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I am sorry to have to delay a chapter like this, especially when I've done it so frequently in the past week or two, but I require something of my readers. Below this article is a poll, and I humbly request that you vote...because I'm not sure how in-depth you dudes actually want me to go with explaining Ilthea. At first, I was planning to do a full 'how the world itself came to be,' but then I questioned myself if people just wanted to portion about 'when the demon king emerged, reincarnatiors were called' sort schtick. So, sorry I have to ask what my audience wants, however, I feel good about knowing that there's people still willing to vote on this, given the story's decline in popularity since it came off trending(and the fact that's it's sitting at a 3.8, and a lot of readers won't touch anything below a 4 with a ten-foot pole) and since this story isn't one that's labeled with a sexual tag(I feel pretty damn pleased that I've managed to rack up this many reads).


Anyway, please vote below and be sure to comment about how you think the story's going so far. I'm basically gonna make an intermission chapter tonight since I don't want to leave you guys hanging, and leave myself feeling like a total 'wad.'  


P.S. - This having to do with the intermission chapter...*inhales*...*exhales*....how long do you think a person is normally supposed to sleep for?

How deep into Ilthea's origins do you want to go in the chapter: Once Upon a Time?
  • The beginning of the world itself, the emergence of the races, and mana Votes: 18 56.3%
  • The time when the demon lord first emerged and his impact on the world Votes: 14 43.8%
Total voters: 32