The Familiar of Fate: Chapter 7 – Hello Again
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  • Name: Fate
  • HP: 4/4
  • MP: 1/1.2
  • Level: 0
  • Race: Human
  • Age: 2 days old (18+ years old)
  • Job: None
  • Previous Jobs: None
  • Titles: 【Familiar of Fate】


  • Stats:
    • Strength: 1.1
    • Endurance: 2.0
    • Wisdom: 1.3
    • Intelligence: 1.0 (Knowledge of this world is low)
    • Stamina: 2.25
    • Agility: 1.0
    • Fortune: 1.0
    • Magic: 0.1


  • Passive Skills: None
  • Active Skills: None
  • Unique Skills: None
  • Equipment: Fate’s Journal(Soul-bound)


-So these are my stats, huh? I’m liking the improvements, but it still feels lacking. Considering that my magic didn’t even start out at 1, I don’t have enough stamina for agility training, and I don’t have anything that suits my weight to lift...these are...decent...ish.

Thinking about it logically, most babies probably wouldn’t have stats like these in the first place, but that’s little consolation given my situation...But…

-If my last name is Schneider, why hasn’t that appeared on my status page? And come to think of it, why is my name Fate if my mother hasn’t given me a name? Hmmmm……

Suddenly, the page between this one and the cover begins to pulse blue, furiously. This must mean that the Witch has updated the information!

-Finally! I’ve been waiting long enough, now gimme gimme!

I realize that my personality may be regressing with that last statement, but the idea of new information and things to do in this world outweighs that! I quickly flip the page to read the new information. Sure enough, the old ‘introduction’ has vanished and new words in blue color and Cursive font had appeared.

-Alright...what do we have today?

Witch of Fate - ‘Hello there, my familiar! Been bored, missed me, are wallowing in suffering because you can’t even see me?~’

-So much for ‘something new to read,’ now I remember why I want to punch her!

Witch of Fate - ‘But, while I want to send you a glorious image of yours truly, your magic capacity just isn’t strong enough to handle my beauty…’

-An image of you? Is this journal suddenly a phone now?...wait...this thing is powered by me?

I kept reading, as this detail seemed very important.

Witch of Fate - ‘As you probably have noticed from your stats, your magical power did not start off at 1. This because magical power that someone either acquires or is born with, the latter being what the people of Ilthea refer to as ‘high magical-potential.’ Your method of improving your magical talent is the former method and will damage you without proper ‘skills.’’

-There are skills for absorbing magic? I thought there would only be skills for utilizing it effectively, but that’s apparently wrong.

Witch of Fate - ‘If you want to improve your mana capacity without dying, then you will need to increase your vitality and strength. But this limitation can be avoided altogether with an actual understanding of magic, but given that you’re a baby who can’t read unless it’s translated, this currently isn’t a viable option.’

-So if I have access to learning materials, I can acquire skills? Why didn’t she mention that little detail if magic is part of life here?

Witch of Fate - ‘The reason I didn’t tell you about this, is that we were very short on time. The amount of time I managed to talk with you was a miracle in and of itself, considering that my siblings could have detected my activities at any moment!’

I do remember that she said we were in a hurry, but I don’t know why answering my concerns about her ‘being a god’ was more important than world mechanics.

Witch of Fate - ‘Would you believe me if I said that the reason that talking about your concerns took priority was because I thought you were cute?~’

-No way in hell I would believe that.

Witch of Fate - ‘Whatever, the point is that you’re there now and I’m being so kind to you by giving you this information. You should be proud to be my familiar!’

That title still sounds a bit degrading, honestly. But I guess I should be glad that I get any information at all, given my circumstances. I keep reading through the text.

Witch of Fate - ‘Still, you’re probably wondering why your name in your stats carries the name fate, with no last name. The answer to that is...that Fate is the name given to you by myself, a god, and thus cannot be overridden. As for the last name, this journal only knows what you know and acknowledges your thoughts and mine.’

-It acknowledges... my thoughts? I guess it will only have things I know, so it would have to acknowledge me. But, is this how she’s been reading my mind?

『【Wisdom】has increased by 1!』

『【Wisdom】has increased to 2.3!』

Fate: “...!!!”

-What the…

I focus my gaze on the Witch’s words, hoping to understand how such an increase was possible!

Witch of Fate: ‘Ohhhh, my little familiar.~ It seems you’ve guessed it, the way that I was able to receive information from your mind without being there was...that part of me is there with you! Aren’t you the most fortunate being alive, to have received such a blessing!’

-In the ‘Sea of Stars,’ she was seemingly able to read my mind...She told me that this book had a fragment of her power inside of it, but it’s connected to my soul! So, it acknowledges me but is linked back to her!

Witch of Fate: ‘Not even enough individuals to count on two hands have been able to travel with a portion of a god’s soul in tow. In fact, most of them emerged as holy weapons during the Age of Tribulation, but their users are long since dead. With that said, make yourself stronger within the coming year until you can study this world. Then, you will be able to be of greater use to me than entertainment.’

The text comes to an end.

-In a year I’ll be able to study? That’s good news, journal is just like the ones from some bygone era?

Thinking about it logically, the other gods must have revealed themselves to garner the faith of this world’s people. They most likely selected champions from this world and gave them the weapons with their fragments embedded in them...But if the weapons are still around and the users are dead, isn't that just a waste of energy?

-Thinking about it like that, the gods must have known that once the weapon users died, then their fragments would just be stuck on this plane....Maybe they were making an investment.

It’s possible that they knew that the champion’s future descendants could wield the weapons and have used them to maintain world order. Otherwise, they would have sacrificed a portion of their power that they might not have ways to regain.

『【Wisdom】has increased by 1!』

『【Wisdom】has increased to 3.3!』

-...I guess this means that what I was just thinking is true...In which case, the gods still maintain an active presence in the world, unlike the ‘Witch...’

Regardless, if I really can start learning in a year, then I need to be ready…

-Guess it’s back to working out for the foreseeable future...