The Familiar of Fate: Chapter 39 – Keeping up appearances(2)
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Jacob strode to the middle of the hall down the corridor Liza had come from, then stood staring at the small, locked wooden door of Fate’s room. It was definitely small, but it looked a lot more welcoming than the large double doors that the previous room Fate had occupied.


He stood there for a few moments while continuing to stare and listen for movement on the inside, until he finally took a key from his pocket and twisted in the lock, making a loud clicking noise. Scuttering noises could suddenly be heard from inside, however, they soon ceased. 


-He seems to be on guard, just as young lady Liza has reported him to be. I also don’t sense any mana that’s being directed towards me, meaning that he either is hiding that he can use it or doesn’t know how to…


Despite his reservations, he quickly pushed the door open and saw Fate hiding behind the edge of his cot. Jacob observed him closely, noting his disheveled clothes, trembling eyes, quivering body, pale skin, and skinny figure. 


Jacob: “Young master, do you happen to remember me?”


Fate quivering seemed to ease for a moment and his eyes calmed, however, he soon returned to his cautious stance. Jacob looked at the large crack in the wall that the report had described, which indeed seemed to have been partially crushed using physical strength alone.


He looked towards Fate with a cold glare, prompting Fate’s shivering to intensify to the point where the edge of the cot he was holding, shook rapidly to the point where it seemed like it might tip over.


Jacob: “...Young master, what have you to fear from this old servant? Frankly, I’m quite hurt that you would be so afraid of me after I haven’t seen you for...oh, more than a year now…”


He walked to the wall where Fate had made his mark and placed his hand firmly upon it. Fate gazed between his face and his hand, while Jacob began to frown a little. Suddenly, he clenched his fist and the part of the wall he had his hand pressed on vanished!


Fate seemed to cease his cowardliness and gazed around the room with curiosity while staying on guard for any possible attacks. His nature had immediately changed, momentarily shocking Jacob.


-The feeling he was giving off before didn’t seem disingenuous...So then what is this new feeling, this... numbness to anything besides his curiosity at a cheap trick?  


To put it simply, Fate seemed entirely disinterested in his own fears and was just looking around like an animal who had just seen a firefly for the first time. Jacob observed Fate scurrying about the room looking for the lost piece of the wall until he finally decided to unclench his hand…


Dust and gravel bits flowed onto the floor like sand in an hourglass, shocking Fate, who retreated with his character immediately returning to that of a cowardly child instead of the aloof explorer he had suddenly turned into.


Jacob: “Young master, are you aware of the nature of the act I just performed?”


Fate looked him straight in the eye and gave a short shake of his head, but turned his head away as soon as he did so. Jacob smirked without restraint at this turn of events, now contemplating all the possibilities this held…


-If he’s able to change his personality so much without realizing or paying significant attention to it, he may hold untold potential for...the stage! 


It was unknown what stage Jacob was referring to in his mind, but it seemed to indicate that Fate might have a talent for acting of some sort...Indeed, an impressionable child who was capable of shifting his personality to suit a mood might have a future as an actor.


However, Jacob’s sinister smile would indicate otherwise, but what he meant would only be known to himself.


Jacob: “Young master, are you aware of your own nature? If you are, there are many interesting things I can teach you...perhaps even a way to escape the life you’re currently living?”

-A way to escape the life I’m living in…? That just sounds like he wants to kill me! This is definitely not an easy situation to play cool in…


Fate had been scared, yes, but that fear was comparatively minor to all the signs he was showing to Jacob. Indeed, Fate was simply playing the part for however long it took to get him to leave, however, this new offer both frightened and intrigued him.


Even though it was a fake, Fate continued to maintain his fearful expression and actions without pause. Although, he did begin to show signs of curiosity to the point that it was clearly visible, all while pretending not to notice the scary smile on Jacob’s face.


Fate: “...W-what do you mean...escape t-the life I’ Does that mean you’re going to kill me?!”


He raised his voice to the point of near-shrieking and let tears well up in his eyes, however, his body assumed a stance that was ready to run away as fast as he could…


-If he tries anything, I have enough mana to blow up the door and make a run for it after setting the room on fire! Just try me!


Though he was able to shout such messages in his mind, he hadn’t the courage to speak a single word of it to Jacob’s face. Even if he was able to think calmly of an escape plan, he was by no means calm, though he tried to believe he was.


Jacob began to walk slowly towards him, but he did not budge...he couldn’t…


-Damn, move! Why the hell can’t I move, he’s coming right towards me?!


Try as he might, Fate could not bring himself to move in this perilous situation. A possible assailant was calmly walking straight towards him, but he couldn’t do anything to stop it. 


Jacob finally stopped directly in front of him and slowly reached into one of his coat’s pockets. Fate was shaking, but suddenly...there was blood dripping onto the floor and he suddenly darted out of the way, while snaking his leg to snag Jacob’s!


-Yes! Now fall, you…!


However, Jacob disappeared from where he was standing and Fate felt something brushing at his lower lip…!


Jacob: “Young master, you really must value your health while you still draw breath, for the only time you may not care for yourself is when you pass…”




Fate prepared himself for whatever terrifying eventuality would come next, but simply found Jacob’s hand presenting him with a handkerchief that had blood on it. In order to overcome his fear for a moment, he had bit into his lower lip and used the pain to steel himself. The effect seemed obvious from his movements and the blood that had dripped onto the floor, but it had all been for naught or so it seemed…


Jacob: “For now, I simply wanted to confirm a few things, however, those can wait for another date. Your answer can be held off for now as well, but you would be wise to have an answer prepared for my return...Oh, and I shall leave this here for you, I should figure that you’ll need it.”


Fate didn’t turn around until Jacob had walked out of the room, shut and locked the door, and his footsteps had faded out of his auditory range. He saw the bloodied handkerchief along with a new tin that seemed identical to the ‘salve’ he had received previously.


-How the hell am I supposed to keep my cool…?


He couldn’t bring himself to speak his thoughts, even in his renewed solitude. He felt confused, but the more important feeling for him was that he felt too afraid to speak his mind...