they gazed upon Innis and Amelia.

As Innis and Amelia drew nearer, the knights all dropped to one knee, bowing before the two of them.

"Your Imperial Magehoods," Reynard greeted them, his gaze fixed firmly on the floor.

Meanwhile, Lord Gael wore a scowl on his face as he observed Innis and Amelia's approach.

"These three are my guests," Innis spoke with unwavering clarity, coming to a stop near us. "They are leaving the castle now and are not to be harmed. I request that you allow them to pass."

"Hmph! While you may have been sent here under His Majesty's orders, Lunaris still falls under my domain," Lord Gael responded with a snarl. "As the Lord of Lunaris, I possess complete control and authority over this city. No orders supersede mine, except for those of His Majesty himself."

"I understand, Your Lord," Innis replied, bowing her head slightly to acknowledge his authority.

"Your guest has committed a grave insult against me," Lord Gael declared, pointing an accusing finger in Shizu's direction. "To slander the Lord of Lunaris, right to his face no less. The punishment can only be death. I will accept no alternatives. Do you hear me, knights?!"

The knights, still kneeling in the presence of Innis and Amelia, exchanged uncertain glances with each other.

Amelia made a move to try to say something to aid Shizu, but Innis raised a hand, beckoning for her to be silent. 

"B-But, My Lord..." the knights began whispering in protest.

“Their Imperial Magehoods said…”

None of them dared to move a muscle in violation of the orders of the Imperial Mages, even with Lord Gael’s explicit command, urging them forth.

Reynard turned his head towards Lord Gael, attempting to offer his advice, “My Lord, if I may, that young girl is Innis the Azure, the 2nd most powerful of the 13 Imperial Mages. Her exploits and legends are—"  

"—Damn that little brat!" Lord Gael cursed, waving his arm in a fit of rage. "This is my city! I hold the authority here! Whom do you all serve? Who is your Lord?"

Witnessing the commotion, Innis cast a brief glance at Shizu, then shifted her gaze back to Lord Gael, her eyes retaining their usual deadpan look.

"Your Lord, if my guest has offended you in any way," Innis spoke, diffusing their dissent. "Then it falls upon me, as the one who extended the invitation for them to enter the Grand Castle, to bear the responsibility. Therefore, I sincerely apologize on her behalf and humbly request that Your Lordship assign any punishment meant for the guest to be directed at me instead."

In a display of remorse, Innis knelt down on one knee before Lord Gael, bowing her head apologetically.

"Y-Your Imperial Magehood...!" Reynard exclaimed in shock.

"I-Innis..." I muttered, astonished by the lengths she was willing to go to help Shizu.

However, Innis' actions did little to quell the burning look in Lord Gael's eyes as he peered contemptuously down at Innis on the floor. The reason behind his frustration was evident. Even with Innis' words, Lord Gael couldn't easily mete out punishment to her without risking the repercussions of the King's wrath. The Imperial Mages served as the King's personal vanguard and emissaries. Although they were subject to the same laws as any other citizens, punishing an Imperial Mage would require a far more severe offense than mere slander.

Despite Lord Gael's lack of grace, he himself knew the limitations of his authority and waved a dismissive hand, signaling the knights to let the matter rest.

"Just this once, and at your request, I shall allow this matter to pass," Lord Gael addressed Innis. "But remember, Innis the Azure, you will owe me for this. Do not forget."

"Thank you, Your Lord," Innis bowed her head once more.

"Let's go," Lord Gael scoffed to the knights, and they resumed their path down the hallway, disappearing from view.

With just the five of us remaining in the corridor, I attempted to express my gratitude to Innis for intervening on our behalf.

"Innis, thank you..."

My words trailed off as she got up from the floor and walked away with Amelia, disregarding my words.

It was just Leo, Shizu, and me once again.

I immediately turned to Shizu and lightly whacked her on the head, prompting a quiet "ow" from her.

"Jeez, Shizu," I sighed. "Why on earth would you say something like that to the Lord of Lunaris? You made Innis have to step in for us..."

"What?" Shizu pouted. "But you were mocking that idiot too, so I wanted to join in..."

"Yeah, but I did it in a way that he didn't catch on to," I replied. "Blatantly insulting the Lord was just dumb."

"I know that," Shizu responded, smiling through her tongue playfully. "I wouldn't do something that dumb if I thought we would get into serious trouble."

"What do you mean...?"

"I knew Innis would step in," Shizu explained. "I saw her behind us. That's why I knew we could get away with it. Besides, it was funny, right?" She laughed, clinging to my arm. "Anyway, let's go, Ryuji!"

I regarded her warily, observing her carefree laughter and lighthearted expression. Yet, beneath that facade, it was evident that something sinister and dark lurked within her.